Underneath the twisted blue moon

Turn 4 : Spring 1985
Turn 4 : Spring 1985

Winter passed, everyone being busy trying to settle things down, recuperate, try and fail to be cured (in Myriam's case), try to escape (still Myriam) and fail miserably.

Spring was busy, and Craidd was down with a bad case of allergy to pollen.

He was very miserable.

For Ava, it was hectic, with the world being a powder keg in the middle of exploding. She was no less miserable.

At least things went mostly according to plan, mostly...

-[X] Build accommodations
--[X] Major settlement
-[X] Settle.
--[X] Baradwys Mynydd

First thing first, in her opinion, was to put a roof over the refugees' heads, which was very possible, since Dace previously ordered the building of another settlement in Powys. The vetting process was annoying, but there were two spymasters on the case, which happened to be necessary, but it was not enough...

She was pondering on what to do with the caught infiltrators, when Andrei knocked on her office's door, to see Andrei, followed by the plainest woman she had ever seen. She had long, dull, brown hair with slightly wavy ends, brown eyes, pale skin, and a constant bored expression on her face. Her eyes reminded the regent of dead fish, so expressive were they.

She raised an eyebrow in mild surprise as the Russian shrugged.

"Miss Charlotte here appears to be an infiltrated Canadian spy, who decided to contact us after observing us for a moment. Usually, I'd leave her to the terrible duo, but she caught the spy responsible for the fire in, er, our newest settlement, as a peace offering."

"Did she now?" Ava looked at the woman, who was smiling politely but said nothing. A silence that lasted one, two, five minutes, until a joke came back to her mind...

"You may speak."

The Canadian inclined her head slightly, before opening her mouth.

"Thank you very much for receiving me. You may call me Charlotte, and I am, indeed, a spy from the Northern Union sent to observe the situation here, post-collapse. After spending a few weeks within your frontier, I think I have obtained enough information that I may instead act on my secondary orders, that were to make contact with you and see if some sort of treaty may be established between our powers."

Perception roll 75+35 (perception) = 110. Tier 3 success.

The implied meaning of the woman's words didn't escape Ava. For a treaty to be established between two powers, both are to be at least legitimate. Therefore, Charlotte may have been meaning that the Northern Union was willing to recognize their little piece of land as an independent power. However, she didn't expect it to be without cost.

Still, this was too good an offer to simply throw the woman into a cell, like the other spies, without thinking about it. Especially since they were neighbors of sorts, and there was no news of that particular faction getting involved with any conflict.

Furthermore, the woman in front of her willingly blew her cover to make contact. Meaning she had successfully infiltrated the territory, which spoke a lot about her abilities, despite, or maybe of the effectiveness of her underwhelming appearance. When she thought about the two peacocks that were the heads of her intel department, she understood the appeal.

While Ava was thinking, the woman looked like she wanted to say something more, so Andrei gave her leave to speak out.

"Thank you. As I suspected you wouldn't accept my good intentions at face value, as I would expect from someone in your situation, I took the liberty of catching the brute that caused you problems last week and delivering them to you after convincing them it was in their best interest to speak out." The woman was now smiling innocently, an ominous light glinting on her glasses. " My apologies if this was a deliberate attempt to give face to Mr. Scrimgeour. I understand both your former leader and him were in a working partnership?"

Behind the woman, the blond man nodded, disbelief written on his face. Ava felt the need to hit her forehead to her desk.

Goddamnit, this was a Canadian alright.

The woman only continued to smile, her hands on her laps and politely waiting for an answer.

"Alright. We'll talk to your superiors. However, I want you to deliver the message personally." Ava sighed, writing on parchment, then applying her seal on it and holding it out to the woman. The implied 'Get out of my territory' was understood by the woman, whose smile turned apologetical.

"It will be. My apologies and thanks for the time, Miss Lloyd."

Of course, she'd know her name.

New settlement built and populated, all spies located and taken care of.

Once she was alone again in her office, she called for the headache duo and gave them a rundown of what happened. Both men looked amused, earning themselves a heated glare.

Balthazar personally saw no problem with that, while Dace praised the woman on her work ethics, and immediately rounding down on the younger man and telling him to shape up.

"If I may have your attention." Ava interrupted their bickering with an acidic tone." That leaves us with several spies to deal with."

Dace nodded, eyes looking over the files he held.

"I managed to catch four of them, whose loyalties belonged to the British Ministry, Iris Argentée, Jade Dragon and South American Alliance. The latter two tried to kill themselves, however, I managed to find the counterpoison before lasting harm was done to them."

"Mine was easier." Balthazar drawled, smirking before it turned into a scowl when he noticed the disbelief on his superior's face. " Oh, alright, maybe I could have done a bit better. No matter! I've caught a spy from the EU and another from the US."

"The latter is useless, the USA is falling to ruin as we speak." Ava smiled too sweetly. " And we have an infiltrator from the Arabian Federation, courtesy or your Canadian counterpart. That leaves us with the question, what are we going to do with them?"

"The Jade dragon spy will have to be sent back unmolested." Dace immediately spoke out. "We cannot afford any more ill-will from them at the moment. Maybe even give them the information they seek."

Ava pursed her lips, before nodding. For the arrogant young man to be the brother of one of the World's most powerful men... explained a lot about their behavior.

"The USA already hate our guts. I say we turn or get rid of them." Balthazar offered next. The other two had nothing else to say about it.

"What about the European one?" Ava asked the men for their opinion.

"Send him back. They're likely scared of us, this should assuage their doubts. I think this is the stance we should take for all of them, after obliviating them of any information they could learn." Dace though loud more than offered, this time causing Balthazar to shake his head.

"Nah, the one from South America has to die. Anything else will be seen as being weak. I say we pin the fire on the guy and off him, that should justify it."

+2 reputation for every spy sent back. And the SAA.

[X] The visitors : Action impossible, replaced by [Foreign Diplomacy: Northern Union]
Presence Roll : 100 + 20 ( Charlotte) + 80 (presence) = 200 T2 Success. Critical success. Tier 4 success.
Manipulation Roll : 95 + 35 (manipulation) = 130 : T3 Success

Ava decided to beat the iron while it is still hot and left the country for a few days, after getting Dace to promise to do her paperwork while she was away. Contrary to her expectations, her hosts were nothing but polite and amiable, and they spent less time signing nonaggression pacts and a few accords regarding immigration than they did going over trade agreements.

She was rather baffled by it. Surely, being recognized as an independent country was harder than that, right?

Wales's Independance recognized by the Northern Union. International standing improved. (+5 to all powers save the man-eating ones). High-quality trade routes with the Northern Union opened. Possibility to pursue mutual defense and alliance pacts opened. The Northern Union leasers like Ava. +10 to Northern Union Reputation. Ava went back home with a better mood, a crate of Maple syrup and amber jewelry.

Dace's plan had many actions that were not yet accomplished, and not of them were actions she could do (meeting herself, for example), and truth be told, she didn't understand all of it, but that's what delegation is for, right?

Ava doesn't have the Willpower stat. Hero's guild action impossible. Replaced with finding a willpower advisor:
Presence roll : 2 + 80 (presence) = 82 : Failure
Sadly, people competent enough in matters related to willpowers were too rare even for her to find, and not for the first time, she found herself cursing William's memory as she went to the training field, which, it just so happens, happened to be a massive success. Probably because of her newfound interest in guns.

If anyone asked, it was purely for self-defense.

However, she did remember that she had a ward. Even though it wasn't her job, she didn't trust Dace's ability to deal with children, therefore she had Sarah aid her in devising some sort of education for the toddler. Craidd may be airheaded, but he was unusually advance for a child his age, and if the utter catastrophe that was Scathach Gwallawg (according to the French woman) was any indication, he would need careful handling...

In other words, the plan to turn Craidd from horrible little gremlin to actual human being was a go.

Tutoring Craidd: Empathy x2

28 + 0 (empathy) + 45 (Sarah's Empathy + research / 2) = 73 ( Failure)
98 + 0 (empathy) + 45 (Sarah's Empathy + research / 2) = 143 : Tier 8 success. +15 Empathy, +2 Diplomacy, +2 LB

It was hard. On both Sarah and Craidd.

Thankfully, she was used to raising brats that used their allure to get out of every punishment and therefore, the threat of being deprived of the sweets she put right under his nose taught him that stealing other people's things hurt them and it was bad. He's still unsure whether it's the hurting or the stealing that's bad, but it was already enough that he got the lesson after his tantrum during the first attempt...

Craidd learned that stealing is bad! 1/10 to [Dull] Change.

This evening, Craidd was dreaming of...
[] In-Between: Write-in.

When he woke up, the stone in his hand was pulsating from time to time. then, it cracked, a spall black beak peaking out of the crack under the amazed boy's eye.

Familiar acquired: Raven chick.

End of the year, some actions had to go down the drain due to either ruler change or Myriam sucking at not being an alcoholic, so they've been replaced with other actions.

Dem Ava shoulders keep getting bigger, though Sarah's doing an okay job at teaching the kid not to be a psychopath.

24 hours vote for the interlude choice. It's the one for Turn 5.
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Turn 5 : Summer 1985
Tired of waiting for a few people, so I'm slashing that one short and posting it regardless.

Turn 5: Summer 1985

Rumor Mill:

-Augustus Bulstrode, Duarch of Scotland, has been issuing invitations for the unveiling of a grand project he led and finished in his stronghold. While the large panes and veils did well enough to hide it from most people, the visiting agent managed to discover that the building in question was the Secret Project, Hanging Gardens.

-With everything going on, an agent decided to investigate the source of the massive tremors that were felt in all of Europe. They came back from the Jade Empire, grievously injured, but alive, with a worrying tale: The dead have overcome the Living. A group they call the Immortals are struggling to beat them back, and a mossy giant who apparently sided with the dead is reshaping the land. It is currently fighting a man clad in antiquated clothing that has the same ability and is locking it down.

-In Mexico, temples are boing built, in a Mayan style. Their frontiers on the Northern side are also getting crowded with the Military. It seems they intend to declare war on the USA...

Ava decided that seeing what was happening at the Bulstrode's was the most pressing concern, by virtue of being the closest to home, and indeed, the giant building was everything it promised and more. From afar, it almost looked like a pyramid, levels upon levels of greenery growing healthily despite it being a Scottish Autumn. The air was familiar around her, and it took the redhead a few seconds to realize, upon entering Bull's rest, that they also had access to Nature. Then, something got her attention and she looked East.

Far outside of her field of vision, she could almost see a massive structure in her mind's eye, very similar to Bulstrode's hanging gardens, but somehow, more. Much older, much more powerful. She could taste fire in the back of her throat and that made the hair on her arms rise. This is also when she realized that, for some reason, the almost constant itch that she associated with the Land of the Dead in Southern England had abruptly disappeared.

It took her plus one, Balthazar, pinching her side to bring her back to her current conversation.

Augustus Bulstrode has completed the Hanging Gardens (ecological studies) secret project. Contact made with the Bulstrode. Something is up in Northeast Scotland and it involves Nature magic somehow? Land of the Dead in Southern England is gone.


Alliance with the Northern Union, More information on the outside world, better trade deals.
Nonagression pact with the Winter Republic. Increased relationship with Winter republic. Diminished tensions between Purebloods and muggleborns.
Party: Success! Improved factions mood! SL between Ava and Balthazar started.
Public Speech: success! +5 mood country-wide for 5 years. Decreased Panic Chances. +10 recruitment bonus for a year. Increased loyalty.


Building an amusement park: Baradwys Mynydd. ++++Happiness, ++ econ, +10.000 G/T (there was a problem with organized crime for a while, but Dace found out about it.)
Diamonds are a girl's best friend: Jewelry stores : ++ happiness, ++ economy, ++ safety, + 10,000 G/t, -1 Gem/T
Recruit advisor: Hired Jeremiah Avery, switched him to Willpower
Recruit advisor: Hired Howland Martel (+5 rolls from DoctorElsewhere consumed to pass the roll.)

Fired Myriam : she took place and was useless.


Recruit advisor: Hired Alphonse Wilkins. He's got an independant atitude, and is a bit of a daredevil, but he can be serious, if he tries. Gets along great with Balthazar, Ava is unsure if it's a good thing.


Audit: checked people for their loyalties. Dace caused a minor panic when a newbie interrogated without knowing who he was and the man was so amused he tricked the recruit into believing he was secretly the leader of an apocalypse cult or something. Otherwise, everything was fine, surprisingly. Also, She and Balthazar went on a date. It was nice.
Rookie Training: The rookie spies are now better trained. +20 to rolls becomes +25.
Cleaning up the house: The Electric Boogaloo: nothing of note happened or was discovered.


Find Advisor: Hired Gregory Abernathy. A self-taught young man. While he does seem to have Ava's odd charisma, or at least, the potential of it, he is simply too shy to use it. It's already hard enough to keep it into the same room as Ava or Sarah without him devolving into a blushing mess, so Ava decided to make him exempt of teasing. (The fact she is painfully reminded of Sally probably does and does not help at the same time.)


Find Advisor: Hired Melusine Grey. An old woman who used to teach Aurors at the Ministry. She had nothing better to do.
Anchor Hunting: Chaos: Failure.


Find Advisor: Failure.

Trade: Northern Union :
Wood x100 = -250.000 G, + 20.000G/T(3T) +1 Reputation NU
Stone x100 =-250.000 G, + 20.000G/T(3T) +1 Reputation NU


Extra actions: Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Combat training
Combat training
Find tutor for Craidd : Recruited Sean Jackson ( Tier 1 Diplomacy teacher)
Teach Craidd Etiquette : results tba

Total costs:
1.255.000 Galleons
5 crystal
5 gem

We are cute, we are peaceful, we trade, please focus on somebody else, nothing to see here...


Industry outside of Gwallawgysol Dinas: People need things to keep them busy. Perfeddwlad produces gems, it's logical for them to refine them. Baradwys Mynydd has no resources to speak of, therefore, they can become a tourism-centered town without too much trouble.


Not actively remilitarizing: Cultivating pacifistic image.( It seems she has the intention of turning Wales into the Venice of post-Disappearance Era.)
Recruiting someone who knows what to do with the army you do not have instead.


Make sure the few people we are are loyal, then train them up. Quality over quantity!


Need somebody to do the research, we're already behind enough as is


Same as usual, not enough people. Also, according to Urie, Chaos is the best faction for offensive spells, so dissecting their anchor should yield some good results.


Have to get someone who understands that willpower energy thing.


Extra action: needed that.
Combat training: never again.
Getting a tutor : I can' t teach the kid.
Teaching craidd: He'll be the boss here, one day. Probably. Oh God...

Craidd Time

Craidd Gwallawg was a peculiar boy. People who knew about him knew that he had a condition that made it hard for him to interact with people and that he was prone to falling ill. He also had shown no magical talent whatsoever, which made more conservative elements of society titter and discuss, before deciding to remain neutral, but disapproving of the fact and hoping that the newly-remarried Dace's future children will have more potential. And replace the current heir.

Of course, Craidd knew none of that, as he was currently grounded for deliberately making a mess during the council's meet and greet by making the buffet fall when he was throwing a tantrum because meeting people was ew!

(They're too noisy, and they don't do as he says whenever he does!)

Still, with a new year, come new actions and, as a toddler walking a fine line between idiot and savant, one may think formative years are the more important of them all...

As a toddler, craidd only has personal actions!
Actions : 12 - 3 (mandatory etiquette training, Sarah, Sarah) = 9

[] Lessons: [Write-in Skill] (chance to increase/improve physical, magical or mental attributes)
[] Play! Lessons are boring, and sitting in one place is annoying! (chance to increase/improve physical attributes)
[] Explore the house! Adventure time! (chance to increase/improve mental attributes)
[] Care for Crow the raven. Sarah told him putting it under a pillow and sitting on it was a terrible idea, and the bird bit him when he tried! (chance to increase/improve mental and magical attributes, chance to SL Crow)
[] Meet with people/ Spend time with: [Write-in] (chance of meeting people, chance of SL, chance of increasing SL. Thankfully, Sarah's good enough at tracking Craidd and intimidating people that there is no abduction chance.)

Next turns will be considerably short (in comparison to my usual), for obvious reasons, due to the fact that, well, craidd is a toddler. I considered skipping a few years, but that would be shortchanging you guys. Anyways, since it's so short, votes by plans, 48 hours voting phase. Let's see if you can raise your gremlin properly.
DaceQuest Negaverse : Trouble incoming in 3...2...(canon hehehe) + 72 (very close to 1.5k)
DACE QUEST! or "we are screwed but let's keep trucking along anyway and hope one of our backup plans work."
[X] Engage in Freelance potion making and selling, focus on healing potions.
Rolled 93 + 70 (crafting) +20 (potions laboratory) = 183 T2 success.
Gained 30.000 G to spend.

The Summer months, like most months are busy ones for you. It is an unfortunate truth that the stipend you receive from Ava is simply inefficient for you to carry out your duties in a pleasing manner and so you find yourself in need of finding funds. How fortunate it is that you are a potion master in the post apocalypse. It is simple work to make a few dozen healing droughts and sell then off to the highest bidder, almost as simple as it is profitable.

[X] SL my son! Sit him on my knee and read him stories, play stupid games with him and his nanny, give him a gift and apologize for sleeping so much!
Rolled 66 + 40 (empathy) = 106 T2 success.

Since you've woken up from your most recent of comas you've noticed the son that you don't remember having acting distant towards you. While it is both perfectly reasonable of him and usually you wouldn't begrudge his distance or not caring for your company in general, you new emotions have made themselves known by not allowing you peace. When you should be working, you are thinking of him, when you are trying to sleep you are thinking of him, it's like a pressure in your chest, you just can't help but feel responsible for him, you want to be responsible for him because you are his father and he just looks so mad at the world and you know that anger, that...loneliness. You yourself felt it once after the death of your mother. It's not a time you liked to think about, it hurt even when you couldn't feel emotions but now...you have begun to miss your other broken heart.

To make matters worse it seems that while you were sleeping the love between you and Aife had died, as the staff informed you that the two of you had an argument some years past and she promptly left the manor and never made contact afterwards. As for Dumbledore, the man had somehow been pronounced the king of Ireland and promptly died there years later, along with the majority of his kingdome.

Having observed the current state of your family, can you be blamed for believing that the bonds between father and son should be stronger than they are?
Clearly there is only one solution here, only one path leads to he and you bonding as family should…
he must be shown the way.

Craidd roll : 60 - 40 + 35 = Stealth failure.
Kid will need a lot of work…

Unfortunately for your preselected victims, Craidd takes to his training like a fish to water. For the most part anyways.
Oh, his young mind is a gold mine for creative prank ideas, and he is not lacking in ability to carry them out (well, not with a little help from you at least) but both his planning skills his means of getting away cleanly after the deed is done will benefit from practice. Such things are to be expected however as he is young and inexperienced. It is certainly a stroke of good fortune that you are here to teach him!

Craidd seems to take after you with the way he already has the kitchen staff jumping at the of small him shaped shadows, you couldn't be prouder!

Dace realizes early on his son is a gremlin, and he is in luck, because so is Dace! Therefore, He took his son and taught him the wonders of pranks and sneaking around…

Instead of becoming Fussy, Craidd became Playful. Sarah refuses to talk to him anymore, and people are scared of looking at him directly. It's a good day to be Dace!
Though, he noticed that his son was slightly… idiotic. And prone to illnesses… Oh, also, SL open and stuff.

[X] Recruit more staff, you have far too much to do and not enough time to do it in, let's see if some competent hands can't change that.
Rolled 82 + 75 (Stealth) = 157 T2 success.

Wales is a large place, relatively speaking.
It is also a place with many enemies, frankly speaking.
You will need more able hands on deck in order to keep this ship afloat and fortunately for you you have hands aplenty to give.

Recruited 2 agents.

[X] set up a hidden base for training, supplying and housing agent's. Have Balthazar help here if he is able. ( if all goes well these bases should be well hidden and self sufficient)
Rolled 74 + 35 (self-sufficiency) = 109 T3 Success
Rolled 98 + 20 (entrepreneurship) = 118 T5 success

As it turns out fate approves of your sudden interest in real estate. Between your contacts in the kingdom and the money you have made through selling potions, you were more than able to create a self sufficient safe house for your agents...but why should you spend your gold when you could spend someone else's? You went to Balthazar and filled him in on your plan and in return for a favor he agreed to gi with you to Ava and secure funds for the project.

Between Ava and Balthazar's constantly flirting with each other it was easy for you to steer the conversation until they organized a date between themselves. Oh, you also secured the required funding for the new base. You still got it.

Managed to create a base for a grand total of Free! within the Ruby amusement park. The influx of tourists visiting the place means that you'll have an easier time collecting information, once you get more technical means. The current front is a food seller who sells foodstuff spiked with heavily diluted Mirth potion. It is very popular.

[X] assist Balthazar in an action

Everything had gone according to plan.
First you escorted Anemone on a walk through the lush gardens of your manor.
With the stars shining above you and the light of the moon catching the green of her eyes, they seemed to glow in the dim lighting much like those of a cat's. She was wearing a fine green dress which highlighted her fiery red hair to the point that even the distant flames of the lantern seemed to flicker jealousy in the distance as her hair outshone them, like bonfire before a candle.

The gardens are beautiful in the summer, especially with the magic of the land forcing vitally into the plant life, unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your outlook) Anemone was to distracted by the native fauna to notice the beautiful flora, more specifically, you. You successfully lower her guard by leverage her attraction for you and by dropping the occasional implication of your favor.

You take her down to an old willow tree by a pond in the garden where you had a romantic dinner prepared for the two of you, complete with red wine, a loaf of warm bread, some aged cheese and sinfully sweet cakes for dessert. The wine was laced with poison of Balthazar's make which apparently should have sent her into cardiac arrest after an hour, the cakes were filled with cyanide and should have dissolved her stomach once she had eaten more then two of them.

Two hours, a goblet of vanished wine and seven cakes later, she was fine. Perhaps a smidgen intoxicated and more then a smidgen handsy but otherwise utterly unaffected by the poisoned meal. If Balthazar wasn't one of your graduates you might have begun to doubt his credentials.
The only good thing that came out of this waste of an evening is Locksley's unawareness as to your attempt on her life.
Unfortunately that also means the date was, from her perspective, a sign of at least the beginnings of affection and has grown rather...attached to your person.
You have begun to fear for your chastity.

Even with you as bait, Balthazar didn't manage to get Anemone to die. Even worse, she's taken the habit of grabbing your arm and sticking close to you…


AN: So you all rolled rather well here, but failed on one of the most important actions. What a pity for you. On a lighter note, you have successfully corrupted your child! Congratulations are in order! Once you teach him how not to be an idiot he should be grand at pranking people with you!

Well damn, the love sick monster is still alive and she's even more into us now that we have acknowledged her. We will need to send her on a suicide mission or something.

Holy crap those stewardship rolls! I cant believe we got a base for free! Not to mention with the influx of cash from Potion making we are going to be busy spending all this gold next turn.

Our son is adopting the way of the Troll!
I'm so proud! Proud and afraid!
Let's hope he doesn't kill or injure anyone with this knowledge.

Locksley is going to be a problem next turn, we need to kill her as soon as possible or we may have a game over on our hands.

Locksley is going to be a problem next turn, we need to kill her as soon as possible or we may have a game over on our hands.

Oh that's cute, you think she is going to wait for your turn! You guys are in for a world of hurt soon but fear not; It is a good pain.
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SocQuest Negaverse: Bravely run away! (canon: this stuff was hilarious to roll) + 96
This one I promised a while back.

For anyone whose memory needs jogging, this occurs immediately following the Horrible Angela Death Spell Failure that nukes Winchester.

EmperorKillerWhale said:
It is technically, an ordinary day. In truth, you felt it was anything but.

Today was the day Angela and the troops would be out patrolling for threats in the area. If things held true to form, a major catastrophe was likely to occur. Call it superstition, but no patrol had ever gone swimmingly, or even anything short of completely miserably chaotic/sowing the seeds for future chaos.

A thick wave of darkness washes over the hospital and you look around, startled. All around you, people begin to drop dead, collapsing without a hint of life. You hurry over to them and try to help them, but nothing comes of it. The quiet becomes suffocating, the loneliness choking you as static becomes the only sound in the dark room. You understand you're having a panic attack, but the blank stare of one of the new recruits cuts through you and doesn't help matters.

You try to regain your bearings and check outside to find everyone dead even outside, as something grabs your ankle. It gets kicked away reflexively, with you stumbling slightly, having not fully adjusted to being one-armed yet. You look down and see the newbie move, but his eyes are still vacant, and he wasn't breathing. None of this made any sense! Speaking calmly, you try to talk to him, because surely your eyes were tricking you?

Another clumsy swipe from his arm dodged allows you to check for his pulse, only to find none. His head flopped on his shoulders, and the panic cleared enough to think and recognize what was happening. The old movies saved you in that way. Then the horror began to set in as you saw others finally begin to move.

You were alone, one-armed, and unequipped in a zombie-infested hospital. Three "people" were in the small room with you. You turned to make for the exit, but a zombie on the floor grasped your leg with one of his swipes, latching on firmly. You managed to break free from his grasp but the other two were on you quickly. One of the two visibly had their skin shift, going from pale skin to a shade of grey, with its teeth elongating into wickedly sharp fangs as they bit down on your shoulder. After a painful struggle, you manage to break free and notice the speed of the zombies were remarkably slow, enough to allow for easy enough escape if you weren't cut off or surrounded. The one who bit you began to convulse and writhe on the floor, the poisonous effects of your Blank blood to magical beings finally kicking in. Why they hadn't collapsed into dust upon touching you was an unanswered question, but one that would have to wait for later.

Making your way into the medical storage, you manage to patch yourself up to stop the bleeding. You start to break down one of the beds, and after multiple attempts you succeed in retrieving an iron bar from the frame of the bed. Daubing it in some of your blood from the earlier bandages used to stop the bleeding, you strap a first aid kit to your waist and step back out into the corridors of the hallway.

There, you see nine zombies making their way towards you. At the head of the pack is one of the grey-skinned ones. Backpedaling, you try to create some distance between you and the pack so that the fastest ones would come at you one at a time, to prevent being overwhelmed by them. As expected, the grey one breaks out into a sprint as the rest shuffle along, allowing you to take a massive swing at the grey one as you predict it's assault fairly easily. With all your strength, the blow to the head causes the zombies head to explode much like a pinata, although instead of candy, white worms burst out and start spilling onto the ground. You begin stomping on each and every one of them, hoping your Blank nature would cause them enough pain to kill them if the stomp with your weight behind it wouldn't. From the ensuing shrieks from the worms, it appears you had the effect you wanted either way.

The rest of the pack makes their way closer slowly, forcing you to disengage. You make your way to the armory, senses on high alert. The primary focus being caution, you carefully scan the hallways, making sure to look up, sweep behind you, and continue forward. The eerie quiet pricks at your nerves as you reach the armory door. Taking in a deep breath, you open the door and leap out of the way of the entrance. Your caution is rewarded as a grey lunges through the doorway to where you had been, as if it had been lying in wait. They were getting smarter by the minute, laying traps and ambushes. An overhead feint into a crushing blow takes care of this one as well as you enter the armory and outfit yourself with your trusty knife, your pistol, and enough ammunition for 6 shots.

Next door is the food storage, which you peer into to find it empty of any monsters. Suspicions unallayed, you chuck a stone hard into the room. All of a sudden, the wall behind you explodes in a shower of plaster, as a muscular abomination comes through the hole, four greys and seven normals following behind him. With odds this heavy, your eyes dart around, and the only exit you find is the window. Gritting your teeth, you dash and hurl yourself through it, the lack of an arm unbalancing you as you fall out and land from relatively high up. Pain spreads through your entire body and you're fairly certain you broke your ribs again, but you made it away from the monsters who don't seem to be following you.

Limping, you make your way to the truck you had the keys too, managing to start it up with little trouble. However, the noise attracts unwanted attention in the form of four regulars and one grey, blocking the exit of the parking lot. Your face twists into a grimace as you slam the gas pedal and proceed to bowl over the four regulars under your wheels, but the grey proves more agile as it leaps up and latches onto your windshield. Instinctively, you whip out your pistol and fire at it, trying to transfer control of the steering wheel to your knees and failing at both tasks miserably. In desperation, you slam the brakes and manage to avoid impaling yourself on a lightpost. The windshield was totaled, and the grey seemed to share the same fate. The truck was still operational, and as you looked across from you it seemed you'd need to move immediately.

The crash attracted quite a few, most notable of the group being one of the big ones, and on the shoulder of the big one was one white, naked woman, with black streaks going down each side of her mouth. You realize they're the sides of her lips, as her mouth opens, and opens, and opens, until her chin reaches her collarbone, and she screams. And as the noise reverberates, you start hearing groaning and footsteps en masse.

At this point, you well and truly brutalized the gas pedal. Forget putting it to the floor, you were certain it came out to Australia. With some stressful handling, you managed to weave through some of the larger ones, crush the smaller ones, and continue to run for your life. However, the woman's scream fluctuates, causing the large ones to begin coordinating and managed to stop your truck. With no other options, you leap through the truck's roof window and fall out onto the pavement surrounded by zombies. However, the tight quarters and general chaos allow you to get away as you crawl on all fours (threes in your case), through a pack of normies until you reach the edge of the pile, where a big one manages to grip you with its arm.

You clench your teeth, refusing to stop, when a massive white form leaps over you and tears the arm holding you captive off. More howls and growls join the cacophony of chaos, as the large white Balverine that assaulted the zombie and it's pack seem content to ignore you in favor of tearing through the zombies. Slipping away, you find another car with a zombie inside, held in place by the security belt. The keys are still in the ignition, so you make your way and quietly kill the zombie with your knife, before dumping him out and taking the car to make a getaway.

The sounds of the car attract the attention of some of the zombies in the plaza as the fighting with the Balverines die down. Drawing on all of your skills despite having one arm, you manage to avoid the obstacles in the form of the zombies and the streets, miraculously not crashing as you escape.

You needed a destination, and only one came into mind for you. The Scavengers weren't particularly militarily inclined and it was unlikely they would've survived this scenario. Torchwood however, there was a chance remnants of that organization remained, and the survivors might accept another hand.

On your way there, you find a party of 1 grey, 8 normies, and an odd man wearing a white fedora come into view. As the fedora man lay dying, a priest broke onto the scene, annihilating the monsters with ease. The priest decapitates the convulsing fedora man, and turns to you.

You exhale, and feel some of your absolute despair slip away. "Thank you, I'm part of the Winchester organization and I-"

Cutting you off, the priest signals for you to move into the passenger seat, noting your lack of an arm as he slips into the driver's seat. "Torchwood, right?"

"One off. Hellsing. Unless you mean Torchwood's where we're going."

He takes a glance in the general direction of your base and raises an eyebrow. "Certainly not going to yours."

You give out a small chuckle. "I'd hope not."

The car rolls its way to the southeast, eventually stopping in front of an abandoned manor. As the car comes to a halt, a large, muscular variant of zombie comes flying out the window of the manor as a gentleman follows after it, twin guns pointed at its head and firing to make it stay dead and unmoving. He gets up from the corpse of the zombie and waves at the two of you. "Hello, nice weather we're having here." His sentence is punctuated by a normal falling out of another window. "Jack Harkness, leader of Torchwood." He extends his hand.

You take his grip into yours firmly. "Eustace Rogers, leader of Hellsing."

Harkness's grip grows tighter, as he pulls you into him and looks closely. "My, aren't you a pretty one." Letting go, he steps back and questions you, "So, why are you here?"

"Everyone at my base died. They got back up, and now, here we are." A snarl enters your throat. "I'm not about to take this shit lying down."

Harkness gives you a look that lingers for a while before he stares into your eyes. "No. No, I suppose you won't."

AN: God this was a rollercoaster from start to finish. The complete version of the Escape Sequence for ease of reading.

SocksOn said:
I felt my heart do cartwheels and backflips during this thing this is not good for my health

MMARL said:
I still can't believe the nat100 that Banshee got on reinforcements. Among, well, all the other nat100s and such.

CrimsonMöbiusStrip said:
How the fuck did we even live this lmao

Queen Mary said:
Hey, run and live is a totally valid strategy!

EmperorKillerWhale said:
Queen Mary said:
Hey, run and live is a totally valid strategy!

Managing to not be dumb and run in multiple completely hopeless situations to survive is a quest specialty it seems. Hey, it's what kept you all going!

SocksOn said:
No my newfound alcoholic dependency is what kept me going

Driller said:
Turn 5 : Autumn 1985 - Spring 1986
[X] Plan: F is for Friends who do stuff together
-[X] Lessons: Empathy
-[X] Play! Lessons are boring, and sitting in one place is annoying!
-[X] Play! Lessons are boring, and sitting in one place is annoying!
-[X] Care for Crow the raven. Sarah told him putting it under a pillow and sitting on it was a terrible idea, and the bird bit him when he tried!
-[X] Meet with people/ Spend time with: Dace
-[X] Meet with people/ Spend time with: Ava
-[X] Meet with people/ Spend time with: Andrei
-[X] Meet with people/ Spend time with: Andrei
-[X] Meet with people/ Spend time with: Andrei

November 8th, 1985: Spending time with Sarah

The weather was becoming colder, and Craidd was playing king of the castle on the top of a pile of leaves. There were lots of colors! Orange, yellow, green, he liked them all. The park was all orange, yellow and brown, the pond had ducks on it, and Sarah was sitting on a wooden bench near him, making the small fireballs floating around him dance around with her finger.

He liked the fireballs, they were warm, and they tickled him when he tried to touch them.

This moment of inattention caused him to lose his balance, however, and he slowly rolled to the ground. He spat out a leaf with an offended expression on his face and began bawling pointing at the pile.

"I don't wanna play anymore! Burn it!"

Sarah looked at him, sighing.

"If I burn it now, you won't be able to play Knight and Dragon after dinner."

Craidd stopped. That would be bad! He then looked at the fireballs wand waved his hands at them as if to bat them away.

"Don't burn it!"

Sarah laughed, before getting up, crouching in front of Craidd to get to eye level with him, and poked his nose, causing the boy to squint.

"Burning things means they're gone forever. That's why people are scared of fire, so don't use it, alright."

"What is forever?" The boy asked in confusion, having heard the word before, but not understanding it.

"A very long time." Sarah had a weird smile on her face.

"Long?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yes, even longer than when you have to wait for cake when eating."

Craidd's horrified face made her laugh.

SL with Sarah Lapierre unlocked! Craidd learned burning things was bad! + 5 common sense.

November 20th, 1985

Craidd Gwallawg was a very pretty little boy. He was also prone to sickness, a bit slow, had no magic, had a bad temper, no impulse control whatsoever and essentially didn't know how to function in a civilized society. Well, not his fault (mostly), he is two years old. A very precocious two years old little boy. Not that anyone noticed it.

Too bad. Not that he minded or cared. For you see, today was a good day!

Sure, it started with Sarah trying to teach him boring stuff, like animals not being toys and being fragile, but really, Craidd was thinking the courtyard was sunny and he'd prefer to be there instead of his bedroom.

This is when father slammed open the double door, earning himself a frown from Sarah

"Hello son, what are you doing?"

Craidd perked up immediately and jumped from the sofa.

"Sarah's telling me about animals."

"Indeed?" Dace raised an eyebrow. "Are you perhaps feeling bored?"

"Yes! She only talks about safety and stuff!" Craidd pouted, waving his arms as Dace snorted.

"I see. Then perhaps I have a remedy to your boredom. Follow me." Dace gestured, a smirk on his face as Sarah looked very annoyed.

"I apologize, but he has lessons to-"

Dace raised his hand.

"They can wait." He then lifted Craidd and carried him around the manor, in the direction of the kitchen.

"Now, Craidd, let me tell you about this thing called 'Pranks'. They are an age-old tradition of our family and teach us patience, planning, and stealth..."
60-40+35(Dace) = 55 : Failure.
Craidd didn't understand much and was caught, but seeing the cooks scream and run after the mice invaded the kitchen almost made up for when Sarah punished him and told him he wouldn't eat sweets for a month.

This punishment was too much and seeing those people running and screaming was so fun too...

Dace Gwallawg SL unlocked.

December 1st, 1985: Etiquette lesson.

Sean looked young and didn't want to be here. At least it's the impression Craidd had. Hard to tell, the man nad a scarf around his head, so he couldn't see his eyes.

In front of him, several things. A piece of cake (chestnut whipped cream in the middle, and hazelnut bits all around it, his nose informed him), a ball and a toy soldier.

The man spoke, but Craidd's eyes had already zeroed in on the sweet, his mind filled with "WANT". It was nearly time for him to eat, you see, so his stomach growled. He reached for the slice, only to have his hand batted away by the man.

Who dare he get between Craidd and his cake!

The boy felt his cheeks puff, like they always did when he was upset, and reached for the cake again, only for his hand to be pushed away again.

"When one wants something, one needs to say 'Please'. When one gets what one wants, they say 'Thank You'." The man said, sounding bored.

Craidd felt the urge to throw a tantrum rising, but on the other hand, there was cake...
80 + 55 (tutor) = 135 : Success
"Can I have the cake...please." He spat the words out, and it was painful. But then, the man nodded, so Craidd sulked. Yet, as he was about to stab the sugary confection with a spook, a hand moving blocked his.
94 + 55 (tutor) = 149: Success
"Thank.You.For.The.Cake." He said, gritting his teeth and stabbing the hand with the spoon as he thanked the man.

The teacher took back his hand and blew on it, grimacing, as the boy sulked, eating his cake. It didn't taste nearly as good as he thought it would.

Craidd learned how to say please and thank you! Though, he dislikes using them... And the teacher, too... +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +5 Presence, +5 Manipulation.

December 20th, 1985: Lessons: Empathy.

Craidd looked at the man.

He now had glasses over the scarf around his head.

"Today we will talk about empathy." The man said flatly, sitting behind his desk. The chair craidd was sitting on was uncomfortable, and it was snowing outside. Why did he have to stay inside again?

"Empathy is..." The man droned on, and Craidd remembered.

The cake thief.

Craidd hated him already.
12 + 55 (tutor) + 15 (empathy) = 82 Failure.
Craidd ignored him, and instead decided to look at the window until the man noticed he wasn't paying attention and turned Craidd's back towards him. Once... Twice... Thrice...

The boy was about to jump on the floor and scream in frustration when the hand came once again, but he had a better idea.

*Chomp *

Sarah immediately rushed in when she heard Sean's scream, to see his hand being mercilessly bitten by Craidd. It took five minutes, bribing and cajoling to get the boy to let go and there was blood everywhere. Both adults agreed to add a 'no physical contact' rule to those lessons.

The lesson was a failure, but Craidd learned how to break a hand's bones with his teeth. Yay? +5 combat

January 2nd, 1986: Meet with people/ Spend time with Andrei

For some reason, people were very, very busy, except for one, specific person. After the 'Incident' with Sean the tutor, the lessons were put on hiatus, at least until the man himself recovered. This increase of free time led Craidd to have more time to roam around, which lead to the first encounter.

The man who spoke funny was in the 'training room' lifting weights. He seemed to struggle with them a bit, which was weird because they didn't seem that easy to Craidd. He stared for a while, until the man looked at him, then at Sarah who had suddenly started to glow silver. He carefully let the weights go, put a hand on his face and groaned.

"Little more warning next time please."

Craidd ignored all of this to instead focus on the latest fascinating item he noticed. He walked towards it, idly noticing that funnyman was alone in this room. His hand reached out to the metal handle and he tried to lift it. It shook and wobbled, and was very heavy, but with a bit of effort, Craidd managed to lift it with one hand. He then turned towards Sarah, who had begun to talk with the blond, looking very proud of himself and shouting to get her attention.

"I'm better than the funny man!" He waved the heavy item around.

"That's ...great?" Sarah smiled, but her answer felt more like a question.

"Yes." Craidd nodded.

The man looked like an idiot, then laughed like an idiot, with a stupid smile as he put a hand on Sarah's shoulder.

Craidd threw the heavy item at him and was recompensed by seeing the idiot's eyes widen as he ducked out of the way. Then there was a loud noise and the door broke when the door broke. The idiot was on the floor, pointing at the hold, before looking gleefully at Craidd.

"Someone's going to get pu-nished~" He sang as he got up, and Craidd felt the urge to bite.

"Please stop encouraging him." Sarah sighed, while Idiot laughed even harder.

This was it, Craidd decided. Biting it was. He crouched, lunged, and promptly smacked his face to the wall as Idiot moved out of the way. Craidd blinked, then the pain registered and he began to cry.

"My, you're going to be a high-maintenance one, aren't you?" Idiot said with a big grin full of teeth, his voice sounding deeper than the other, stupider one, as Sarah began putting ice on Craidd's nose.

SL with Andrei Ivanov unlocked. Craidd thinks he's an idiot.

January 10th, 1986: Meet with people/ Spend time with: Dace

Craidd sneezed. That potion stunk.

He sniffed. He hated being sick.

"Here. This will help." Father gave him a fizzing drink. It was hot and bright red and bubbling. "Pepper-up. Good to fight colds."

Craidd grimaced, before Sarah smiled, helping him to drink it. It was fizzling in his mouth and oddly tasted like cherries. He also heard hissing and felt steam going out of his ears, which got a startled laugh out of him. His eyes looked for his father, but he wasn't here anymore.

Craidd felt his lips turn downwards.

"Come on little man, we have to tell the cook how to make your cake!" Sarah lifted him, carrying him with her. The promise of cake helped put his unhappiness out of his mind.

Dace is busy with something that involves him brewing large batches of potions. Better luck next time.

January 27th, 1986: Play! Lessons are boring, and sitting in one place is annoying!

Craidd was playing in the park with Sarah when a maid came running. The then tripped over a branch and fell face first in the snow. As she got up, she pointed at the half-veela.

"M-M-M-Miss Ava said to fetch you! It's urgent!" The woman stuttered.

Sarah frowned and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but it will have to wa-"
"It is urgent." The maid's voice began to echo and her eyes shone with silvery light, her white braid swaying slightly under the breeze.

The half-veela's body went slack before she nodded and went away without a word. The woman looked down at craidd and smiled slightly, before a man appeared.

He was the oddest man he ever saw, with brown skin, white hair, black drawings on his arms, he even had braids like a girl too! There was a cap on his head, that stuck out because it looked like it didn't fit here, with Black letters on it. Sarah told him what they were. "C", "P" and "S".

Yet, Craidd, instead of laughing at him, felt as if he very much didn't want to be here. He took an instinctive step back.

"Fear me not, child."

A bright red gaze over black pinned him down and he felt judged by this stranger.

Then, after a minute or so of silence, the man hmphed.

"No, not now. Perhaps not ever either." He uncrossed his arms and reached for the small boy, touching his head.

Something sizzled, like water on hot oil, and a black tendril withered and died as he did. Craidd felt as if his mind had been squeezed for a long time and was suddenly released. He could breathe easier and felt a strange tingling in the air.

The man let go, remnants of the black worm turning into smoke between his fingers. His face still had no expression, and the white-haired lady behind him whispered something that the boy couldn't hear. The stranger spoke again, putting a finger on Craidd's chest, on his top left side.

"Change is not as hard as one may surmise, as long as this change is one that is wished for from the bottom of one's heart. "

For some reason, Craidd couldn't breathe now, as both man and woman disappeared as if they were dust in the wind. He was feeling a bit dizzy and sat down to the ground, where Sarah would eventually find him, crying in confusion.

MP Used for: Trait adding/Removal!
Traits removed: Dull, Frail, Iron-Blooded, Curse of Dionysus, Strong Allure.
Trait added: Kind (virtue)

February 3rd, 1986: Care for Crow the raven. Sarah told him putting it under a pillow and sitting on it was a terrible idea, and the bird bit him when he tried!

Craidd has been feeling ...fluffy... Ever since he met the strange man. He didn't even feel the need to bite people, and people started to talk to him and praise him!

Sarah told him people liked it when he was nice, which was weird, because before, even when he was, people avoided him. Sarah said it's because he was sick, which made him frown. This was so not nice!

He was a bit upset about it.

Okay, he was very upset about it. So much he stayed in his room for days. Though, now that he could go out more freely, this bedroom of his felt so small...

A chirp attracted his attention. Crow was on his nest, looking as ugly as ever, without feathers and unable to fly, but still, it was oddly fascinating to watch it. So Craidd watched, and watched, as the bird chirped, and wriggled around.

There was something oddly... endearing? -He thinks this is the word- to see something so... fragile move around.

Sarah told him not to touch it though because it's so fragile. Which is a bit boring.
90+10 (common sense) = 100 : Tier 8 success.
But from what he heard, all babies are like that, even him. He needed to give Crow time to grow up before he could play with it.

Craidd nodded to himself, feeling proud of his deduction.

February 20th, 1986: Play! Lessons are boring, and sitting in one place is annoying! + Meet with people/ Spend time with Andrei

Staring at his pet is entertaining, but Craidd needed to move! Sitting around was boring! Which is why he was running around in the park with a stick and chasing a miniature fire dragon Sarah made him.

Then, he tripped, roll around and landed on his face. And heard a familiar, annoying laugh.

Craidd scowled. Fluffy or not, he would not be taken so lightly! Besides, it's the Idiot, not a person! Biting him is fair game!

Except he tripped over his feet, hit a tree and almost fell into the pond while chasing the Idiot.

Why couldn't he just wait to receive his punishment?!

As he lay down out of breath on the ground, Idiot sat down next to him.

"You're doing it wrong, if you attack head first, your body follows, it's easy to dodge. I mean, you have good reflexes and strength, but you cannot plan."

Craidd glared at him, causing the man's stupid grin to grow larger as he got up.

"Now, let me tell you about this little thing called tactics."

"Like chess?" Craidd remembered Funny Eyepatch mention that? The blond man waved his hand in disgust.

"Bah, Chess is too rigid for reality, you're better off learning with real examples. Or video games...Hm, now that I think about it Gregory said about a new one coming out recently..." He blinked, remembering Craidd was here. "Nevermind that, here's what we are going to do..."
95 + 5 (Andrei) + 25 (strategy) = 125 Tier 5 success
The Idiot had Craidd play a game he didn't understand at first, but after a while, he managed to see a 'pattern' in The Idiot's choices, and he even won one! Andrei looked like he ate a lemon at that, which made victory even sweeter! Like cake.

Now he was feeling hungry.

+2 RP with Andrei, Andrei Ivanov SL Rank up! Craidd takes an interest in strategy and reflex games (mostly so he can humiliate Andrei).

March 5th, 1986: Meet with people/ Spend time with: Ava

Ava was busy. She was writing a lot and counting.
Perception roll: 97 + 5 (perception) = 102 : T8 Success
It was all pretty boring until Craidd noticed something. With her other hand, she was playing with a gold coin. It reflected the light over the walls and soon enough, Craidd was too distracted by the spot of light moving along the wall to do anything else.

He spent his time following the spot as it jumped on the ceiling, the wooden walls, the bejeweled vase near the window that had cracks on it, the heavy desk Ava was working on, the drapes around the window that were swaying slightly in the breeze and even her hair, that now had grown back to her chin.

Then, the spot stopped and disappeared. He turned from the vase to Ava who looked at him with an amused expression, eerily reminiscent to The Idiot, but that wasn't possible, because Ava was Ava!

"Sorry for taking so long, what did you want from me?"

"Sarah made a cake and said it would be nice to give you some!" Craidd answered very seriously, as cake was very serious business. Ava made a noise as she nodded.

"Indeed, the cake is very important."

He had a feeling he missed something, but, well, cake!

Ava and Craidd ate a cake together, bonding over their like of the sugary confection.

Ava Lloyd SL unlocked!

April 10th, 1986: Meet with people/ Spend time with Andrei

The target was here. The movements have been studied. The pattern made. Behind the bush, Craidd looked at his unsuspecting victim.

Something rustled on his right. Underneath the leaves was a squirrel. He patted it and it went on its merry way, but the target disappeared.

He squealed in surprise when a heavy hand put itself on his shoulder and The Idiot looked down at him as he was crouching.

"So, what's this I hear about an ambush?"

Th-That stupid griiiiiin!

The man laughed and swatted away his attempts to tackle or bite him.
91 + 80 (combat) + 15 (Andrei) = 186 : T2 Success.
"Don't go head first." A par on the head as he jumped. " Don't tuck in your thumb, it'll break." His wrist was caught and his thumb pulled out of his fist. "Don't lunge, you'll just trip and fall on your face again." Craidd did just that.

All in all, the ambush was a complete, humiliating failure. Craidd leaned from it, but his pride was hurt.

He'd get his revenge, he swore, looking at The Idiot as he laughed at something Sarah said.

+2 RP with Andrei Ivanov.

June 21st, 1986

After yet another etiquette lesson, Sarah came in with a paper and began a hushed conversation with Sean. She grimaced and made a gesture, but the teaching man shook his head.

"He deserves to know."

"That's a low blow." She hissed at him. She was... Angry?" He shouldn't be exposed to that yet!"

"That is not for you to decide, I'm afraid the choice was already made by the man himself. Now, all we can do is ensure he won't find out from the servants." The man readjusted his glasses then turned his head towards Craidd. "Your father remarried to the daughter of a foreign merchant. They are currently living together and are expecting children. Triplets, from what the doctor says."

The boy blinked.

"Huh?" Was his eloquent answer. The man was going to continue when Sarah stomped on his foot, making him howl in pain, before bodily throwing him out of the room, causing Craidd to giggle a bit when she muttered about letting the wrong people around children and that Ava would hear of it.

But then, he started thinking.
96 + (common sense) = T8 success!
81 + 15 (empathy) + 55 (tutor) = 151 T8 Success!

Father didn't spend time with people he didn't like. He spent time with the woman. That meant he liked her. And they are going to have children too. Other kids like him.

A hole opened in his stomach and he felt his eyes redden.

Father wasn't here with him. Did... Did that mean...
32 + (empathy) = failure
Did that mean Father didn't want him anymore?

Craidd began to wail while Sarah did her best to try and calm him down, but he didn't want her! He didn't want any of them!


He wanted his mommy...

Realizing he didn't have one only made him cry harder.

It took Sarah hours to calm him down, and even then, he categorically refused to let her out of his sight, as he would either have a panic attack or throw a tantrum if she did. He now spent most of his time carried on her hip, face tucked on her chest.

He liked Sarah, she was warm.
Stay with me... Please?
As for... Him.

[] Like Sarah said: Fuck him (whatever that means)(she said it means you won't care anymore, but you shouldn't say it out loud): Craidd will try to grow up in a manner opposite to Dace. SL with Dace Gwallawg Lost. (Boost to learning Diplomacy, Stewardship, Mysticism)
[] He will like him again if Craidd is a good boy, right? Craidd will try to grow up emulating Dace.
(Boost to learning Intrigue, Learning, Willpower)

Caretaker: +8 RP with Sarah Lapierre.

Little Gremlin is learning to not be a gremlin anymore! Now comes with an in-built weakness to laser pointers!

Aaaand now I feel bad for the gremlin. Darn it, Daddy issues are the word of the day, aren't they?

Edit: 48 hours votes~
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VoldemortQuest 2: Are You A Bad Enough Dude to be the President? (gonna be nice and canon) +168
Voldemort Quest 2 Are You A Bad Enough Dude to be the President?

KingBasilisk said:
A/N: I know you guys are still a little upset by the sudden death, zombification, and magic meteor to the everything but I have good news! This quest isn't over just yet and to show this let's bring back a familiar face while I write up the next turn.

You are President Voldemort of the Winter Republic and inevitable ruler of the world. You used to call yourself Lord Voldemort, the rightful heir of Slytherin and inevitable ruler of the British Isles but things happened and you found it honestly a little tacky to be called lord while being the president of what is technically a republic.

But enough about you or else you'll be here all day. Cause suddenly the British Isles have returned to the world despite disappearing in a puff of light years ago. Naturally being a concerned citizen and world leader you immediately sent agents to find out what the hell happened probably gods you're willing to bet.

The first thing your agents noticed was that it seemed that time had turned back in the Isles with them being under the impression that the rest of the world was consumed by darkness, obviously an illusion of some sort. This time warp also seems to have come with younger versions of you and other important players had been up and about doing things you distinctly don't remember such as Dumbledore becoming King of Ireland. Which despite everything else might just be the weirdest thing about this entire thing. At least that's what you thought before your agents started finding discrepancies between our version of Britian and this new unknown one.

The main difference seems to be that in the very distant past there existed an ancient and magical kingdom called Albion that several pureblood families claimed to be descended from. The Blacks in particular have a legendary bloodline dating back to royalty and heroes alike. To be honest it sounds like propaganda to make Wales more important than it already though that power of Will thing sounds interesting.

Another minor difference was the existence of the Longbottoms who somehow managed to survive despite their insane deathwish. In fact, it's kind of insulting that the Longbottoms have survived longer than your own counterpart in the Isles. Seriously how pathetic can a version of you be if he died before the Longbotttoms of all people when 'vacationing' in their lands? And that's not even going into some of the notes your agents got from his base (which itself appeared to have already been ransacked by his 'loyal' followers). Like seriously Death Eateries was that supposed to be a joke? At the very least Bulstrode has been shown to be competent and has gathered the more sane of Failmort's former followers and if he's anything like the one you know you can see the two of you getting along.

The last major thing of note that your agents brought to your attention besides the Undead Tower in southern England (which honestly deserves an entire night to think about on its own) was a letter addressed to you. Well not you you but other you not that it matters since he's dead and the letter is unopened. The letter was from little Dace and so was likely another insult filled rant aimed at someone not technically you was just perfect for reading before retiring for the evening. Then you started to really reading the letter and realized this wasn't what you were expecting.

Dace Gwallawg said:
Dear Terrorist,
I apologize for the sudden letter but time is of the essence. I will not insult you by assuming you do not already know about my recently kidnapped son given the numerous letters I have already sent to others asking for assistance in retrieving him. I will also not ask for your assistance in this since I assume you have better things to do with your obviously valuable time than help chase after a 'mere' kidnapper at the words of desperate father. So instead I'll graciously give some information for you do as you wish with it.

The first thing of note is the identity of the kidnapper, which I am sure will interest you given your obsession with the Founders of Hogwarts, Helga Hufflepuff. I am sure I do not need to go into too much detail of how Jack of Blades attacked and corrupted both Helga Hufflepuff and Godric Gryffindor to form the basis of the Void Court of Hearts as Queen and Knight respectively. They thankfully aren't as much of a threat as they could be due to running into a prepared Nicholas Flamel's workshop but recent events might have changed that. Since very recently I came upon information about another of the Founders, Rowena Ravenclaw. Unfortunately I wasn;t the only one to learn of her location, Hogwarts as Headmistress Mcgonagall, so too had Godric and Helga. Though Rowena put up a valiant fight she was nonetheless soundly beaten and then came the true horror. For I saw with my own eyes Helga Hufflepuff take her famous and golden Cup filled with what could only be pure Void the bubbled and glistened like tar and force it down her previous friends throat all the while cooing about how good it would be to be together again. And then in what felt was no time at all where once Rowena Ravenclaw stood now was but a Void puppet wearing her face but nonetheless pass for the person she was even if underneath there was only Void. Now three of the Founders are together again with all of their knowledge, power, secrets, and treasures aimed at conquering all for the Void they love so much.

Some other information that might interest you is that the Court of Hearts via Hufflepuff have a Nature Anchor set up in the Isles of Mann. Both Godric and Helga had their famous artifacts, sword and cup respectively. Hearts as a whole is looking for Salazar Slytherin, your supposed ancestor, to 'complete' the set as it were. Once again I'm just giving you information for you do with as you will with though I obviously wouldn't mind you setting some minions upon Heart after I so kindly told you where their base was or maybe preparing for the Court of Clubs, Camelot, whenever they wake up since I'm still unsure of their relationship to the rest of Void.
With regards,
Dace Gwallawg

You have a lot of thoughts after finishing this letter ranging from the Founders are still alive and evil to what the hell is this Void thing cause it sounds dangerous. Unfortunately you doubt you're easily be able to find more about this without investigating significantly more resources even if you had all your other self's notes on the subjects. Since if you're inpreting this letter correctly Dace knows or at least thinks that this other Voldemort didn't know anything about the Founders still being alive since Dace only goes "I know you know' when he feels that the other side is a moron that he wants to rub his 'superior' knowledge on. Though speaking of Dace he showed a wide degree of information and quite freely it seems. The kidnapping of his son must had severely raddled him to panic this much. Cause you can obviously this entire letter is nothing more than bait for this parallel you from revealing info he believed was unknown to other you as well as implying that his horcruxes were in severe danger by repeatedly mentioning the Founder's treasures in hopes of causing Lord Voldemor to panic. Though you can't say for certain you hope your other version of yourself would never fall to such childish tricks but you can't say for sure since the thought of something so vile and corrupting already have one part of your soul and maybe even more sends chills down your back. Thank god you don't use those anymore.

The last thing you have to note about this that there are apparently two more Void organizations or at least entries Jack of Blades and The Court of Clubs. The former seems to be a lone entity but given that he corrupted two of the founders means he either has help, is very competent, mysteriously strong or worst of all, some combination of the three. Judging by the card theme of the other Void groups it is possible that this Jack of Blades (any relationship to this univere's version of Jack the Ripper?) is part of a Court of Spades or more accurately Blades. The other group, this 'Club', if anything seems even more dangerous going by Dace calling it Camelot. For that can only mean one thing: the Court of King Arthur are alive, corrupted, and sleeping. There is a reason why the legend of the Knights of the Round Table echoes throughout history and it's not them being pushovers.

Ahhh. You sigh deeply this is the exact opposite of what you wanted from this letter. You wanted something calming and relaxing like picturing Dace getting worked up over a minor slight from one of your minions and then crying when you tell him to suck it up. Now you have to worry about how if Britain is home to another bunch of horrors that might end the world since the very concept of Void just makes everything more annoying for how little you know about them. Like can they just instantly corrupt everyone they meet or only one at a time? Rowena's fate suggests the later but she's a hero by any term and so shouldn't be grouped in with the common masses. Oh god have some of your agents got 'infected'? Would you even be able to tell? AHHHHHH! You'll have to warn and keep an eye on your handlers to make sure nobody tries to pass anything up. Dammit Dace! You're going to be up all night because of this. You should send his kid, if he still has it (he seems to have a habit of losing them), some obnoxiously loud Russian bodybuilding videos or something since you're sure Dace will hate it.

A/N: Another Author's Note? Wow you guys sure are lucky today! Anyways once again thanks for sticking around even through all the troubles. I'll try to have the next interlude done soon which will go over the Babel event since that's all rolled for already and it, along with this update, should hopefully provide closure to Volde Quest 2 since we're not going to as focused on Britain anymore.

NaughtyBoyo79 said:
Wow I didn't expect this to update again. Let's go over the update with a fine tooth comb in celebration!

KingBasilisk said:
A/N: I know you guys are still a little upset by the sudden death, zombification, and magic meteor to the everything but I have good news! This quest isn't over just yet and to show this let's bring back a familiar face while I write up the next turn.

Yeah I think I speak for all of us (except SockOdor) in that we're all still a little salty at that turn of events but we're still interested in following your story. As for familiar faces I can only wonder who it is. Is it one of our subordinates succeeding us or are we going to play another faction? I can't wait to find out!

KingBasilisk said:
You are President Voldemort of the Winter Republic and inevitable ruler of the world…….
…... At least that's what you thought before your agents started finding discrepancies between our version of Britian and this new unknown one.
I'll start this off with a great big WAHT! What the hell! HOW! WHY?

Okay I've calmed down a little so let's start with initial reactions before going back to the WAHT! Part. Oh we're playing President Elect (and it wasn't rigged at all I swear! :\/) Volde again sweet I was always a little sad we decided to start a new quest instead of continuing to play him at the end of last thread. Glad to see he's as charming as ever. Did any time past from when we played him I wonder? Also things happened is a great way to explain how got off the British Isles.

Wait what Britain is back? When did it leave? At least Volde is on top of the ball on getting info quickly. Wait "rest of the world consumed by darkness", "Younger versions of you" "Fumblemore King of Ireland"? NOOO. Don't tell me this is V2 Britain? BASSSSAAAAAA! Also sidenote completely agree with Volde that Dumbles' becoming King of Ireland was super weird.
KingBasilisk said:
The main difference seems to be that in the very distant past there existed an ancient and magical kingdom called Albion that several pureblood families claimed to be descended from…..
…...Like seriously Death Eateries was that supposed to be a joke? At the very least Bulstrode has been shown to be competent and has gathered the more sane of Failmort's former followers and if he's anything like the one you know you can see the two of you getting along.
Yeah that sounds like Fable land and lol at that potshot at Wales. Also good to see that New!Old!(Eternal?) Volde learned about Will quickly since iirc we needed to spend some actions to do that in V2 and Will sounds like a useful thing for our MC.

Next harsh dude like I get it we kind of died like scrubs but Failmort is a bit much, isn't it? Al;o RIP Death Eateries it died as it lived sounding stupid and being a dumb joke. Finally good to see Bulstrode survived okay hopefully he won't need too much arm twisting and actions to join the glorious Motherland.

KingBasilisk said:
The last major thing of note that your agents brought to your attention besides the Undead Tower in southern England (which honestly deserves an entire night to think about on its own) was a letter addressed to you. …………
………...Then you started to really reading the letter and realized this wasn't what you were expecting.
Yeah mysterious Undead Tower that iirc was part of us dying and resurrecting since who knew Horocruxes were vulnerable to Death Magic! I would think think Volde would go into that a bit more since it seemed like a pretty big deal from the little amount of time it controlled us. (A/N Spoiler: The tower is getting its own update) Ahhh. Dacey Wacey sent us a letter that we never got to see cause we were on vacation and died… I make myself sad sometimes. Also lol at Volde's thoughts on the letter.

(I'm not going to be quoting the entire fucking letter since that's actual work)

Ha Dace had another kid and lost it again. He should really know better by this point. Also Dear Terrorist is still hilarious to this day. So Dace wants help for finding his son but also isn't asking for help? I-is this the fabled Tsundere!?!

"The kidnapper was Helga Hufflepuff" Wait What?! Why is Helga still alive? Actually is she alive is she actually undead? Jack got Helga AND Godric? Shit and he corrupted them both that's scary. Wait Void Court of Hearts? I thought there was only Blades and Jack did corrupt them right? Dammit Dace go more into details. Wait they walked into a prepared mages home and didn't expect to get wrecked? Don't they know those types prepared Explosive Runes that morning, the morning before that, and all the ones before even that? Ravenclaw is also still alive? What next is Sal also out and about? If that's the case why hasn't he ever sent Christmas gifts to his favorite (since we're the only one) descendent? Huh Mcgonagall was Rowena Ravenclaw. I thought she was a Grifindor in canon but I guess she was secretly one of the Founders all along. Would explain the weird age issues. And she's also corrupted, great, by Helga's cup aka one of Horcruxes, even greater no sarcasm here. Man I can't believe we never learned this in V2 since that's like a quarter of our Horocruxes destroyed or worse (probably worse because Ewww Void) cause there's no way Rowena didn't know about her Diadem. Dace has a way with words describing Void like that ick I feel gross just thinking about it. Yeah ¾ founders evil and insane is pretty fucking bad.

And they have a Nature Anchor too? Set up in the Isle Mann for some reason I'm not surprised that place is like evil villain lair 101. Ah the Gryffindor Sword probably drank some of that void juice which is probably way worse than Basilisk venom. So Grandpa Sal IS still alive? And Uncorrupted? Man if we had this letter our game plan would probably had changed significantly since iirc we thought we only needed to deal with Jack so we were going to Jack Scythe and the Black's secret weapon to deal with him while also securing our base. But with another Void Court… hold this thought. There's also a Clubs? And it's Camelot aka King Arthur's town? Fuck Void was a lot more powerful than I thought. Thankfully they're still sleeping. They are still sleeping right?

KingBasilisk said:
You have a lot of thoughts after finishing this letter ranging from the Founders are still alive and evil to what the hell is this Void thing cause it sounds dangerous. …...
……….Dammit Dace! You're going to be up all night because of this. You should send his kid, if he still has it (he seems to have a habit of losing them), some obnoxiously loud Russian bodybuilding videos or something since you're sure Dace will hate it.

Good to see Volde Prime echos a lot of my thoughts and once again ouch both Dace and Volde are harsh on us. Wow I totally didn't see all the bait. I didn't even think Dace knew about us having Horcruxes though that could be me misremembering something. Man we should had just gotten rid of the Horcruxes they were more trouble than they were worth.

Good to see Volde Numero Uno is appropriately wary of Jack and Camelot. Also Card theme? Does that mean there's a 4th (4!) Court of Void for Diamonds?

I know the feeling Volde I know it all too well. I too wish to tell Dace to suck it up like a proper big brother to their snot nosed siblings. Void is a nightmare maybe even literally. Good on Volde for quickly realizing that some of his agents might already be turned this why he's paid the big bucks. We should send the kid a "How to not get kidnapped for Dummies" instead since Dace just can't hold onto them long enough to get annoyed.

KingBasilisk said:
A/N: Another Author's Note? Wow you guys sure are lucky today! Anyways once again thanks for sticking around even through all the troubles. I'll try to have the next interlude done soon which will go over the Babel event since that's all rolled for already and it, along with this update, should hopefully provide closure to Volde Quest 2 since we're not going to as focused on Britain anymore.

Almost done hoooray! Anyways you're welcome Basa looking forward to Babel given how much the NPCs have hyped it up. As for closesure I'm so certain you succeeded but it's nice to look back at it before returning to President Winter.

Mr.Everywhere said:
Holy shit! That's a lot information. Also is anyone else worried about Dace being corrupted since he said he saw Rowena get corrupted himself and I don't think he's quite enough of a meme to hide from three of the Founders

RedHelix said:
Not really Every since Dace could had been exaggerated for effect or cheated by using scrying or a telescope. Or maybe he really is just that good. Doesn't really matter since there's no way a Void! Dace would give this much info about his faction given what we know of how it works.

KingBasilisk said:
Yeah sorry for misleading you guys a little but I had to in order to keep the integrity of the game since due to certain events in Britain a 'time reset' was going to happen but I couldn't just tell you it was still going to be in the same world no matter what. I really wish things had gone that you guys had survived long enough for the barrier to 'naturally' fall instead of how it just did

Ufufuk said:
Yeah blame Sock instead he's the one who killed us. Well rekill us since we were kind of a zombie. But that doesn't change anything because I was looking forward to playing as a Death hero

SockOdor said:
I said I was sorry already what more do you want?

Azumarill said:

SockOdor said:

A/N: Here's my omake I was working on for literally forever hopefully it isn't shit. @LordPenguin the according to my word calculator I have 3,540 words though that's including some of the formatting stuff. Anyways thanks for everyone's encouragement and helping me go PLUS! ULTRA! For Apexman.
HellsingQuest: The end Part 1 (canon) +48
Part 1.

Short Reminder: PawnLelouch = Starley

SocksOn said:
Morbus, Hour 2

The recovery from that splitting pain in your head was slow, but you managed to get back onto your feet with enough steadiness to not need to rely on the wall eventually. Kiyohime sits off to the side, quiet as the contraption of a tower bring you all closer to the top, inch by inch.
Perception rolls passed. Starley's seeming very shaken after the previous revelations.
You slowly make your way to her, sitting yourself down and cracking a few jokes, letting the time pass by. A glance at her, and a strange urge comes over you, as you bring your hand up and ruffle her hair. At that, you see a glimpse of a reaction from her, but it quickly sinks back under her blank expression.
You don't trust her, much at all. Time to prepare some plans in case things go awry.
Meanwhile, Starley is fashioning a bow for herself using the bones lying around, and you proceed to try the same with a piece of armor. The outcome for both of you isn't as great as you'd like due to the materials, and being cut off from magic in your case, but perhaps they'll be enough. You pray that it'll be good enough.
Excalibur transferred to Kiyohime. One "Just In Case" card now in reserve.
Starley tries to approach Kiyohime and speak with her, but surprisingly, Kiyo rebuffs her attempts frostily. More than the usual quiet, she seems to actively give the cold shoulder.
Let's hope Starley isn't as foolish as we think.

Kiyo SL unlocked!
Gained: Bone Armor

Morbus, Hour 3

As you finish gearing up, a disturbance from down below catches your attention. With the tower having transformed into a spiral form, the interior is a gaping hole that leads to the lower floors, as the stairs stick to the walls and bring you up as a conveyor belt would. Far below, the two giants continue to clash, with small forms slipping through them. From the center, you spot several Valkyries making their way upward, with Odin leading the charge atop a pegasus.

The skeletal man grins as he shoots beams at the flying targets, causing the pegasi to crash unceremoniously. "No one passes." Odin's fury is palpable, as he lands on the stairs and approaches the skeleton that had been blocking your path the entire time. Behind the meddler, massive motes of light began coalescing within the maws of bone skulls, as one eye blazed a dangerous blue. From the other side, an ice tempest gathered, complete with flying spikes, as an eight legged horse appeared from a portal besides Odin.

The skeleton man has turned his back on you, and waves two fingers at you to all pass, hand hidden from Odin behind his back. "Honorable dueling is one on one." The grin on his face stays plastered there as Odin mounts Sleipnir, a flaming sword corroding the world around it in his hands.

"We meet again, Fallen One."

"Hey pops." The irreverent grin turns into a shit-eating smile. "Still angry about Baldr?"

"You will die," Odin hissed.

"Nawh, you're too dumb to get me. You getting the mantle was a fluke to begin with."

With the attention of Odin solely on Loki, and with him granting you passage, you decide not to waste the opportunity and begin rapidly ascending the tower, the sounds of battle behind you.

Morbus, Hour 7

With a mad dash, you finally manage to make it to the topmost floor. The stairs are pushing your group to the grinding, gnashing contraption, but thanks to Aimee informing you ahead of time, you're aware of how to access the final floor safely. A skull at the door is pushed in, causing the doors to swing open, black gunk of some sort splashing down onto the floor near you as it opens. Taking caution and advising everyone else to do the same, you carefully navigate the floor and away from the unknown liquid with a consistency similar to what seems like molten steel.

In the dimly lit room, a giant tree of flesh stands before you with a spear embedded in its trunk, bringing to mind stories of similar swords in such positions. At the far end of the room, three red stone statues have their hands raised around a semi-transparent pod, containing a humanoid creature of bone and flesh. Patches of skin begin to grow on it, as the floor pulsates. This would be Diomedes then, holder of the 8th crown and formerly Voldemort who Aimee had been using some of the energy of Babel in order to repair and revive. Light travels towards the pod, and you realize you can speed up the recovery through adding in raw mana. Distant noises of battle come from the hallway, but it sounds muffled, as though your ears are covered.

You move to revive Diomedes-

And collapse. A knife is pulled out from your back, and you see with burning fury in your eyes, White Hat standing right behind you. Starley does a quick turn and fires at the barely-human form of Diomedes, instantly killing the recovering body.

You feel your vision fade, as the pain burns through your body and things begin to go dark…

AN: Part 2 soon, with a POV change.

Queen Mary said:

Driller said:

MMARL said:
Actually I'm more shocked it took Mary this long to actually betray us.

CrimsonMöbiusStrip said:
Mary I've always called you a dumbass bitch and an utter disappointment but you seriously have outdone yourself this time.

EmperorKillerWhale said:
Heh. Nice invisitext.

SocksOn said:
EmperorKillerWhale said:
Heh. Nice invisitext.

Shhhh, whale. ;)

Queen Mary said:
Wait, invisitext?


Uh oh.
LifeQuest (better than Dumbledore) (canon) +156
And here's the beginning of a Hero rising again from the ashes.

Warwick Turn Four

LadyPolarBear said:
Dawn rises on a new day, a new year, over Warwick. Ah, some of the people you took in took to calling it Haven too, right. But it would forever be Warwick to you, for it was the place you were raised, the lands of Longbottom Manor.

Your name is Frank Longbottom, and you are still grieving your wife. A gaping hole is left forever in your heart, and still feels as fresh as it was when she was taken from you by Jack of Blades, defending your only son Neville. Your mother Augusta would smack you for wallowing in your grief for so long, but she, too, has been taken from you, albeit only in spirit. While you were not as close to her as you used to be, it still pains you when you visit her room and see her laying in her coma.

At the very least, you have your son Neville. You've left him without a parent for far too long, but it's been far past time to spend time with him proper. He is yours and Alice's legacy, and not only would you do him a disservice by not raising him, but your wife and mother too.

A critical eye surveys your hometown. It had long been a small time, just enough to service the needs of your family and the villagers, but that had to change. It had only a small guardhouse for protection, and only some fields to provide sustenance and medicine, although a basic hospital did exist to provide some general healthcare. ...and there was the greenhouse as well. Alice had loved the flowers oh so much, and you fondly remember learning the entire Victorian language of flowers to woo her. But now, it also served to provide certain ingredients for medical concoctions and potions as well. Times had changed, but you would strive to change with them the best you could.

You would need troops, you would need food, you would need defenses and so much more to defend the people under your protection. It seems like a nearly impossible task to accomplish in so little time and with so little funds, but it mattered not. Because although evil thrived when good men did nothing, when good men worked together evil could do naught but cower.

And so it would be done, because you are Frank Longbottom. A son, a husband, a father, a knight… and a Hero.

It's time to get to work.

[Event Activation!]

You awake one morning to see a golden cube laying upon your chest. Hesitantly, you bring your hand up to touch it. And then, in a burst of light, you begin to see visions of life.

You can see brilliant light, miraculous healing, you can see health and growth and so much more. Images begin flashing before your eyes. Of the most feeble weakling becoming the strongest of the mighty. Of noble soldiers riding upon Gryffins, which did appeal to the Gryffindor deep within you. And finally, you see glorious, winged people, angels, for who else could they be, wielding swords blazing with holy flame to banish the evil that lay everywhere.

This cube, this Life Anchor, offers you this power. However, it also warns you of the cost. To take up your sword for the sake of all, and to forever combat the evil that was the Void, the corruptor and despoiler.

Given this choice, you…

[X] Accept the Life Anchor. You had already known you would sacrifice much when you swore your oath as an Auror. To defend the innocent, to protect the people from the Dark. And yours… yours is a line of Heroes. Of the Hero of Oakvale, and countless more. What was another oath, to do what you had been doing for years, of what thrummed within your blood?

And oh, to forever combat Void, oh, how could you not? When one of their chief agents, the Jack of Blades had taken your wife and mother from you? What loss would that be.

And so, you accept Life.

[Option to Install x1 Life Anchor Unlocked!]

Funds: 190,000 Galleons


Your councilor here is Horace Slughorn, your old Potions professor from Hogwarts. Although happiest safe in a laboratory or networking with friends old and new, he knows the stakes. He has stepped up to the task of helping you in matters of Diplomacy, which you are most grateful for. While the Slug Club has been dissolved, he still has a web of connections throughout Britain he can still get in contact with some effort, and his life of wining and dining serve you well now.

[Needed: Diplomacy 25: Success! Gained a Second Diplomacy Action!]

Actions Available: 2 + 1 (Slughorn)

[X] Mingle With The Populace: The masses need to see the faces of their leaders every so often. While it doesn't really have the same effect of a Heroic Speech or anything like that, just visibly being there for your subjects grants an invigorating effect as they become happier with the knowledge that their leaders care enough about them to actually spend time with them!
Reward: Populace Gains 4 Happiness for 4 Turns
Cost: 1 Action
(Taken x3 Times)

68 + 90 (Presence): 158: Success!
81 + 90 (Presence): 171: Success!
96 + 90 (Presence): 186: Success!

To put it simply, people are scared. After so much chaos and destruction, it was inevitable for people to think it was the end times, which is certainly not helped by the influx of refugees, from all walks of life, magical and non-magical. And while you knew that a speech or two would inflame their hearts and prepare them for the times to come, they didn't need that yet. They needed a clap on the shoulder, a friendly face, and all the commonalities of normalcy. People needed you to be there for them, and so instead of looking outwards for negotiations, you work together with Horace on a public relations campaign.

And it worked beyond you two's wildest dreams. There isn't just a spark of life, a bonfire is lit within the hearts of your subjects. No longer do they sit or lie around, despairing in the cruelties of the world. Instead, they have hope. They go to work, not just out of routine, but to actually strive for a better tomorrow. Together, your people have become so much stronger, and you couldn't be happier about that fact.

And at the end of the year, a strong and talented young man approaches you for employment.

Happiness Increased by 12 for 4 Turns! People are ecstatic under your leadership, and are beginning to wake up from their lethargy!

Diplomacy Hero Unit: Julian Dukas Gained!


Your councilor in the matters of combat and war is an old colleague of yours, Kingsley Shacklebolt. He's moved some of his family over here, and his sister Whisper takes care of your son. While blunt, unsubtle, and not exactly a genius in matters of science and magic, he knows how to fight with the best of them, as his long career as an Auror proves. Hardly a better man could be your advisor on these matters, and you feel more confident knowing he has your back.

[Needed: Martial 25: Success! Second Martial Action Gained!]

Actions Available: 2 + 1 (Shacklebolt)

[Military Actions Locked Until Army Made]

[X] Construct Peasant Dwellings
-50k Galleons
+20 Peasants per turn
200 Peasants Available to Recruit for 200 Galleons Per Unit

[X] Recruit 50 Peasants
-10k Galleons

[Unit: Peasants Unlocked! While very weak in combat, Peasants have a unique ability, Taxpayer! They give you 365 Galleons every turn per Peasant!]


Your councilor here is unfortunately your uncle Algernon. You've despised him ever since he suggested that you should test your son on being a Squib the "Old Fashioned Way," which included risking his life by doing things like dangling him out a window. However, he is the only person you have on hand that can decipher your mother's notes, so you need him to help you keep Warwick running. Although you can barely stomach him, you'll do your best to maintain at least a professional relationship with him. Too many lives depend on it to do otherwise.

1 + 1 (Algernon) Actions Available!

[X] Build A Farm:
Many villagers are experienced in agriculture, and so you are capable of opening farms. With the inevitable tide of refugees, the amount of food that another farm can produce will be invaluable.
Reward: ++ Food, + Happiness, +Econ, +10,000 Galleons Per Turn
Cost: 1 Action, 40,000 Galleons


As you see the harvests come in for the year, your heart settles somewhat knowing that at the very least, your people will not starve, and will have enough food in the times to come. You knew well enough that an army marches on your stomach, and the same principle applied here. With food on hand, those who feared a hungry winter have had their worries assuaged.

2 Food Gained! 1 Happiness Gained! 1 Economy Gained! 10,000 Galleons Per Turn Gained!

[X] Establish Restaurants:
Some of the muggles approached you about opening some diners, as they had experience with such things before things went to hell in a handbasket. While not producing as much food as a farm would, the familiarity and normalcy of just having another place to eat would be helpful in easing in the populace. Plus, eateries meant people would be spending money, and that kept the economy, however small, going!
Rewards: +Food, ++ Happiness, +1 Economy, 10,000 Galleons Per Turn
Costs: 1 Action, 40,000 Galleons


Without a doubt, financing and supporting the restaurants was a great idea. Although there was a need for more food, it wasn't so drastic that you needed to focus on agriculture all the time. Diners and cafes and all these eateries allowed for people to relax, to have food besides the normal fare produced from the fields, and to spend time with their families and friends. Such things helped people believe that things weren't going to fall apart, that there was a future forward. Certainly, it wasn't a drastic leap, but every step matters.

1 Food Gained! 2 Happiness Gained! 1 Economy Gained! 10,000 Galleons Per Turn Gained!


While you currently lack a spymaster, you can't afford to be unaware of the shadows. While your ally Aife Gwallawg does give you plentiful amounts of information, and her grandmother Aimée ensures that it is quality and in-depth, you can't afford to rely on your friends forever. It's time to roll your sleeves up and get dirty.

[X] Investigate Dace Gwallawg: You've been informed, and forced to keep secret under oath, that Aife's father Dace has been possessed by an entity named the "Interloper." The main sign was the change in eye color, but many other warning signs tripped his mother Aimée's alarms enough for her to take action. However, he's still in control of his faction, so you need to take a look into what's going on in Gwallawgysol Dinas and the other lands under his dominion.

Natural 100! Critical Success!

You had done your fair share of mucking around the dark, it was part of your job description as an Auror. You had to sniff out where the Dark wizards were, what they were doing, and bypass their wards after all, before you could burst in wands blazing.

However, you were somewhat unprepared for the fact there were absolutely no patrols around the target locations. But, you rolled with the punches, and did your best to look like you belonged and walked right into the main residence. Sneaking into the office of Lord Gwallawg, you looked through his papers to find out what was going on.

And by Merlin were you thankful that you decided to do this. If the Interloper proceeded with its plans, thousands of muggles would die, and Wales would be plunged into chaos. You had to tell Aife about this.

On the way out, you nicked some more papers, including some very interesting research notes.

+1 Intrigue!
+5 to Stealth skill!

Steal Technology: Mobile Tactics, and 200 Free Research Points, which you may allocate!

You are aware of Craidd Gwallawg, the Heir!

You are aware of the plot to assassinate Parkinson, as well as the fact that he has four thousand muggles enslaved through the use of the Imperio Spell, and he will have a full eight thousand at the end of this turn if not interfered with. They are currently commanded to attack and essentially commit suicide on the army of Dace if he attacks!

You have informed Aife Gwallawg of this, and she in turn has alerted the proper authorities!

Absolutely no one besides who you want to know are aware that you pulled this operation off! No hostile intrigue backlash is currently possible as a result of this action!


While you are no scientist, you are more than aware that research is how society advances. The times are changing, and you need to be at least able to follow the currents forged in the wake of science and technology.

[X] Construct Workshop: It's high time that you actually get around to putting this building into place. With the Life Anchor, you finally have the blueprints necessary to make it happen.
Rewards: Research Actions Unlocked!
Cost: 1 Action, 40,000 Galleons


With your pilfered notes and some hired staff, the research workshop is making steady progress in helping your town advance down the path toward the future. Hopefully, you'll become more prepared against future threats with the armor of knowledge.

Research Actions Unlocked!

-[X] Allocate 100 Points to Unlock Secrets of Skill
-[X] Allocate 100 Points to Unlock Secrets of Might

Unlocks will appear next turn!


As a wizard yourself, you're more than aware of the power of magic. While you have no councilors in this area, with your preferred choices… unavailable or not in the area, you will not allow your own hometown to go slack in one of the few advantages they have.

1 Actions Available!

[X] Install Life Anchor:
While you'd accepted the deal with the Life Anchor, you need to actually install the Anchor into a building to actually truly benefit from the bargain. It'll take some work, but you're confident you can do it immediately.
Rewards: Life Anchor Installed, With Associated Benefits
Costs: 1 Action, 1 Un-Installed Life Anchor

[Check: Attunement With Life: Success!]
Autosuccess due to High Affinity with Life!

The installation goes off without a hitch, and the effect is immediate. You can visibly see people getting along better, tension going away from people's shoulders, and other such societal benefits accumulate to the point your town seems disproportionately prosperous.

Taking Effect Next Turn: Warwick upgraded to next tier of settlement, with all associated benefits! Life Anchor effects spread throughout territory!


Descended from a line of Heroes, the magic of Willpower has always been there with you. However, without a teacher or advisor, there is little you can do. Your Ancestor Scythe has taken the Hero's Guild off your hands, and you are aware of just how unaware you are of the Old Kingdom. Of course, that doesn't mean that you'll do nothing.

[Needed: Willpower 25: Success! Second Willpower Action Gained!]

2 Actions Available

[X] Training:
What it says on the tin, really. You need to train this power to actually get anywhere with it. Every little bit helps!
Rewards: Various gains to Willpower and Skills
Costs: 1 Action
(Taken x2 Times)


While slow-going without a teacher or much of a base to go on, you delve through what texts you have and put things into practice. Eventually, you manage to achieve a bit of a breakthrough in using your Willpower magic into attacks. While somewhat frustrated with how slow things are going, you remind yourself that you're doing this alone, without help, and that this is probably normal progress in such circumstances. As the age-old adage goes, slow and steady wins the race.

+10 to Offensive Spells!


While you are busy day in and day out, your advisors do take a considerable amount of the load off your shoulders. You can't drown yourself in work and shut people out anymore, you should take advantage of the free time that your councilors have given you. Like anything functioning, a human can't work endlessly, it needs some rest and maintenance too.

[X] Social Link Neville (Taken x2 Times)

While you haven't ignored Neville, you admit you have been… somewhat distant in your grief. So you spend as much of your days as possible with your son. While Whisper does handle the day-to-day tasks, parenting is more than that. You talk to him. You tell him stories, about legends and fantasies but also about his family. About his grandmother, Augusta, who was terrifying when angered but would always love her family.

And… you talked about Alice. About how it was love at first punch, when you called her a delicate lady, and how you grew closer at Hogwarts through you two's various escapades. About how you proposed, and that you joined the Aurors together. You talk about what she liked, and disliked, and most importantly… you tell him that she had always loved him, and would love him forevermore.

Perhaps, as a toddler, he wouldn't have been able to understand you, but… you feel like you've gotten closer to him anyways.

[X] Social Link Horace Slughorn
[X] Social Link Kingsley Shacklebolt

[Unsuccessful Due To External Factors!]

While you did your best to reach out to your advisors to try to get to know each other better, things fell through due to circumstances out of your control. Too little time, not the right place, and so on and so forth. At the very least, things didn't get worse?

QM's Note: Wow, what a turn, huh? The Life Anchor was a wild one, but you were the best Life Hero on the block, and I guess there was a precedent. Y'all did a pretty… interesting choice with trying to spy on Gwallawg with Solid Snake on their side covering intrigue, but you got saved by the dice and them doing some interesting choices on their end, of which you'll get to know the results of very soon~

CrimsonMobiusStrip said:
The Life Anchor being so desperate for a hero she jumped into our bed is still the greatest thing that happened ever, but man that Nat100 on Intrigue was something.

I'd say my bad for including that in on the plan, but uh, it turned out for the best?

ShieldsUp said:
While the results of this turn were pretty great, I'm kinda concerned about our Social Links failing on Horace and Kingsley. Social Links are OP as hell, but them going sour are dangerous, and I don't want to ruin our relationships with the advisors we can actually stand.

Cooler said:
Hey, guys, we're Life now, right? The vision was pretty cool in pointing out our future units, but I think we've unlocked a way to get Frank back to his old self. If we up healing, we might be able to get Augusta awake, and… well, maybe we could resurrect Alice? That would be awesome, though I think that would be an endgame thing, right?

EtonGirL6 said:
With the anchor getting installed and our town expanded, I think we're really moving up in the world, guys! Maybe we can start actually assisting Aife and not be a deadweight in a few turns, haha!

Also, I'm really glad to see Frank finally being drawn out of his grief, and talking to Neville again. We might not be able to see his sheet since he ain't a Cauldron Baby, but I swear we're gonna raise him right. Hope you're looking over them, Alice.
Last edited:
HellsingQuest: CV-Chan shenanigans (canon) + 48
Now for one of the many, many tragedies I was forced to witness thanks to the power of Clairvoyance-chan.

SocksOn said:
The Golden Tower of Babel had fallen. A shame, but they could live. They could continue onward. They would pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again. Perseverance was what they had, and a dream.

Things were still progressing, things were still roughly on schedule. Gilgamesh found himself indifferent, his needs and wants were fulfilled. The loss of Enkidu hurt every time, each repeat not making the blow sting less somehow.

Another cycle began, another repeat of Gilgamesh's petulance. The same motions, the same days, he's sick of it all, but to give in would mean admitting those damnable gods had won. And that was not, and would never be the truth.

Once again, Gilgamesh meets Enkidu. Once again, he befriended him.

But the story changes. Ishtar never appears. In all of the cycles, this had never happened- an oddity that stood out enough to make him pay attention. Following that, the disappearances began. There were reports that citizens had simply vanished into the night, of an ominous mist that clogged one's nose and mouth with poison, prompting Gilgamesh to investigate. Enkidu suggested they may have been taken, causing a righteous fury to bubble up within the king. How dare they? Every item within his treasury was checked to find the appropriate tool to hunt down the source of this menace to his people.

Cycles came and went. More and more his city of Uruk was lost to the mist, and the people continued to vanish. First it was the civilians. Then, the soldiers. The priests, next. After that, the servants.

No matter what Gilgamesh did, no matter how hard he raged or how many nights he ran through the streets to search for the perpetrator, he met no one.

He was left alone with Enkidu, time and time and time again.

He felt helpless, he realized one day. This horrible feeling that had wrapped around him like a serpent, was how powerless he felt. He tried to shrug it off. What did it matter? He had his one and true friend Enkidu by his side. The only one he needed!

(He was weak.)

He turned to drink as the mystery made no progress in being solved, until one day Enkidu pulled him out of his melancholy and drunkenness, having taken it upon himself to fix dinner.

It was a luxurious and wonderful meal. The alcohol was delicious, the vegetables properly spiced and the meat, succulent.

A chill went down Gilgamesh's spine.

There were no servants, so how was the feast prepared?

There were no villagers, so how did he get the mead and vegetables?

"Don't worry," Enkidu told him.


Gilgamesh's head snapped back to his friend, only to find him gone. The entire room was filled with mist that he hadn't seen there before (had he?), the brilliant torches were unlit. The beautiful carpets that draped the palace floor were covered in dust, and on the table, the half-eaten corpse of Enkidu welcomed him.

He blinked.

The room returned to normal, the torches flickering with light. He felt dizzy as he got up, looking for his friend and walking around.

"Are you feeling well, sire?" A guard (waitwhenwasthelasttime?) asked him as he went out into the busy streets of Uruk. Gilgamesh tried to answer, to touch the man, but his hand went through. Instead, he turned around, to see another who had his same form and face, scoff arrogantly at the guard who appeared used to it. Gilgamesh tried to call out the impostor only to find himself unable to-

The lights flickered. He was back at the dining room, back with Enkidu's corpse.

He was running in the busy street now, trying to find someone, anyone who would notice him.

He was back with the corpse.

He ran away again.

He wondered what killed him.

He ran away.

Maybe it was him?

He ran.

It was probably him


He fell on his back, Enkidu straddling him. (smiletoowideeyeswrong) All around them, familiar faces appeared.

The Celtic queen, who disappeared after a heroic last stand.

The goddess he scorned.

The Playwright.

Enkidu struck, and Gilgamesh screamed, the casual cruelty at odds with the image of his best friend.

They took turns.



[Gilgamesh breaks after 150 years, 11 months, and 13 days of torture in a time-locked zone.]
[In his madness, after getting released, King Gilgamesh devoured his best friend in the middle of the banquet hall.]

AN: This one was hard to get out.

EmperorKillerWhale said:
And now you all know Gilgamesh's backstory and why he's insane~

Queen Mary said:

CrimsonMöbiusStrip said:
Queen Mary said:

"No Regret" he said.

MMARL said:

Driller said:
SocksOn said:

This fucker.

EmperorKillerWhale said:
And now you all know Gilgamesh's backstory and why he's insane~

No way this was an isolated incident. Not with how they work.

EmperorKillerWhale said:
Driller said:
No way this was an isolated incident. Not with how they work.

Ding ding ding~

You're absolutely right on that front!

Evangeline said:
Vision 1985 : I Need a Hero
Turn 5 : I Need a Hero

It started with an ordinary patrol.

He was accompanied by a policeman, as his contract with the local authorities dictated, and he jogged next to the slowly moving car. The evening air was pleasant and the streets relatively quiet, though there occasionally were a few flashes here and there. The old him would likely have shied from the attention, but the current him, Apexman, took it as something to be proud of. Inspiring people, repairing their faith in heroes, giving them hope, this was half the reason he took up the mask after all.

Of course, he was met with opposition, from an unexpected source though.

It seems his efforts to help with the military were too much of a success, and the higher echelon was very much intent on getting him for themselves. Especially after the resounding failure that was the attempted invasion of Canada, back in '99. While their equipment was rather similar, it was soon revealed that their Northern Neighbor had thrown all of their resources in a project dubbed 'super-soldier', which happened to be a resounding success. While individually, they were slightly weaker than Apexman himself, an army of soldiers that were enhanced to the human limits, both physically and, to the horror of the US high command, mentally, was a tactician's nightmare.

The less said about Canadian spies, the better.

Apexman was fairly certain they were the ones behind the sabotage and reveal of project Z-Day.

It may not be very patriotic of him to think so, but good riddance. Trying to mess with Zombie DNA to strengthen humans and worse, weaponize the undead plague was so wrong the newbie superhero couldn't even think of ways to justify it, and he was watching the emergency message from the president.

Long story short, while people liked to joke about them, Canadians were very scary to the authorities. Especially after they entered an alliance with Northern European countries and got in the shipping business...

Then there was the Russian attack. More likely a probe, in his mind, because after seeing some of President Voldemort's battles against China, this was pretty much a throwaway, underequipped strike force.

Apexman crouched in his jog and a cat jumped in his arm, climbing up to his shoulder and purring a storm as the man resumed his jogging patrol.

All in all, after his showing, the military was fighting tooth and nails to get their hands on him, officially to motivate the troops, patriotism and all of that, but the man himself was fairly sure they wanted to lock him down in a lab and have their way with his genetics.

He heard a crackling radio noise coming from the car's open window.

"Criminal Pyro has been sighted in sector A-7, I repeat..."

A-7... Oh.

The masked man stopped, eyeing the plumes of smoke rising from somewhere nearby on his right. After nodding at the policeman, he ran through the narrow side street and made a beeline towards the building. All of the exits, be they doors or windows, were blocked, forced closed by heavy metal sheets, held in place with screws that were almost as big as his fists. One glance and tentative punch told him he would't be able to do anything about that. He looked at the wall around the metal. No luck, this was an old, stone building, so he wouldn't be able to do anything about that either.

He repressed a growl, then turned towards the onlookers that were gradually coming out of their homes to observe the situations.

He took a breath and began planning. The young, brown-haired policeman who accompanied him finally arrived with his car and, upon noticing the building, began talking frantically on his phone.
His own eyes went up and up- Idea.

Risky, but doable.

"Anyone with supplies to carve a way open, please hurry and get to it!" He shouted as he began to run in the building next to it, a store, that was slightly staller than the smoking apartment building.

"Sorry about that, need to go up, people to save from a fire." The elderly woman at the counter didn't even blink as she threw him a keyring.

"You do God's work, young man!" she called out as the costumed man ran up, barely taking any time to unlock the doors on the higher levels, then climbing up to the roof. He looked down and saw flames licking the top layer of the building in front of him, walked bask to the edge of the one he was on, and ran to gain momentum before he jumped off.

For a second that felt like a minute, he thought he'd miss, and swore that he would make a scene to ensure every building of the city gets fitted with a set of outside stairs to make hero-ing easier. In the end, however, his fingers caught the very edge of the roof and he climbed up with ease.

Good thing his mask had lenses and a built-in air filter.

The rood on the roof was easy to break and into the building he went. His lip curled in anger as he saw the corpses. People laying dead in front of the door, their backs and throats all showing the same type of wounds, they were hit by an axe. A fire axe, to be more precise. In the lower levels, he heard both screaming and deranged laughter, muffled by what was undoubtedly a gas mask.

This was Pyro alright.

He quickly located the stairs and jumped down to the lower levels. Again and again, the same scenes of carnage, until, at what he calculated was the third level, he finally found survivors, and with them, the pyromaniac monster. For it couldn't be called anything else. Even if it was biologically human, this particular one was far beyond the point of salvation. One of the survivors also noticed him, which made it so the insane criminal also did.

Pyro turned around, their fire thrower spewing flames at the hero, who had to duck out of the room and immediately dislodged a few metal bars from the railings before running back and throwing one in Pyro's direction when they stopped firing at him, jumping out of sight in the hallway afterward.

A clanging noise of metal meeting with wood, immediately followed by a wave of flames through the doorway. He missed. Three more tries. Pyro began walking towards him, heavy footsteps barely audible through the roaring of the fire.

Apexman breathed in deeply and forced himself to stay calm. As long as he had the maniac's attention, the civilians were as safe as they could be in this situation. Now, what did he have to work with? Metal bars, limited space to manoeuver with, as for the insides of the building, they were due for renovation considering the water damage he could spy on the-Idea.

Certain injury, but no pain no gain, right?

When Pyro got out of the room, it fired around to be met with nothing. Then the wall next to him exploded in a shower of plaster as the thin, moldy wall gave way to Apexman's all-out charge, leaving the pyromaniac no chance of raising their fire thrower on time. Their weapons flew as Apexman brutally brought down the metal bars he held in both hands on the criminal's arms, who gave out with a nasty crack and a howl of pain from their owner. The Hero winced as he felt pain from his torso and tasted blood in his mouth. There was a knife lodged between his left ribs. An accomplice?

He looked around. No one. No matter what, they needed to move.

His hand reached for the pouch behind his back and got bandages, sitting down on the floor, quickly patching himself up after he removed the knife while keeping an eye on the downed criminal and calling out to the survivors.

"If you can hear me, we need to go-" debris from the upper level fell ablaze. They couldn't escape through the roof anymore. Da-rn it." We need to go down, people are opening the way. Can you move?" He couldn't very well check right now, so he hoped someone would still be coherent enough to answer.

"Y-Yes!" A rough, male voice. " The missus and Roger are fine too, but Ol'George has a broken leg and little Kirsikka has asthma." Asthma, in a building on fire. Charming. He got up and walked back into the room.

Indeed, an open femoral fracture. No way the man would walk that off, so Apexman decided to carry the man over a shoulder, keeping the girl under his other arm. The three others looked well enough, albeit close to getting in shock. The thickening smoke didn't do anyone any favors.

"Let's go." He ordered curtly and closed the march behind the adults that were scrambling to the lower levels. As they reached the ground floor, he only had a cracking noise as a warning before he made his choice and threw the wounded man and girl forwards, a heavy, burning weight falling onto him, burning his costume and breaking his ribs.

This... Hurt a lot.

However, he couldn't let it end this way, especially as people were counting on him. So he forced himself to turn around, flames licking at his mask while he had to bite his cheek to keep himself from shouting and making the civilians panic even more.

"I am... Fine!" He shouted, using the ground to steady his forearms and creating a small space for him to slip out from under the burning wooden beam.

As he got up, he made the inventory of his situation. His mask and costume were totaled, he had burns all over, he had three ribs broken, and a lung was beginning to fill with blood. Oh, and also, the higher levels were already lost the exit he had marked for the others to open was closed.

Just Great.

'Breathe Apex, you'll make it work. You just have to go beyond what's possible.'

And breathe he did, though spitting out some blood and inhaling some smoke that almost strangled him due to how raw his throat felt. He walked up to the doorway and kicked it. The metal plate had a bit of give to it. Meaning that they did something outside to try and help.

He kicked the plate again, and again, putting all of his strength in it, until finally, it flew off, revealing a group of unconscious people on the street who were carrying items like axes and crowbars. Immediately to his right, barely a few meters away from him was an odd young woman.

She had long white hair with cat-like yellow eyes, pale skin, a black dress reaching her knees with detached sleeves, cat ears and a cat-like tail. She was looking at him warily, a black and gold bow drawn and ready to attack. She said something, but he was distracted by the top of the building, that happened to be falling off, exactly where the woman was.

He tried to call out to her, but bis blood got in the way, letting a strangled warble out instead.

When it rained, it poured, Apexman thought, as he rushed to save the unsuspecting woman.

She called out again, and he tried to point the problem out as he reached for her, but she didn't seem to understand his intentions, taking it as an attack instead. He felt a transparent wall slam into him with terrible strength and he was sent flying back into the building, into the civilians.

He felt dizzy and heard lots of cracking from his bones. In fact, considering he felt the blood pulsating in his ears and his limbs didn't answer to him, he was fairly certain he'd been knocked out. What he saw, upon forcing an eye open, was the woman getting out of the building, leaving him in here, with the little girl who was choking next to him on the ground.

Another wooden beam fell down in front of the entrance, and he saw the little girl's eyes dim with despair as she understood her situation was hopeless.


To paraphrase Steve the policeman: 'Fuck this.' He didn't become a Hero to simply lie down and die when things went awry! What kind of hero-no. What kind of man would he be if he simply died when there were children that needed saving!

Crawling more quickly than he ever remembered, he caught the child within his arms and looked around. A trapdoor. He didn't know where it was leading, but it was his only choice.

The crawl felt too long, and he was hit several times as he made his way there, but he made it.

He fell into the dark, taking care to protect the girl from the shock as the trapdoor closed, trapping them both in the dark. After getting rid of the molten remnants of his mask, he decided to check on the girl, and he felt his stomach fall to the floor, with likely half of his blood.

The girl wasn't breathing.

She wasn't moving.

And, from what little his broken fingers could detect, she didn't have a pulse either.

He tried to think, exactly, when this could have happened, and he could only think of when the woman left them to die in this fire.

Asthma, the man had said.

It was not despair that clouded the girl's eyes, this was her giving up on fighting.

He didn't know how long he stayed in here, in the dark, holding a corpse. One day at least, maybe two. He felt weak, thirsty, his brain trying and failing to find a way out of this predicament when the entire ceiling was ripped off the building and here, in the light of dusk that was burning his eyes, he was a blond man wearing a white hat, pale eyes looking at him in complete apathy.

"My, the presents my kitten leaves me sometimes..." The man muttered. " At least, the raw material is worth it, though I will miss that knife..." He walked towards Apexman, getting a vial in his hand.
You feel yourself trying to scramble away from It. It beckons, it calls it hungers-
The Hero felt a chill go down his spine but was unable to move as the man forced his mouth open and began to uncork the vial.


Falling from the sky, a golden ram headbutted the man at top speed, sending him away from the down hero then ran after its victim. The vial fell and shattered onto the ground, where it began bubbling and all of his surroundings shook.
I will be born, one way or another, even if I have to rip this world apart to do so!
"Ah~This will be a problem." He felt someone grabbing his collar, lifting him up and causing the corpse of the girl to fall on the ground. Then, a pale, dainty hand also grabbed the corpse's collar, and both were dragged away by an unknown captor. He saw, from the black puddle, a strange pillar, akin to a tentacle, rising, its oily black surface writhing, suckers emerging, except they had white, screaming masks with empty black orbits on the inside. Out of the ground nearby, one more emerged. Then another one. Then, more and more, until the area, looked more like a twisted grassland than an urban area.

Only when he was brought far enough, could he see his savior. A woman with pale skin, black curls, and Greek Priestess-looking clothes and wearing a golden sheepskin hood obscuring most of her features.

"Now then." She turned towards him. " Let's get the both of you fixed up."

"She's dead." Apexman tried to warble, but the woman just slapped his shoulder.

"Now that's just rude!"

She's not breathing. The hero tried again.

"She's just holding her breath." She muttered, producing a golden cauldron from thin air and lighting up a fire underneath it.

She doesn't move!

"She's just sleeping! It's a bit early, but it's evening!" He heard bubbling water, and the woman threw items withing it. Gems, herbs, and body parts he hoped belonged to animals.

"She doesn't have a pulse!" He managed to shout, causing the woman to look at him, and he saw a flash of lavender irises. The woman smirked at him with condescension.

"That's just your nerves malfunctioning." She answered with a smug voice, before carrying up the little girl in her arms and dumping her in the boiling cauldron.

Apexman was still, from both shock and his weakness, as the woman began stirring the concoction ('with a child's corpse in boiling water!' His common sense screamed) using a golden rod and humming pleasantly as if she wasn't desecrating the dead. Then, she gave the cauldron a whack with the golden rod.

"And one extreme healing done~" She sand, letting go of the rod, putting her arm in the boiling mix and getting a very wet, very confused, and very alive little girl out of it.

That's when Apexman decided he wouldn't think too hard about this situation.

The woman let the girl to the ground, next to the hero who tried to save her, and she immediately grabbed him, warily looking at the woman who had begun laughing, lifting her hand in front of her mouth with her palm facing outwards.

"Hohoho! This is why simple heroes will never cut it! So restricted by odds and the laws of nature they are!"
The man mulled over what she said, and had to admit, she had a point. In fact, she was completely right! The man thought as she forced a red liquid down his throat that had him itching all over.

She then waved her hand and sparks fell on his body, his bones setting and body visibly healing.

"Oops. Wild magic surge." She mumbled, and Apexman felt fear grip his spine at those words. Why? He didn't understand, but he saw the girl suddenly letting go of him and refuse to look at him.

"I don't suppose you have a picture of what you're supposed to look like, don't you?" The woman smiled at him with a smile that wasn't really all that apologetic

Apexman shook his head. The man clapped her hands together in glee.

"Oh well, I'll just have to get inventive!"

He probably should have been more afraid at these words, but the woman was clearly a fellow hero, she even managed the impossible where he couldn't do anything! And she was right. As long as he allowed himself to be constrained by limits, he was bound to fail in his endeavors! Common sense? What was that? All he needed to do was look at the objective, and then, go even further beyond!

The air shook, and all three of them fell onto the white stone platform they were lounging on, which reminded the hero that something was going on here.

Out of the black face-tacles was emerging a black fist that opened like a flower, black bolts sailing in the air to destinations unknown. The hand writhed around, before the tip of the fingers found purchase on the ground a,d began pushing, trying to get more of its body outside of the ground.

A man with long white hair, wearing red and black robes appeared, flying high and away from the recovering group Behind him, the sky lit up with geometric shapes that fell onto the hand like a rain of fire. The air filled with some sort of... Energy, that had Apexman shiver in fear, at least until a voice colder than the tomb and the clanging of chains reached his ears.

"Perverting magic to act like a wild animal. I think not."

A greatsword seemingly fell from the sky, embedding itself into the stone platform with a minor shockwave that spread in the air to its surroundings, causing luminescent spider cracks to form all around it. A light blue smoke came out od the runes engraved along its length, rising and coalescing into a humanoid form that grabbed its handle and lifted it off the ground. The humanoid gained more and more detail and consistency until the form was finally revealed.

It was a giant of a human, clad in spiky black armor. The hero could only see his back and his tattered black cloak, but he could see he was wearing full plate armor and two massive horns adorned each side of the helmet.

"You're late." Golden Fleece crossed her arms, huffing. The man didn't dignify this display with an answer and instead, walked towards the giant hand, his form turning into ash blown away with the wind. This is when the American hero noticed he completely lost that feeling of fear he had acquired in regards to these 'wild surges'.

The hand managed to claw and grasp at the ground to free its body up to the elbow, the tentacled carpet while the white-haired man was charging up on something, something in his hands shining brighter than the sun as the runic circles behind him were spreading all over the sky. At the very edge of the tentacle forest, a blue wisp appeared, zigzagging in, entire swaths of the forest dissipating in its presence, before rushing towards the flailing arm that was trying to free itself and climbing onto it.

The arm felt the intrusion and flailed with renewed vigor, dark red energy crackling around it like lightning and protrusions emerging on its surface. However, from where he stood, it looked like they fizzled out of existence, like a drop of water on a heated frying pan, whenever they encountered the blue wisp. The hand formed a fist and ballooned, energy easy to see through the membrane that was the fake skin and a hole formed directly under the blue wisp, that was suddenly hit with a violet falling star, away from the pillar of energy that appeared.

Both of them were about to collide with his group, he realized, and Golden Fleece snorted, lifting her sleeve to reveal a silvery glove with two prominent metallic prongs, cocking back her fist and muttering something. Electricity began arcing along the limb and a blue forcefield began to form.

As the comet seemed to be about to hit, Golden fleece hit it back with a textbook perfect punch that had Apexman's ears pop and his eyes water. He also felt slightly nauseous.

In a split-second, he could see the comet was, in fact, a very surprised Asian middle-schooler dressed in frilly black, star-patterned clothing, holding the armored man with one hand and an oversized mallet in the other. The girl pouted, her eyes glowing with the colors of the sunset, and flew up, still carrying Black Armor, until they became a small light point in the sky, among the evening stars, then it went down, rather brutally, as a city-sized glittery hammer winked in existence and hit the hand at an impossible speed.

The impact was as strong as one could expect when a hammer half the size of the city hits something at a speed that goes past the speed of sound.

"How puerile." Golden Fleece sneered as the shockwave his a transparent shield around them. "They are using attacks of this magnitude without even checking if there are people around."

"Are there?" the blond superhero asked, somehow already knowing the answer.

"Of course not." She huffed. "This is the spirit of it I am criticizing! Heroes are so careless most of the time, the ones who suffer the most from their activities are the bystanders!"

Apexman nodded in thought. Indeed, now that he thought back about his actions, he probably should have ensured people wouldn't get close to the building on fire. This would have avoided the incident with the woman. Speaking of which...

"Do you know of a superhuman, a female one, about your height, with feline features?"

"Cat ears and tails, wears black and uses a bow?" The woman asked dryly, earning herself a nod of confirmation. "She is a traitor to our organization. However, while she is annoying, we have bigger problems to deal with than taking care of her."

A supervillain then. And a traitor, to boot. Apexman frowned.

"This is why heroes are unreliable. With villains, you know where you stand, most of the time. The affable ones are the only ones you need to be afraid of. For heroes, they'll do just about anything, they'll be unpredictable, they'll ruin your plans, break into your house and destroy your possessions without a care because they are 'heroes' and do 'heroic' acts. You'll never know how they think, you'll never be certain of where they stand or their loyalties. They'll hide their true colors under their masks and will think taking them off absolves them of their responsibilities! And what's worse? They glorify those kinds of behavior and the rest just gobbles it up!"

Another nod. Indeed, he should ditch the mask. Clarity was key in the superhero business, and he should make sure to work with the Law whenever possible, to show a proper example to the younger generations that will follow. Truly, Golden Fleece was a thoughtful person to even worry about a Hero's posterity. Meanwhile, Golden Fleece continues.

"Heroes are cancer for this world!" The woman almost shouts while the American shook his head.

"You do not truly think that. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so angry about the ones who misbehave."

That stopped Golden Fleece on her rant, and her lips twisted down.

"What I think is irrelevant. What matters is what is. Right now, the world doesn't need idealists or people who jump half-baked into danger. What the world needs is people who know what they do and how to do it. Else, these kinds of things happen." She waved her arm at the battlefield, where the arm turned into a tide of black liquid that submerged the blue wisp, just as the circles behind the white-haired man rotated and gathered light within their centers, to unleash them in a rain of light rays that pierced the black liquid, allowing the blue wist, Black Armor, to escape.

"I think ideals are important." He began, trying to gather his thoughts. "Every bit of goodwill can help."

"Will is worth nothing without action. Good intentions without anything to support them are nothing but cruelty." She immediately shot him down with no small amount of venom in her voice.

This... was sadly true, he realized, as he thought back of the fire. More people could have come to help. People would have tried to come in and get them out, or demolish the walls. In the end, however, he had to wait for the heroes to come and save him. Hm... Clearly, that could only mean one thing.

"Does your superhero team take applications?"

Golden Fleece jumped, obviously startled rather badly.

"No." She immediately answered, with a tone that made it clear she wouldn't change her mind.

"I know I am not the most qualified to deal with these situations, however, together, I am sure we could come up with some kind of system to ensure what you fear does not come to pass."

Golden Fleece remained silent. Something in what he said must have struck true.

"Maybe some kind of sch-"

"SHUT UP!" The woman suddenly shouted, bringing a hand to her temple." I said no to Helga, I said no to Semiramis, and I will give you the same answer! I will not allow myself to fall into the same trap, again and again, for it to end it all in flames, again and again! I am not one of those hypocritical, useless wastes of space who will slap a bandaid on a torn throat and call it a cure, and I will most certainly not give mankind yet another way to murder each other with total impunity!"

The woman hit her foot on the ground and disappeared in a shower of sparkles, leaving the superhero wince. He'd stepped on one of the woman's issues here. Considering what was said, it was most likely he'd been hurt by a hero before and considering her flippant attitude around the girl's corpse, and the fact she lost control when he mentioned a school... It was highly likely the woman had something terrible happen to her children.

Apexman sighed. Now he felt bad.

Which was rather strange, all things considered. After the day he's had, it would be fully acceptable of him to feel completely drained and devastated, just coming down from an emotional rollercoaster and yet, it was almost as if those events didn't happen.

Maybe the woman did something to heal his mind and heart as well as his body?

Truly her healing ability was off the charts if she could do this on top of bringing back the dead. That could even be the very reason the terrible event happen to her in the first place. Power like that would be sought by everyone, really. Children were an easy way to pressure parents into obedience.

He really didn't like where his mind took him...

He looked back to the battlefield, reassuring the little girl that everything would be alright, as Black Armor, the Magical Girl, and the one he tentatively called White mage all launched an attack that made everything go white as he fell to the ground from the strength of it.

When he could see again, he noticed everything was gone. The monster, the superheroes, the magical girl. Only a crater, the platform, the girl and himself.

At least, it didn't take too much time for the helicopters to arrive and give him a lift. The girl's parents were, unfortunately, the victims of Pyro, so she was staying with him for the time being.

As for the Catgirl, he managed to get the police officers to show him some recordings of their altercations. He saw how she attacked the civilians who tried to pry open the exit of the building and, more damning, he heard her answer as she was told her rights during her arrest.

"Sorry gents, would love to stay and chat but I would rather not be going to jail for crimes I did not commit." She said, just before running away.

This was a pretty clear cut case of villainy here, and he was feeling rather vindictive this night, so...

Smiling a rather dark smile, he suggested a name for the newest American supervillain.

When he finally came home, feeling more tired than he ever was in his entire life, and peeled back the rest of his mask, he noticed his ugly mug. Except it wasn't ugly anymore. Plain was the word, he still had his defining features, chin, eyebrows, cheekbones... He wasn't what one would call attractive, but they were striking.

Apexman thought. And thought.

He would indeed let go of his mask. After all, he had done nothing to be ashamed of and, as sad as it was, he had no one to endanger. Also, that way, maybe the kids would stop calling him Crab-face...

Craidd cried a lot upon waking up, and was scared of both darkness and closed spaces for a long time. Still, all was not bad, for he saw something worth remembering...

[] Surreal Might
[] Rekindled Hope
[] Iron WIll

MP results:
No voiding! (yay!)
Apexman isn't ugly anymore!
Apexman and his shoulder loli are safe.
No global-scale wild magic surges
The giant octopus-hand thing is locked away. For now.
Supervillainess Smoked Kitty is now wanted in all of America.

This was supposed to be 1.5k long. It then ran away. I blame the dice. 48 Hours votes.
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