Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

I have to wonder if that was a legit suicide, or if it's the maf taking the "burn the evidence" route.
Could believe either tbh.
RIP, Nani.

I'd like to note, for example, that only four people had a vote down at the end of the day yesterday. Five people didn't vote: zero value AT BEST, negative value imo. Two voters were our two masons, JBJ and Nanimani. They were voting someone who was town: negative value. Like, if we lose, one of the things we can squarely say is "this was at least in part JBJ and Nanimani's fault" for sure. The last two voters were me and Ellf. Ellf and I together defeated LV: positive value.

Ellf is dead.

That means I am now the only living player who contributed positive value to the voting yesterday.

I'm just, I'm so good. And people need to listen to me. Without me, you're all lost, like blind sheep in an unfenced pasture. With me, we effortlessly defeat bad guys.

If I seem to be harping on about this, it's because FIVE PEOPLE didn't vote yesterday. And we know MAFIA is among them! Because JBJ and I sure as hell ain't mafia, and Ellf flipped town. So MAFIA was able to get away with a no-vote on an important lynch because TOWN couldn't muster the energy to cast a vote on LV who was Mafia.


I'm legit super not-pleased about this. Nobody gets to be annoyed with me! I actually did something! I actually tried to PLAY THE GODDAMN GAME while you guys were too busy sticking your heads up your own ass to even HAVE A VOTE DOWN at the end of the day.

I'm not asking for a lot. JUST PLAY THE GAME. I should NOT be the best player in the game just by virtue of CASTING a vote. I don't mind being the best, but... not like this. Please, not like this.
I'm legit super not-pleased about this. Nobody gets to be annoyed with me! I actually did something! I actually tried to PLAY THE GODDAMN GAME while you guys were too busy sticking your heads up your own ass to even HAVE A VOTE DOWN at the end of the day.
Excuse fucking you. I was asleep for the last stretch of that game, and I wasn't about to go sticking on lynch votes while barely lucid.
Excuse fucking you. I was asleep for the last stretch of that game, and I wasn't about to go sticking on lynch votes while barely lucid.

You could have laid down a vote beforehand. This is the right thing to do if the deadline is at a time you're asleep or at work. I'm not criticizing that you were asleep at night, this is a reasonable thing. But you weren't asleep for 72 hours. You made a decision to not have a vote down yesterday. You think this was the right decision. I think it was not.
You could have laid down a vote beforehand. This is the right thing to do if the deadline is at a time you're asleep or at work. I'm not criticizing that you were asleep at night, this is a reasonable thing. But you weren't asleep for 72 hours. You made a decision to not have a vote down yesterday. You think this was the right decision. I think it was not.
I had a vote down for most of the day, then took it off temporarily and never got the chance to put it back on because when the time came to do so I was swaying drunkenly from how tired I was and I know I'm not equipped to be making decisions on whether to kill someone in that state.

Kindly fuck off.
Now we have 6 alive:

One, or possibly two, of us is Mafia. In the even there are 2 Mafia left, we need to get this right TODAY. Because today is 4-2, AKA "If you Mislynch, you Lose" (MYLO). If there is 1 mafia left, today is 5-1, MYLO-1. We would two bites at the apple. This might be it, people. This might be our last chance.

I think it's Icarus or Gen_gen. Icarus thought he was hammering LV, which I think he wouldn't do as Mafia. So I'm thinking Gen_gen is more likely. I'm going to vote him now, then stop posting cases or anything like that. I know where I'm not wanted.

I will answer any direct questions, and make observations about game rules or game state if I think they are necessary.

[X] Generic_Generica
I had a vote down for most of the day, then took it off temporarily and never got the chance to put it back on because when the time came to do so I was swaying drunkenly from how tired I was and I know I'm not equipped to be making decisions on whether to kill someone in that state.

Kindly fuck off.

Yeah, I'm out. But I'll just say: It's really fucking depressing being the only town-aligned person who gives a damn about this game left alive.
It's really fucking depressing being the only town-aligned person who gives a damn about this game left alive.
(calm down LDJ he's just baiting you he's not even being subtle about it keep your cool-)

All the way, Blazinghand. Fuck all the way off.

If it's two, it's both of them. The Icarus hammer could be him trying to build cred. I lied about majority for that reason. But I think we take out Gen first. I'm fine with Icarus, I'll follow your lead.
Currently waiting for what @Icarus has to say for himself.
(calm down LDJ he's just baiting you he's not even being subtle about it keep your cool-)

All the way, Blazinghand. Fuck all the way off.

Sorry man, sorry. Look, it's just--I know I ain't perfect. I made that post cause I'm frustrated. You know how frustrating it was for me, at the end of the day yesterday, trying to see if ANYONE was around to lynch LV? Seeing so many people unvoted? I sat there and watched Ellf die for no reason. No reason, man. And I KNOW from your PoV you had a good reason to temporarily unvote there. You didn't go in with the goal of fucking up. Nobody does. Not me, not you, not Deadly Snark. But at the end of the day, there I was, alone, with Ellf, both of us shouting into the abyss for salvation, for ANYONE to come back and vote LV. And then Ellf died.

And you say, "ah, it was a temporary unvote"—and it was a temporary unvote, right up until it wasn't. TBH you're not even close to a problem this game. You've pulled more than your weight. You are the reason we nailed TFS, and I respect that. And you keep trying. Keep on trying, LDJ. I think we can bring this home. Don't let my bitterness get you down. But do understand... I'm coming from somewhere too, you know?
Bit of a mea culpa here. I missed the deadline even as I intended to return to vote.

But yeah, waiting for Icarus to speak here.
Just reiterating: I'm also down for taking down Icarus today if that's what we're more comfortable with. I also think if we take down gen_gen Icarus is a good second mafia, and vice versa. Like if Gen_gen flips mafia, and the game continues and Mafia shoots JBJ (likely if Gen_gen is not the roleblocker) or LDJ (likely if gen_Gen IS the roleblocker), then I think Icarus is the other Mafia.

As uh, eccentric, as he's being right now, I don't think he pulled the trigger last night. While that doesn't mean he's not mafia, at the very least it means he's not last night's killer.

Unless he has protection because I don't really get informed of that one way or another either

What, you thought I was the most suspicious person worth of blocking, not like Gen_gen or something? After LITERALLY it was due to my vote that LV got flipped? I know I'm tooting my own horn here but I did LITERALLY kill LV. I could have just not voted, as Mafia, and then bam, LV lives. Why would you possibly block me?????


[X] Unvote Generic_Generica

[X] Icarus
Like, everyone agrees I'm a grade-A asshole but surely everyone also agrees as a Mafia player there's no reason for me to jump in at the last moment and hammer LV, a Mafia player, right?
Besides regretting not pushing harder for Blazing's death earlier I have little to report. Honestly my main theory on Maf was him, Ellf, and maybe someone else. Ellf had some odd behavior and had started a trend of removing Blazing from the suspect list due to behavior with no action behind it. Especially since once more he's pretty obviously glory hounding after stating that in his view only the maf go out of their way to look good.

Honestly if it weren't for him being the deciding vote against the maf yesterday I'd probably still be going after him. Sadly now he's clear.

My apologies for my unresponsiveness of late, fighting off a bug.
That's fair JBJ, I hope you feel better soon buddy. LDJ and I were talking about the latest suspects, thinking gengen and Icarus. How's that sound to you?
What, you thought I was the most suspicious person worth of blocking, not like Gen_gen or something? After LITERALLY it was due to my vote that LV got flipped? I know I'm tooting my own horn here but I did LITERALLY kill LV. I could have just not voted, as Mafia, and then bam, LV lives. Why would you possibly block me?????

Okay first of all:

My hammering lupine doesn't make me not guilty. If I was mafia and I knew Lupine was dead anyway, I could have done that as a way to solidify my own good reputation to the rest of the survivors. You doing that could have had the same intention.

Besides, by your own count the vote was tied 2 - 2. The fact that they both died means your vote didn't go through. It would be a very easy and not at all risky move to make to give people the impression that you wanted to catch the mafia all along without actually committing to anything.
Okay first of all:

My hammering lupine doesn't make me not guilty. If I was mafia and I knew Lupine was dead anyway, I could have done that as a way to solidify my own good reputation to the rest of the survivors. You doing that could have had the same intention.

Besides, by your own count the vote was tied 2 - 2. The fact that they both died means your vote didn't go through. It would be a very easy and not at all risky move to make to give people the impression that you wanted to catch the mafia all along without actually committing to anything.

False, my vote did go through. You unvoted LupineVolt:


Then you never revoted him.

There were two votes on LupineVolt at the end of D1. Mine, and Ellfs. You didn't do shit Icarus, don't lie.