Underneath the twisted blue moon

Weird how site didn't alert me that story was updated, like, three times

[X] Plan Eyes on the Prize

Edit: An undead Dumbledore. An undead with still good morale compass and in general good person. Huh, that are not things that you usually see, especially all in one character
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This could just be me being blind again but, what??????
Which was why he was walking beatifically towards young Lucius, his dark blue robes with yellow stars billowing slightly behind him. People cringed at his dressing sense, but little did they know, each and every one of those little stars had their own individual uses.

Fashion is useless to you if you're dead.

Being undead, however, presented an interesting conundrum.
And there was one more tidbit toward it somewhere in the same update somewhere. Could be wrong and just tangled in foreign language grammar, tho
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It was him musing on how fashion related to undead, since they are already dead and thus, are much harder to kill.

Dumbledore is still very much alive.
Turn 2 : Spring 1983
[] Plan Eyes on the Prize
-[] Innovation recuperation (Muggle): 0/40 complete : Dace will obtain one 'modern era' technology.
-[] Yes
--[] Spartan training: Train troops ( organic only) at double rate.

Turn 2 : Spring 1983

March 6th 1982

-[X] Visit the Welsh Ministry, try to build up contacts. The people over there like him well enough, and they are bound to be more competent that those english clowns, but one never knows who they can meet, and what they can find. The construction of his own little city-state probably didn't go unnoticed, so he might as well nip any legal problem in the bud.
40% Chance of success.
Rolled 3

It seemed that his creating a city hadn't gone unnoticed, if the glares he received from the officials in passing were anything to go by. Dace didn't think he'd done anything particularly wrong, and actually he thought it was necessary. However, he clearly underestimated how much this would annoy the Ministry. Or perhaps it was his poaching of the mercenaries that did it.

In any case, there was nothing he could do about it now.

At least that's what he thought, as an overwhelming magical wave tore through the building, causing people to fall haphazardly. The Ministry didn't seem to be damaged, but when Dace got up, he saw people frantically running everywhere.

He managed to stop someone as he headed towards the outside of the building, a mousy brunette, with dark shadows under her eyes and her hair looking like someone electrified her.

"O-Outside..! Ireland disappeared!"

Dace gave himself a moment to take in the information, before he let go of the frazzled woman and strode back into the building. He went intothe crowded observation tower and peering towards the West, he saw a curtain of iridescent colours in the direction of Ireland.

-[X] Mingle with the populace. Being a proper lord is knowing one's people. And Dace really doesn't get people, so he hopes being seen will be enough.
40% Chance of success. Chance of people stepping up to help. Will reduce people's suspicions.

Rolled 61

Dace decided to get out (i.e. was thrown out) of his manor to visit the town he built for the first time since its creation. Things went well enoughconsidering people didn't know who he was, until he decided he felt peckish and went to the tavern to get himself something to eat.

The place was packed, but one of the advantages of being a shareholder was that he had a seat with his name on it. So he sat and ordered himself something to eat.

Then, someone sat next to him.

When he turned around, he was met with bright green eyes and pale white skin.

His first reflex was to jump out of his seat, but an ice-cold hand clamped on his wrist and forced him to sit down.

"Now now, this is just rude~" The vampire lady smiled, her eyes closed, while drinking from a dark bottle with a straw. " I didn't take you for a man who didn't keep his promises, but what can we do, hm?"

Dace decided to keep silent. If the vampire managed to infiltrate the place and hide in plain sight, she most likely had an objective, doubly so if she revealed herself in such a public place. She stared at him for a while, and he had to check that she wasn't trying to read his mind, before she nodded to herself, letting go of him. She then turned back towards the mahogany walls in front of them.

"Now, that's interesting~" something appeared in her hand a disk of obsidian, with a strange symbol embedded on it. It was a sapphire eye surrounded by gold, twisting into a red eye surrounded with silver. Both eyes were pulsating and her smile grew, revealing her pearly white, slowly elongating teeth.

Lore roll : 12 + 40 (lore) = 52 Failure.
Perception roll : 67 + 55 ( Perception) = 122 : Tier 2 success : +5 Perception
Scouting check : Novice (Required Grandmaster) : Failure

The item was pulsating with light faster and faster. The vampire's arm wrapped around him and she quickly dragged him out of the building towards an alley. Meanwhile she looked up, following something he couldn't see. What he could see though, were pebbles falling from the roof, as if things were walking on it. Whatever creatures were following them, they were fast and numerous.

The vampire pushed him to the ground and he saw a black sword sailing over his fallen form, hitting her arm in a shower of sparkles, her sleeve tearing and revealing a plate gauntlet underneath it.

Dace's eyes followed the black blade towards the empty space holding it, a figure bleeding into existence. It was a male, tall and very muscular, clad in a platinum and gold engraved plate armor. The armor looked ancient, pauldrons asymmetrical, the right one rising into two spikes and the left one reinforced by golden plates. The same plates were surrounding the collarbone and neck area, rising up slightly to allow the great helm's movement without compromising the wearer's protection. The silvery chaimail was covered by plate chestpiece and gauntlets while the plated boots were gleaming in the evening sun.

The vampiress hissed, grabbed Dace by the collar, and jumped back before sending him sailing through the air to fall roughly on some cardboard boxes.

He blinked the dizziness away and sat up, only to immediately fall back on his back to dodge the horse sized fireball flying his way. The armoured man and the vampiress were fighting, and neither of them seemed to be holding back. She preferred to use spells and control the area while the other was using force, cleaving through her ice pillars with ease.

Perception roll : 11 + 20 (Perception : people) : Failure

He could hear the woman talking to her opponent, but he couldn't make out what she was saying through the rising dust and the battle noises.

"Hey..." A rough voice called out to him and he looked around.

Perception roll : 20 + 60 ( Perception) : Failure
Scouting check : Novice (Master required) : Failure

But he saw nothing.

"For f... Come here." Dace felt himself be dragged further in the cardboard pile to see a grizzled man with an eyepatch, crouching under the only box that survived his landing.

Perception roll : 38 + 20 (people) = 58 : Failure

It was too dark to see much more of the man, who turned his head towards him.

"You the boss of the place?" He asked Dace, eyes never leaving the fight through the tiny holes in the box.

The wizard nodded slowly, wondering what was up with the man.

"Then follow me, if you want to live." He whispered harshly slowly moving away, the sides of the box pushing Dace to follow.

Stealth check passed by ally.

Three alleys away, the man sprang from the cardboard box and began running, Dace deciding to follow him through the alleys, to finally arrive in front of his manor. The man grunted at the guards while pushing Dace to advance.

"Who are you?" The wizard finally managed to speak up, causing the greying man to raise an eyebrow.

"Took you long enough to ask. Name's Ishmael."

Dace paused for a moment, before shaking his head. Coincidence.

"And what are you here for, Mister Ishmael?" Dace asked, walking along his manor's hallways towards his study.

"Woke up from my coma. Found everything in fire. America got destroyed, so now I'm investigating."

"And you found that this town was the best place to investigate?"

The man shrugged.

"Most organized place when it comes to that wizarding mumbo jumbo."

Dace blinked.

This man was a muggle?

He tried reading his surfece thoughts, only to find that the magic disappeared before it could even reach him. It seemed like he was among the very few magical immune muggles.

Still, that presented him with a rather interesting problem. Here was a magicly immune man with obvious martial and stealth training. There were many uses he could find for such a man, but could he be trusted?

Dace thought hard.

It wasn't really up to him, since the man just saved his life, the reason pretty obvious. He sighed.

"Very well."

Advisor/ hero unit obtained : Ishmael.

You may choose to set him as either

April 10th 1982

-[X] Blue lines. Dace found those within him, and they don't feel like they belong to the five elements paradigm. Thefeore, they're probably something else...
70% Chance of success.
Costs: 1x Native Gold.
Rolled 27 + 20 Needed 30 : Success.

It was a bit painful to have the gold imbedded in his forearms, however, the very moment he concentrated over the energy he felt was slumbering within him, it was as if floodgates suddenly opened and he almost exploded, as the power was thrumming around him.

This... This was too much.

He drunkenly walked to the library, streams of blue energy floating around him as his mind and... emotions were assaulted by unknown stimuli. He didn't have to search for a long time to find out what was happening to him.

Truly, he didn't really know how to feel at all.

The mark on his neck fizzled and popped.

Character sheet updated.

May 1st 1982

-[X] Spend time with Social Links.(+2 RP)
--[X] Aife Rosier

Dace spent the following month in an intense state of confusion, walking around almost timidly and trying very hard not to blow anything up by accident. His scheduled meeting with Aife was much the same.

Perception roll : 20 + 60 (Perception) = 80 : Failure
Empathy roll : 72 + 40 (Empathy) = 112 : Tier 2 success : +5 Empathy, + 1 Diplomacy (cap reached)

Both were very uncomfortable, for different reasons.

Dace couldn't help but wince at his rather callous treatment of her, especially since she didn't get therapy after her fit of madness, and he did lock her up in her bedroom save for when she would be of use to him.

Well then, no time like present.

"I... Would like to apologize, for my behavior towards you."

Aife looked up at him and almost jumped away, her eyes widened in utter surprise.

"Are you alright? Do you still feel ill? Wait for a bit, I'm getting the nurse!"

He breathed in, reining his temper in, and continued.

"I have recently come to an epiphany. And that, maybe, I have been too hard on you recently."

This time, she did jump away and ran out of the room, followed by several members of Dace's security, running into the room and stunning him.

When he woke up, it was to the sight of several people wearing medical uniforms, one of whom was the specialist he had hired to monitor his condition.

That's when he was told that he had eight years left to live.

+2 RP with Aife.

Didn't expect that huh. Neither Did I.

Anyways, time for an Interlude choice!

Preferred format :

[] Negaverse
[] Classic

Quest :

[] Now what? Deathquest
[] Badgering the lion. Heartquest
[] Doing God's work ???
[] Rome wasn't built in one day ???
[] A deal with the Devil ???
[] ALl YoU caN eAt aT HAlf thE pRiCe ???
[] A veela, and undead and a cowboy enter a bar...???

Back from the no-internet zone, with extra insomnia ! (votes end in 24h)
[X] Classic
[] A veela, and undead and a cowboy enter a bar...??
[X] A deal with the Devil ???

I'd be willing to learn about what deathquest is doing but for now any of the ???'s seem more interesting.
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Three alleys away, the man sprang from the cardboard box and began running, Dace deciding to follow him through the alleys, to finally arrive in front of his manor. The man grunted at the guards while pushing Dace to advance.

"Who are you?" The wizard finally managed to speak up, causing the greying man to raise an eyebrow.

"Took you long enough to ask. Name's Ishmael."

Big Boss, is that you ?
People and their inability to not spend AP on useless things

[] Negaverse
[] Doing God's work ???
> Figures out HBS IC
> Start to repair relationship with daughter
> useless


[X] Intrigue
[X] Classic
[X] A veela, and undead and a cowboy enter a bar...???

Instincts are screaming Intrigue advisor. So thats what im gonna be leaning on. Plus if hes immune to magic, he'll be a bitch to detect and stop
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Dace's eyes followed the black blade towards the empty space holding it, a figure bleeding into existence. It was a male, tall and very muscular, clad in a platinum and gold engraved plate armor. The armor looked ancient, pauldrons asymmetrical, the right one rising into two spikes and the left one reinforced by golden plates. The same plates were surrounding the collarbone and neck area, rising up slightly to allow the great helm's movement without compromising the wearer's protection. The silvery chaimail was covered by plate chestpiece and gauntlets while the plated boots were gleaming in the evening sun.

*unholy screeching*
I know that armor!
Its the freaking chicken chaser!!!!
I have to say, I really don't understand the roll system here. It just looks weird to me to need to roll over 100 on a d100 to have any sort of success on most of these rolls or so it seems. Plus in those rolls, I don't understand what the minimum success number is, or how degreees of success work.
So just to make sure we weren't previously the Hero of Will and Marked right?

You were previously marked, yes. I don't really keep a log of my info updates. Just be glad I remember to update the info section ~

We were Marked. That's just Cherry who will come to murder us, drag us out of hell, reanimate our corpse and destroy all we held dear around turn 10.

At least the Empathy block is gone now.


*unholy screeching*
I know that armor!
Its the freaking chicken chaser!!!!

Archon's armor, made with the remnants of the last platinum troll, obtained from a demon gate somewhere for 25 silver keys ~
On other news, good thing AImée's still stalking you guys, good ol' 'Chicken chaser' was coming here for you~

I have to say, I really don't understand the roll system here. It just looks weird to me to need to roll over 100 on a d100 to have any sort of success on most of these rolls or so it seems. Plus in those rolls, I don't understand what the minimum success number is, or how degreees of success work.

Basically, when I roll with a skill, I add the skill number to the roll. Once it reaches over 100, it counts as a pass. That's made to take into account luck in actions ( hence why the Nature Faction's Luck enhancements are extremely important if you manage to fill certain conditions to have it affect more than battle damage).

Degrees of success depend on how many multiples of the skill number are in the final result. Tier 1 success only raises base stat, Tier 2 raises skill by 5, Tier 3 gives bonus loot, Tier 4 doubles the skill gains, Tier 5 Limit breaks base stat by 1 and tier 6 LB base stat by 4.

Children (most of them at least, I didn't go easy on chibi) always have some boosts in their parents' favored attributes, hence why until they reach age 14, it's not that hard for them to get successes.
Yeah, QM dropped on the discord that our most immediately relevant Interlude would be A deal with the Devil, and shit is hitting the fan in unexpected ways with Dace being the Hero of Will causing a rather massive priority shift.

Essentially, all hope of moving beneath the radar just got taken out behind the shed and shot.


[X] Intrigue
[X] Classic
[X] A deal with the Devil ???
So now that I'm back from my beauty sleep I feel I should explain some of what happened. For those of you who dont know who the Chicken chaser is: he was a godlike Hero during the age of Albion whom killed Jack of Blades twice but fell victim to the whispers of his mask.
Once the Hero put the mask on his face he was possessed by the spirit of the Jack of Blades.
So essentially Jack Of Blades personally took a day off to kidnap us and the only reason we haven't had a game over is because mommy really wants to have that talk.

[X] Intrigue
[X] Classic
[X] A deal with the Devil ???

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. For those of you who dont know who the Chicken chaser is: he was a godlike Hero during the age of Albion whom killed Jack of Blades twice but fell victim to the whispers of his mask.

He also was a direct descendant of William Black. Which in hindsight makes his interactions with Scythe hilarious if the "Scythe=Black" theory is to be believed.
Interlude : A deal with the devil.
Interlude : A deal with the devil.

Wizardkind as a whole had become soft, Edmond Rowle thought with disgust as he extracted his maul from a muggle rebel's skull. Even now, as the world was ending, they were unwilling to do what needed to be done.

He raised his head and looked around proudly. From the oldest adult to the youngest child, weakness wasn't tolerated. If your arms couldn't lift a weapon, you needed to use a wand. That underage ban on magic was bullshit anyways. His own children were the perfect example of that.

Marcus, his son and heir, was only ten, but already knew the essential bombardment spells, that he was putting to use. Francis, his second, had to play it smarter and laced his tiny blade with poison, using his weak, seven year old appearence to trick people into thinking he was harmless. His youngest and the surprise of the lot, little Silvia, got a pass because she was born three months ago and didn't even speak or walk yet.

His dear wife would probably chop his head off with a rusty axe if he tried anything with the kid, he grinned in a rather silly fashion as she ducked under a gunshot and swiveled around, the momentum adding to the strength of his blow as he struck the muggle law enforcer, the enchanted metal making short work of whatever armor they had.

Not that his lovely wife wouldn't try to kill him anyway. In fact, he would have been disappointed if she didn't. Julia Zabini was an infamously well known black widow, skilled in poisons, spellwork, and conventional weapons, which is why he bothered to court her in the first place when she already had a child. Sure, she tried to kill Francis daily, but the boy confessed to enjoying to workout so whatever. His dear Rosalind would always have a place in his heart, as she was his first love and the mother of his sons, but she was dead now, she had been for years, and he needed to move on. Violence and Death were the only two constants of a Rowle's life after all. She would have strangled him with their 'playtime' chains if he didn't.

Anyther thing Julia was too sophisticated for, but Edmond hoped in time she would become more open towards the 'give' aspect of a relationship.

He sidestepped, still in thought, before turning his head slightly causing his brown bangs to fall over his eyes. Speaking of the devil and she appears.

His new wife, clad in black in anticipation of his death, making her dusky skin glow, though it may be the small gold flakes she uses in her cosmetics that do so, had just thrown a red hot poker in his direction, with a surprising amount of strength too, since he could see it vibrate a bit embedded in the wall from the corner of his eye.

"Attempt number three hundred and twelve, failed again." The high pitched voice of two years old Blaise Zabini came from his left, the dark-skinned child making the shovel acconpanying him spin in the air.

Here too, was an interesting character. Julia's first husband, turned into a child due to a freak potions accident, now being called their child. The boy didn't even seem upset at his wife's proclivities, rather than that, they amused him.

To be fair, he would be too, if he were in the same position. His wife hunting down the people responsible for said freak incident, seducing them and killing them one by one in various painful and some would say disturbing ways would provide entertainment for a long while. Though the fact that this happened because Mister Zabini had a habit of seducing every female in the room, especially the married ones, put a bit of a damper on Edmond's respect of the man.

Seducing people's wives and not expecting the husbands to do anything about it was dumb. That he was left at the mercy of the wife he cheated on was only poetic justice, in his mind.

Julia's impassive face morphed into a pout as she crossed her arms and huffed, stomping away, followed by her 'child'.

Edmond's arm snaked to his right and his hand closed around the throat of the muggle who had thought to sneak attack him.

"Really now?" He squeezed more and more, his victim struggling as thay were being lifted off the ground. "I expected more from the local law enforcement. How sad." He finally added that tiny bit of pressure and heard the awaited cracking noise, before he opened his hand and left the corpse fall.

Muggles truly were a weak species, if even without magic his family could make short work of their protectors.

The sound of hands clapping echoed through the alley, the bleached bricks barely noticeable in the moonlight. Edmond turned around towards the origin of the noise, his body seemingly relaxed, yet ready to pounce, before he froze slightly.

The man in front of him was tall, wearing a dark cowl that may be red, though it was hard to tell at night, hiding a white, sewed on mask with darker streaks of color. The rest of the body was covered in black armor that may be leather, though it seemed odd with the other man's muscular physique.

The figure walked sliently, stepping over the bodies littering the floor with practiced ease betraying habit.

"It has been a while since I've seen such carnage. It is almost nostalgic." His voice was deep and the echo within it, entirely too unnatural to be innocuous. "Yes, it has been too long." Rowle snorted, as his ears prickled and he violently threw his surprise attacker to the ground, revealing a little girl.

She was entirely too pale to be healthy, even with the low amount of moonlight, but what made him rise an eyebrow were her features. Cheekbones, eyes, even the chin and nose. Those were pure Black. While her being a bastard was a possibility, it was unlikely considering how paranoid they were about who they bedded, which left...

"Would you look at that, the lost Black child, Nymphadora Tonks herself... Working for her family's killer, no less."

The little girl's eyes widened suddenly and she turned towards the hooded figure in an expression close to betrayal, mixed with despair as her eyes watered. Hood snorted, before lifting his hand, causing the girl to fall bonelessly to the ground. Alive, as she was still breathing.

"I wonder how many people you killed through your reputation alone." Hood asked in an almost whimsical tone as he caught the back of the girl's shirt and lifted her in the air, throwing her unceremoniously over a hunched creature made of shadows.

"Too many." Edmund snorted, his fingers gripping his maul a bit more tightly.

There was a bit of silence, where Hood stood still, not even to breathe, before he nodded impeccably. Edmund absentmindedly unchecked the 'strangling' and 'drowning' possibilities in his 'how to kill' list. That person was a troublesome one, he could already tell. Even more so if the shadow creatures behind him were of the same make as the Darkness that had everyone panicking.

Hell, what was he wondering about, of course it was. His own family's words were 'it gets worse', after all. The grin he wore was threatening to split his face when Hood signalled for one of the shadow beasts to attack him. The creature was the size of a horse, but clearly modelled after some sort of silverback wolf.

It pounced fast, but he expected it, the pike of his maul burying itself where the face of the beast should be. The wizard them pushed, stepping forwards to force the beast to stagger and once he freed his weapon, he quickly stepped back, shifting his weapon to put the hammer side faced outwards, and brutally swung down, the sick crunch of a skull breaking reaching his ears. The shadows dissipated, revealing the twisted mockery of a werewolf.

"Hm, it seems this much isn't enough." The glee in Hood's voice was telling and he lifted his hand again, several more creatures jumping at him and his world dissolved into a flurry of claws and teeth.

He managed to kill them all, save one of them who managed to down him. His right arm was totaled, his knee was injured, and he had at least three ribs broken, but his bloody grin was still here, even if his cheeks began to hurt. He was sitting, back to the wall, and the masked figure was staring at him silently.

"See something you like?" Edmund asked, repressing the cough in favor of calling out the only one who stayed out of the fight.

"Yes." Was the blunt answer. "You may be of use after all." Hood's mask turned towards the alley's exit, where a figure, clad in robes appeared. One that the Rowle Head recognized immediately.

"Well, I'll be damned." He muttered with something akin to horrified fascination in his voice.

"You will." Hood answered easily. " At least the Queen of Hearts isn't the one who got to you first."

Seeing the state of the person in front of him, he did indeed think being brutally murdered by a stranger in an alley was much preferable to that.

"Thar's rude." The newcomer commented. "Though expected of the one who thought screaming your plans for everybody to hear was a good idea."

Hood's relaxed stance shifted a bit.

"What's the point of doing all of this if there is no enjoyment to be derived from that? But let's not speak about that. Tell me, minion, has your mistress left her little hole after the defeat dealt to the Hearts by a noncombatant?"

The newcomer frowned.

"As a matter of fact she did not. She believes in planning and not running half-baked into a fight after all. That is not why I came here however." He turned toward the downed wizard.

"Fuck off Ernest..." Edmund snorted, the blood loss getting to him. "Should have expected you to turn coat the moment there was danger, you little bitch."

Ernest scoffed.

"As if you weren't about to accept that... Thing's offer instead?"

Of course there was an offer, and not a simple murder. Hood wouldn't have thrown minion wave after minion wave otherwise. Not in such a private setting, at least.

"He proved his strength, the strong rule, it's the law of nature." Was the simple answer

"Not a bad one to live by." Hood noted, toying with curved dagger, before flinging it towards the uninjured wizard, who immediately went down as it hit his right knee. He then strode towards the fallen form with the grace of a cat, before grabbing him by the hair and lifting him up. He must have told him something, for the other's face dissolved in utter panic and he limped away as fast as he could as Hood let go.

There was a bit of silence, before Edmund sighed.

"So, what would you have me do boss?"

"Conquer Wales, of course." He answered easily.

"Not to make excuses or anything. " He felt the need to point out the plan's obvious flaw. "But the guy up North may disagree with that and his daughter is way stronger than I am."

"Ah yes, the daughter. Don't worry about them for now and focus on the South for now. I will do something about that. Well then..." Hood seemingly disappeared, his voice echoing through the air. "I have returned. After an eternity away from you all, Jack of Blades is back."

Funny, he thought he heard that name before.


Oh shit.

At least he'd be in for a good fight?

Here it is, the interlude 'the most pertinent to your current situation'

Not the best in fine strategically speaking, but you guys got what you asked for~

Not to say that it isn't useful, mind you.
Wonderful, so we will ether gain unloyal vassals who join with us in order to survive when the Blades launched their attack on the south or the south is going to fall to the might of the blades and then attempt to destroy us.