Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

Icarus I will say it partially comes down to visibility. Unless Jho was playing us then the idea of a doctor has kept our cop alive but roleblocked, and doctor is something you claim late because you're a glaring weak spot.
I'll point out everyone agreed before that doctor had to stay the fuck hidden. I happened to agree as well.

And while I can understand doubts on LDJ, I trust him if only because of the false flag my role has, which would have no meaning otherwise. And he did call out correctly Tenfold.
There's no reason to doubt LDJ. The only people who ever tried to discredit him were the serial killer and one of the mafia.
Well, not yesterday RL, but you know what I mean.

Any decision? I believe LDJ, me and Blazing still want to execute Icarus today and you're the last vote needed for the hammer, once Blazing put back his vote on.
Actually, y'know what? We're in LyLo, so on the offest of chances that Icarus is legit, maybe we should lynch Gen, because basically every proposed theory puts them as the accomplice.
Well I don't fucking know then. weren't we gonna let jbj decide? He voted for gen didn't he?

Honestly I just want to get it over with.
Getting Generica out of the way now would also be useful just because of how distracted they're getting from the game. Blazing is a rather small chance after yesterday, and still a bit afraid Icarus could be legitimate. This gets everyone with a claimed power role one last night to try to prove themselves while getting an almost certain Maf.
By the way, if Blazing turns out to have been that good an actor, I'll blame you for the loss, Joe.
I'm waiting for it to turn out as a complete mind screw game. Though random cynical musings do point out that since this is a must lynch game due to the way the tie was resolved the Mafia didn't lose any meaningful progress with the death of Lupine. Because they're set to win tonight if we're wrong, whereas previously it would've been today if we're wrong. But that once more is outside the area of stuff that could've been predicted.
I'm waiting for it to turn out as a complete mind screw game. Though random cynical musings do point out that since this is a must lynch game due to the way the tie was resolved the Mafia didn't lose any meaningful progress with the death of Lupine. Because they're set to win tonight if we're wrong, whereas previously it would've been today if we're wrong. But that once more is outside the area of stuff that could've been predicted.
...You are right. Why am I taking a chance here?

[x] Unvote Generic_Generica

[x] Vote Icarus

I am 100% certain Icarus is mafia. I cannot claim the same for Gen. I really would prefer to lynch Icarus today.
If it helps clear your head, allow me to present the different scenarios, on the basis of Icarus claiming to have blocked Blazing and two Mafia actions happening. Now, if Icarus is legit, this looks like this:

Gen Mafia
Icarus Not Mafia
Blazing Not Mafia
Megaolix Mafia

That would be the only logical outcome if Icarus is legit, as Blazing would be unable to act yet two actions happened. Of course, myself knowing I am town, This cannot be the right answer. Thus, If I now consider Icarus scum, two options open up:

Gen Mafia
Icarus Mafia
Blazing Not Mafia


Gen Not Mafia
Icarus Mafia
Blazing Mafia

Because, if Icarus is scum and lied, as I know he did, then he went to block LDJ and Blazing would be free to act. Icarus could have claimed to have blocked Blazing only to make sure he appeared town, to avoid the case of him being voted or to cover him in case Icarus did go down.

So, you, see, as things are, I REALLY, REALLY would prefer to lynch Icarus today in the small chance there was one big act happening.
That being said, Blazing did vote LV last day instead of voting Ellf, so it would be one hell of a sacrifice play if he turned out mafia.

So, who will you vote for? If you go for Gen, I'll slam the hammer, I guess.
So just looking at Gen and Ica voters
Voting Gen: JBJ, LDJ
Voting Icarus: Mega

I'd really rather take down Icarus here. I think he's just... super likely to be Mafia. Everything he's said or done makes no sense. I know you don't agree, JBJ, but I really think Icarus is the right choice. I think Mega+Gen is basically impossible for reasons outlined. Ica has to be lying about his role. Are you sure there's no way you'd accept an Icarus lynch today, JBJ?
As I've said I prefer Generica but can understand people wanting to go for Icarus instead. I'm not opposed to either, just think Generica is the more elegant solution.
As I've said I prefer Generica but can understand people wanting to go for Icarus instead. I'm not opposed to either, just think Generica is the more elegant solution.

Do you think Generica is more likely to be Mafia, just based off of your read on him? I mean I get the idea of "only Gen+Mega and Gen+Ica are possible" leading to this, but those aren't literally the only possibilities.
As I've said I prefer Generica but can understand people wanting to go for Icarus instead. I'm not opposed to either, just think Generica is the more elegant solution.
I would like to say there is an elegant ending to this game, but last day is likely to see a quick lynch and I suppose no matter what, RL hitting Gen and stopping a proper arguing kinda leave a sour taste in all this.
I would like to say there is an elegant ending to this game, but last day is likely to see a quick lynch and I suppose no matter what, RL hitting Gen and stopping a proper arguing kinda leave a sour taste in all this.

Yeah I know it's irrational but I kinda feel bad about taking out Gen today, even if he is almost certainly Mafia. I'm fine with it though if there aren't the votes for Icarus
Fine. Honestly was planning on just leaving my vote since it's not critical but may as well.
[x] Unvote Generic_Generica
[x] Vote Icarus
Anyways I'm probably going to die at this point because most of you all are convinced I'm scum so fuck it, I'm going to try and off all the scum even though the only thing I can really do is fucking vote at this fucking point.