Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

That makes hammer btw with Mega, JBJ, Gen, and me. LDJ is an honorary Ica voter of course since he was always following JBJ.
Day 4 Ends
It seems the group has grown accustomed to a pattern of alternating, much like the sun changes places with the moon, how the tide goes in and goes out, and how some sports teams just seem to do better on even or odd weeks. One day, indecision, unable to achieve a simple plurality. The next - unyielding certainty, choosing by majority the next to be killed. Was it truly out of logic, or did they simply wish to send the most likely to the men with guns? Only they could say.

What they did say was, with overwhelming support, to get rid of Icarus. So it was that they were pushed towards the lead soldier for the second time. While they had been lucky once before, it appeared that tonight their luck had run out. The soldiers raised their guns, and fired. No dismissive death, no frantic fight, no overkill. Just a simple firing squad.

Her body falls to the pavement, the suit smeared with blood. In the end, even abs of steel couldn't protect against hot lead.

La Gorila, @Icarus, has been Executed.

The lead soldier grins. "Thought I recognized her. Deserved worse than that, heh. Least I got the satisfaction of being there." Men pick up her body and carry it away, while the rest of you are escorted back to your homes.

Night Four ends in 48 hours or when all Night Actions are received
Night 4 Ends
The rug was nice, once. It was Persian, and not in the sense that it was imported from some -stan street market, or something like that. One of los Alcaldes, some twelve generations ago, went on a trip when that was still what it was, when your town was a retreat for the rich and not simply an afterthought. It got worn down over the years, of course, but it still maintained its aged splendor, and that faint, musty scent that managed to be almost relaxing. One could sit in El Alcalde's office and think, 'I am truly in another era'. Well, until the most recent one took the position, at least.

Now the carpet is soaked but, more importantly, stained. It might feel mushy underfoot now, but given time and proper care, it would dry out. The stain will last forever, though; that big splotch and the little rivulets spreading out, covering the intricate patterns. You can remove the bits of brain matter, at least, but the only people who would want to buy this rug now are weird fetishists. Or museums, maybe.

It'll probably smell awful for a while, too.

@Joebobjoe, La Alcalde, has Committed Suicide.

How tragic. It seems the stress of the job got to her.

Day Five ends when Majority is reached or in 72 hours
Whew. Great work everyone. Our living people are @Megaolix, @LostDeviljho, @Blazinghand and @Generic_Generica . I personally believe Generic_Generica is most likely to be Mafia. JBJ also thought this, when he lived. We'll want to hear from Mega then LDJ in that order about night actions, probably. Ping me if you want any input from me. Since we can't no-lynch, we will need to make a decision in the next 72 hours. We can do it!
Pretty much. At this point, last mafia gotta get rid of you, but probably knew they were screwed anyway and wanted one last kill.

So, how did investigation go, before we ask for some last words from Gen?
Well... Gen pinged innocent so they're either a godfather or one of the other pair of you is a damn good actor.

I'm very annoyed they took out Joebob instead of say, you, because that loses me the one person I'm 100% certain was Town.
Gen pinging innocent means LDJ is definitely 100% town (since if he was the last bad guy, he'd just say Gen pings guilty). Bad guys having to shoot around Mega's saves means Mega is good as well. I think that the way I've played this game it should be clear to you guys that I am playing for the good guys. I think it has to be Gen, and given how the night actions went I see no reason to wait to lay down my vote. If you have any suspicions of me please let me know and I'll address them, but this is... quite open and shut imo.

[x]Vote: Generic_Generica
I'm literally just waiting for Gen to try to defend himself, but it's the same for me. Blazing was the cause of LV getting killed in that tie. And if he was with Icarus, he would have argued on his side for Gen or me to get that win.
That's fair. I can't imagine anything he could say to convince me to vote you or LDJ. So my vote stays.
Not entirely sure what you all want me to say at this point.

Like, @Megaolix and @Blazinghand are pretty damn sure I'm scum at this point and if I could've convinced them otherwise I probably should've done it at some other point prior to this whole clusterfuck.

I'm incredibly salty though. Vacation and RL in general really fucked with my ability to respond to this thread. Mrgh.

Ah well.
@Megaolix I would fucking fight if I could but like, I'm just fucking done at this point. I'm one vote away from the hammer and I know for a fact there's literally nothing I could do to convince either of you that I'm not scum. That would have had to come way earlier.

I really wish @TenfoldShields-sama had actually targeted me on the first night if only because this is such a stupid way to go out.
Do you think you'll have time sometime in the next three days to make a case on LDJ? Like if we pulled back from hammer-1 for another 60 hours.