Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

Out of the goodness of my heart I will bump it

Anyways now that @TenfoldShields has said his piece I can finally say mine.

Now some of you might remember how I convinced a good chunk of the town to lynch one of the Masons last day Cycle. I've already given my reasons as to why and of course they still apply. But of course, as it is the norm for Mafia I had another underlining motive. I was fishing for reactions. Nothing like a Controversial, but also smart, but also opportunistic kill to draw out people from both sides, or three if tenfold isn't bullshitting everyone.

Course all of this would have went so much better if @LostDeviljho didn't blow his load on Day Fucking 2. So sorry that I wasn't able to account for ridiculous incompetence @TheFanficAddict . Still I only lost one on long term benefits, short term benefits were something I was still able to harvest.

But anyways I have a list.

The Innocents
@Deadly Snark

Possible Scum

Could Go either way

Alright let me explain how I arrived at the innocent list. Again establishing that Nani and Joe were the ones we could trust was part of the reason for last day cycle so I won't repeat, and as for Lost, *Gives a look* so the others merit greater talk. When I first posted my vote to lynch TFA, Blaze, Mega and Shard immediately jumped on me and Shard was hysterical. Which to me says all there is to say, a Mafia wouldn't just go for the straight up Knee-Jerk Vote and especially not together, way to suspicious on a read back. Which by the way, @Shard getting killed really pissed me off, because I was hoping that someone else from the other two list would be killed so I can narrow down my list.

And that brings me to my Probably a Scum List. Because I don't believe that Shard was either killed randomly or because he was unproductive or whatever. Shard was the one beyond Nani and Joe that I was absolutely 100% Sure was a Town, and I was again relying on them to do work in the future. Killing him cleanly cuts some of the stuff I was planning at the knee, so this was done by someone who clearly had a mind as twisted as mine. And in this thread there are 3 people that I'm confident have minds as twisted as mine. Nani, Tenfold, and Lupine. Nani was proven innocent so it could be them.

So it had to be either Tenfold or Lupine or even both. And of course, as Tenfold admitted to his crime, well I was hoping to grill it out of him over the day, but someone blew the load on that so whatever. But anyways yeah while I believe that Tenfold would kill someone for being unproductive, because he's argued for that before, I also think that it's an imagine he carefully crafted. Ultimately killing Shard fucked the down in the ass, because Shard was someone who was clearly 100% Town just from how he tried to knee jerk vote me so hard and fast they fucked up the format a few times before getting it right.

So sorry man, I'd rather shot Blaze and Mega, but when they are innocent and your profile fits a scum while look I want to win the game. No matter if I get a heartattack by the end of this.

That leaves Generica, Icarus and Ellf who could go either way. The first two because ultimately they just don't post that much and the latter because he avoided the initial splash damage of my votes, so I can't gauge anything from them.

Still I think there's a decent list to work from. Even if you all remove me because you all think I'm scum.
You know, rereading this post, this is actually a really solid post and deserves engagement. I agree that Gen_Gen, Icarus, and LV deserve extra scrutiny, as well as TFS being almost certainly Mafia. Gen_Gen I mentioned in my analysis of why TFS' shotclaim doesn't make sense. LV hasn't been posting a whole lot and seems oddly resistant to lynching TFS. Icarus has picked up actually but is still of course worthy of scrutiny. I think Ellf has been actually quite good so I don't put Ellf in any suspicious category. A great post @Deadly Snark
You know this whole thing where 'Yeah GG doesn't post much' needs to die in a fucking fire.

Fuck's sake I have 56 posts, one less than Nani and four more than TFS. Forgive me for not being a freak of nature like @Blazinghand who has literally 141 fucking posts and who I'm half convinced never even sleeps given that I've seen them on at all times of the day.

No offense.

About the only thing you can say is that I don't contribute much which is like, fair enough I guess.

But I swear if I get lynched on the basis of 'You don't post at all' like that's not fucking true.
Like I guess I really am that fucking bland or something given how apparently I'm entirely failing to make any kind of impression.

It's literally 'Generic who?'

Fuck's sake.
You know this whole thing where 'Yeah GG doesn't post much' needs to die in a fucking fire.

Fuck's sake I have 56 posts, one less than Nani and four more than TFS. Forgive me for not being a freak of nature like @Blazinghand who has literally 141 fucking posts and who I'm half convinced never even sleeps given that I've seen them on at all times of the day.

No offense.

About the only thing you can say is that I don't contribute much which is like, fair enough I guess.

But I swear if I get lynched on the basis of 'You don't post at all' like that's not fucking true.
In my defense that was more from back in Day 1, when you didn't participate much.
On phone so formatting be hard, but:

[x] Lynch Tenfoldshields already
In my defense that was more from back in Day 1, when you didn't participate much.

That was fucking day one. It was a fucking clusterfuck. Of course I kept my head down, I didn't want to be caught in the crossfire. Hell a lot of people kept their fucking heads down.

Literally the only analysis I could add was 'this is a clusterfuck' because A) I'm a nooblet B) I'm not as smart or analytical as the rest of you, I'm about as fucking subtle as a bull in a chinashop and C) I had nothing left to fucking say everyone else had already said what needed to be said.

Day two I finally got some fucking opinions because everything is less on fire but oh my god.

This fucking meme just needs to fucking die in a fire I swear to christ if I get ganked in the middle of the night because 'Oh you're too bland and you don't post' I'll be pissed af.
You know this whole thing where 'Yeah GG doesn't post much' needs to die in a fucking fire.

Fuck's sake I have 56 posts, one less than Nani and four more than TFS. Forgive me for not being a freak of nature like @Blazinghand who has literally 141 fucking posts and who I'm half convinced never even sleeps given that I've seen them on at all times of the day.

No offense.

About the only thing you can say is that I don't contribute much which is like, fair enough I guess.

But I swear if I get lynched on the basis of 'You don't post at all' like that's not fucking true.
Oh yeah that's fair you've been way better today.
When TFS flips scum you guys can all thank me. Or I guess you can thank me in the morning when we can post again. The real hero is of course LDJ but that's, you know, taht's detail. @Dekutulla I think that's hammer, you should check it out bro
It might be "one" power, but it's three people with that ability of communication. Even if it was used rather poorly by revealing themselves completely on Day 1, it's still a potentially strong power. The ability to coordinate or even talk off-screen is supremely powerful.
It's enjoyable, at least. For all my earlier talk on a Mason not being as useful as a normal power role and two vanillas, I do enjoy being part of one. It's like the benefits of death chat while still being able to participate in the game, and having our speculation actually being able to affect the game.
Day 2 Ends
This time, the group is unanimous. Maybe it's the words of warning echoing in their minds, or maybe it's simply the sheer attitude of their nominee. Regardless, they don't even have to wait for the sun to set this time. After a few struggles, @TenfoldShields is trotted out in front of the soldiers, laughing like a loon. "Oh", they say, "you think this is it? You think this is gonna stop just because you get these big, burly men to pump me full of hot hot lead that you're gonna get out? That you'll be safe? Hah!" They spit on the tiles, walks towards the guards, and spit again. "You coulda had me help out a little bit, you know? I love helping people."

They shrug. "But hey. You wanna look a gift horse in the mouth? Go ahead! I'm sure you'll have loooots of fun with those boring, stick-in-the-mud 'pros'. So!" They turn to the lead soldier. "Let's get this over with, shall we~?"

The soldiers push them against the wall of one of the houses, then form a line in front of them. Guns raise, fingers tighten on the triggers, and-

You're not quite sure what happens next. One moment, they're standing against the wall, facing their death with somewhat unusual glee. The next, TenfoldShields and one of the soldiers are fighting, a brutal melee. Gunshots ring out, and blood splatters across the plaza and the walls. They recoil, and then dash away towards the other end of the plaza, trailing blood. "Well, boys, it's been fun" they say, giving a jaunty wave, "but I've got a cab to catch and people to kill! Catch me if ya can!" They blow a kiss, and then jump over a wall, vanishing from sight.

La Demente, @TenfoldShields, has been Executed?

The soldiers say nothing as they hurry you back to your houses, rougher than usual.

Night Two Begins
Night Two Ends in 48 hours or when all Night Actions are received

La Demente will return in Carteles y Cárteles: el Amor de Sangre, coming soon to Univision!
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Night 2 Ends
The morning is quiet, relatively, compared to the hubbub of last night. When you find the rest of the group, they're milling about in front of El Pueblo's only hotel. You can see the soldiers stooped in front of a body, but no one else really seems to care. It must not have been someone very important to anyone, you suppose. When you move forward to take a closer look, you can see why. Laying spread-eagle on the terrace, a pool of dried blood flaking around her, is a woman you don't recognize. She looks American, though you never really had an easy time telling people like that apart. She might be british, you suppose, somewhat detached from the whole 'dead person' thing. She didn't even die in an interesting way, either. Just an ordinary bullet to the head.

La Gringa, @Deadly Snark, has been Shot.

The soldiers place her body into a bag and carry her off, joking about how foolish one has to be to travel here on a vacation. You have to agree, honestly; you sort of doubt the US will be happy, but it's not like there aren't travel warnings.

Oh well.

Day Three Ends when Majority is reached or in 72 hours
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Well, looks like TFS was... well, I suppose that's probably third party.

Okay, judging from the fact that we had no other kill on Night 1, the role layout is probably this:

5 Vanillas, 5 Power roles (Doctor, Cop, 3 Masons), 1 SK, 2 Maf.

We're still hunting the remaining two scum.
La Demente, @TenfoldShields, has been Executed?

So, probably a Serial Killer then given the non-red color. We got one, cats and kittens! Let's aim to do well today too.

We owe it to DS to go over his reads post and engage with it since he can't push for it any more. With the probably SK gone, this was almost certainly a Mafia shot. However much I may have disliked DS's tone he was a smart guy, so let's thwart Mafia's attempt to silence him. The post I'm thinking of:

Anyways now that @TenfoldShields has said his piece I can finally say mine.

Now some of you might remember how I convinced a good chunk of the town to lynch one of the Masons last day Cycle. I've already given my reasons as to why and of course they still apply. But of course, as it is the norm for Mafia I had another underlining motive. I was fishing for reactions. Nothing like a Controversial, but also smart, but also opportunistic kill to draw out people from both sides, or three if tenfold isn't bullshitting everyone.

Course all of this would have went so much better if @LostDeviljho didn't blow his load on Day Fucking 2. So sorry that I wasn't able to account for ridiculous incompetence @TheFanficAddict . Still I only lost one on long term benefits, short term benefits were something I was still able to harvest.

But anyways I have a list.

The Innocents
@Deadly Snark

Possible Scum

Could Go either way

Alright let me explain how I arrived at the innocent list. Again establishing that Nani and Joe were the ones we could trust was part of the reason for last day cycle so I won't repeat, and as for Lost, *Gives a look* so the others merit greater talk. When I first posted my vote to lynch TFA, Blaze, Mega and Shard immediately jumped on me and Shard was hysterical. Which to me says all there is to say, a Mafia wouldn't just go for the straight up Knee-Jerk Vote and especially not together, way to suspicious on a read back. Which by the way, @Shard getting killed really pissed me off, because I was hoping that someone else from the other two list would be killed so I can narrow down my list.

And that brings me to my Probably a Scum List. Because I don't believe that Shard was either killed randomly or because he was unproductive or whatever. Shard was the one beyond Nani and Joe that I was absolutely 100% Sure was a Town, and I was again relying on them to do work in the future. Killing him cleanly cuts some of the stuff I was planning at the knee, so this was done by someone who clearly had a mind as twisted as mine. And in this thread there are 3 people that I'm confident have minds as twisted as mine. Nani, Tenfold, and Lupine. Nani was proven innocent so it could be them.

So it had to be either Tenfold or Lupine or even both. And of course, as Tenfold admitted to his crime, well I was hoping to grill it out of him over the day, but someone blew the load on that so whatever. But anyways yeah while I believe that Tenfold would kill someone for being unproductive, because he's argued for that before, I also think that it's an imagine he carefully crafted. Ultimately killing Shard fucked the down in the ass, because Shard was someone who was clearly 100% Town just from how he tried to knee jerk vote me so hard and fast they fucked up the format a few times before getting it right.

So sorry man, I'd rather shot Blaze and Mega, but when they are innocent and your profile fits a scum while look I want to win the game. No matter if I get a heartattack by the end of this.

That leaves Generica, Icarus and Ellf who could go either way. The first two because ultimately they just don't post that much and the latter because he avoided the initial splash damage of my votes, so I can't gauge anything from them.

Still I think there's a decent list to work from. Even if you all remove me because you all think I'm scum.
We probably still have four power roles alive. (2 Masons, Nani and Joe, LDJ as claimed investigator who got TFS's guilt, so they're probably town).

The remaining unknowns are either the doctor, the vanillas, or the maf.

It is okay to lynch a vanilla. Maf is preferable. Doctor is bad. If someone claims doctor to avoid being lynched and no one counterclaims? We don't lynch. If someone counterclaims? Well, we lynch the one who did the original claim. Then, assuming we lynched the doctor, we lynch the scum who counterclaimed, and we look at his posts to find the other partner.