Underneath the twisted blue moon

Ah right, I forgot to mention to everyone here: panda dropped a bomb.
Everyone has survived the void attack. From the Vatican, to Russia and even France. America is probably still kicking as well meaning our wife may not be dead.

This brings the validity of our outside information into question, also we in the discord want to know "what the hell is that barrier?"
How did they survive? Who else survived?

Life aligned, technically

As for how they did survived

Tomatoe tomahto

They were never attacked to begin with

To name a few who survived too

well, I already mentioned Oliver





pretty much everything


End of Q & A :^D

That. At least I timed it well enough before they asked me the details~
We need to be able to trust him above all others or we are screwed. After him I'd say the prospective mysticism hero.

I was thinking Angus. He's made a couple of bad work weeks, and it would do if the Boss talks to him.

Besides, Ishmael likes his job and appears loyal because of the leeway he has. Angus on the other hand has not had a chance to shine.

Though, if you consider the results of the Q&A I posted, are you absolutely sure you wish to remarry?

No, but it seems like people in-Universe are pushing for it regardless of Dace's opinion. Might just work against it on principle.

Edit: Everyone lived!?

Wait, is this some kind of social experiment to turn Muggles and Wizards against each other? Like, people are alive and fine, and the Void wants to show what would happen if Wizards stopped hiding and muggles were not in charge? Cue the Wizarding World's attitude towards nonmagical and nonhuman people. The result is that the people of the world witnessing this decide Wizards have to "go."
[X] Plan Expand and Build
-[X] The Visitors.
-[X][Ava] Booming Business
[X][Myriam] Bookkeeping for dummies (Farmer, Farmer and Farmer)
-[X] Build accomodations
--[X] Middling accommodations
-[X] Let's build an amusement park!
-[X] Develop your budding Town.
-[X] Building (free action)(write-in town):

--[X] Recycling center (Misc. building)(+ health, ++ econ, + safety, + happiness , produces 12 Scrap golems / turn for the workforce and the garrison for free) (10 Stone, 10 Wood, 50,000 Galleons)
-[X][Angus] Sentinel: +20 to any patrol he's attached to.
-[X] Organize patrols.
-[X] Auror training

-[X][Ishmael] Sneaky Snake : Ishmael will keep tabs on people and the likes. +20 to all rolls involving outsides due to accurate intel.
-[X]Investigation (Parkinson
--[X] Monitoring
-[X]Investigation (Lestrange )
--[X] Monitoring
-[X]Investigation (Bulstrode )
-[X]Sabotage (Parkinson )
--[X] Monitoring
-[X] Restoration (Way of Life:Magic)(Pride):
-[X] Research.

--[X] Innovation recuperation (wizarding): 0/40 complete:
---[X] Excess: Available Wizarding Research
-[X][Sally] Secret mission! Dace sends Sally hunt down artifacts. Results variable.
-[X] Anchor creation II
-Data : Create :
-Energy : Tap into one of the 4 remaining energies
--[X] Order
-[X] The shattered tower.
-[X] Will training.

--[X] Defensive spells
-[X] The Heroes' guild I.
-[X] Investigate the illness.
-[X] Met your son
-[X] Visions or reality?
-[X] Spend time with Social Links.(+2 RP)

--[X] Draidd
--[X]Myriam Wells
-[X] Personal supervision. (The Heroes' guild I)
-[X]Wisdom of the in Between : Augusta Longbottom

Ok so, basic idea here is to take the last natural expansion and start building up what we already have.

Visitors because it should give us some info on whats happening to the losers, and might get us some free stuff.

Stewardship actions are inline with those overall goals above. Not taking the project because we cant really afford it this turn.

Martial is pretty straightforward, patrol and train to ensure as little goes wrong as possible.

For Intrigue the focus is the faction we know wants to mess with us and a faction I think we should learn some more about. Only using 4 units so dice dont wipe out the whole org in one turn.

Learning is best school and getting the last tree unlocked.

For Mysticism I think we should keep moving forwards with the Anchor thingy, not quite sure as to if what ive got for pattern is good or even valid but eh. Didnt know what to pick for the second action so grabbed the one most likely to succeed.

As for Willpower, gotta learn to use it and the Heroes' guild was called out as very good so id like to start on that.

I think 3 of the personal actions dont really need explained, picked workshop because Dace is good at stuff like that iirc and its nice to have around in general. As for SLs Ishmael seems to be a known quantity for now so I went for advisor we have yet to meet and mr martial.

No trade routes for now because we dont really have the materials to spare at a glance and I dont really wanna dig into it right now.

Also, assuming I counted right, this should be what we leave this turn with.

Current Funds: -947,713
8 Wood
2 Stone
25 Gems
22 Crystal
12 Mercury

5 Native gold
6 Elemental stone
6 Flawless Marble
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For your own sake, one of you who has access to the discord should compile all that you know about the Void and what has been said about it on the Discord. I not going to do it because it shouldn't be my job, but some of it will become relevant within 2 turns, starting from now.
[X]Plan: Decisive Action
-[X] Sally Danvers: Learning
-[X] Ava Lloyd: Diplomacy

-[X] Meet with the employees (Ava Lloyd)
-[X] The Visitors.

-[X][Myriam] Aggressive expansion:
-[X] Build accomodations
--[X] Major settlement
-[X] Settle.

--[X] Baradwys Mynydd

-[X][Angus] Supervision:
-[X] Military Expedition
--[X] Dyfed
---[X] 98x Scrap golems, Red Sons, Ishmael
-[X] Auror training

-[X][Ishmael] Naked Snake (Julius Parkinson's martial advisor/leader of armed forces)
-[X]Investigation (Bull's Rest/Strathearn)
-[X]Investigation (Where the Blacks go when defeated/Northumberland)
--[X] Monitoring
-[X]Sabotage (Parkinson/Dyfed) (4 agents)
--[X] Monitoring
-[X]Theft (Ollivander's Notes/Dyfed) (2 agents)
--[X] Monitoring

-[X][Sally] Not enough coffee
-[X] Restoration (Way of Life:Magic)(Pride): (500,000G this turn)
-[X] The old tales are sometimes true.
--[X] Nature Anchor
-[X] Research.
--[X] Innovation recuperation (wizarding): 0/40 complete:
---[X] Excess: Wizarding, then Blood Magic

-[X] Anchor hunting.
--[X] Nature

-[X] Will training.
--[X] Defensive spells
-[X] The Heroes' guild I.

-[X] Spend time with Social Links
.(+2 RP)
--[X] Myriam Wells
--[X] Draidd
--[X] Ava Lloyd
-[X] Personal supervision.
--[X] Anchor hunting
-[X] Investigate the illness.
-[X] Met your son

-[X]Wisdom of the in Between : Rowena Ravenclaw

Total cost: 0+0+179K+0+40K+0+0+0+500K+0+0+0+0+0=719K Gs + 20 Stone, 10 wood, 10 Gems, 5 crystal.
Available funds afterwards: 308K G +3,396K G income = 3,704K G next turn.

There is a lot to cover here, so lets start from the top: We need a learning advisor in order to enable Passive Research gain, so Sally has to become a learning advisor. Ava also has a powerful ability to prevent people from calling allies in a conflict with us, and I want that ASAP, so she has to become a Diplomacy advisor.

The Visitors has to be taken, as the Shafiq will be leaving soon, and we need to cash in the favor of taking them in as they fled from Parkinson. Whether it's Inanna Shafiq as a marriage candidate, artifacts, or an ancient kingdom tech, this is our only chance to get it from them. We can also use the extra action to open up a sl with another one of advisors, and I chose Ava so we can up both her and Myriam's SLs without making it seem like we value one over the other.

While I really want to build a recycling center in Nesaftre, we don't have the stone to build it and a new town. Which I am building and settling this turn so we can have the extra income needed for the big projects.

Parkinson needs to go, they haven't fully dug in yet, but they will if we don't attack them now. So I'm sending in our army sans the militia, since they really are more for defense, with Ishmael leading them. Parkinson plans on using Inferio on a large group of muggles to fluff up his numbers, which is why it's important to have the Red Sons know how to remove it.

Speaking of taking out Parkinson, Ishmael is going to assassinate his head of military right before we attack, in order to sow confusion and fear in the death eater ranks. We also need to have someone investigate what Bulstrode is doing in Strathearn, where all the Pureblood families have been going by watching where the Blacks disappear to when they are defeated, and whats happening in our less antagonistic border county. We should sabotage the Parkinson forces beyond just killing the commander right before the battle, and we should steal Ollivander's notes so they aren't lost in the chaos of the attack.

We need to start restoring GASL in order to get that hero unit generation. We don't have to pay for it all up front, which is why I'm paying half of it now. We also need to consult our library on the Nature Anchor in order to get as much leverage as we can get to beat Bulstrode. Finally, we need to unlock the last tech tree, and specifically the Tier 1 tech Blood Magic. Blood magic will allow us to magically create a blood relation between two people, which is important, since blood relation is what inoculates you from a Veela's allure. We need that ASAP in order to have people we can trust watching over Craidd. Right now, his allure is going to make most people want to kidnap him.

Mysticism gets the short straw due to Sally being needed in learning, and we need a Nature anchor to cannibalize for our custom one. We'll probably need a Death one in the future as well, to get the Death spells that work great against the Void, and to get the Cover of Darkness, which gives us a massive defense bonus to our cities and security in general.

With Willpower, we need some defensive spells to keep Dace alive, and to start the Heroes guild action tree. The first step allows us to unlock willpower in other people, which will be a huge boon for our heroes/advisors/elite units.

For personal, I want to unlock Craidd's SL, and bump it's, Ava's, and Myriam's level to 1. Next turn I plan on unlocking the other advisors SLs in order to start building trust and loyalty. We also need to start working on a cure for HBS. I'm also throwing an extra +20 to Anchor Hunting in order to try and beat Bulstrode in getting a Nature Anchor.

None of the Trade Route offers interest me at the moment.
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Made some changes to my plan because some actions were invalid and I missed some free ones.

Moreover, I dont really see the point of the aggression in these parkinson actions. Leaving out any outside reasons we may want to err of the side of good, all it seems to do is get us a small child in exchange for making an entire faction hate us far far more than they already do. There are ways of keeping a bloodline around without kicking off a literal blood feud.
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[X]Plan: Decisive Action

So we're going to have the Patriarch "disappear," as well as take the daughter hostage? We could not use the child as leverage since the dad will die, and now we might have a girl we have to spend resources taking care of her?

How about we have Ishmael deal with the head of the Parkinson family and leave the girl alone. We use the extra action we would have used for kidnapping to spy on other people.

Also, why is Angus not leading the Red Sons but Ishmael is? Do you want to a make a bitter, pointless rivalry?

I agree with the plan on social links and interacting with our son.

I do not agree with building the Hero's guild at this junction. We should study Will power applications for offensive or utility spells in addition to defensive spells present in this plan.
So we're going to have the Patriarch "disappear," as well as take the daughter hostage? We could not use the child as leverage since the dad will die, and now we might have a girl we have to spend resources taking care of her?

How about we have Ishmael deal with the head of the Parkinson family and leave the girl alone. We use the extra action we would have used for kidnapping to spy on other people.

Also, why is Angus not leading the Red Sons but Ishmael is? Do you want to a make a bitter, pointless rivalry?

I agree with the plan on social links and interacting with our son.

I do not agree with building the Hero's guild at this junction. We should study Will power applications for offensive or utility spells in addition to defensive spells present in this plan.

I mostly agree with this statement.

Abduction is dirty and would look bad. Taking her as spoils of war, and as a future playmate/whatever for the kid would be a lot better. This is if the opportunity presents itself. We can brainwash/manipulate afterward. A future family head under our thumb would be valuable, even if she is the last of the Parkinson. Simply abducting her wouldn't be right.

Angus should also be leading the red sons. Synergy and all that. Ishmael is our intrigue advisor, and we should treat him as such until we move him to Martial.

Angus is in a way one of our most trusted people since we know he has no big plans.
Abduction is dirty and would look bad. Taking her as spoils of war, and as a future playmate/whatever for the kid would be a lot better. This is if the opportunity presents itself. We can brainwash/manipulate afterward. A future family head under our thumb would be valuable, even if she is the last of the Parkinson. Simply abducting her wouldn't be right.

Even this feels too obvious a play from Dace. Might be better to find a neutral party to take care of Orphan Parkinson depending on the outcome of our attack.
Even this feels too obvious a play from Dace. Might be better to find a neutral party to take care of Orphan Parkinson depending on the outcome of our attack.

Our a third party to approve of us acting as her new ward. Shame we don't know anyone like that.

Other ideas.

Lets move Loyd to Diplomacy this or next turn.
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Moreover, I dont really see the point of the aggression in these parkinson actions. Leaving out any outside reasons we may want to err of the side of good, all it seems to do is get us a small child in exchange for making an entire faction hate us far far more than they already do. There are ways of keeping a bloodline around without kicking off a literal blood feud.
So we're going to have the Patriarch "disappear," as well as take the daughter hostage? We could not use the child as leverage since the dad will die, and now we might have a girl we have to spend resources taking care of her?

How about we have Ishmael deal with the head of the Parkinson family and leave the girl alone. We use the extra action we would have used for kidnapping to spy on other people.
Abduction is dirty and would look bad. Taking her as spoils of war, and as a future playmate/whatever for the kid would be a lot better. This is if the opportunity presents itself. We can brainwash/manipulate afterward. A future family head under our thumb would be valuable, even if she is the last of the Parkinson. Simply abducting her wouldn't be right.
So I knew that this would be a big issue, and I feel that I worded my arguments a bit wrong, let me clarify.

1. Parkinson is evil, not only is he a Death Eater, he is using the muggles in his territory as slaves at best, and cannon fodder at worst. He hates us, so much so that he wants us to suffer as much as possible before dying a slow death. He isn't going to leave us alone, and currently, he doesn't have the support of Voldemort. This is the weakest he will be, so we need to capitalize on this opportunity. And when we attack him, we aren't just raiding him, we are conquering his territory. When we win, we will own it.

2. The kidnapping of Pansy is dependent on our attack of Parkinson, not to use as a hostage, but to spare her from our version of Sherman's march to the sea. We don't need to personally raise her as our daughter, that was more a joke I focused to much on making feasible. Giving her to someone who we can relatively trust not to use her to kill us, and doesn't like death eaters, will be more than enough.

Also, why is Angus not leading the Red Sons but Ishmael is? Do you want to a make a bitter, pointless rivalry?
Angus should also be leading the red sons. Synergy and all that. Ishmael is our intrigue advisor, and we should treat him as such until we move him to Martial.

Angus is in a way one of our most trusted people since we know he has no big plans.

We only have two hero units, Dace and Ishmael. You are required to assign a hero unit to the attack. Angus is literally unable to lead the attack. Ishmael is also way better than Dace, so it makes sense to send Ishmael instead of Dace.

This also made me realize I had military expedition instead of conquest for the action, so thanks for making me go back and look!
[X]Plan: Decisive Action


Still not a fan of the abduction, but if we get her we are pawning her off to someone that isn't us.
Still not a fan of the abduction, but if we get her we are pawning her off to someone that isn't us.
I also plan on making Ava our Diplomacy advisor next turn, since not only do we need to be opening SLs with our advisors, her abilites are crazy good for future expansion in Wales.
[][Ava] Alluring Nightingale : Ava will bring back a neighboring power/family under your control, provided that their military is weaker, and their opinion of you isn't negative. (Personal)
[][Ava] Fabricate Claim : Ava will endeavour to obtain you rights over a territory, keeping your enemy from calling allies in a conflict over said territory.
So I knew that this would be a big issue, and I feel that I worded my arguments a bit wrong, let me clarify.

1. Parkinson is evil, not only is he a Death Eater, he is using the muggles in his territory as slaves at best, and cannon fodder at worst. He hates us, so much so that he wants us to suffer as much as possible before dying a slow death. He isn't going to leave us alone, and currently, he doesn't have the support of Voldemort. This is the weakest he will be, so we need to capitalize on this opportunity. And when we attack him, we aren't just raiding him, we are conquering his territory. When we win, we will own it.

2. The kidnapping of Pansy is dependent on our attack of Parkinson, not to use as a hostage, but to spare her from our version of Sherman's march to the sea. We don't need to personally raise her as our daughter, that was more a joke I focused to much on making feasible. Giving her to someone who we can relatively trust not to use her to kill us, and doesn't like death eaters, will be more than enough.
I still disagree with the whole idea but I can see where you're coming from at least.
For a military takeover sure. For other methods of control or influence? I really doubt it.
Any other method of control/influence requires us to leave the current system of muggle slavery/slow genocide in place.

I can't accept that as a "good" option. Both in the moral sense, and the fact that a lot of our top people are muggleborn. Any kind of agreement/influence with Parkinson would require us to sacrifice our people.

And considering that Death Eaters are Pureblood supremacists and we are a Halfblood, I don't think that we'll be getting a good deal out of it.
Any other method of control/influence requires us to leave the current system of muggle slavery/slow genocide in place.

I can't accept that as a "good" option. Both in the moral sense, and the fact that a lot of our top people are muggleborn. Any kind of agreement/influence with Parkinson would require us to sacrifice our people.

And considering that Death Eaters are Pureblood supremacists and we are a Halfblood, I don't think that we'll be getting a good deal out of it.
Not really?
Like, staging a coup and using that to install someone aligned with our interests strikes me as both a plausible and not horrible solution.
In any case, the point of influence or control is that you can affect how things are done. I see cant any reason why how they treat muggles would be excluded from that.

Edit: I'm not saying it's the best option in this case, but ignoring that style of conflict resolution in favor of the direct approach is putting the cart before the horse.

Edit 2: To clarify, i'm not saying you aren't using it, just that it sould be the focus of the plans instead of being used to support them.
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Like, staging a coup and using that to install someone aligned with our interests strikes me as both a plausible and not horrible solution.
While this is a valid solution, it requires that one, we find someone within the county that's willing to commit a coup; two, they have some sort of existing power already within the county; and three, that we arm them with enough forces/weapons to take over the county. We would then need to make sure that the loyalists to the previous regime are removed from power, that the other Death Eaters don't come in to restore Pureblood Supremacy. Not to mention, that anyone who has power within the county is at least okay with the current situation and willing to participate in it. It would take a good number of actions, as well as time.

All styles of conflict resolution will have some sort of cost to them, any that take a prolonged amount of time will be at the cost of muggle lives within Dyfed and increase the difficulty of removing Parkinson. Any solution that removes the Pureblood supremacy will have Death Eaters trying to restore it. Any solution that doesn't will cause problems with our own supporters. Any solution that is overt will need to placate the rest of the Death Eaters to at least not try and attack us. There is no perfect solution.

In my opinion, the most preferable solution is the one that quickly removes the problem in a effective manner. With Voldemort occupied, and Parkinson's strategy revealed and able to be countered, this is an opportunity that we won't get again.

In any case, the point of influence or control is that you can affect how things are done. I see cant any reason why how they treat muggles would be excluded from that.
The treatment of muggles and muggleborn in Death Eater territory can be non-slavery/slowly genocidal. We see that with Bulstrode's area. However, Parkinson has no inclinations to change his current treatment of them. He also hates Dace, so he obviously won't listen to him if Dace says to treat muggleborns and muggles better, even if it's an ultimatum. We would require more influence/control over him then the rest of the Death Eaters, which would require leverage.

The only leverage we can get, is to kidnap his daughter. And even then, we would need to keep her in order to make sure Parkinson doesn't go back to what he was doing before. On top of that, we would have to fight off Voldemort, since Parkinson would go right to him if his daughter was kidnapped by us. And Voldemort would use it as a way to show his followers that he values loyalty and is willing to fight to protect them and their families.

I thought I posted this earlier, oops.
Edit: I'm not saying it's the best option in this case, but ignoring that style of conflict resolution in favor of the direct approach is putting the cart before the horse.
I'm not ignoring the other types of conflict resolution, as seen above, I just judged them to be worse than the direct approach in this specific situation.
Edit 2: To clarify, i'm not saying you aren't using it, just that it sould be the focus of the plans instead of being used to support them.
I don't know what your referring to as "it" here: "To clarify, i'm not saying you aren't using it"

Assuming you mean how we handle Parkinson, my plan is focused on how we deal with him, it's just that our plans are generally the same sans our plans for Parkinson, so it makes it seem like arguing how we deal with him is arguing for which plan to support.