Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

So, just saying. I've been considering this for a while, and this provides me with an opportunity to say something about it...

Hey Icarus? When you locked someone up, did you get a sentence or so?
Because LDJ said he only got three words. Then when I pressed him, he said he got a short sentence with only one red word. Then later, he said he got three words again. This set off some alarms, since I always get flavor in Dekutulla's games, even if it's like "You couldn't go do your thing" or "You did your thing, but it didn't work out. You can't do it to them."

So, as I said, I considered. And you know, it occurred to me that maf has a good use for an investigator, to know what someone does in the night. Finding Tenfold, then, would explain why he bursted out; it both established him as a "Town" power role and let him rat out Tenfold. And it's not like he has to fear maf attacks, either.

But then, it's just a theory. Honestly, maf attacked Tenfold works just as well.

I don't receive any notification that someone is actually successfully locked in after I send the PM.

Actually, wait a minute-

wait, did he actually change his story a couple times like this? If so this is actually concerning.


The entire reason i was about to hammer Lupine was because I thought LDJ was completely rock-solid.

You know that "You're too aggressive" thing regarding Lupine's suspicions on LDJ? Considering Lupine never said anything I didn't think this Night, I'm getting the same impression from him.

Okay considering that Nani is coming to the same conclusion as Lupine did, I'm inclined to hear this out more.


But before i apply pressure on anyone else, nani point out exactly how LDJ changed his story so we can pursue that further.
But before i apply pressure on anyone else, nani point out exactly how LDJ changed his story so we can pursue that further.
Literally just "TFS is Guilty" in big red letters.
I highly doubt that. Just tell the truth about the fluff, don't try to deceive us to make us go the way you want.
Now that, I can believe.

Weird... Even if you're roleblocked, you're usually told if you are prevented from investigating usually.
considering how incredibly minimal the pms I get are, I doubt I would be.
Hmmm... Maybe... Recheck your role. Maybe you only get a result if you find someone guilty?
Guilty results are three words long. Today's lack of result was 2. The results I get are just incredibly minimal and flavorless.
So, he said he got "TFS is guilty" red letters

Then he said he got "TFS is guilty" with only 'guilty' in red when asked to clarify.

Then he said "Guilty results are three words long. Today's lack of result was 2. The results I get are just incredibly minimal and flavorless."

This all seems consistent to me, what's the problem??
So, he said he got "TFS is guilty" red letters

Then he said he got "TFS is guilty" with only 'guilty' in red when asked to clarify.

Then he said "Guilty results are three words long. Today's lack of result was 2. The results I get are just incredibly minimal and flavorless."

This all seems consistent to me, what's the problem??
"That was paraphrased"
I did not, no. *annoyed glare at Nanimani*

Bitch I'm not allowed to directly quote from role PMs. It's 3 fucking words long, I have to paraphrase else I run into the aforementioned rule and get a bonus vote tossed on my head or whatever Deku feels like doing.
There's also not many ways to paraphrase that.

Tenfoldshields is a-
Tenfoldshields is a-
Tenfoldshields guilty man?
By the way, completely unrelated to the game, but like, fuck run-on sentences. :V
Sorry about that.
Oh right, before I forget:
Look. Ellf posed problems with someone else's theories, and raised questions, and I just addressed a possible answer. That's all. I haven't shifted my vote, I'm still reasonably sure that LDJ is town. I'm putting forward theories and thats all, which is part of Mafia.

But I'm the most suspicious party here? I've outlined my problems with LDJ, and Icarus still roleclaimed something that is apparently blocking him. It was a weird theory and it was concocted in the dead of night, and I'll gladly renounce it with the benefit of actual rest and food in my system.

I'll even drop my vote against Ellf

[X] Unvote Ellf
You have a good point.

[x] Unvote LupineVolt

I'm still watching you, but I'm okay with easing off pressure until something prompts putting it back.
*goes to post something*
*thought occurs*
*checks day start post*
Day Three Ends when Majority is reached or in 72 hours
*looks at time stamp*
*looks at current time*
Oh. Hmm. That's... 16+ hours past due.
Everything past... This:

I'll be back at a comp in a couple hours, I'll read and see if hammering LV is the right move then
Has been overtime.

Jeez. Ummm... It was nice knowing you, Ellf, Lupine. Whichever one of you dies. I think the pair of you are tied.

Uh, I'm just gonna... Go to bed... Probably someone 'll be dead when I wake up. Maybe. Idk. G'night.
Wait no fuck, I'm an idiot. :facepalm: Forgot the date rollover even while accounting for it in another chunk of my math goddamn this has not been my game.

False alarm folks the day phase ends today, not yesterday.
Gdi going to bed.
Yep. I'm still betting on Lupine being scum. If I get lynched, I get lynched. Don't know if there's much else I can say at this point.

Who's currently voting on me, btw?

Is it just the masonry?
...I thiiink we may have an issue of us more Veterans playing a bit too much in the same games given we still have no idea who is really Mafia even if their full team is still alive.