Ultimate Hangman's Gambit III - La Pasión del Amor y Muertes (Pueblo Victory)

Yeah... no. I call bullshit on that one.

Okay, Icarus. You get to live one more night.

Feeling's mutual buddy.

[x] Unvote Ellf

I still think it's possible that Icarus is scum, but Lupine's defending him too hard with an argument that makes little logical sense.

Defending me? Nah, I'm pretty sure LDJ's innocent and telling the truth too. Like, he was really bad at selling his role on Day 2 but like I said earlier, his statement was ultimately vindicated.

Speaking of being ultimately vindicated.

[x] Vote LupineVolt




I thought Lupine was the other person on the ballot instead of me
Okay but to add on to my point, he's being very pushy about a theory that's defending me while also not entirely agreeing with me, which makes me feel like i'm getting turned into a mafia pawn.

Me blocking him yesterday had no noticable effect but its entirely possible he didnt use his power on day one, or was a vanilla mafia to begin with.

I think he's our best target right now
He says he doesn't have much time to talk the start of day 2, then he dumps a super short post that says Tenfold is guilty kthanksbye?
scuse you, I legit was busy at the time writing a nearly 2K long quest update.
As for kthxbyeness, it was A) past midnight which is not optimal thinkythoughts time, and B) I was riding the high from posting aforementioned long update.
I did have more elaborate plans, as my quoted posts the next morning revealed, I just fucking forgot em.

Announcing himself as an investigator after only one night on the job, and then annnounced that he was intending on investigating you last night.
RE: Announcing investigating Ellf: I expected 100% to die last night. The only thing announcing who I was investigating would do was give the players the next day a general direction of who I was sus of.

Anyway though, Ellf is right, you're pushing this a liiitle to hard. And since I know it ain't true...

[x] Vote LupineVolt

Hammer -1
And to add to it, I really see no reason for Mafia to have an investigator on their side.

Anyway, for any wanting to hammer, maybe give time for LV for a last minute rebuttal. Or for Nani to get there at least and see what happened.
LV is at hammer-1. Voters on him are Ellf, Mega, Icarus (who thought he was hammering) and LDJ in that order. Next vote on LV hammers.

I'm not sure i get the Ellf case, can someone lay it out for me or link me to the best summary
LV is at hammer-1. Voters on him are Ellf, Mega, Icarus (who thought he was hammering) and LDJ in that order. Next vote on LV hammers.

I'm not sure i get the Ellf case, can someone lay it out for me or link me to the best summary
I set back the hammer a bit just in case.

Ellf's case if that he may have been prevented to kill by Icarus Night one. Otherwise, signs show Mafia would have aimed at Tenfold and hit protection. SKs can have it after all.
Look. Ellf posed problems with someone else's theories, and raised questions, and I just addressed a possible answer. That's all. I haven't shifted my vote, I'm still reasonably sure that LDJ is town. I'm putting forward theories and thats all, which is part of Mafia.

But I'm the most suspicious party here? I've outlined my problems with LDJ, and Icarus still roleclaimed something that is apparently blocking him. It was a weird theory and it was concocted in the dead of night, and I'll gladly renounce it with the benefit of actual rest and food in my system.

I'll even drop my vote against Ellf

[X] Unvote Ellf
I am La Doncella. I'm a townie and innocent, but I actually do have a power role.

As a housemaid I have keys to let myself into other people's houses, which also allows me to lock people inside for the night, blocking their role.
Well, okay, I'd actually like to ask this. Is there any hypothetical way that LDJ could both be mafia and somehow learn that Tenfold wasn't either party? I'd sorta like to question that right now.

Serial killers sometimes have a get out of jail free card for one night killing, to keep the mafia or the vigilante from knocking them out of the game on the first go. Is it possible that the mafia targetted Tenfold on night one, but merely ate up his immunity card. We know Tenfold wasn't jailed, and after voting for a townie the day before, I don't know that he'd necessarily be on the end of any healing. We know he wasn't jailed because he killed Shard, after all.

So, if all that happened, maybe the Mafia would attempt to pass one of their own off as an investigator and slam Tenfold, their intended target, solidly into the hot seat for the next day. And in doing so they secure a solid 'town' alibi for one of their members, get rid of the one person who could night kill them, and make themselves notable for the rest of the game.

I mean, just look at the first two posts he made on day 2

Like, you have to admit it does sound a little odd, yeah? And I'm not sure if I'm just sort of getting to the stage of overly paranoid yet or not, but I wonder. If he claimed that, then as the 'mistep' after that he just claims every day after that that he's been roleblocked, until we can find the pesky roleblocker and finish them off.

(Like seriously if I sound like I'm going full tinfoil hat someone say so)
So, just saying. I've been considering this for a while, and this provides me with an opportunity to say something about it...

Hey Icarus? When you locked someone up, did you get a sentence or so?
Because LDJ said he only got three words. Then when I pressed him, he said he got a short sentence with only one red word. Then later, he said he got three words again. This set off some alarms, since I always get flavor in Dekutulla's games, even if it's like "You couldn't go do your thing" or "You did your thing, but it didn't work out. You can't do it to them."

So, as I said, I considered. And you know, it occurred to me that maf has a good use for an investigator, to know what someone does in the night. Finding Tenfold, then, would explain why he bursted out; it both established him as a "Town" power role and let him rat out Tenfold. And it's not like he has to fear maf attacks, either.

But then, it's just a theory. Honestly, maf attacked Tenfold works just as well.
Hey still working thorugh page 15, not caught up, but I see people voting snark for voting a mason. Let's be clear here, that's a real dumb move of snark, and we don't want to lunch the mason. But think about what snark did here, he did something that made him super visible and suspicious that had zero chance of success going after someone who we all think is town. It's stupid and it makes him bad, but it doesn't make him MAFIA. I think it's more likely he's just very, very misled town. Why would Mafia stick their head out like this.
Oh damn it I forgot to quote it
Because LDJ said he only got three words. Then when I pressed him, he said he got a short sentence with only one red word. Then later, he said he got three words again. This set off some alarms, since I always get flavor in Dekutulla's games, even if it's like "You couldn't go do your thing" or "You did your thing, but it didn't work out. You can't do it to them."

wait, did he actually change his story a couple times like this? If so this is actually concerning.
I mean it's true that Icarus has no particular reason to claim a role that only works for mafia. On the other hand, if we do assume he's mafia, by not claiming JK perhaps he hopes we won't try to direct his ability to save people.

I set back the hammer a bit just in case.

Ellf's case if that he may have been prevented to kill by Icarus Night one. Otherwise, signs show Mafia would have aimed at Tenfold and hit protection. SKs can have it after all.

Is there any more to the Ellf case than Icarus RBing Ellf N1? Because, it's very likely that TFS was a "extra night life" SK, since SK tends to have EITHER "returns innocent to checks" OR "extra night life" and we believe LDJ as the cop checked him and got Guilty
I mean it's true that Icarus has no particular reason to claim a role that only works for mafia. On the other hand, if we do assume he's mafia, by not claiming JK perhaps he hopes we won't try to direct his ability to save people.

Is there any more to the Ellf case than Icarus RBing Ellf N1? Because, it's very likely that TFS was a "extra night life" SK, since SK tends to have EITHER "returns innocent to checks" OR "extra night life" and we believe LDJ as the cop checked him and got Guilty
You know that "You're too aggressive" thing regarding Lupine's suspicions on LDJ? Considering Lupine never said anything I didn't think this Night, I'm getting the same impression from him.
More importantly, he says he's a vanilla townie, unlike LDJ. If both're Town, we lose less if he dies.
You know that "You're too aggressive" thing regarding Lupine's suspicions on LDJ? Considering Lupine never said anything I didn't think this Night, I'm getting the same impression from him.
More importantly, he says he's a vanilla townie, unlike LDJ. If both're Town, we lose less if he dies.

I find arguments like "he's a vanilla townie, so therefore more lynchable" to be a little silly. If someone is claiming something and I think they're lying and Mafia, whether they're claiming VT or roleblocker or whatever doesn't really factor into it for me. Unless I have someone equally likely to be Mafia, then it will be the decider, but I think our main goal should be to lynch Mafia, not some weird game of "let's trust what people say about their roles then lynch in some weird pattern related to that"-- it's that kind of logic that got a Mason unnecessarily lynched D1 despite the fact that everyone knew he was a Mason and town-aligned.
You know that "You're too aggressive" thing regarding Lupine's suspicions on LDJ? Considering Lupine never said anything I didn't think this Night, I'm getting the same impression from him.
More importantly, he says he's a vanilla townie, unlike LDJ. If both're Town, we lose less if he dies.

Honestly, for a simple game you people really want to complicate it quite a bit. I'm suggesting we lynch Lupine, not LDJ. If you want to lynch me, fine, whatever. Look at the people who back that when I inevitably flip innocent.
I find arguments like "he's a vanilla townie, so therefore more lynchable" to be a little silly. If someone is claiming something and I think they're lying and Mafia, whether they're claiming VT or roleblocker or whatever doesn't really factor into it for me.
I mean, I know you think you're always right, so you don't take that possibility into account. I, however, do.