Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Spinoff)

Supremacy shuts down meta-magic shit like damage reduction and the like. More or less everything that effects even Unstoppable.

Indestructible Core's 99% reduction is stopped.
No Longer Human's 50% reduction is stopped.
Armor of The King's 75% reduction is stopped.

So on.

Ignore this, my brain is frying.
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I thought damage reduction was applied? So a Supremacy attack shuts down the bonus Resilience ability, but doesn't remove a 50% damage reduction.

It would make some sense if Supremacy negates all tests for condition (if x{then y;}). I have this image in my mind of a fire elemental being burned to death by a fire attack because the attack had Supremacy ("nothing gets to be immune to my flames", "she burned fire.)
Supremacy negates everything that isn't a unconditional damage reduction (such as No Longer Human).

Unstoppable negates Base Resilience and all the abilities that Supremacy doesn't negate, but not much else.

An attack that has both Unstoppable and Supremacy would be really freaking close to truly being unstoppable.
Supremacy shuts down meta-magic shit like damage reduction and the like. More or less everything that effects even Unstoppable.

Indestructible Core's 99% reduction is stopped.
No Longer Human's 50% reduction is stopped.
Armor of The King's 75% reduction is stopped.

So on.
Uhh, this directly contradicts the Ability Bible. There it says that unconditional reductions such as INDESTRUCTIBLE CORE and No Longer Human are the one thing that Supremacy doesn't negate. And that it doesn't negate Base Resilience.
How I'm running things
By OP fiat:

Unstoppable; goes through Resilience and leaks through conditional attack blocking abilities. As an example, something immune to attacks from things that aren't angels would still be hurt if the non-angel had Unstoppable.

Supremecy; shuts down all reaction abilities, except unconditional damage reduction and base defenses. It's a lot like the target doesn't have abilities, but a few still apply.

Slayer; breaks through unconditional defenses when it applies, probably does mean things to all defenses.

An attack with Superslayer, Supremecy, and Unstoppable will go through every defense (except morality barriers).

And since I saw some talk about Wave Force. Leveling Wave Force only improves the magic modifier. That spell is crazy enough with Spell-Boost that I feel no guilt here. (It also can't be multi-casted until Inchoate Wave, which shuts further spells. No double zapping with the death ray.)
How I'm running things
By OP fiat:

Unstoppable; goes through Resilience and leaks through conditional attack blocking abilities. As an example, something immune to attacks from things that aren't angels would still be hurt if the non-angel had Unstoppable.

Supremecy; shuts down all reaction abilities, except unconditional damage reduction and base defenses. It's a lot like the target doesn't have abilities, but a few still apply.

Slayer; breaks through unconditional defenses when it applies, probably does mean things to all defenses.

An attack with Superslayer, Supremecy, and Unstoppable will go through every defense (except morality barriers).

And since I saw some talk about Wave Force. Leveling Wave Force only improves the magic modifier. That spell is crazy enough with Spell-Boost that I feel no guilt here. (It also can't be multi-casted until Inchoate Wave, which shuts further spells. No double zapping with the death ray.)
Mind if I steal the base idea behind this as Word of God for the main quest?

This is a lot more reasonable and straight forward then my muddled fuck-ups.
Mind if I steal the base idea behind this as Word of God for the main quest?
No problem.

Besides the Slayer part it's more or less how I thought things worked already.

And since I finally have access to a proper keyboard...


veekie, kitsune9, Decim, crystalwatcher, Gore17, LostDeviljho

[X] Accept Blue Bandit's request.

Decim, ltmauve

[X] Spend XP
-[X] Flawless Interruption
-[X] Fierce Protector
-[X] Fuse to level 14

crystalwatcher, Gore17, LostDeviljho

[X]XP Plan Crystal
-[X]A Law Unto Yourself (105xp)
-[X]Fuse Level 15 (390xp)
-[X]Self-Repair Level 7 (200xp)

Ability Upgraded!

Level 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 (200xp)
-Spend an action to regain 84 Health. 7% chance of removing negative status effects each use.
Ability Upgraded!

Level 12 -> 13 -> 14 -> 15 (390xp)
-Summit can merge items into herself to add their abilities to her Panoply. Some items may allow for new Abilities to be purchased. Higher levels allow for larger items to be absorbed.

Radius now 150 cm for absorption.

52 Total EXP Remaining
Remembered the reasoning behind Plan Crystal:

I want A Law Unto Yourself because of two things:
  1. More damage reduction is always good. Especially with Summit's growth rate. More survivability means more experience. More experience, means more levels, more levels means stronger Summit.
  2. Rule Affinities tend to come out as extremely powerful opponents. Every cannon Rule Affinity Magical Girl is a beast that can hit leagues ahead of their usual weight class. So taking 50% less damage from them makes surviving an encounter with one of those girls a lot more likely.

Fuse, while I'm not personally 100% sure of how exactly it works, is the gateway to Peerless Explorer. Which is a Super Ability. And those are always worth the cost (in experience at least, if not trauma if it comes through the story). And while I usually like to advocate focusing on boosting the baseline, the shop says it'll give a general improvement to the Ponopoly and Fuse as well as add the Practitioner ability, and once we have that we can start toying with not only our existing spells but also make whole new spells for new situations.

And Self Repair because while the soul is willing the flesh is weak. Higher Self Repair means we can keep going long after most other Magical Girls of Summit's usual level will have quit. And for her opponents, that is a very terrifying thought.

As for where Summit stands on the Canon pecking order, remember that if it comes down to it, she's more than capable of fighting a War Angel and winning.

All of her base stats are higher as well as the fact she's also a lot faster than they are. So giving her a way to stay in the game with Self Repair starts to up her danger level to an almost absurd degree.
I would say, "Well reasoned," to you and then change my vote, but it seems that I've been preempted by kellogo. So, uh, great insight? I would change my vote but it wouldn't matter anyway. :V
Debating on whether or not to put the Milidia garrison list up here.

Trying to get what my muse's corpse twitched out a few days ago.
Crossworlds 4.1
"I'm willing to work with you." You state after a moment of thought.

You have a feeling she could use your help, it's also a way to be guided around the valley.

"Great! Getting a flier to help out is like pulling teeth sometimes, even when half of them aren't gone." Blue Bandit cheers.

"I'll let Derek know about Summit if you'd like to leave now." The woman at the desk, Martha, said.

"I get it, I get it. Let's go before she puts us on some volunteer list."

With that Blue leaps to the door, opening and passing through in a smooth motion.

"Good luck. And be sure to close the door when you leave, it's chilly this early."

You nod and move to follow Blue, being sure to shut the door behind you.

"The trick to navigating is that all the signs face towards the main intersection. The Counter Force signs have latin alphabet, as opposed to the elven signs which…wait a moment. You fly!" Blue lifts up her arms and leaps in place, "Pick me up! I can point out things from the sky."

You pause and blink at her for a moment. She grins and hops again, parts of her costume fluttering in a non-existent breeze.

"Fine," you hang lock you arm around her and form a harness out of the Panoply, "I already know where the dorms are. The building was fairly distinctive."

At first you stay at rooftop level and lower speed, but Blue Bandit shouts of "faster, higher!" give you enough reason to escalate. Holding her off to the side slows your top speed considerably, even so you briefly reach 140 kilometer per hour, Blue's grin growing ever more manic with higher speeds.

The trip doesn't take long once you've put your foot down, and in less than three minutes you've touched down outside the dorms. It was quite distinctive, there were two helicopter pads off to the side, a sheer cliff on the other, and had a small (enchanted) fountain in front of it. You weren't knowledgeable about construction, but it looked like the buildings had been expanded several times. There were wires leading to and from a large shed, a water tank built into the cliff-side, and large glass windows with vertical blinds on the ground floor.

In short, it stands out by looking comfortable and decorated in an expanse of utilitarian buildings.

"Aww, we're here already…."

You let Blue loose, she hops away before gesturing you to follow.

"Back when they first consolidated the MG housing the Elven governor had it expanded and decorated every time a Girl did something heroic. After the third time the brass split up the rooms to look like a hotel and moved in, ...er, I mean they posted a bunch of female officers here as well." She clapped her hands together, "anyways, just remember that Commander Black is the boss, if anybody here tells you to do something stupid just wave your badge at them. Actually you should wave your badge at lots of things, Team CODE put some trackers together and they use these scanning areas to calibrate."

You follow her lead, scanning your badge at the stand just inside, having the kitchen and dining area pointed out, and reaching the gym.

There's a small crowd gathered there. Past a glass wall an angel duels two Magical Girls with wooden swords, no that's not quite it, one girl (Skill, Space, Legend) is dueling against the angel (Light, Hope) and another Magical Girl (Emptiness, Royalty, Legend). You can't see very well with the other five girls pressed against the glass, but the solo girl looks to be winning easily.

On the other side of the room another angel (Light, Hope) with long blonde hair is sitting on the floor leaning against an exercise bike, fast asleep. You doubt that was the intent of the equipment.

"Looks like Abby had a long day," Blue said offhandedly before shouting at the crowd, "Amber! Suit up and get ready, I got a flier for us."

A slender girl with brown hair shoots a pouting look at Blue. "Can't it wait a bit? I want to see how this ends."

The duel looked about ready to end. The girl who was dueling the pair had managed to get the angel, who was three times her size, in a headlock and was alternating between hitting him with the butt of her sword and making quick jabs at the other girl.

"Sumire always wins. Now come on, the sooner we leave the quicker we finish."

Amber made an annoyed moan, but moved to follow Blue.

It took almost ten minutes for Blue Bandit to arrange for the helicopter to fly early for her mission. During that time Floral Glory, whose name was apparently Amber, spent the time looking in a mirror and changing the flowers in her hair.

Once embarked on the eerily-quiet helicopter you ask your new companions about Milidia and the current mission.

There are three ground routes out of the volcano where the hellish portal is located. Both of the open ones lead through the main fortress, the eastern route is much narrower. About a week ago another girl closed off the narrow path, apparently with something quite mean and impressive by their expressions. This left them the option of going around the long way through 'Moral High Ground' and its layers of defenses, or charging the wall and forts protecting the main valley.

Both of these were bad options, if demons attacked the short way they would bunch up and be obliterated by Fairy spell teams, trying to go around the long way let the artillery at Moral High Ground decimate them at the layered defenses. But there was a weakness in MHG's fortifications. A hanging valley had a stream running through it, if a force was mustered there it would bypass all but the last wall and be able to attack the weak point where the stream flowed through.

Floral Glory complained that something odd was spotted there twice a week, and that Team ICETHORN was always picked to investigate. Blue Bandit countered that ICETHORN was the best at this sort of thing.


"Alright ladies, we're at the drop-off site. Do I need to land? Or will you be showing off as usual?"

"Here's fine!" shouted Blue.

She unlatched a hatch and rolled through it into a 20 meter drop, landing on her feet and waving her fist in the air. Floral Glory sighed before leaping down herself.

You don't see the appeal in falling, so you just shift yourself to the ground.

"Normally we'd head south and scramble through that shallow point," Blue points to a pile of rocks that resembles all the other piles of rocks, "but since you're here you can fly us over the summit. That way we won't be expected and can make our early approach faster. Once we're in we'll make observations and I'll decide on tactics. Summit, try to stay behind me for this until I say otherwise, okay?"

Is this why she wanted a flier? To save herself a climb?

You carry the pair according to the apparent leader's directions. Once you've crested the last bit of mountain between you and the valley you get a look inside.

The place is crawling with shadows (Darkness, Chaos), there must be over a thousand of them. Blue hisses once she gets a look.

"Damn. I was hoping it was a couple of critters trying to melt a new tunnel. They've got a shadow generator set up, it hides the real beasties and those shadows can actually hurt us. This is going to take hours."

"Why would it take that long?" You ask.

"Because I've got to crawl around the whole place until I get close enough to the generator to see it." Floral Glory answers.

"That's it. Since we can't tell where the real guys are it's up to Floral here to abuse her invisibility to find the device. We're going to have to set up somewhere while she looks."

There's a flicker of different elements as you look. You can't quite process everything but you have--

Everything stops for a drawn-out instant. When it's past you have swept your attention over every shadow and absorbed the knowledge into sudden clarity. There are 83 Demon Footsoldiers, 24 with large muskets instead of axes, 4 Demon Commanders, and 6 large slow-looking beasties you aren't familiar with. There is also a spot where the ground itself is imbued with Darkness.

That could make this go a lot faster.

[X] Save some time by charging in.
You happen to be an expert on this topic, charge in and kill everything. The shadows won't be a problem if you attack on your own, and nothing you've seen can hope to touch you. They did say they were in a hurry… [Magical Girl Instincts approved!]​
-[X] Write in tactics.
You could cut them, or shoot them, or slam into them, or… (defaults to flying and using Laser, starting with the Commanders)​

[X] Point out where you think the Shadow Generator is located.
It's more that you see a spot where it could be hidden, but close enough. Blue Bandit has been calling the shots thus far, there's probably a reason for that.
-[X] And destroy it.
A short volley of long-range fire should break everything in that area, it won't be quiet though.

[X] Keep quiet and stick to the plan.
Blue and Floral are more powerful than you, follow their lead.

+3 EXP Found your lodgings
+5 EXP Found allies
+5 EXP Found your bearings
+10 EXP Saw through obfuscation
Enemy footsoldiers, trying to get a precise count.
23 + 52 = 75 Total EXP

[X] EXP Plan?
So there's an angel who looks nearly identical to one of the WEAPONs? Interesting.

Also, did you ever add in that EXP that you forgot to give for "Met Silver Hero"?
Here's some stats for your allies.

(ICETHORN) Magical Girl Blue Bandit

Heidi Jurgan


Health: 900
Base Damage: 975
Base Resilience: 540
Magic Modifier: 140

Affinities: Sky | Deception | Myth

Wind's Kiss (sniper rifle)
Level 13
Attacks per Turn: 1
Affinities: Sky | Deception
Ability: Backstab

Level 7
Attacks per Turn: 2
Affinities: Sky | Deception
Abilities: Backstab | Multi-Slash

Bolt From the Blue
Lightning strikes your enemies.
Level 14
Base Damage: 4900
Magic Modifier: 140
Affinity: Sky | Deception | Myth
Abilities: ??? | Dazzle | Stun | 10-Turn Cooldown

Zero In
Level 3
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 3
Affinity: Deception
Ability: Increase Stack By Modifier (Slicer of Throats)
Note: Cannot increase stack above spell level.


Slicer of Throats
Level 6
-??? Max stack equal to level.

Upon Death's Wings
-Spend two stacks of Slicer of Throats to teleport to a foe when you kill them with Backstab activating.

-Spend a stack of Slicer of Throats to make a free attack with Zephyr.

Cloaked by Wind
-Make no sound unless you wish to. Invisible when not moving.

Level 12
-Governs Health. Gain a stack of Slicer of Throats whenever you take damage.

Level 9
-Governs Resilience.

Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate opponent's action.

Fury of the Storm

(ICETHORN) Magical Girl Floral Glory

Amber Bellum


Health: 10,800
Base Damage: 770
Base Resilience: 1,440
Magic Modifier: 560
Affinities: Life | Light | Legend

Razor Petals

Level 7
Attacks per turn: 3
Affinities: Life | Light
Ability: Limitless

Thousand Cutting Blades of Grass
-Grow impossibly sharp plants underneath your foes.
Level 11
Base Damage: 825
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinities: Life | Legend
Ability: Triple Cast


Enveloping Attack
-Cannot be Intercepted.

Nothing but Flowers
-Become invisible when near plant-life and not attacking.

-Teleport from one piece of living wood to another piece within your line of sight.

Vitality Surge
Level 8
-Floral Glory and her allies recover 24% of their max Health each turn. Increase Health by 80%.

-Sacrifice four moves to negate opponent's action

Blood-Stained Offshoots
-??? Recursive.

Steel Body
Level 12
-Controls Health and Resilience. Reduce damage taken by 25%.
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kind of leaning towards telling blue what we saw, and offering to just blast them. She seems to have a better grasp on the tactical situation, she just might not realize that we totally could just kill everything in the valley on our own.
*snickers* I have her long-lost twin in one of my PM convos with Crys.
By twin do you mean horrifyingly lethal stealthy MG or that she also has Sinon for her profile pic?

kind of leaning towards telling blue what we saw, and offering to just blast them. She seems to have a better grasp on the tactical situation, she just might not realize that we totally could just kill everything in the valley on our own.
Floral Glory could also kill everything in the valley on her own, I'll point out.
presumably, there is a reason the girl who seems to actually know strategy and tactics isn't just killing everything since she seems to have the forces to sweep the field. Either she wants the enemy to commit more forces to the surprise attack before finding out it isn't, or the enemy has some really nasty fast reaction force in the area.

[X] Point out where you think the Shadow Generator is located.
[x] ask why we are not just killing everything, but otherwise follow blue's lead, she seems to know what she's doing.
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[X] Point out where you think the Shadow Generator is located.
[x] ask why we are not just killing everything, but otherwise follow blue's lead, she seems to know what she's doing.
"The trick to navigating is that all the signs face towards the main intersection. The Counter Force signs have latin alphabet, as opposed to the elven signs which…wait a moment. You fly!" Blue lifts up her arms and leaps in place, "Pick me up! I can point out things from the sky."
You're doing this solely to avoid having to put too much detail on how to navigate around Milidia aren't you. :V

There's a flicker of different elements as you look. You can't quite process everything but you have--

Everything stops for a drawn-out instant. When it's past you have swept your attention over every shadow and absorbed the knowledge into sudden clarity. There are 83 Demon Footsoldiers, 24 with large muskets instead of axes, 4 Demon Commanders, and 6 large slow-looking beasties you aren't familiar with. There is also a spot where the ground itself is imbued with Darkness.
And I really want to know, how the fuck did Summit just do this? The only thing I can think of is that it was a combo effect of Argus Watchfulness, Serene in Adversity, Lesser Horrors Scorned, and her Discovery affinity. Anyone got a better idea?

As an aside, I'm enforcing an predetermined kill limit per update. Only the first 50 kills per class give EXP. Offering ten-thousand xp for calling in a METEOR strike is something I want to avoid.
There's actually a simpler answer to this. Just don't give out XP per kill for calling in a METEOR strike. Instead give a flat and substantially smaller amount of it. Only give out XP per kill if Summit directly participates in killing an enemy or group as it may be. Now if a huge fight breaks out and we're in the middle of it killing thousands of Demons, then yes, gobs of piles of XP are going to sit around for the taking. But at least then we'll have earned it.
And I really want to know, how the fuck did Summit just do this? The only thing I can think of is that it was a combo effect of Argus Watchfulness, Serene in Adversity, Lesser Horrors Scorned, and her Discovery affinity. Anyone got a better idea?
High Speed Combat mostly, with Argus Watchfulness and Discern enabling Summit to pick out which are shadows and which are real demons. No Strength In Numbers also plays a part. The others can't tell how many critters there are or what they could be.

As for the XP issue... the problem is that rank and file demons are totally ineffective against Summit. You fly, ignore most bonuses an army could give, and wouldn't take damage from drowning in the blood of your enemies (Serene In Adversity). I'm willing to reward battle, but don't want to encourage acting like a lawnmower of lesser demons over other tactics.

(And Floral Glory would have a crapton of EXP, even more than her lazy self already has)

:V I'm wondering if there's some meta-reasoning for not diving in. Summit's instincts are letting her know she won't face anything more powerful than herself.
[X] Point out where you think the Shadow Generator is located.
[x] ask why we are not just killing everything, but otherwise follow blue's lead, she seems to know what she's doing.
:V I'm wondering if there's some meta-reasoning for not diving in. Summit's instincts are letting her know she won't face anything more powerful than herself.
Better safe than sorry. Besides, diving in when your CO is waiting will never sound like a good idea to me.
[X] Point out where you think the Shadow Generator is located.
It's more that you see a spot where it could be hidden, but close enough. Blue Bandit has been calling the shots thus far, there's probably a reason for that.