Humanity's Oldest NEET
- Location
- A Tall Place
This was the partial fallout of a very ambitious usage of my Miracle Point, and not Panda's fault.
Saying it that way is insulting.
It most certainly has not. Had Sally not eliminated the undead, you'd have been pushed into a game over by hour 3. Had Dace not decided to save Craidd, you'd have given Void the entirety of the norse pantheon.
Of all of the other sides, CraiddQuest was the only one to not be affected in a negative manner whatsoever by that... That utter and complete mess.
Sword of Frost, a Mythical tier item who can destroy the world.
Yes you did. You managed to impose yourself as the leader of your area, stood straight as the world was going to hell, and now you are the major geopolitical power of the UK, since every other power was eliminated.
Pardon, I actually thought those rolls were too high to have been right. And because why the hell is Sally fighting alone? We had other Wizards, but apparently she has to pickup the slack.
Also, I don't actually care about the Norse pantheon. The moment they intruded on Dace's son is a negative to me. I would rather we had no interaction with the Gods, and of course Dace saved his son. There is no argument in the thread that we wouldn't.
Our "positive," is a result of not being negatively affected by events. It's a circumstantial benefit to how things played out.
Why is there a WMD as a result of a Miracle Point out here?
We survived. We did not assert ourselves as leaders. We were still fighting against the Parkinson family expansion in Lord Voldemort's name. If they didn't happen to die in the path of an oncoming zombie horde then we, if there was a we, would still need to contest their control.
The infrastructure and political capital is nice, but it's not like Dace, being a nationalist and believer of noblesse oblige, wants anything beyond Wales.
We survived. We did not assert ourselves as leaders. We were still fighting against the Parkinson family expansion in Lord Voldemort's name. If they didn't happen to die in the path of an oncoming zombie horde then we, if there was a we, would still need to contest their control.
The infrastructure and political capital is nice, but it's not like Dace, being a nationalist and believer of noblesse oblige, wants anything beyond Wales.
CraiddQuest is the only remaining power in Wales! May now create the title 'King of Wales'!
Holy shit man.
Please read.
If you are the only fucking power remaining what do you think that means about the Parkinsons
And dude, fundamentally being the one to survive the fallout is an advantage. You may not see it as one but it fundamentally is.
That was not there before. Second, I bring up the Parkinson's to illustrate how random it was they've been defeated. Meaning we had nothing to do with their defeat, or all the prep work against them is pointless. They are gone now.
I understand that, to survive means you live.
What I do not support is the claim it's a positive when it's a statement of fact.
Yes you did. You managed to impose yourself as the leader of your area, stood straight as the world was going to hell, and now you are the major geopolitical power of the UK, since every other power was eliminated.
There are marks at the bottom of a post regarding when something has been edited. I tested it underneath Panda's initial post to make sure.
There is no such mark under there, so you are wrong about it not being there before or are lying to save face.
Second, I bring up the Parkinson's to illustrate how random it was they've been defeated. Meaning we had nothing to do with their defeat, or all the prep work against them is pointless. They are gone now.
Now, people seem to celebrate this outcome which in all honesty a phyric victory.
On the reverse, we have established settlements, a magic school with substantial lore, soon to be all of Wales, Craid's future in schooling, some nonmagical technology, an anchor, and a small population.
This is not great.
Sally does some fine work~South of them was Dyfed, a charred and now volcanic land and the survey team notice things like bones, or stone fragments in the shape of human limbs here and there.
Apparently not fine enough if one survived but it's good for research so I'll accept itThey also found a specimen of strong undead imprisoned in solidified lava and sent word to the research team.
Oh fuck plauges with zombies about are the worst even if the undead don't spread by breathing the same air *yet*Glamorgan was a slaughterhouse. Plain and simple. Piles of bodies littered the ground, some with the flesh having begun to slough off their bones, and the smell was enough to make one feel ill. Speaking of illnesses, the few survivors were falling ill, and despite the fact that the teams had taken with disposing of the bodies after identification, an epidemic was very likely to start off, what with the water being soiled with blood or worse.
Gwent seems to be okay if with a lot of corpses though zombie infiltrators are scaryIn comparison, Gwent only had a field of corpses where the undead army left, and what's more, a few people collapsed and died among the refugees. Upon closer inspection, they were recently turned undead, likely sent to infiltrate.
Oh yeah factions were a thing and I guess purging the anti-magic one is only logical given we're wizards.And that was it for the Undead threats. However, it was far from over, as while Ava ensured the panic wouldn't paralyze the domain, their plan to get rid of the anti-magic factions wasn't ready yet.
Oh great rebellion as if we didn't already have too much shit to deal withWhat made it worse was that other factions were feeling a lot more aggravated, too. Ava was beginning to fear that she would have to deal with another rebellion.
This doesn't please me at all since like Ava says it's just future problemsAt least, the Warmongers were ecstatic after Sally's show of force and the conquest of Wales and openly declared their loyalty to the government, which helped keep the most hotheaded ones in line, but unless something is done in order to assuage their fears in a few years, they will cause problems.
Considering who Will is it isn't that surprising he was able to do all thisOther than that William, after ensuring all of his paperwork was done, personally went on a hunt to track down any suspicious people. Apparently, that extended to anyone who sent information, including people in the countryside
This is funny in hindsight though also tragic in a wayMoreover, after a bit of research, Sally managed to crack their ciphers,
That's a lot of spies thankfully we got rid of themRemnants of the Death eaters sympathizers were promptly caught and banished, Nott's spies were executed, Monique's magical monitoring devices were destroyed, and Dumbledore's own monitoring spells disappeared on their own, having unfortunate implications about the man's health.
I feel you Sally I too don't like traitorsOf course, the capitalists were gently reminded by Ava that sedition was very much a synonym of betrayal, and people like Sally didn't like traitors at all...
The no spies thing is good. the warmonger's giving us militia is pointless since they'll barely be meatshields but at least it isn't bad. Scaring and making some factions angry is annoying since it just makes it seem like our base is ready to be on fire.No more spies in the capital.
Warmongers faction mood changed to Ecstatic. +200 trained Militia
Royalists and capitalists mood changed to Scared
Democrats and Traditionalists mood changed to Furious
No-majs mood changed to Enraged.
Oh, that sounds interesting too bad the rest of the update happened so we lost the one who could look at it.Several old places were found, all with barriers and a rather large amount of a strange magic Sally insists is called willpower weaved in it. While they seemed non-threatening for now, they would require further investigating.
Sally doing some good if horrifying work judging by AngraSally was investigating the zombies in the laboratory, the beasts having been bound and muzzled, and already, she obtained results.
"...I don't know whether I should feel amazed or horrified right now." Her everpresent companion muttered, his voice a bit more muffled than usual.
Sweet that should be helpful hopefully.79 + 45 (research) = 124 Tier 4 success
58 + 50 (research) = 108 Tier 3 success
83 + 55 (research) = 138 Tier 3 success
84 +60 (research) = 144 Tier 3 success
45 +65 (research) = 110 Tier 2 success
Zombie evolutionary tree mapped out.
I don't understand this at all but it should be nice info to know. Maybe even for the NPCs! Would be nice for us to be the ones learning things before they doTier 2 : Undead : Rank 0
Hitpoints : 12
Mana : 0
Damage : 3
Attack : 10%
Defense : 0%
Ranged attack : 0%
Ranged defense : 0%
Speed : 4
Movement : 12
Tier 2 : Zombie : Rank 1
Undead : May not be affectd by morale
Contagion: Body fluids can contaminate others, leading to them turning into zombie themselves. Rank of the turned unit depends on original zank. Doesn't work on Elemental ( earth, water, fire, air) or Mechanical units.
Hitpoints : 24
Mana : 0
Damage : 4
Attack : 10%
Defense : 10%
Ranged attack : 0
Ranged defense : 10%
Speed : 4
Movement : 12
Tier 2 : Ravager : Rank 2
Half-dead : Unit cannot be affected by negative morale or anti-death spells.
Siege : May cause damage to structures.
Hitpoints : 26
Mana : 0
Damage : 6
Attack : 10%
Defense : 10%
Ranged attack : 0
Ranged defense : 10%
Speed : 5
Movement : 13
Tier 2 : Runner : Rank 3
Undead : May not be affectd by morale
Leaper : can cover a short distance in a pounce attack that deals 1,5x damage and has 10% chance of stunning the target, but its own defense is reduced to 0.
Hitpoints : 26
Mana : 0
Damage : 6
Attack : 10%
Defense : 10%
Ranged attack : 0
Ranged defense : 10%
Speed : 9
Movement : 20
Tier 2 : Banshee : Rank 4
Undead : May not be affectd by morale
Angelification: the more experience it gains, the more it takes the appearence of an angel made of stone... And their skills.
Spellcaster: may cast spells
Reinforcements: Once a fight, may project their voice to call for reinforcements.
Hitpoints : 50
Mana : 20
Damage : 7
Attack : 10%
Defense : 10%
Ranged attack : 10%
Ranged defense : 10%
Speed : 6
Movement :16
Tier 2 : Black knight : Rank 5
Abilities :
Half-dead : Unit cannot be affected by negative morale or anti-death spells.
Riding: Gain additional movement and speed once mounted. Gain Charge skill.
Hitpoints : 70
Mana : 15
Damage : 9
Attack : 10%
Defense : 10%
Ranged attack : 0
Ranged defense : 10%
Speed : 7
Movement : 22
That's actually pretty terrifying given that most undead spells iirc kind of target the dead and don't hurt those 'alive'"Hm, the cells aren't damaged on this kind of undead, meaning that it counts as alive, for all intents and purposes.
What? They're zombies dude only Umbrella can do unethical things to them"Ah, the Black Witch is butchering again. We have received word that something unethical was going on here, and it seems we found it."
I love you Angra never change
Fuck24 + 55 (presence)= 79 Failure. [Shy] activated.
37 + 40 (perception) = 77 Failure.
I have much hate for this like come on he fucking tripped in the mad scientist's lab (sorry Sally but it's true)Then, one of them tripped, causing a platter of used surgical tools to fall on him. Other than that, it went as well as one could expect until, after a few minutes, the injured militia man began frothing at the mouth, attacking everyone in the lab and accidentally releasing the other undead in the laboratory. William started at that, then glared at her.
You tell him Sallybut glared at him as if everything was his fault, which it was.
Fuck off OdinWilliam : 79 + 150 (magical combat)
Sally : 2 + 100 (magical combat)
William wins
Why the fuck are no names involved in this oh wait OdinWhen she came to, she was in a room, the meeting room, and she was bound, but her mouth was not gagged. In front of her were more people than ever, her fellow councilors, but also all of the powerful people in the city. And with this setup? She was fairly certain it was a tribunal.
And here we learn some things about how the setting works! Apparently, reincarnation is a thing and reliving events similar to your past lives lets some bleed through happening as we see here with Sally remembering being Jeane and Tammamo's trials"When was the last time you prayed to god you French Witch!"
"How long until you planned to eat his liver, Demon?"
She could hear imprecations, her being called a witch, a seductress, a Devil the Dauphin sold his soul to, a fox that seduced the Daimyo.
This is an interesting tidbit for Jeane's character
Did she? I thought she just knocked us out and stole Aife and our stuff since Revear would have kicked her ass if she actually tried killing Dace"Yes, I heard a certain Monique also did, then she tried to assassinate Lord Gwallawg."
More work than you have done so far Odin"Still, her investigation brought results!" Ava raised a file containing the data they now had after the experiments.
Well, you're alive so it couldn't have been that dangerous!"She used fiendfyre in the castle! That spell is far too unstable to be used here! that's severe endangerment!"
Yeah seriously you're the one whose men fucked up enough that the magical napalm needed to be used"She's far too competent to lose control of the spell! If she judged it necessary, then it was! Unbind her immediately, we need her here, she's the only one who could read Dace's notes."
Go Ava you tell him."I will not!" The redhead shouted now. " You hated her from the very first day and now you're trying to force my hand?!"
Urge to get MP to fuck Odin's shit increases"I fully expect you to do so, and I invite you to try." He then turned to the rest of the group. "And you, do you also agree she should stay?" the assembly exclaimed their refusal, and he nodded theatrically to the militiamen behind Sally. "Well then, drive her out."
Ah Angra you wonderful trashfire you truly are the best worst boy"Yeah, how about no, you shitty old goat fucker?"
a column of fire separated her from the rest of the room and the person only she could ever see opened the door dramatically figure slouched and symbols dancing on his skin.
I wonder who big D is? goD spelled backwards? Dormammu? The Devil?I'm kind of on a deadline here, big D's not gonna be happy if I fuck that up
I feel like this is tmi and implies weird things about Thor in this universeso why don't you back to choking on Thor's dick or something you cum-gobbling little fuck?
The main squeeze of Odin would be Freya right? Or is this talking about Sal's love? Anyways bird-brain... Ra? Horus? I think those two are bird headed
Yeah Orgin=Reincarnation or at least that's close enough. Sally rolled Tammy since as it says above Sally is Mysticism based which is closer to Tammaro then JeaneInstalling [ORIGIN]. Two matches found. Current specialty: Mysticism. One match found.
Byby Fox waifu I'll miss you!She was Fine. She would get better. She didn't need them.I haven't done anything wrong!Why did it hurt so much...I only ever wanted to be accepted...She remembered now.Why did they abandon me?She had a mission.Why did he abandon me?And a lady would never jeopardize her mission with such vulgar distraction.
Therefore, she decided in her assigned transporter's arms, to Adventure she went!
Please send him to die Ava, pleaseAva was furious, nay, enraged at the military man. She knew he was an ambitious worm, but not to that point. So she sent him to look for survivors and organize the coastal defenses as she had a job to do, and she would not give him the excuse to gain more power for himself.
Nice to see Ava isn't going to change that much from the anchor. Also good dreams Ava good dreamsNo matter. Ava thought as she apparated to Powys, the green cube hovering over a rough pedestal. She heard about mental contamination, but, while they won a little bit of time, this wouldn't remain as peaceful.
She took a deep breath as she hesitantly touched the cube and felt... A slightly increased urge to swim in gems. Huh.
And here we learn IC that the barrier was a BarrierFirst, the outside world never experienced the sequence of events starting from 1981. The 'Devouring' never happened. Instead, from their point of view, the United Kingdom disappeared one day, causing worldwide panic
Not sure what this is about besides vaguely blaming DQ 1 Volde
I have to wonder how they came to that conclusion that the Nature guy was involved with the Dead risinghe world was at war with itself. Or more accurately, the world was at War with France, led by the dragon lord Oliver, who was thought to be behind the zombie plague.
And here we learn about the time discrepancy and how Chronos only reminded the board and not the whole DQ1 worldA miraculous bout of luck led her to enter in contact with someone previously thought dead. Elizabeth Taylor, who informed her that, from their point of view, the United Kingdom disappeared during Autumn 1987.
Another example of this being DQ1 Scathach aka Chibi. Also goddamit she has all the stuff I was looking forward to getting. Oh wellAs Dace was thought dead, all of his outside industries went to his last remaining heir, Scáthach Gwallawg, Elizabeth's granddaughter.
Ava was frowning.
Who was Scáthach Gwallawg?
Oh fuck the undead are moving again and someone is attacking the tower. We don't know who but Panda said that it is a "Black cloud" on discordShe didn't get the time to ponder much longer as one of her aides came running to her with a new report.
All undead presences were converging towards the tower, that was currently under attack.
Level up 2/10Eleventh hour : Level 1 : The Stage of Worldliness: Mundus : Complete/
Level 2 : The Many-faced Garden: Terra Begins.
It's for the allure yeah.Why a Veela? Is it to ignore Craids supernatural handsomeness or just to have a strong defender? Also, can we even find a Veela to babysit. The sort of homeland of France is currently under siege, and based on book 4, Veela don't seem to settle in the UK.
It's for the allure yeah.
And that's why we're asking the French dragon lord to send one our way instead of looking ourselves.
Is contacting Oliver specifically for a babysitter a smart idea when the man is technically waging war with all his neighbors? I had the impression besides the undead and dragons that he's alone.