Underneath the twisted blue moon

Turn 3 : Summer 1983
Turn 3 : Summer 1983


Gwallawgysol Dinas:

+1,870,000 G/T
+16 Wood
+24 Stone
+8 Crystal
+12 Gems
+ 2 Native gold
+2 Elemental stone
+2 Flawless Marble


Gwallawg Academy of Superior Learning : -25,000 Galleons / turn , 1d6 – 3 Chance of Loyal Superior Unit, 1d100-95 chance of Loyal Hero Unit. (Muggleborn population : 95%)

Maintainance, taxes, salaries of the manor: 18,900 Galleons/turn (50 of them, 376 G/t on average)

Myriam Wells : 1 000 Galleons/turn
Ava Lloyd : 500 Galleons/turn
Ishmael : 10 000 Galleons/turn
Angus Savage: 2 000 Galleons/turn
The Red Sons : 100 000 Galleons/turn


-Lumber Mill. 16 Wood per turn.
- Crystal Mine. 8 Crystals per turn.
-Improved Gold Mine. 15,000 Galleons per turn. 2 Native gold per turn.
-Improved Gem Mine. 12 Gems per turn. 2 Elemental stones per turn.
-Improved Stone Quarry. 24 Stone per turn. 2 Flawless Marble per turn.


+1.713.500 Galleons
+16 Wood
+24 Stone
+8 Crystal
+12 Gems
+ 2 Native gold
+2 Elemental stone
+2 Flawless Marble

Current funds: 743.287 Galleons

32 Wood
48 Stone
16 Crystal
24 Gems
3 Native gold
4 Elemental stone
4 Flawless Marble

GASL Rolls : 96 6 Mysticism advisor appears!

Despite his intense state of confusion, and the ensuing house arrest, Dace still had things to do, paperwork to sign, and graduations to oversee, although due to the current climate, most people left the Academy this year, leaving the truly exceptional only.

This year was one he looked forward to as one Sally Danvers was graduating. The girl graduated from the Mysticism division and was already called 'the next Albus Dubmbledore' due to her magical abilities that broke all the records previously in the Academy and even rivaled Dumbledore's scores when he himself passed the practical portions of his exams during her stay at Hogwarts.

However, she also has been noted to be quite shy, despite her demonstrated ability for public speaking and it is the reason why she isn't currently in his office right now.

Does Dace recruit Sally?

-[] Diplomacy
-[] Learning (Dace does not trust her)
-[] Mysticism
[] No

Advisors decisions :

Current Roster:
Diplomacy: Aife Rosier
Stewardship: Myriam Wells, Ava Lloyd
Martial: Angus Savage
Intrigue: Ishmael
Mysticism: Monique Bridge

Swap advisors ?

[] Write-in advisor choice

Note: It will take one turn for advisors to adapt to their new post and therefore, they cannot help on the turn they are swapped or hired, save for exceptions that will be noted.

Diplomacy: Advisor : Aife : Actions : 2

[][Aife] Local approval 100% : Aife will visit authority figures to try and smooth things over.
[][Aife] Diplomatic ties : Aife will engage in talks with a neighboring organization (or family) of your choice and open the way for further actions. [Write-in option]
[][Aife] The cheerleader : Aife will motivate the population of your town. (+4 happiness for 4 years (may stack))
Aife's roll : 73 + 75 (Presence) = 148 , T1 Success. No Riots, No morale loss

The panic is complete. Europe has disappeared, and nobody has managed to reach Africa or Asia. Now, people are either waiting for the end, or preparing themselves for survival in isolation. Still, for all of her faults, Aife did a good job at keeping the people here peaceful. That she also kept them from being too affected by the recent events was a surprise, in the good way.

[] Visit the Welsh Ministry, try to build up contacts. Thigs have become a bit problematic after Ireland's disappearence, but after they realized it was some exotic form of barrier, people calmed down, though many have felt insulted by that, not to mention, some are whispering thet the Ministry of Magic's days are numbered.
Cost : 0
40% Chance of success.
Reward: Contacts, chance of obtaining promising recruits.

[] Reach out to the neighbors. Southern wales has been rather occupied, with all those pureblood families struggling for dominance. Now would be a good time to see if it's possible to obtain some promises or favors for your gracious help.
-[] Write in family to support. (must be currently in Southern Wales. See 'Pureblood Spread' in 'Strategic data' for further information.)
Cost : 0 – 50,000 Galleons, some troops.
60/40/20% Chances of success.
Reward: Increased disposition with the family, chance of alliance down the line, increased chance of family dominance in their area.

[] Meet with the employees (write in option). Just because they're already working for him doesn't mean that he has to neglect them.
Cost : 0
60 % Chances of success.
Reward: establishes a SL with a named subordinate, chance to discover promising people, chance to increase loyalty.

[] Mingle with the populace. Being a proper lord is knowing one's people. Though Dace is unsure whether he is up to par or not.
Cost : 0
40% Chances of success.
Reward : People like you more, chance of people stepping up to help.

[] Politicking. While Dace has a healthy dose of disdain for political games, now that he is the Lord of the Gwallawgysol Dinas (jokingly called Galatine) , he has to step up, unfortunately.
Cost : 0
40% Chances of success.
Reward : Politics of the town mapped out, nascent 'undesirable' movements squashed.

Stewardship: Advisor : Myriam, Ava : Actions : 3

Available actions:

[][Myriam] Bookkeeping for dummies : Myriam will increase the efficiency of Dace's finances and businesses by a margin. (Needs to be assigned to a specific business)
[][Myriam] Aggressive expansion: Myriam will look around neighboring counties and point out good business opportunities ripe for the picking.
[][Myriam] All hands on deck : Myriam will take care of a stewardship action for Dace.

[][Ava] Bookkeeping for dummies : Ava will increase the efficiency of Dace's finances and businesses by a margin. (Needs to be assigned to a specific business)
[][Ava] Booming Business : Ava will facilitate the birth of several businesses in Gwallawgysol Dinas.
[][Ava] On the lap of Luxury : Ava leverages luxury resources to improve the quality of life and morale. Happiness gain from luxuries doubled.
Ava's Roll : 97 + 75 (entrepreneurship) = 172, T2 Success / Myriam's roll: 16 + 65 ( accounting) = 81 Failure. 0% price increase within territory due to using local labor and material. Massive Price increase outside of borders.

For a time, it looked like the economic collapse taking place was going to affect the newborn town negatively, however, while Myriam had no success to maintain decent prices outside, Ava did surprisingly well, the flighty woman not only kept things stable within Dace's territory, but she came out of the experience with lots of ideas to improve on what Dace had.

[] Develop your budding Town. It lacks many things in the way of production and entertainment after all.
Cost: from 100,000 to 500,000 Galleons
70 / 45 / 20% Chances of success
Reward : Dace creates another business with himself as the owner.

[] Let's build an amusement park! Magic is convenient. In one flick of a wand one can easily kill someone, or cause flowers to bloom, or just about anything. A few animation and/or levitation spells can go a long way towards speeding up construction or cutting down the costs. Ava decided it would be a good idea to have a place where people could forget the current circumstances and just enjoy themselves. Of course, Ava being Ava, some changes are to be expected...
Cost : 300,000 Galleons, 5 crystal, 5 gems.
100/75/35% Chances of success [Needs 'On the lap of luxury' to be taken].
Reward: Amusement park : +++(+ depending on rolls) happiness, ++ economy, + 10,000 G/t. Takes a misceallaneous slot.

[] Diamonds are a girl's best friend. At least according to Ava. Which is why she came up with the idea to build a jewelry business. On the side, she gace Dace a sealed box and told him to open it alone.
Cost : 100,000 Galleons, 10 Gems, 5 crystal.
100/75/35% Chances of success [Needs 'On the lap of luxury' to be taken].
Reward: Jewelry stores : ++ happiness, ++ economy, +(+ if secret ops is taken) safety, + 10,000 G/t, -1 Gem/T

[] Build accomodations While Dace has his small town, there won't be enough space forever, and he's just acquired the neighboring lands, so might as well put them to use.
Cost: Variable
100% Chances of success.
Reward: New town.
-[] Basic accomodations: Just a few houses, nothing too fancy.
Cost: 500G, 5 Stone
Once settled, will gain Dace 91,250G (all charges and taxes taken care of) per turn.

-[] Middling accomodations: Enough houses to found a small village, with basic services in place.
Cost: 35,500G, 15 stone, 5 wood
Once settled, will gain Dace 182,500G (all charges and taxes taken care of) per turn.

-[] Major settlement: Housing, entertainment, animal pens and room for expansion, this small town is pretty much self sufficient.
Cost: 179,000G, 20 Stone, 10 wood
Once settled, will gain Dace 912,500G (all charges and taxes taken care of) per turn.
The Abbot Family will like you more.

[] Settle. [Requires building another settlement] Dace will invite people to come live in that settlement of his, however, this means he won't be able to change its size as easily anymore.

[] Expansion: Gwallawgysol Dinas is a bit small, for his supposed capital. Might as well remedy to that.
Cost: 10,000,000 Galleons.
100% Chances of success.
Duration : 2 turns.
Reward : +1 slot in every category, +100,000 Population limit.

[] Resource hunt. Powys may be barren of resources, but Perfeddwlad certainly is not. Dace decided it would be useful to set up a few mines and laboratories to exploit those resources.
-[] Build a Mercury exploitation : Costs 40,000 Galleons, results variable (expected +12 Mercury/t).
-[] Build a Crystal mine: Costs 40,000 Galleons, results variable (expected +8 Crystal/t).
-[] Build a Gem mine: Costs 40,000 Galleons, results variable (expected +4 Gem/t).

[] Building (free action): Dace's gor some blueprints just begging to be built.
-[] Recycling center (Misc. building)(+ health, ++ econ, + safety, + happiness , produces 12 Scrap golems / turn for the workforce and the garrison for free) (10 Stone, 10 Wood, 50,000 Galleons)
-[] Golem assembly line (Military building) ( Produces up to 100 Scrap golems per turn , costs 300 g/u) (15 Stone, 5 Wood, 100,000 Galleons)

Martial: Advisor: Angus. Actions : 2

Available actions:

[/][Angus] Spartan training: Train troops ( organic only) at double rate. (taken this turn due to previous choice)
[][Angus] Sentinel: +20 to any patrol he's attached to.
[][Angus] Supervision: Angus can help with the law enforcement. +10% creature generation.
Angus' rolls: 34 + 50 (strategy) = 84 Failure.

Angus settled in alright enough, even if, as expected, his hitting on Aife was taken badly by his daughter. Then Dace's new hire began admonesting him about his habits, his training regimen, his way of dressing, his lack of professionalism... Just about his everything. Mostly though, it was according to the newcomer, Angus' inability to do anything right.

[] Hire more security staff. Having people on hand to check whether or not people are trustworthy would save Dace lots of trouble.
Cost: 2,000G
40% Chances of success.
Reward: -10 to enemy infiltration rolls.

[] Find a Security Chief (Martial adviser). Dace needs all the help and Angus may or may not cut it.
Cost: 5,000G
40% Chances of success.
Reward: Dace gets a Martial advisor.

[] But will that security chief be the best? No. Try to poach an auror or two! Considering what they're doing with them, they won't be missed. Risky, though in the current climate, it is much less than it would. In England, anyways.
Cost: 10,000G
40% Chances of success.
Reward: Dace gets a Martial advisor (high quality).

[] Militia. After a row between Aife, Ishmael and Angus, the younger ones had to yield, halfheartedly, to the experience of the oldest, who slapped both upside the head about the 'disorganized mess' and 'insulting' way they treated their job, though he cut some slack to Aife on accounts of her being a civilian and diplomat, not career soldier. Still, he's revamped the entire supplies, patrol routes and training plans.
Cost : 400,000 Galleons
80/20% Chances of success.
Reward: Militia Barracks, produces Militia units (Tier 1), patrols the town automatically.50,000 G/T Upkeep.

[] Organize patrols. After the incident this Spring, Dace doesn't want to leave it to chance. People are invading his property illegally, and he wants them out. Whil this won't stop the vampire lady or the armored man, it may very well help againt invaders of a lowre caliber.
Cost : 10,000 Galleons.
80/50/20/0 % Chances of success
Reward : people are kept out of Dace's territory.

[] Military expedition : The government's about to fall, people are bickering, the situation is instable, this is the moment to strike.
-[] Write-in a neighboring county to attack.
--[] Write in the assigned troops and mandatory Hero.

Intrigue: Advisor: Ishmael. Actions : 3

Available actions :
[][Ishmael] Venomous Snake : Ishmael will hunt down and discredit your opponents as he sees fit.
[][Ishmael] Sneaky Snake : Ishmael will keep tabs on people and the likes. +20 to all rolls involving outsides due to accurate intel.
[][Ishmael] Naked Snake :Some people should just disappear, for the good of the people. Ishmael's the man for the job. (write in target's name)(must be criminal, terrorist or abuse their power)
Ishmael's rolls: 52 + 70 (Stealth) = 122 : Tier 1 success, Town cleaned of infiltrators, for now.

Ishmael has taken to his role with gusto, and after a week, people developed a healthy paranoia of cardboard boxes, potted plants and dark corners. On another note, there was a slew of mysterious disappearances and the files the guards had also mysteriously disappeared.

[] Plot against: (Will receive intel on their moves, plus additional actions if the opportunity arises.)

-[] Voldemort's band of hooligans.
50% Chance of success + 10 (pride)
-[]The muggles
100% Chance of success
-[] The Ministry of Magic (English).
80% Chance of success
-[] The Ministry of Magic (Welsh).
15% Chance of success

[] Plots are good for the purse! With all those people dying left and right... A whole continent disappeared, someone has to step in , in the stead of those poor foreign investors...
-[] Plot to take over shops in Diagon Alley (England, London).
--[] Plot to have them come to Dace's new settlement.
Cost 300,000G/Business.
-[] Plot to take over shops in the Green Alley (Wales, Cardiff)
--[] Plot to have them come to Dace's new settlement.
Cost 300,000G/Business.

[] Secret Ops. Ishmael had a suggestion, one that Interested Dace, though before his being 'fixed' he would never have entertained agreeing with. Since he couldn't do everything himself, he needed to have people to act as his hands in feet. This is where the organization the man had in mind would come in.
Cost : 500,000 Galleons, 100,000 G/T Upkeep
70/40/20% Chances of success.
Reward: a fledgeling organization of spies and secret agents will be formed. Rumor Mill automatically opened. (2 Slots)

[] Compulsive plotting is also good for the morale!
-[] Go on a matchmaking spree. Chance to increase Diplomacy, gain RP with some people, reputation. Need to select your targets.
-[] Go on a trolling rampage an adventure! Chance to increase Intrigue, inconvenience enemies, gain RP with some people.

[] Keep an ear to the ground. Things happen around here, that Dace should keep an eye on.
Maintains Rumor mill.

Learning: Advisor: No one. Actions : 2

Dace's not letting anyone not from his family handle those books. Ever. Allowances may be made for a few other people, but he can count them on his fingers.

[] Attend lessons to his own Academy. Since he's the owner, he can attend for free. [You may only attend four of them in total, and then, never again] Choose 1 to 4 (will only take one action) :

-[] The economy section is booming with activity rignt now, because of the panic from America disappearing, and they have taking upon themselves the tasks of studying the effects of this event. Still, a few lecturers put together a few lessons about Basic Estates. + 1,000 Experience.

-[] He didn't think there were classes about basic self defense here, but there they were. Basic Combat is always reliable in a pinch. + 1,000 Experience.

-[] Strangely enough, there were a few shady personalities there, and it appears that there is a black market in his Academy. Oh well, life is the best teacher, and he was fairly sure Basic Stealth wouldn't be taught in a magical academy anyways. + 1,000 Experience.

-[] With all of the things going on right now, few people choose to focus on the old texts of old battles, however, Dace thinks Basic Tactics are still very much important. + 1,000 Experience.

-[] Half of the work with magic is to know how to defend against it, and here, in the wizarding world, knowing Basic Magic Resistance is paramount. [Requires Combat classes to be taken] + 1,000 Experience.

[] Relocate the Academy : The world as Dace knows it is ending. He was certain of it. As such, it wouldn't be unreasonable to gather his resources and assets in order to keep them safe.
Cost: 700,000G
50% chance of success
The Gwallawg Academy of Superior Learning will be relocated to the unnamed town. It will be safer and open the way for upgrades, but the limit of subjects taught to heroes will go down to four.

[] Open a new academy : This one will directly enter in conflict with Hogwarts, as it will take care of children from middle to high school. However, it won't teach just magic. As the GASL did, this one will teach everything the muggles do, and magical subjects.
Cost : 800,000G
Reward: Gwallawg School for the youth : +++ Research, + econ, ++ happiness, give bonuses to GASL due to synergy and open further options. 50,000 G/T upkeep.

[] The old tales are sometimes true. (write-in. Must be something Dace came in contact with.)
The Gwallawg library may not be the biggest, but all of it is true, which is more than any other library can boast.

[] The Old kingdom. The enemy they're confronted to is old, very old, from an era thought lost. However, now, Dace knows better. The enmy was vanquished once already, time to try and find out what's needed to do it twice.

[] Look for Scythe. That elusive individual may or may not still be alive, but if he is, chances are he has all the answer Dace needs.
10% Chances of succes.
Reward: Scythe found.

[] Research. What it says on the tin. Has various results. (Uses Research skill + city's research) (the latter is automated and will be used regardless of whether action is taken or not.)
Due to high research total score, you have 45 research excess points that will be attributed to designated research subject.
-[] Muggle subjects
Plastics (0/100)
Mobile tactics (0/100)
computers (0/100)
Automation (0/100)
Electronics (0/100)

-[] Innovation recuperation (wizarding): 0/40 complete: Dace will gain the ability to research Magical subjects.
-[] Lost Wonders: 0/40 complete: Dace will gain the ability to research subjects related to Willpower.

Mysticism : Advisor: Monique: Actions : 2

Available actions:

[][Monique] Secret mission! Dace sends Monique hunt down artifacts. Results variable.
[][Monique] Magical menagerie : Monique bragged that she was very good at hunting down creatures. Time to take her up on that boast.
[][Monique] The infernal machine II: Monique will continue her experiments with the golems, while also spending some time working on the Blank Anchor.
Monique's roll : 86 + 11 (extra roll) + 140 (lore) = 237 : Tier 1 success. +237 to the Blank anchor project.

Monique has been a busy bee, and decided to work on the Blank Anchor project in her free time.

[] Find himself an assistant. With all the chaos, someone has to be found. There are a lot of alumni of GASL running around, so it shouldn't be too hard to find anyone. Also, Dace didn't trust Monique to be left alone to her own devices for too long.
45% Chance of success.
Cost: 10,000G
RewardDace finds a Mysticism advisor.

[] Anchor hunting. Dace remembers those, and the power they bring to bear. However, he still needs to look for them.
-[] Write in Anchor type ( Order, Death, Chaos, Nature or Life) +20 to anchor type action (only on one of them)
85% Chance of success.

[] Anchor creation I : The research. Dace has always loved personnally tailored things, be it clothes, schools or meals. He also hates mind contril. Taking both facts into account, it isn't hard to understand why he would try to have his own custom anchor. +20 to anchor type action (only on one of them)
237/400 Research complete

[] Dissection. Dace knows his enemy, and knows, more or less, how it works. He also knows he's resistant to the stuff, so why not get a sample and try to see what makes it tick in more detail.
20% Chances of success.
Costs: 5,000G, 1x Elemental stone.

[] The shattered tower. The warning was heard, however, Dace doesn't know anything about it. No where, no when, no how and no why. His current theory is about it being a nexus of some sort. Still, just because he would heed the warning, didn't mean anyone else would.
40% Chances of success.

Willpower: Advisor : No one. Actions : 2

Last year has been full of surprises for Dace, and the last, but certainly not least, was that there was a whole other magic system hidden from him. One he sowed considerably more skill in. Still, self-teaching can probably only go so far...

[] When there's a will, there's a way. There must be someone who has an idea of how it's done, right?
Cost : 0 – 100,000 G
10 / 0 % Chances of success

[] Will training. Running around with uncontrolled magic is dangerous for everyone.
--[] Offensive spells
--[] Environmental spells
--[] Defensive spells
Cost : 0
50% Chances of success
Reward : increased skill.

[] The Heroes' guild I. He'd seen the name several times during previous research, and knew it was an organization similar to the current magical schools, albeit a lot more mercenary, and that it was dissolved due to its master's hands off policy towards its 'alumni''s behavior, but the more practical knowledge and precise history elude him.
Cost : 0
40% Chances of success.
Reward : The Heroes' guild II available, Dace may unlock other people's willpower.

Personal: Actions : 7

[] Spend time with Social Links.(+2 RP)

[] Personal supervision. Supervise an action from the other sections. Gain +10 to rolls if Stewardship or Diplomacy action, +20 if Martial, Leraning or Mysticism action, +30 if Intrigue action. (May be used multiple times, but not on the same actions.)

[] Workshop. After seeing Monique faff around her newly built workshop, Dace decided it would be time to have one of his own.
Cost : 40,000 Galleons
Reward: a state of art workshop covering about every subject Dace could think of added to the Manor

[] Investigate the illness. Dace is dying, he even knows in detail how his body is going to breakdown, however, he is unsure as to how he will remedy this.
70/40% chances of success
Reward: Dace may start working on a cure.

[] Way of life. All work and no play would make Dace a very sad wizard. As such, he decided he wanted to find himself a hobby to relax. Word of warning, the selected choice will cause quests to appear, sometimes at inconvenient moments. Dace may only have one Lifestyle.
-[]Play games
-[][Needs The Heroes' guild rank III mission to be cleared]

That list isn't getting any shorter, it seems.

Anyways, poor Angus failed, and contrary to Myriam who had a few successes under her belt, the guy didn't even get to prove himself. It doesn't help that Ishmael is better at Martial than he is at Intrigue and constantly hovering over the guy's shoulder. Oh well , I've read somewhere that lions pushed their cubs off cliffs to toughen them up or something :V

Anyways, votes end in 72h, votes by plan etc...

P.S. : Unbetaed because I already had Math go over the interlude :V

Edit : Of course , if you have no idea [/] Do nothing is also an option.
Last edited:
Here it is, the interlude 'the most pertinent to your current situation'

Not the best in fine strategically speaking, but you guys got what you asked for~

Not to say that it isn't useful, mind you.
We kinda got super fucked by having a target painted on our backs by Jack of Blades setting us as a priority target so yeah.

It is actually super strategically relevant to planning out our next moves.
Thank Rowle he's gonna try to off Aife first.

But yes, your situation isn't ideal, though for now, it's only Jack and Hufflepuff who are aware that Dace is interesting~
[X] Plan : Good neighbor=good business.

-[X] Learning
[X][Aife] Diplomatic ties : Shafiq
[X] Reach out to the neighbors: Shafiq.
[X] Politicking.
[X][Myriam] All hands on deck : Myriam will take care of a stewardship action for Dace.
[X][Ava] Bookkeeping for dummies : Little Montmorency
[X] Build accomodations
-[X] Major settlement
[X] Settle. [Requires building another settlement]
[X] Resource hunt

-[X] Build a Mercury exploitation
[X] Military expedition :
-[X] Dyfed
--[X] Parkinson
---[X] Ishmael + 50x Scrap golems
[X] Organize patrols.
[X][Ishmael] Sneaky Snake
[X] Secret Ops
[X] Plot against

-[X]The muggles
[X] Attend lessons to his own Academy.
-[X] Basic Estates
-[X] Basic Stealth
-[X] Basic Combat
-[X] Basic Magic resistance
[X][Monique] The infernal machine II
[X] Anchor creation I
[X] Find himself an assistant.
[X] The Heroes' guild I
[X] The old tales are sometimes true.
[X] Look for Scythe.
[X] When there's a will, there's a way.
[X] Personal supervision : Anchor creation I
[X] Personal supervision : Find himself an assistant.
[X] Workshop.
[X] Investigate the illness
[X] Spend time with Social Links: Aife
[X] Spend time with Social Links: Myriam.
[X] Way of life.
[X] Personal supervision : Look for Scythe

I'm prefacing this with : Yes, I'm not voting to save the GASL, at this point in time, it'll benefit us more to rebuild it later on.

-[] Learning

At this point I don't care Whether Dace trusts her or not, we need that extra Learning slot.


[][Aife] Diplomatic ties
Penguin stated that they were the oldest, and if there was someone who's likely to know about the Heroes and all that, it would probably be them. Also, they've got artifacts, so it's always good to take. They're also stuck with the Lestranges and Parkinsons, and next door to Rowle, whose immediate, Jack-given goal is to conquer Southern Wales. So it's better to ensure they stay alive and on good terms with us, so that they can act as our shield against Jack. Also, they have ties with the alchemists, and both Scythe and Ravenclaw are after them, both of them are people I'm aiming for right now. The golems may be slow, but the parkinsons definitely won't expect that.

[] Reach out to the neighbors.
Same as stated higher. The longer the Shafiq are alive, the better for us. Plus there's definite synergy here, so 80% odds is fairly good.

[] Politicking.
Nipping any faction in the bud, righ now, before they gain any momentum. This is a dictatorship here, not a democracy.


[][Myriam] All hands on deck
Need the extra action.

[][Ava] Bookkeeping for dummies : Little Montmorency
That one was a tough choice, however, We can't spend much here, so Luxury's out, and Booming Business isn't stated to create industries we own, and there's limited space here, so it's also out. Focusing on Montmorency since potions are the only product we can export. Ideally, after getting the Shafiq in our corner, there's gonna be some open conflict with the Parkinsons and Lestrange, so we've already got one potential buyer for our exportation goods, which in turn can go a long way to gein us a lot of good will ( let's not forget the artifacts)

[] Build accomodations
-[] Major settlement
[] Settle. [Requires building another settlement]

We don't really have the means to protect any mine we build here and since Mercury's on +++, it's very likely we're gonna get something rare from it ( I'm guessing it is, anyways.), so people are gonna want to take it. Settling it within the year so that it starts pumping out money. We need more space, since the collapse is happening now, and when countries go to hell, refugees happen.

[] Resource hunt
-[] Build a Mercury exploitation

This puts us a bit in the red since I'm countin the spies before that, but nothing dramatic, so I suppose the penalty for that will be lighter. Basically, since we gain a fixed amount per turn and no way to increase that unless we get more land, I want to get the production up and going as soon as possible. (also, the least costly option here)


[/][Angus] Spartan training:
Well, Angus is stuck training organic units we don't have, so there's that, because I'm betting the mercs are better than him to begin with.

[] Military expedition :
-[] Dyfed
--[] Parkinson
---[] Ishmael + 50x Scrap golems

That's the plan B. We're courting the Shafiq, but the important thing here is to cut the snake's head before it bites us, because the Parkinsons and Dace are rivals, and it's obvious they're going to try something, so it's killing two birds with one stone. I'm sending Ishmael because he's the perfect wizard killer, and the scrap golems because they'll take less losses due to their resistance. He won't be upset about neutralizing muggle-murdering pure blood fanatics. We need to be proactive here, Lestrange and Parkinson are allied, and Jack's puppet will move soon too, so we've got one, two turns at most to get Shafiq in a good position before things go down the drain.

[] Organize patrols.

Once again, fairly cheap, and it goes along with the rest of the policy we're adopting here. Keep the enemies out. Should be fairly good too, with Ishmael going on a murder spree.


[][Ishmael] Sneaky Snake
Will facilitate out assault of the parkinsons, and our getting along with the Shafiq. As an intrigue/learning faction, information is our lifeblood.

[] Secret Ops
This. No questions asked. It will hit our upkeep, and our pockets but at this point it's critical that we get some spies up and ready to go now. The rumor mill is just a side-benefit. Every side is unstable, and it won't look odd if people join. That those people are our spies won't be noticed as easily as a consequence.

[] Plot against
-[]The muggles

Time to see how they're doing. Not too good, if what last interlude showed is the norm. Should help us with SLing Ishmael too, when we get around to doing it.

[] Plot against
-[] Voldemort's band of hooligans.

I have no idea how the lesser snake is doing and it worries me, so I'm throwing an AP in his direction. Besides, Lestrange and Parkinson are Death eaters, so there's that.


[] Attend lessons to his own Academy.

-[] Basic Estates
-[] Basic Stealth
-[] Basic Combat
-[] Basic Magic resistance

We shall become a snake too! More seriously, since I'm not voting to save the GASL, I'm doing the next best thing, which is to buff our hero unit. Estates gives gold per day, and we need gold badly, Stealth because you need scouting to detect it, so it may work as some Imp-lite power, Combat because it's needed for MR, and MR because in a magic-filled setting, it's a skill that's broken.

[] The old tales are sometimes true. Scythe
[] Look for Scythe.

We need Scythe pronto, he's the only one capable of facing Jack on equal grounds. Between courting the Shafiq, those 2 actions, the one in Willpower and personal supervision, that puts the odds of finding him at 50%, this is huge.


Monique is going to kill/maim us and why won't you listen to me?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Now that's out of the way, let's focus on what to do.

[][Monique] The infernal machine II

Alright. I'm keeping her here tentatively this turn, because you just won't get rid of her, because of her absurd lore score. 140 Lore means she's over 56 in Mysticism, and somehow, she got double rolls. Despite the fact my instincts are screaming at me that we need to send her away asap, that's just too good to ignore. I'm guessing the result will be split in 2 between the 2 researches ( she's leading two at once?! I'm calling hax, hax I tell you!)
So that would be, at the very least, 76 points in our anchor research , so it's 313 out of 400.

[] Anchor creation I

Willing to bet it uses either Research or Lore as a stat, so it's either 70 or 40, +20 from the pride/diligence boost, meaning we get a flat pass if research is the used stat, or 373/400, meaning we'd need to score 27 or more for this. However, I'm also burning a personal supervision here, so we're going to need 7 or more to finish this research this turn.

[] Find himself an assistant.

Since I put Newbie in learning slot, We need someone to replace Monique after her unexpected yet inevitable betrayal. Supervised to make sure it sticks.

[] When there's a will, there's a way.

Gambling a bit here, but you can guess what I'm getting at from the learning section. I want Scythe as our Will Teacher. He's basically the best there is! If we manage to find him, we've got at least a chance of convincing him, especially since we're the Hero of Will and he won't want us to prance around defenselessly.

[] The Heroes' guild

When there's a 1, there's a 2. Since apparently we're gonna recreate the heroes guild, we need it done asap. I'm thinking of having it become the new GASL for extra irony. Plus that would be a free slap to Jacks's mask. No sense in training blindly.
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Im actually opposed to plotting against Voldemort since hes too stable to be trying to screw us over.

Plotting against the Muggles and the English Ministry should let us prey on them for resources, intel, and other potential benefits as they're direct competitors imo. Voldemort is less so, and with Malfoy gone has less to offer should we be in a position to plunder his sinking ship even further.
[X] Plan : Good neighbor=good business.

Everything I want in a plan and nothing I dont. This is where the fun begins.
[X]Plan Get Out While You Can
--[X] Mysticism
-[X][Aife] The cheerleader : Aife will motivate the population of your town. (+4 happiness for 4 years (may stack))
-[X] Meet with the employees (write in option). Just because they're already working for him doesn't mean that he has to neglect them.
-[X] Politicking. While Dace has a healthy dose of disdain for political games, now that he is the Lord of the Gwallawgysol Dinas (jokingly called Galatine) , he has to step up, unfortunately.
-[X][Myriam] All hands on deck : Myriam will take care of a stewardship action for Dace.
-[X][Ava] On the lap of Luxury : Ava leverages luxury resources to improve the quality of life and morale. Happiness gain from luxuries doubled.
-[X] Diamonds are a girl's best friend. At least according to Ava. Which is why she came up with the idea to build a jewelry business. On the side, she gace Dace a sealed box and told him to open it alone.
Cost : 100,000 Galleons, 10 Gems, 5 crystal.
-[X] Build accomodations While Dace has his small town, there won't be enough space forever, and he's just acquired the neighboring lands, so might as well put them to use.
--[X] Major settlement: Housing, entertainment, animal pens and room for expansion, this small town is pretty much self sufficient.
Cost: 179,000G, 20 Stone, 10 wood
-[X] Settle. [Requires building another settlement] Dace will invite people to come live in that settlement of his, however, this means he won't be able to change its size as easily anymore.
-[X] Resource hunt. Powys may be barren of resources, but Perfeddwlad certainly is not. Dace decided it would be useful to set up a few mines and laboratories to exploit those resources.
--[X] Build a Mercury exploitation : Costs 40,000 Galleons, results variable (expected +12 Mercury/t).
--[X] Build a Crystal mine: Costs 40,000 Galleons, results variable (expected +8 Crystal/t).
--[X] Build a Gem mine: Costs 40,000 Galleons, results variable (expected +4 Gem/t).
-[X] Building (free action): Dace's gor some blueprints just begging to be built.
--[X] Recycling center (Misc. building)(+ health, ++ econ, + safety, + happiness , produces 12 Scrap golems / turn for the workforce and the garrison for free) (10 Stone, 10 Wood, 50,000 Galleons)
--[X] Golem assembly line (Military building) ( Produces up to 100 Scrap golems per turn , costs 300 g/u) (15 Stone, 5 Wood, 100,000 Galleons)
-[X] Militia. After a row between Aife, Ishmael and Angus, the younger ones had to yield, halfheartedly, to the experience of the oldest, who slapped both upside the head about the 'disorganized mess' and 'insulting' way they treated their job, though he cut some slack to Aife on accounts of her being a civilian and diplomat, not career soldier. Still, he's revamped the entire supplies, patrol routes and training plans.
Cost : 400,000 Galleons
-[X] Organize patrols. After the incident this Spring, Dace doesn't want to leave it to chance. People are invading his property illegally, and he wants them out. Whil this won't stop the vampire lady or the armored man, it may very well help againt invaders of a lowre caliber.
Cost : 10,000 Galleons.
-[X][Ishmael] Sneaky Snake : Ishmael will keep tabs on people and the likes. +20 to all rolls involving outsides due to accurate intel.
-[X] Plot against: (Will receive intel on their moves, plus additional actions if the opportunity arises.)
--[X]The muggles
-[X] Secret Ops. Ishmael had a suggestion, one that Interested Dace, though before his being 'fixed' he would never have entertained agreeing with. Since he couldn't do everything himself, he needed to have people to act as his hands in feet. This is where the organization the man had in mind would come in.
Cost : 500,000 Galleons, 100,000 G/T Upkeep
-[X] Relocate the Academy : The world as Dace knows it is ending. He was certain of it. As such, it wouldn't be unreasonable to gather his resources and assets in order to keep them safe.
Cost: 700,000G
-[X] Research. What it says on the tin. Has various results. (Uses Research skill + city's research) (the latter is automated and will be used regardless of whether action is taken or not.)
Due to high research total score, you have 45 research excess points that will be attributed to designated research subject.
--[X] Put the 45 in Mobile Tactics
--[X] Lost Wonders
-[X][Monique] The infernal machine II: Monique will continue her experiments with the golems, while also spending some time working on the Blank Anchor.
-[X] Anchor creation I : The research. Dace has always loved personnally tailored things, be it clothes, schools or meals. He also hates mind contril. Taking both facts into account, it isn't hard to understand why he would try to have his own custom anchor. +20 to anchor type action (only on one of them)
--[X]Double down
-[X] The shattered tower. The warning was heard, however, Dace doesn't know anything about it. No where, no when, no how and no why. His current theory is about it being a nexus of some sort. Still, just because he would heed the warning, didn't mean anyone else would.
-[X] The Heroes' guild I. He'd seen the name several times during previous research, and knew it was an organization similar to the current magical schools, albeit a lot more mercenary, and that it was dissolved due to its master's hands off policy towards its 'alumni''s behavior, but the more practical knowledge and precise history elude him.
--[X]Double down
-[X] Spend time with Social Links.(+2 RP)
--[X] Aife
--[X] Myriam
-[X] Personal supervision. Supervise an action from the other sections. Gain +10 to rolls if Stewardship or Diplomacy action, +20 if Martial, Leraning or Mysticism action, +30 if intrigue action. (May be used multiple times, but not on the same actions.)
--[X] Relocate the Academy
--[X] Secret Ops
--[X] Organize Patrols
-[X] Workshop. After seeing Monique faff around her newly built workshop, Dace decided it would be time to have one of his own.
Cost : 40,000 Galleons
-[X] Investigate the illness. Dace is dying, he even knows in detail how his body is going to breakdown, however, he is unsure as to how he will remedy this.
-[X] Way of life. All work and no play would make Dace a very sad wizard. As such, he decided he wanted to find himself a hobby to relax. Word of warning, the selected choice will cause quests to appear, sometimes at inconvenient moments. Dace may only have one Lifestyle.

Projected Cost: 2199k
Current funds: ~743k
Next Turn Income: 1870k
Projected Next Turn Funds: ~414k
Projected Turn 4 Income: ~2635k

There's a lot to do this turn, with GASL only barely avoiding destruction, and Jack beginning to gun for our head (starting with Aife). It's inevitable that we'll run into the red. Deeply, yes, but with the second settlement's income we should be better off in the future. However, it will hurt our happiness to continue being in the red, so the extra happiness actions should help circumvent that.

Let's start from the top, shall we? The new advisor is said to be a mysticism prodigy, and we need someone who isn't monique in that area. Hopefully she won't get bullied because of her shyness.

Diplomacy: Having Aife raise happiness is one of the ways I plan to counteract the inevitable upset over being in the red again, especially since we aren't being covered by a family head like Yaxley this time. I also want to open up a SL with Ishmael, he is currently our strongest hero (that we control - looking at you, mother) and is going to be leading our spy organization, knowing more about him should help us figure out what he'll do with that, as well as help him adjust to the wizarding world (what's left of it at least). We also should take the initiative to nip the 'undesirable' movements in the bud, last thing we want is something like a corruption cult in our town (though it probably is more along the lines of pureblood supremacists and the like).

Stewardship: The biggest in terms of actions, we have a lot to unpack here as well. Myriam taking an action to use her own skills on gives us the ability to make the most of this turn, and ava's luxuries let us take the diamond action as well as ups our happiness (we currently have three luxuries). Speaking of the diamond action, it is the cheaper of the two, it gives some happiness and economy, and most importantly, it gives us safety! Putting Myriam on it should hopefully help us get the higher tiers of it. Next, the town, we need that extra income, and putting a town in Perfeddwlad should also help us protect the resources in the area, like Lysbeth said. Those resources might as well be taken all at once, due to how it takes one action, and is only a bit more money spent (80k is small in comparison to the other actions taken). Building the free action buildings gives us health, econ, safety, and happiness, as well as the ability to mass produce our only producible unit.

Martial: We need a militia, both to patrol the towns (increasing safety) and to start to build an army. Getting patrols set up for the entirety of our lands is important as well.

Intrigue: Ishmael's +20 bonus is incredible, considering how much we have to do that involves things outside our town. Plotting against the muggles is more valuable in my mind than the English ministry, due to our lack of expertise in muggle tech, but if someone believes that the English ministry has more to offer I'm not to committed to this one. The Secret Ops however, is incredibly important, we can't be the one going out to find and investigate the rumors for the rumor mill, it's how we've been put in danger multiple times so far. This organization should also allow us to act on more things at once, since we're no longer a single agent.

Learning: We need to move GASL asap. It was nearly destroyed completely last turn, which is why most of the students left. If we don't move it now, we'll lose it forever. Lost Wonders should give us access to the Willpower research, which should help when we get the Guild and Anchor set up.

Mysticism: Keeping Monique on the golems, since she also works on the Anchor while she does it. Doubling Down on the Creating an Anchor option, as well as the +20 bonus and the Monique bonus work, should complete the first part of the Anchor Tree, which exists, if the 1 part of the title implies a step 2 and possibly 3. Learning more about the shattered tower should hopefully give us more information about the Darkness's goals as well.

Willpower: The guild allows us to unlock other people's willpower if it succeeds, which should be good for Aife and keeping her alive, so we need to give it the best chance to succeed by doubling down.

Personal: We only have two SLs right now, and both level up from the +2RP we get by taking them. Putting personal supervision on the relocation of the academy, alongside Ishmael's bonus, gives it a 90% chance of success. Personal supervision on the other two actions guarantees success, and allows us to focus on getting higher tiers of success. The workshop not being built was one of the greatest failures of the last quest, and not something that we should repeat here. Investigating the illness should give us headway on keeping us alive for more than 8 more years. And finally, the way of life. I have no idea of what these entail beyond some guessing and looking at the CKII ones, so I don't have a favorite, though hopefully the Magic lifestyle will help us with being the Hero of Will.
[X]Plan Get Out While You Can

Sorry Lysbeth but I just caught up in the discord and this is better for us.
@Kufufu The thing about Voldemort is that he's sane. It's the major problem, because he can leverage the death eater families he controls, such as Yaxley and Bulstrode, who are builders, one of whom is sharing the same territory with him ( Voldemort is a Gaunt, after all, and I don't see Tom leave his Necropolis just because the world is callapsing, which reminds me, why do we keep his agent here when we have no idea of what he's doing?!) and both of them are builders, so building a base only really needs materials, and he's covered on that front because he's also controlling the Carrows.

Logically speaking, the family with a monopoly on a certain materail would want to keep the best for themselves, right? So one may assume Leicester has massive reserves of building materials to sent to their master as he needs them. Furthermore, Greengrass are also death eaters, so it's basically 2v1 against Avery, who will likely lose because Greengrass are stated to be strong when it comes to combat.

With those facts, Voldemort, the sane mastermind has basically free reign to build as he pleases. His own fordress is North of Britain, and will keep the Scots from invading, and h's got minions in Southern Wales, Scotland and in te middle of Britain.

Now, let's look at the Blacks. Sure they're hostile to Voldemort, but simply put, they've got bigger fish to fry. Like the courts, or anything Shadow related. Contrary to Jack who only has one minion, Scythe has to keep an eye on several things and as such has less time to devote to them. As such, instead of risking it, I'm fairly confident they'll seek a ceasefire with Voldemort to concentrate on the common enemy here.

Right next to Leicester is Warwick, where there are no less than 5 families grouped up.

Flint, Nott, who are Death Eaters, and Longbottom, Slughorn and Shacklebolt, who were siding with Dumbledore. In one or two turn, the situation with the Blacks will calm down, and I'm not sure the OotP side will clean warwick before snakeface gets to turn towards them. And that would be Very Bad.

Quoting Penguin here :

Longbottom. A family known for their martial prowess and their willingness to defend the weak. This caused them to be targeted along history by any and all aspiring Dark Lord. The fact they still exist is statement enough to their success.
Following: Scythe "

That pretty much screams Hero to me. Furthermore, we don't know how much this Voldemort believes in the prophecy, and since Neville's already born, that makes them a Very Valid target.

Best case scenario, the weaken eachother, and the courts sweep in to take the victory.

This is also part of the reason why I'm advocating to 'deal' with the Parkinsons. Every vanquished DE family is sure to go and join Voldemort, strengthening him further.

In any case, Voldemort not being slowed down would mean that within 3 turns, he would be left with the control of a central position in Britain, unless Longbottom and Black make an alliance, and I'm not willing to bet in that best case scenario thing to happen unless we manage to get in touch with Scythe.

Because yes, Voldemort may be saner, but he's still an asshole. An asshole with th alliegeance of several families that could do a lot of damage if not properly stopped.
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@Kufufu The thing about Voldemort is that he's sane. It's the major problem, because he can leverage the death eater families he controls, such as Yaxley and Bulstrode, who are builders, one of whom is sharing the same territory with him ( Voldemort is a Gaunt, after all, and I don't see Tom leave his Necropolis just because the world is callapsing, which reminds me, why do we keep his agent here when we have no idea of what he's doing?!) and both of them are builders, so building a base only really needs materials, and he's covered on that front because he's also controlling the Carrows.

Logically speaking, the family with a monopoly on a certain materail would want to keep the best for themselves, right? So one may assume Leicester has massive reserves of building materials to sent to their master as he needs them. Furthermore, Greengrass are also death eaters, so it's basically 2v1 against Avery, who will likely lose because Greengrass are stated to be strong when it comes to combat.

With those facts, Voldemort, the sane mastermind has basically free reign to build as he pleases. His own fordress is North of Britain, and will keep the Scots from invading, and h's got minions in Southern Wales, Scotland and in te middle of Britain.

Now, let's look at the Blacks. Sure they're hostile to Voldemort, but simply put, they've got bigger fish to fry. Like the courts, or anything Shadow related. Contrary to Jack who only has one minion, Scythe has to keep an eye on several things and as such has less time to devote to them. As such, instead of risking it, I'm fairly confident they'll seek a ceasefire with Voldemort to concentrate on the common enemy here.

Right next to Leicester is Warwick, where there are no less than 5 families grouped up.

Flint, Nott, who are Death Eaters, and Longbottom, Slughorn and Shacklebolt, who were siding with Dumbledore. In one or two turn, the situation with the Blacks will calm down, and I'm not sure the OotP side will clean warwick before snakeface gets to turn towards them. And that would be Very Bad.

Quoting Penguin here :

Longbottom. A family known for their martial prowess and their willingness to defend the weak. This caused them to be targeted along history by any and all aspiring Dark Lord. The fact they still exist is statement enough to their success.
Following: Scythe "

That pretty much screams Hero to me. Furthermore, we don't know how much this Voldemort believes in the prophecy, and since Neville's already born, that makes them a Very Valid target.

Best case scenario, the weaken eachother, and the courts sweep in to take the victory.

This is also part of the reason why I'm advocating to 'deal' with the Parkinsons. Every vanquished DE family is sure to go and join Voldemort, strengthening him further.

In any case, Voldemort not being slowed down would mean that within 3 turns, he would be left with the control of a central position in Britain, unless Longbottom and Black make an alliance, and I'm not willing to bet in that best case scenario thing to happen unless we manage to get in touch with Scythe.

Because yes, Voldemort may be saner, but he's still an asshole. An asshole with th alliegeance of several families that could do a lot of damage if not properly stopped.

I'm sorry it took so long to reply to you, I was sidetracked by life and whatnot.
The reason I'm going for this is because if we dont then the king of hearts ( godric Gryffindor) is going to raze the place to the ground, stealing any promising folk in side and slaughtering the rest, gaining far to much XP that we could otherwise deny him.
As for the black/ longbottom alliance, the blacks are assumed corrupted and actively working against their courts enemies while the long bottoms are thus far unlikely to join with Voldemort.
In the end I view anyone inside of a Court much more of a threat then Voldemort is.
sooo, why does dace only have 8 years to live? was it the poisoning?

He has heartbreak syndrome, it's an affliction all children born through a love potion have at birth. It removes the capability of love and happiness from the child and eventually will kill them when their heart "breaks".

Edit. Bloody Doctor and his "timey whimy" shananagans. Shameless while stealing my post.
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riddle? dudes got heartbreak syndrome too right?
Yeah, I think Tom Riddle got the heart break syndrome alongside the insanity when Voldemort split off, but I don't think he'll die from it. The Death Anchor has a lot to do with undeath, our own mother is a vampire under his control after all. Luckily it seems the demigod-hood she got last quest has moved her from being the intrigue advisor of Riddle, to being the agent keeping an eye on us, due to Riddle's patron not liking how powerful she is. So instead she's our Mysticism advisor.
Delphine Trelawney-Noir, the Little witch (canon) + 24
Delphine Trelawney-Noir, the Little witch

Delphine was an eight year old little girl who was completely normal.

Save for the fact that she was a witch.

And that she could see the future.

Alright, let's forget what I've just said, Delphine Trelawney was anything but a normal little girl.

She was the child born between a squib named Cepheus Noir and Camelopardalis Trelawney, an Irish witch and incompetent seer. Not that she'd ever admit to it, mind you.

Her early childhood had been rather... Disturbing.

Between her crazy father who thought elves were a delicacy and hung their heads aroun the house's walls, and her mother who was always busy to make (fake) predictions involving the end of times, she used to linger at the library. Her sanity depended on it.

Her favorite book was "L'histoire de l'écore des sorciers anglais", a book narrating the adventures of a group of friends, who also happened to be very powerful wizards.

Her first bout of accidental magic actually happened while reading that book, when she turned into a man, tall with icy green eyes, holding a lance and wearing a strange ring.

Weird, right?

But it didn't stop there. Sometime around her ninth birthday, she began to have some sorts of episodes, when she felt herself lose focus more and more, and her dreams began to take rather ominous tones. One particularly bright night -which may or may not have been because of nearby car fires-, as she felt herself fall asleep, she began seein scenes of fighting. A man in a black armore with a helmet fashioned to look like a lion was standing between the flames, then turned around, towards her, and the omnipresent feeling of terror had her recoil and brutally wake up. She told herself she needed to read less books and went back to bed, her sleep uninterrupted this time.

The feeling of paranoia didn't leave her though, and accompanied her, growing each and every day as the world was collapsing around her. Her dreams continued too, and in the end, the only thing she could do was ask her father for help during dinner, after he took a mouthful of a still-twitching elf's arm.

The man was delighted, the fire of insanity shining brightly in his eyes, and he taught her the wonders of what he called the 'best multipurpose tool in the world' called Greek Fire.

One year later, Delphine Carina Trelawney-Noir was 10 years old. Being born in November, she wouldn't receive her letter until next year. She still wasn't very good when it came to making explosives, or running, or anything physical in fact, and her attention span equalled that of a goldfish, but she excelled when it came to aiming and throwing things. Like explosive flasks. She was also following, like every self-respecting pureblooded witch, pre-Hogwarts lessons, economy lessons and speech lessons. Even if her parents, strangely enough, refused to have her exposed to the rest of the wizarding world, she would obviously become a Great businesswoman!

While rereading her language lessons -French was such a chore-, she felt herself being observed and turned around. Her eyes scanned the scenery, but in the end, she was nothing.

She decided not to risk it and got out of the library, avoiding the people hitting the cars with lead pipes, ans headed back home, only for something strange to happen. A squat, fat creature was hobbling down the street, a big hammer in its chubby hand, and it was grunting in a strgange fashion. It tried to catch her and she jumped back, causing the other creature to trip and fall face first on the floor. On its side, the hammer hit the bottom of the next building's wall, that had been weakened by the fire and crumbled, falling onto the creature, who almost exploded like a blood filled balloon.

Her right cheek was splashed by the liquid and she screamed, running the rest of the way back. Her mother was here and she jumped, crying, into her arms.

Camelopardalis then knew that the feared day had come.

Her daughter has begun to follow Her Destiny.

It will be filled with strife, and fraught with danger, but she would rise above all in the end!

While her mother was hugging herself, giggling wrigging weirdly with an exctatic expression on her face, and her father just jumped from the house's second floor to land on a runaway elf, Delphine felt her left eye twitch.

Why couldn't she get a normal family ?!
Turn 3 : Autumn 1983
Turn 3 : Autumn 1983

September 6th 1986

-[X] Workshop. After seeing Monique faff around her newly built workshop, Dace decided it would be time to have one of his own.
Cost : 40,000 Galleons
28 + 70 (crafting ) = 98 : No special bonuses.

Dace realized, one morning, that he hadn't touched a cauldron for several years, which was an utter waste of his skills and he therefore decided to do something about that.

Finding the materials was trivial, considering how the city was set up, and how well stocked his manor was, at least in terms of tools. He really needed to find some way to obtain ingredients.

It took him the better part of the month to find somebody qualified for the task and unlikely to sabotage the project, and the both of them poured on the project. The man in question was good at what he did, and for a time, Dace thought he could recruit him to work on his numerous projects, however, as Dace was convinced he had gotten his attention, Monique swanned in, almost abducting the poor man and dragging him away, citing several things she would like him to do.

Perception roll : 53 + 60 = 113 : Tier 1 Success.
Empathy roll : 81 + 45 = 126 : Tier 2 Success. + 5 Empathy.

What shocked and annoyed Dace in equal measures was the fact that the interruption was deliberate. Even more than that, it was clear that Monique was doing it with a specific goal in mind, one that didn't just involve annoying him at inopportune times. Thinking back on her actions, she has been going behind his back a lot, and did some things that should have required his approval, but somehow didn't.

He knew she was an eccentric, however, to need the services of that particular man, she needed to have a lot more money that he estimated she did. Moreso because she worked for Dace for free. Which was worrying.

It seems Monique is planning for something big, what will Dace do?
[] Confront her. Her acting suspiciously was one thing. Her actively hampering Dace's efforts was another entirely.
[] Monitor the situation. Letting her run free comports risks, and he doesn't need her accidentally releasing a plague or something similar on top of everything else.
[] Hands off. Monique may be strange, but he couldn't deny everything she did was beneficial to him so far.

In the end though, Dace had his workshop and laboratory, up to his admittedly high standards, which led him to think on a matter that barely occupied his thoughts for years.

Namely, the matter of heirs.

While he could remarry to try and sire a son, he didn't really feel like doing it. Besides, he had Aife already, though only one heir is dangerous. He could do several things to deal with the present situation.

[] Encourage Aife. She is a married woman, after all. Having a child wouldn't be remiss of her, it may even help her overcome her trauma.
[] Remarry. He wasn't sure Aife had gotten over her own recklessness, and there was the matter of Rosier. Therefore, it would probably be a good idea to look for somebody to marry, for the sake of alliances, if nothing else.
[] Make a heir. His situation definitely counts as an emergency, therefore, using the 'emergency box' in his manor's lab wouldn't be unwarranted. Besides, the idea of creating his own heir with his own hands had something appealing to it.
[] Do nothing. Things are not urgent yet.

In the end though, while the workshop was up to his standards, he still had the niggling feeling it could have been something more...

Dace's Workshop added to the manor, + 20 to all of Dace's research, experimental and crafting rolls, the latter only applies to non-potions related subjects.

September 19th 1983

-[X] Way of life. All work and no play would make Dace a very sad wizard. As such, he decided he wanted to find himself a hobby to relax. Word of warning, the selected choice will cause quests to appear, sometimes at inconvenient moments. Dace may only have one Lifestyle.

Now that things were calming down, at least compared to last year, Dace could feel the nervous claws of stress digging at his mind, and he sighed.

He needed to get himself a hobby, at least so that it could help him keep his mind clear by providing some measure of relaxation.

Truthfully, he would have enjoyed teaching the younger generations, however, his interactions with that man left him thinking it was probably a pipe dream anyways. Architecture was but a passing fancy, he also told himself, and much too costly in the current situation. In the end, he had to compromise between his wants and his pragmatism, whittling down the list to Magic.

One could never go wrong with magic after all, even though it was an extremely temperamental subject centuries of geniuses and prodigies didn't manage to explain. Not even the Department of Mysteries did it.

And so, it was with a feeling of excitement, and the disctinct impression he was biting a lot more than he could chew, that Dace decided to try and unravel the secrets behind magic itself.

October 20th 1983

-[X] Investigate the illness. Dace is dying, he even knows in detail how his body is going to breakdown, however, he is unsure as to how he will remedy this.
28 + 40 (Lore) + 20 (Dace's workshop) – 10 (???) = 78. Failure
8 + 70 (Research) + 20 (Dace's workshop) – 10 (???) = 88. Failure
Perception roll : 48 + 60 (perception) = 108. Tier 1 success.

Even in his new workshop, even when he gave up large amounts of time for his research, it did not bear fruit. However, he didn't spend all of that time for nothing, for he noticed a pattern in the accidents keeping him from making any progress. A pattern, which makes the reason behind the failures apparent.

Someone was actively keeping the syndrome from being healed without anyone noticing.

In other words, this wasn't an illness, or a birth defect.

It was a curse.

Futher actions available next turn.

October 22nd

-[X][Monique] The infernal machine II: Monique will continue her experiments with the golems, while also spending some time working on the Blank Anchor.
15 + 140 (lore) = 155

Monique's work continues to advance steadily, though it slowed down quite a bit due to the fact she's been dividing her focus and refused to share her work with anyone.

+77 points towards anchor's development (314/400)
78/100 towards golem upgrade.

-[X] Anchor creation I : The research. Dace has always loved personnally tailored things, be it clothes, schools or meals. He also hates mind control. Taking both facts into account, it isn't hard to understand why he would try to have his own custom anchor. +20 to anchor type action (only on one of them)
--[X]Double down
15 / 15 + 20 + 40 = 75

Despite the increased amount of time he alloted to the research, it brought exactly the same results. No matter though, he was still getting closer to the objective.

+75 points towards anchor's development (389/400)

November 1st 1983

-[X] Relocate the Academy : The world as Dace knows it is ending. He was certain of it. As such, it wouldn't be unreasonable to gather his resources and assets in order to keep them safe.
Cost: 700,000G
67 +20 (PS) + 40 (strategy) + 20 (Snake) = 117 Interrupted by enemy Nat100

Everything began well enough, the outsides were scorched and savaged by the riots, but the people and precious items were sill safe. Then, as Dace was trying to help the librarians to move their books around, he heard screams and immediately ran towards the door, wand out and followed by the bodyguards he selected for this day.

All he could see outside were fires and corpses.

A tall figure, in bulky black armor stood amidst the flames, the lion helmet almost snarling into the yellow light. All around them, small black creatures were flying, forming black clouds billowing in the smoke. People were running all around them, yet, the figure stood still, before slowly turning around.

The person, who was most likely a man, man stood for a few more seconds, before he raised a foot and began walking.

Above their heads, rain began to fall, the thunder growling in the sky.

The armored man's pace was slow and even. He opened a hand, and in a flash of silver, a sword appeared. Ti was made of silver, with rubies incrusted in the pommel. Along the blade, a name, gleaming slightly because of the light, could be read.

Godric Gryffindor.

The sword in the man's hand cloaked itself with a dark smoke as it began to warp while the armored man was running towards the aurors, and it screamed as it tore the first auror in half. Nobody seemed to manage to land a hit on him, as he was alone in the middle of the fray. Even worse, some aurors ended up hitting and incapacitating their own friends, leaving the man with less and less enemies standing.

Finally, he stopped.

Nobody save him was up in the battlefield, the street running red with blood under the heavy rain. Then, he raised his sword once more, this time towards Dace's group in that was evacuating the Academy.

"Nice evening we're having here." A voice tore through the silence and rain, and another figure appeared from the shadows. A man, tall and thin, clad in brown leathers and wine red silks walked casually, his relaxed stance would have seemed unthreatening, were it not for the ivory gun at his belt. His black hair was swept to his right, and his chin was adorned with a small goatee. The armored man was still, similar to a blood covered statue.

"Not going to speak up, Gryff? I'm hurt, and here I thought we were friends." The newcomer raised his hands to his heart, clearly mocking his opponent.

"You know of the price to be paid." Another voice, muffled by the helmet and making Dace's bones rattle came from the armored figure. "Therefore there is no need for words." The man, likely Gryffindor himself, moved.

Lightning struck and the sound of a firearm shooting could be heard, echoed by the thunderclap. The tall man had jumped back distances that shouldn't be humanly possible, while Gryffindor was hot on his heels. The sword was swung once more, its owner's intent clear, but the tall man simply leaned away, the blade missing his neck by a mere inches, while he raised the gun, shooting and once more jumping away.

His opponent raised his arm once more, but the sound of metal screaming had him stop. The helmet turned towards ht chestplece and he once again moved his arm, the metal whining once again.

The tall man smirked, his face visible due to the lightning storm brewing above their heads, and from behind his back, he got one more pistol. He then raised both towards the armored man.

"Would say it was nice to meet you kid, but it would be a lie." he said lightly, almost playfully, as he opened fire, bullets rushing towards the immoving opponent, only to plink against an invisible barrier. "Now, that's cheating." He complained, ducking under a jet of dark red energy.

The armored man stood still once more.

"I have gotten what I came here for."

And disappeared in black fog.

Having a bad feeling, Dace ran towards the evacuation room to find the escorts dead and that most of the teaching staff had disappeared, along with several old artifacts, funds and students. The rest was either unconscious or heavily injured.

"Nice house you got here. Too bad it's burning."

The tall man appeared from behind his right, guns back to his side and back holsters, commenting on this situation as if nothing was wrong.

"Indeed." Dace gritted out. "A shame."

The other man raised an eyebrow, clearly amused, before betting a paper from a pouch on the right side of his belt. He looked at it for a moment, then at Dace.

"You wouldn't happen to be Dace Gwallawg, would you?" He looked him up and down in a way that left Dace feeling rather uncomfortable. " You do look like a Dace."

Dace raised his hand to deny, to find it imprisoned in the other man's vice-like grip.

"So you are. Good, good." The man gave his hand a forced shake. " My name is Reaver. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

GASL Salvage results :

1x Stewardship teacher
2x Martial teachers
1x Mysticism teacher

Charm of Mana
Class: Treasure
Slot: Miscellaneous
Effect: This charms helps you recover 1 extra mana point per day.
Part of the ]Wizard's Well] combination artifact.

Crown of the supreme magi
Class: Minor
Slot: Head
Effect : Worn on the head, his item increases hero's mana by +40.

Another unbeta-ed update because between my exams and Math's... Math-ness, we can't seem to be able to log on discord at the same time to do the beta thing.

Anyways. People? Meet your new babysitter.
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I don't think so, You've answered to Lysbeth's plan, so you were here since last update, at least. Though, you missed the entire planning phase. As for Reaver... Yeah. Fun stuff in the background.