Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Spinoff)

[] Start gushing about how she's your hero
My mind says no, but my body, my body says yes!

[X] Start gushing about how she's your hero
-[X] What will you try to negotiate for? (write-in)
--[X] Ask why she should't touch the blades.
--[X] Weren't both Solid Core and Goddess Grey supposed to be in the prison with everyone else?
--[X] Try and convince her to let you break the prison since Goddess White should still trapped in it and you're sure despite everything else Goddess Grey still cares for her sister

This sounds a little long, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Maybe.
i feel i should point out, i am fairly certain that Goddess Grey is currently affected by Goddess Red's mark. And may as such have a very warped, very such not logical, view of the world, much like with Juggernaut Drive.

That said, i would really like to talk to her, i just don't expect to be all that productive.

[X] Start gushing about how she's your hero
-[X] What will you try to negotiate for? (write-in)
--[X] Ask why she should't touch the blades.
--[X] Weren't both Solid Core and Goddess Grey supposed to be in the prison with everyone else?
--[X] Try and convince her to let you break the prison since Goddess White should still trapped in it and you're sure despite everything else Goddess Grey still cares for her sister

Edit: if we can find an angle to remove the mark, awesome, and i don't think attempting to fuse with Gehaburn would be healthy.
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Looks like we're trying the talky method first.

I'm not confident this will work but I'm pretty sure this is going to have to take multiple resets anyways so might as well get some information and attempt at talking first since I imagine a few resets of fighting will make Grey much less likely [to] talk.
You might be surprised.

Here's a Tally since the votes have finished arriving.
Adhoc vote count started by kelllogo on Apr 26, 2020 at 10:45 PM, finished with 28 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Start gushing about how she's your hero
    -[X] What will you try to negotiate for? (write-in)
    --[X] Ask why she should't touch the blades.
    --[X] Weren't both Solid Core and Goddess Grey supposed to be in the prison with everyone else?
    --[X] Try and convince her to let you break the prison since Goddess White should still trapped in it and you're sure despite everything else Goddess Grey still cares for her sister
    [X] Grab and fuse the mystery blade to prepare for a fight!
    -[X] Fight defensively and as minimalist as possible to gauge your opponent; Grey is unlikely to leave an opening, but she might if she underestimates you; exploit it if she does
    -[X] Explore whatever power the mystery blade grants upon being fused, and use it if this appears like it would give you an edge
    [X] Teleport to the prison cage and attempt to enter it!
    [X] Start gushing about how she's your hero
    -[X] What will you try to negotiate for? (write-in)
    --[X] Your sister looked for a specialist to release your sister from the trap they are in, which currently had no known key because the inventor of said trap died. Well then, here I am! Trap defuser Magical Girl Lockpick! Paid by your sister to release your sister from the trap thingy! Now take me to the trap thingy.
There's a reason I suggested just doing fighting and talking over multiple resets. Eventually it would start digging in how many times this had happened and the words would start getting through to her, each iteration compounding the words into her mind as we fight. Which we'll get more out of than her because we're both a lower tier and will be remembering more of the loops than she will.
Nightmare Cascade 1
[X] Start gushing about how she's your hero
-[X] What will you try to negotiate for? (write-in)
--[X] Ask why she should't touch the blades.
--[X] Weren't both Solid Core and Goddess Grey supposed to be in the prison with everyone else?
--[X] Try and convince her to let you break the prison since Goddess White should still trapped in it and you're sure despite everything else Goddess Grey still cares for her sister

+--[X] Your sister looked for a specialist to release your sister from the trap they are in, which currently had no known key because the inventor of said trap died. Well then, here I am! Trap defuser Magical Girl Lockpick! Paid by your sister to release your sister from the trap thingy! Now take me to the trap thingy.
(it amused me)

Your Panoply limply falls as you stand up straighter. The desolation around you doesn't match Grey's style, but she's well capable of flattening her surroundings. Yet she led with a demand instead of a weapon.

Think, think quickly.

When Goddess Grey touches the ground her skin sparkles with light and a sword longer than she is tall appears in her right hand. Even with her entrance holding all of your focus and attention the weapon just appeared from nowhere as soon as Grey prepared to hold it.

Could she create a weapon that bisected you upon its creation? You don't think so, but also don't want to try to find out.

"Yes, not touching!" you declare.

Grey throws herself between you and the remains of Solid Core, fixing you with a glare.

Steady, try not to act like she's going to cut you. You try to recall if any of the social seminars from your time in the hospital covered situations like this.

"Excuse me, why shouldn't they be touched? Are they yours?"

Goddess Grey relaxes, her gaze softening and the sword dropping from her hand, "What it is, is a disaster. Why are you here?"

"I heard that Goddess White was trapped and thought I could help you by setting her free. You've been my hero for years."

Too much? You tried to be just a bit over exuberant. Could she tell that you were nervous or were you clamping down on your face too hard?

"You must be Summit." Grey frowns slightly and sighs, "I have to apologize for your treatment by the UD."

Your blood turns to ice. It feels like your heart has stopped even as Grey runs a hand over her scalp. Energy pulses through your Panoply as you start a teleport to escape.

Grey's free hand flicks a few caltrops at you, local space ripples as they move and your bubble destabilizes. You try to spear out at her legs, perhaps to knock her off her feet, but she kicks a small bulldozer blade that blocks direct attacks from your weapon.

What follows is the whistle of steel slamming into you as you try to scramble back. Scythe leads to spear, leads to sword, leads to darts. Each blow pushing your closer to your limits in a calculated fashion. Grey pushes her arms and legs at nearly a hundred meters per second, switching gracefully between weapon stances and conjuring the appropriate weapons an instant before the blow lands.

A reprieve gives just enough time to cover yourself with your weapon and attempt to escape again. She fills the air and ground around you with swords, letting the weight of their magic pull the bubble apart.

"Why?" you bark.

Grey blinks at you, her slight frown of concentration steady, "Because Ni will make certain."

She shrieks out a kiai and your perception is filled with the purest force of destruction you've seen.

(Trump Card

55000 Base Damage, +2358 Dice, +15500 ??? +22000 Mercy Kill +400 Epic Power = 95258 Damage
55000 Base Damage, +2358 Dice, +15500 ??? +22000 Mercy Kill +400 Epic Power = 95258 Damage
55000 Base Damage, +2358 Dice, +15500 ??? +22000 Mercy Kill +400 Epic Power = 95258 Damage
55000 Base Damage, +2358 Dice, +15500 ??? +22000 Mercy Kill +400 Epic Power = 95258 Damage

381,032 Unified Damage

To Defy the Gods Triggers!

95258 Total Damage

Magical Girl Summit : 1000 Resilience, +448 Dice, +19051 Reactive Field, +200 Hunkered Down, -400 Armor Damage, -400 Hostile Epic Effect = 19899 Damage Reduction

75359 End Damage
60% Ceaseless Warrior
30144 Final End Damage

Magical Girl Summit: 14500 - 30144 = -15,644 Health

Half the woman she used to be…)


"Don't touch that!"

You scream and your Panoply spikes every which way as you process the sensation of being cut in half!

By the time you gather your wits Goddess Grey has dived at you. You try to slow her down, or at least slip away, but she methodically breaks your Panoply apart with her weapons and trips you with an excessive number of chains.

Heat blossoms over your face, you should have done better than this! This is humiliating.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Grey interrogates.


She pinches the bridge of her nose, "Ugh. I apologize in advance for this. Ni will have to fix you."


A huge axe descends…

"Don't touch that!"

"Sorry!" you shout.

You forcibly detach the reaching part of your Panoply and carefully arrange the mass around you. No sharp corners that invite stabs and hold everything compactly so you aren't unbalancing yourself as much when the blows alternate from side to side.

Grey bolts with inhuman speed to interpose herself between you and Solid Core's body. The glare she wears is familiar. As is the large sword in her hand.

Keep talking, that seemed to get you somewhere, "I thought you were trapped in some kind of prison! I wanted to free you!"

Grey opens her mouth, then closes it and blinks a couple times, "Me? Where did you hear that?"

"Zoe." She was supposed to be important, you think.

Grey relaxes and lets her weapon drop, "Good, she can learn. Stabbing her would have caused such a hassle. That makes you Summit, right?"

You nod. "Yes, what happened?"

"My little sister pulled a dirty trick and I very nearly got her and myself killed." Grey does a head tilt to indicate the swords, "This is some sort of shadow of that potential death. Then Zoe started pulling them into the box when I opened the effect."

She sighs and steps closer to put a hand on your Panoply, near the shoulder, "I'm sorry about this, but could you detransform? I need you to be just a little bit expired so Red can bring you back without Zoe's brainwashing."

"Zoe wanted to deliver me to you dead! She never got to do any brainwashing!" you plead.

Grey shakes her head slightly and the next fifteen seconds are full of bladed weapons.

"Don't touch that!"

You spin to face her, "Goddess Grey!"

She lunges and shears off part of your Panoply, you pay it no mind. If you're going to sort this out you need to figure out what she's after, other than rendering you dead to make sure of something.

"I didn't expect to see you here, or her." you continue, gesturing at Solid Core's body.

Grey settles into an aggressive posture and puts the point of her sword close to your neck, "Have we met?"

"Yes! You helped me out years ago when I was a young Magical Girl."

She pulls the point back and raises an eyebrow.

Your face feels a bit numb as you sort through your own thoughts. Is this going to give you bad habits in the future? You need more information now, even if it is already starting to feel less like you are talking to a real person.

"Did you kill her?"

"Almost." she steps towards you, "I don't know your face, and something is odd about you. Who are you?"

Oh! There is something you can use here, something you tucked away long ago. With a thought you extrude the broken hilt into your hand to display.

"You gave me this when we were in Toronto." you exclaim.

Goddess Grey gasps, "That's-What happened to you?"

"A horrible demon locked me up for years." you point towards the prison artifact, "I didn't want to leave you or anyone trapped in there. Do you?"

She shifts from her posturing stance into a more flexible one. All the authority appears to drop out of her face, replaced with an empty look.

"No. I don't want to leave her there Summit."

You start accelerating backwards, this is the part where she kills you.

Grey grits her teeth, "I don't want to do any of this, but I don't have a better option right now!"

A stream of bladed death rushes at you, you weave and duck away from the brunt of it and batter away the largest parts with your Panoply. This action, or rather the awkward configuration it forces your Panoply to assume, slows your flight to a crawl. Goddess Grey adjusts her attacks to push you further down, lunges at you when you dive, and catches you with a long whip-like sword to pull you into the ground.

You hadn't even worked yourself free when she bisects you with an especially potent conjured weapon.

"Don't touch that!"

The swords puncturing Solid Core's corpse are different. The last time you recall taking them in they felt like a connection to a vast realm of power. Now the dark purple edges, almost black really, echo the pain of death when you look at them. Are the swords laughing at you?

You let your Panoply fall apart around you, "Ah!"

As usual Goddess Grey moves between you and Solid Core's macabre pincushion. This time she keeps hold of her large sword.

"Who are you and why are you here." Grey punctuates her words by poking the blade closer to you with each syllable.

"Sorry! I'm Magical Girl Lockpick, I often get into odd places. Goddess Red found me and wanted me to help fix Zoe's mess?"

She pulls back her weapon, then squints at you, "That doesn't seem right, haven't we met before?"

Something non-committal would be good, "I'm surprised you'd remember me."

"Toronto, before the fall of Hope." Goddess Grey says quietly, an odd polearm with a long spike appearing in her left hand, "Now you're just another Magical Girl who had her heroics shattered by this war. That's why Lockpick didn't appear when we scryed."

You dart your Panoply away from her first stab, catch the next swing away from the point, now crackling with electricity, but she cuts her own weapon with another sword and flicks the spearhead into your Panoply. Contact makes your weapons shatter into harmless dust as it releases a charge. Then Grey conjures a bear trap on a chain to trap a leg while you try to scramble away.

"I don't know what you're doing-" she says while dragging you off your feet, "But stop it, I won't leave you dead for long."

You try to kick away in defiance, but she's much stronger than she looks, "I haven't done anything. Just stop trying to kill me!"

"Do you see anyone else?"

As a matter of fact, you can see a lesser demon running where the ground should have been. The sides of the blasted crater contain only three points of interest, as her gesture demonstrates.

"Solid Core and those blades." you answer.

"I see."

Goddess Grey pulls back on the chain and twirls you through the air by the bear trap around your leg. A tightened loop and release sends you clipping the lip of the crater and bouncing on the ground outside of it. With a sharp tug Grey pulls herself towards you.

"Wait! What do you want? Do I have to die for it!" you shout.

She waits for you to finish talking while looming above you.

"I want people to keep their promises. And there's more going on than you know."

A human-like demon with fierce claws on his left hand points at you, "Just kill her!"

"This is about my satisfaction, not yours!" Grey shouts back.

She's holding a dreadfully familiar, dreadfully powerful sword in her right hand. You start to crawl back while she talks.

It doesn't make a difference. Grey snaps the sword to just above your head.

"You'll be happier this way, I was."

"Give up Summit!"

That sounds like a cue to re-think your approach. You try to glare at her while thinking as quickly as you can manage about what to do. It appears your glare is not effective.


"Give up Summit!"

[X] [Gehaburn]
-[X] Collect and Fuse
-[X] Don't Touch (1.2x)

[X] Go on the offensive, you badly want to smack a Goddess right now
-[X] Battle tactics? (write-in, feel free to be vague about this)
She knows enough to try breaking your Panoply, but isn't focusing on your teleportation as much.
[X] Keep talking. Something is starting to stick, maybe you can find a working approach.
-[X] Ideas? (write-in)
[X] Teleport away
-[X] To the prison artifact
-[X] Anywhere but here!

[Please refer to Crossworlds 19 for an explanation of what's happening (one threadmark back)]

Status of Combatants:

Magical Girl Summit: Reset
Magical Girl Juggernaut Drive: Unaware, waiting ~300 meters away
Magical Girl Judgement Drive: Unaware, waiting ~320 meters away

Magical Girl Goddess Grey: Unharmed, out to get you

+30 EXP I Face Death With Renewed Strength!
+20 EXP A Reunion of Sorts
+1 EXP Will You Stop With the Head Slicing Thing!

345 + 51 = 396 EXP

EXP cannot be spent at this time!
Time to XP farm? :V

Might get something more if we actually fight. Or maybe not.

Also yeah. Wasn't sure how exactly she would refute us, but "Ni will fix you" fits. Also not really arguable because of the Mark.

And she's too good for us to hit the Mark. At least without Gehaburn perks maybe.
Oh, and of course more Trauma. Summit's being killed by her personal hero over and over.

(Something like a) Wail of Madness upgrade seems appropiate.

And one of these MCs needs to try eating an energy field larger than her head at some point.
I'm more confused than anything else.

I'll just sit this one out.
About what? We tried to diplo and Grey just killed us every time.
And she's too good for us to hit the Mark. At least without Gehaburn perks maybe.
Just to clear things up, Goddess Grey does not presently have an active seal from Goddess Red.
Any chance we could using some magic to make it look like there's already a command seal on us?
This is a trickier sell now than it would have been earlier, but what have you got to lose? (Summit had a look from Juggernaut Drive and Twisted Metal, she could make a good copy show up on her Panoply.)
Just to clear things up, Goddess Grey does not presently have an active seal from Goddess Red.
... :X

Welp. We're absolutely fucked. Cause that means Grey is willingly staying with her sister and I'm not sure what else could be impeding her perception or if anything even is.
This is a trickier sell now than it would have been earlier, but what have you got to lose? (Summit had a look from Juggernaut Drive and Twisted Metal, she could make a good copy show up on her Panoply.)
tbh I both want to fight her and want to eat the energy field larger than our head.
Reposting this because talking did not work and Summit has no chance against Grey as she is. Might as well go for broke immediately instead of letting her learn our tricks first.

[] Grab and fuse the mystery blade to prepare for a fight!
-[] Fight defensively and as minimalist as possible to gauge your opponent; Grey is unlikely to leave an opening, but she might if she underestimates you; exploit it if she does
-[] Explore whatever power the mystery blade grants upon being fused, and use it if this appears like it would give you an edge

Edit: SAB adjusted it to the current format, so here

[X] Plan Naron's
-[X] [Gehaburn]
--[X] Collect and Fuse
-[X] Go on the offensive, you badly want to smack a Goddess right now
--[X] Fight defensively and as minimalist as possible to gauge your opponent; Grey is unlikely to leave an opening, but she might if she underestimates you; exploit it if she does
--[X] Explore whatever power the mystery blade grants upon being fused, and use it if this appears like it would give you an edge
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Welp. We're absolutely fucked. Cause that means Grey is willingly staying with her sister and I'm not sure what else could be impeding her perception or if anything even is.
Five-ish years of burning bridges, making friends with the other side, and not even finishing five minutes of arguments with her youngest sister about this before another UD upstart activates her trap card?

Ichi is more than a little upset right now, even if it's not at entirely at Summit. Her pulling the 'kill-then-rez' plan may be more for the benefit of her minders (what does she tell you the first couple times she kills you?).
[X] Plan Naron's
-[X] [Gehaburn]
--[X] Collect and Fuse
-[X] Go on the offensive, you badly want to smack a Goddess right now
--[X] Fight defensively and as minimalist as possible to gauge your opponent; Grey is unlikely to leave an opening, but she might if she underestimates you; exploit it if she does
--[X] Explore whatever power the mystery blade grants upon being fused, and use it if this appears like it would give you an edge

Literally Naron's plan, just in the current format
Just to clear things up, Goddess Grey does not presently have an active seal from Goddess Red.
Five-ish years of burning bridges, making friends with the other side, and not even finishing five minutes of arguments with her youngest sister about this before another UD upstart activates her trap card?

Ichi is more than a little upset right now, even if it's not at entirely at Summit. Her pulling the 'kill-then-rez' plan may be more for the benefit of her minders (what does she tell you the first couple times she kills you?).
"Why?" you bark.

Grey blinks at you, her slight frown of concentration steady, "Because Ni will make certain."
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Grey interrogates.


She pinches the bridge of her nose, "Ugh. I apologize in advance for this. Ni will have to fix you."

This is what Ichi tells us. Also this:
She sighs and steps closer to put a hand on your Panoply, near the shoulder, "I'm sorry about this, but could you detransform? I need you to be just a little bit expired so Red can bring you back without Zoe's brainwashing."

"Zoe wanted to deliver me to you dead! She never got to do any brainwashing!" you plead.

Grey shakes her head slightly and the next fifteen seconds are full of bladed weapons.

I have this feeling that the brainwashing angle can work, and I'm going to write it up properly. If the people would give me time and stop posting rapid fire.

It is rather obvious that Ichi trusts neither Unified Light aligned Summit, nor Zoe brainwashed Summit.
[] Keep talking. Something is starting to stick, maybe you can find a working approach.
-[] No, you give up.
--[] I don't know if you've started to catch on yet, but we're stuck in a time loop. Killing me will bring us right back to the start, just like the last half dozen times you've tried it. You literally can't bring me back to Ni. You can either tell your handlers to piss off and let me do my job so I can get all of us out of here, or you can kill me. Again. And we'll end up right back here. Again. And I'll have to yell at you. Again.
---[] Insert expletives -or attempts at such- where appropriate.

Just felt like dropping this here. Use it, carve it apart for the useful bits, ignore it, up to you.
I have this feeling that the brainwashing angle can work, and I'm going to write it up properly. If the people would give me time and stop posting rapid fire.

It is rather obvious that Ichi trusts neither Unified Light aligned Summit, nor Zoe brainwashed Summit.
I'm doubtful it would work now unfortunately. It might work, but she's already recalled rescuing us in our childhood, which we had to remind her of a grand total of once.

*Shrug* I mean, don't let me stop you if you want to, but just saying.
[] Keep talking. Something is starting to stick, maybe you can find a working approach.
-[] No, you give up.
--[] I don't know if you've started to catch on yet, but we're stuck in a time loop. Killing me will bring us right back to the start, just like the last half dozen times you've tried it. You literally can't bring me back to Ni. You can either tell your handlers to piss off and let me do my job so I can get all of us out of here, or you can kill me. Again. And we'll end up right back here. Again. And I'll have to yell at you. Again.
---[] Insert expletives -or attempts at such- where appropriate.

Just felt like dropping this here. Use it, carve it apart for the useful bits, ignore it, up to you.
We both have to walk away which means leaving them there I think. Or all of us could just stand there. Or things continue on as normal and we're just in a little pocket bubble, so she probably just thinks she has to stall us here long enough for Red to show up if nothing else.
Right. For the purposes of Ichi's characterization, I think we can somewhat disregard the update immediately previous. It doesn't have very much useful right now, save that it tells us the swords are somewhat sentient.

As for her current situation. I mentioned that she doesn't seem to trust either UL aligned or Zoe aligned Summit. When we told her we were sent from Zoe, she asked us to get detransformed so we could be brought back without Zoe's brainwashing. When we told her we wanted to release Goddess White without revealing any allegiance, well...
"A horrible demon locked me up for years." you point towards the prison artifact, "I didn't want to leave you or anyone trapped in there. Do you?"

She shifts from her posturing stance into a more flexible one. All the authority appears to drop out of her face, replaced with an empty look.

"No. I don't want to leave her there Summit."

You start accelerating backwards, this is the part where she kills you.

Grey grits her teeth, "I don't want to do any of this, but I don't have a better option right now!"
She recognized us when we mentioned we also were imprisoned inside the artefact. And she lost all expression on her face.
Now, logically she would have liked the prison to be opened. But as she said:
"Wait! What do you want? Do I have to die for it!" you shout.

She waits for you to finish talking while looming above you.

"I want people to keep their promises. And there's more going on than you know."
She wants people to keep their promises. And she claims there's more going on than we know. That last one is true, but... She certainly seems to be telling us there's more happening than we know. Probably referring to more than the immediate situation, too.


Since we were told that she has no active Seal right now, it means she can be convinced she is in the wrong. This is not the worst situation. And frankly I do not trust Gehaburns.

Again recall what Grey told us.
1) She kills Summit "Because Ni will make certain".
2) She kills Summit for overreacting due to her first death, and tells us "Ni will have to fix you". She doesn't even know we are Summit, only that something made us broken.
3) When Summit tells her she was sent by Zoe, Grey relaxes a bit and tells us something of the situation.
4) She is provoked into an attack the moment we express the desire to open the prison. You'd think she would leap at the chance, but nooo. She claims she has no better option right now.
4) When we try to lie about our identity she more or less calls us out on it. And again tells us there is more happening than we know.

We have several realistic options. Try to convince Grey she is overly aggresive/brainwashed.
Try and convince Grey we were sent here to assist her with resolving the situation. For this I think being as forthright as possible might work. Maybe fake a Seal on ourselves though.
Try and convince Grey that we were sent here by Ni (as first priority, not as part of another plan) and hope she tells us what we are supposed to do.

The idea behind both of the latter options is to stop Ichi seeing us as something that needs to be broken and remade, but as a tool she can use right now.

Finally we have the option to aggro and get killed, obviously.

Will post some more soon
[X] [Gehaburn]
-[X] Collect and Fuse
-[X] Don't Touch (1.2x)

[X] Go on the offensive, you badly want to smack a Goddess right now
-[X] Battle tactics? (write-in, feel free to be vague about this)
She knows enough to try breaking your Panoply, but isn't focusing on your teleportation as much.
[X] Keep talking. Something is starting to stick, maybe you can find a working approach.
-[X] Ideas? (write-in)
[X] Teleport away
-[X] To the prison artifact
-[X] Anywhere but here!
Escape conditions:
Get killed via The Unknown Blade
Kill Goddess Grey using The Unknown Blade
Both Magical Girls stop fighting and leave the crater alive


So as I said, I think that being forthright might give us more ground than trying to deceive her or to fight her (as we are now).

[X] [Gehaburn]
-[X] Don't Touch (1.2x)

[X] Keep talking. Something is starting to stick, maybe you can find a working approach.
-[X] Be forthright. You are Magical Girl Summit and you have been sent here to help Grey resolve this situation if she lets you. Tell her you were sent here on short notice (which is true) and you need to know the specifics before you can help properly.
--[X] By now you know that something makes the situation reset time and again if you die (apparently), and trying to fight Grey (as you are now) gets you nowhere. If she actually tries to kill you, don't resist futilely. Instead, point out she is being far too hostile, possibly brainwashed or affected by something. Also, tell her you have a spell that distrupts magic in the area if she is worried about something affecting you, so if she could stop pressing on you with her Overwhelming Presence you could prove you aren't a danger to her. If she does let you cast the spell, use Wave Force to do just that, without aiming it at her or the blades...
--[X] Also since, again, fighting her as you are now gets you nowhere, pay some more attention to your surroundings. You're supposed to have a Peerless Explorer given ability to assess the surrounding auras, magical effects and territory effects, lean on it. Is there really nothing but what you've already seen on cursory glance?
--[X] If she still kills you, be more insistent in asking for details. If she's thinking you need Ni's attention, tell her you'd need to know it anyway whether before she drags your corpse to Ni or after, so she could tell you now. If she keeps refusing anyway ask her if there's something wrong going on with this place, besides the swords and the general crater-that-never-was that is.
--[X] You may consider trying to fake Ni's Seal, especially if Grey appears to be less on guard or immediately hostile. Just be aware that this ploy will only work maybe once, if at that. So keep your brainwashed-by-Ni status ambiguous unless you think faking it is sure to help.
--[X] If it keeps going on again and again, tell her that killing you over and over in a goddamn timeloop won't get anyone anywhere. Would she stop for a minute and tell you what is wrong - with this place, with this situation and with Grey herself? Vent a little at her, and maybe try and get her to vent at you.
Last edited:
Right. For the purposes of Ichi's characterization, I think we can somewhat disregard the update immediately previous. It doesn't have very much useful right now, save that it tells us the swords are somewhat sentient.

As for her current situation. I mentioned that she doesn't seem to trust either UL aligned or Zoe aligned Summit. When we told her we were sent from Zoe, she asked us to get detransformed so we could be brought back without Zoe's brainwashing. When we told her we wanted to release Goddess White without revealing any allegiance, well...

She recognized us when we mentioned we also were imprisoned inside the artefact. And she lost all expression on her face.
Now, logically she would have liked the prison to be opened. But as she said:

She wants people to keep their promises. And she claims there's more going on than we know. That last one is true, but... She certainly seems to be telling us there's more happening than we know. Probably referring to more than the immediate situation, too.


Since we were told that she has no active Seal right now, it means she can be convinced she is in the wrong. This is not the worst situation. And frankly I do not trust Gehaburns.

Again recall what Grey told us.
1) She kills Summit "Because Ni will make certain".
2) She kills Summit for overreacting due to her first death, and tells us "Ni will have to fix you". She doesn't even know we are Summit, only that something made us broken.
3) When Summit tells her she was sent by Zoe, Grey relaxes a bit and tells us something of the situation.
4) She is provoked into an attack the moment we express the desire to open the prison. You'd think she would leap at the chance, but nooo. She claims she has no better option right now.
4) When we try to lie about our identity she more or less calls us out on it. And again tells us there is more happening than we know.

We have several realistic options. Try to convince Grey she is overly aggresive/brainwashed.
Try and convince Grey we were sent here to assist her with resolving the situation. For this I think being as forthright as possible might work. Maybe fake a Seal on ourselves though.
Try and convince Grey that we were sent here by Ni (as first priority, not as part of another plan) and hope she tells us what we are supposed to do.

The idea behind both of the latter options is to stop Ichi seeing us as something that needs to be broken and remade, but as a tool she can use right now.

Finally we have the option to aggro and get killed, obviously.

Will post some more soon
Do you think we could convince her to turn off her Overwhelming Presence just long enough for us to cast a Grand Dispel on the area (not at her), to prove that we're not under any mind control?
I would honestly like the sword... but Faraway-R makes sense...

I'll abstain for now, but if this gets to a third round, I'm voting for taking the sword.

[X] [Gehaburn]
-[X] Don't Touch (1.2x)

[X] Keep talking. Something is starting to stick, maybe you can find a working approach.
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