Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

That's fair. We're now about 24 hours in to Day 4. I think if we're going to wait for @Generic_Generica to reply it makes sense to be generous since we have plenty of time—maybe wait another 20+ hours before deciding either way. Generic_Generica is usually on in the late afternoon/evening my time, so expect soon!

I really don't mind killing Gen_Gen first, because I am generally convinced the bad guy team is Icarus + Gen_Gen.

To be fair, I want to off Icarus today in case Blazing has been playing an epic con game since the start. Because unlike GG, I know I caught Icarus in a lie.
Eh, Blazing campaigning hard to try to get votes on a suspect who turned out to be mafia has me willing to give him benefit of the doubt. While the votes didn't materialize he didn't have any way of knowing they wouldn't. I mean he could've easily been "convinced" to change to Ellf by "going back over the arguments" last minute if he was actually maf. He might've assumed it was going to just be Ellf going by the last tiebreaker, but even so it was an unnecessary risk to keep the tie going instead of changing when he found an excuse.

Although I will say I'm amazed none of the Mafia pushed for Ellf. That was a weird day.
@Megaolix I can understand the paranoia, but think it's misplaced for now. As for Icarus or Generica that gets chalked up to play style. I go for Generica because he's most likely via process of elimination, while you go for Icarus because he's the one with the most hard evidence from your viewpoint.
@Megaolix I can understand the paranoia, but think it's misplaced for now. As for Icarus or Generica that gets chalked up to play style. I go for Generica because he's most likely via process of elimination, while you go for Icarus because he's the one with the most hard evidence from your viewpoint.
Well, we need the votes of all town to hammer away anyway. If everyone else agree for GG, I suppose I can as well. And I know doubting Blazing is paranoia at this point, but heh, you gotta doubt to trust first.
This is what I get for not checking SV since... I think I posted like one post yesterday. I actually forgot about this game for a while. Sorry all, I done fucked up.

Basically I'm on vacation. I've found time to post some fanfic over on QQ but today I was on a boat for eight hours (and throwing up for four of those hours).

Yesterday I was chillaxing on the beach and sipping lemonade.

The day before I was in a car for eight hours and passed out the other sixteen hours.

Tomorrow I have to get on another car for like six hours.

And holy shit I need to go through this thread. Um. Things are happening. I know I've been away enough to the point where I wouldn't terribly mind if you lynched me for inactivity but gimme a few hours to go through this damn thread and see what's what.
If we lynched you for inactivity and you were town we'd lose, so we'd prefer not to do that. There's still 48 hours left in the day, so there's plenty of time to get things done. Let me know if you have any questions.
Alright have some more analysis. Fuck it.

We're down to:
And last but not least, me. The wonderful and sexy @Generic_Generica-tan~

The dead:
@Ellf, @Nanimani, @Deadly Snark, @LupineVolt, @TheFanficAddict, @TenfoldShields-sama, and @Shard

Righto let's get to it. Out of all the roles that've been revealed two power roles have been killed, one neutral killing role, one maf and then a couple more townies. Who're probably like, vanilla although they could be power roles.

@Joebobjoe is town. Unquestionably. Same with @LostDeviljho.

If @Blazinghand is scum he's managed to play us all for one long con which means we're all fucked anyways.

I'm town. Of course I'd fucking say that if I were maf but what the hell.

So that leaves us with what, @Megaolix and @Icarus.

Like, I've thought about it a bit and Megaolix doesn't feel scummy. And Icarus' claim has always felt fishy to me. I just feel like it smells of bullshit. What, five power roles, five VT and three scum? Fuck if I know.

Oh look this is the part where I waffle again like I've done throughout this game. And ramble.

Basically if you all were expecting me to offer detailed commentary, well, I'm sorry to disappoint you for the unpteenth fucking time.
Also I'm done for the night, I spent a half hour retching in the bathroom because I was so nauseous and seasick. I'm not looking at this fucking screen for another second my eyes feel like they're about to explode.
I hope you feel better soon, Generic_Generica. Sounds pretty rough :(

As it turns out, boats and I do not mix.

At all.

Anyways like, I'm sorry for not being able to provide more detailed commentary or even a better defense that isn't "Hey look at these guys they're definitely more suspicious" but such is life. I skimmed trough this thread in fifteen minutes while fighting down my dinner. At this point I'm just about convinced you all're going to lynch me so fuck it, I'm trying to save my own skin. If I could muster up the magical words to convince you I'm not scum I'd say them but I physically cannot think of them.
If it makes you feel better I'm in the "let's take down Icarus first" camp, but ultimately I don't have a lot of sway over this town. It's probably JBJ you'd have to convince of anything.
Just want to start off and say I hope you feel better. Seasickness is a bitch.

Like, I've thought about it a bit and Megaolix doesn't feel scummy. And Icarus' claim has always felt fishy to me. I just feel like it smells of bullshit. What, five power roles, five VT and three scum? Fuck if I know.

See, this has been annoying the hell out of me all game. All anyone can ever say is "But it doesn't feel right," and that's all well and good on like, Day one. But we've been at this long enough where you can at least point to the thing that's bothering you as a baseline. Not just you, but a lot of other players have been doing this.

I can definitively say my problem with mega is "He lied about his town power until well after all other town roles were revealed, which gives him the opportunity to craft a perfect story when me and LDJ were shooting in the dark in terms of trust." Like him giving his role without pressure doesn't matter, since this is like the last or 2nd-to-last day anyway. Fact is if there was anyone who'd be in the best position to write a perfect story right now, it'd be him.

I've taken two days of pressure about how my role "doesn't feel right" and for what? Mega's "Hah, I caught Icarus in a lie... not based on any evidence at all but I know its a lie!" and "Why would you roleblock me, why would anyone think I'm suspicious?"

Also supplementary info because I think Gen's sort of new to this. Mason isn't a 'power role', masons are separate. "Five power roles, five VT and three scum" is not what we're saying. Masons and power roles are usually counted separately for balancing purposes.
Icarus I will say it partially comes down to visibility. Unless Jho was playing us then the idea of a doctor has kept our cop alive but roleblocked, and doctor is something you claim late because you're a glaring weak spot. Also Blazing, you forgot in your "we need all the town" math that the last maf isn't going to reveal themselves by refusing to vote for their partner. One vote doesn't matter at this point, majority rule still works decently.