Like, staging a coup and using that to install someone aligned with our interests strikes me as both a plausible and not horrible solution.
While this is a valid solution, it requires that one, we find someone within the county that's willing to commit a coup; two, they have some sort of existing power
already within the county; and three, that we arm them with enough forces/weapons to take over the county. We would then need to make sure that the loyalists to the previous regime are removed from power, that the
other Death Eaters don't come in to restore Pureblood Supremacy. Not to mention, that anyone who has power within the county is at least
okay with the current situation and willing to participate in it. It would take a good number of actions, as well as
All styles of conflict resolution will have some sort of cost to them, any that take a prolonged amount of time will be at the cost of muggle lives within Dyfed and increase the difficulty of removing Parkinson. Any solution that removes the Pureblood supremacy will have Death Eaters trying to restore it. Any solution that doesn't will cause problems with our own supporters. Any solution that is overt will need to placate the rest of the Death Eaters to at least not try and attack us. There is no perfect solution.
In my opinion, the most
preferable solution is the one that quickly removes the problem in a effective manner. With Voldemort occupied, and Parkinson's strategy revealed and able to be countered, this is an opportunity that we won't get again.
In any case, the point of influence or control is that you can affect how things are done. I see cant any reason why how they treat muggles would be excluded from that.
The treatment of muggles and muggleborn in Death Eater territory
can be non-slavery/slowly genocidal. We see that with Bulstrode's area. However, Parkinson has no inclinations to change his current treatment of them. He also
hates Dace, so he obviously won't listen to him if Dace says to treat muggleborns and muggles better, even if it's an ultimatum. We would require more influence/control over him then the rest of the Death Eaters, which would require
The only leverage we can get, is to kidnap his daughter. And even then, we would need to keep her in order to make sure Parkinson doesn't go back to what he was doing before. On top of that, we would have to fight off Voldemort, since Parkinson would go right to him if his daughter was kidnapped by us. And Voldemort would use it as a way to show his followers that he values loyalty and is willing to fight to protect them and their families.
I thought I posted this earlier, oops.
Edit: I'm not saying it's the best option in this case, but ignoring that style of conflict resolution in favor of the direct approach is putting the cart before the horse.
I'm not ignoring the other types of conflict resolution, as seen above, I just judged them to be worse than the direct approach in this specific situation.
Edit 2: To clarify, i'm not saying you aren't using it, just that it sould be the focus of the plans instead of being used to support them.
I don't know what your referring to as "it" here: "To clarify, i'm not saying you aren't using it"
Assuming you mean how we handle Parkinson, my plan
is focused on how we deal with him, it's just that our plans are generally the same sans our plans for Parkinson, so it makes it seem like arguing how we deal with him is arguing for which plan to support.