Speaking of routes that sadly never came to fruition, I heard something about a fucking Shinji route on /a/. How would that even work?
Speaking of routes that sadly never came to fruition, I heard something about a fucking Shinji route on /a/. How would that even work?
I imagine Shinji is what was left of Perseus after Takeuchi got to Nasu, but without any of the cool or awesome. Might explain why he's so "popular" in school.

So maybe there was a Perseus route in the original?
Speaking of routes that sadly never came to fruition, I heard something about a fucking Shinji route on /a/. How would that even work?

Oh man, this is one of the oldest jokes in the fandom. I'm fairly certain it was an easter egg in the game data.

...Something about Optimus Prime..?

My memory is shit.

EDIT: Okay, found it. It was an unused script file in the game data for Fate/Stay Night that was pretty much an obvious gag. Basically, something that can only be unlocked by hacking.

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Speaking of routes that sadly never came to fruition, I heard something about a fucking Shinji route on /a/. How would that even work?
Shinji and Shirou team up with Rin being the "villain". You get to see why he and Shirou are friends although it is hinted that he betrays you in the end. You see remnants of this route in CCC.
Oh man, this is one of the oldest jokes in the fandom. I'm fairly certain it was an easter egg in the game data.

...Something about Optimus Prime..?

My memory is shit.

EDIT: Okay, found it. It was an unused script file in the game data for Fate/Stay Night that was pretty much an obvious gag. Basically, something that can only be unlocked by hacking.

That's amazing.
Well, I found a Nasu statement on a Caster route, but it has precisely zilch to do with turning into a child.

I do recall something about Loli Caster, but it wasn't to do with Routes.

From one of the Bad Ends: During the development phase, it was said that "Caster turns into a loli with hyper power", but we only need one loli!
As far as playing Fate/Stay Night goes, I'm to be honest content to read a Let's Play. I'm doing this now partially because I have holidays, and I don't want my spare time to be completely chewed up by this.
Re: best Servant: what criteria are we using? 'Cause within the context of what little I've seen, I can think of a few different ones.

Most Entertaining Speeches - Iskandar and Gil by a mile. Iskandar for feels, Gil for insight and generally interesting characterization.

Best King - I don't like her, but my cultural programming says a king is a living sacrifice, not a leader, so I have no choice but to grant the throne to Arturia. Or maybe Angra Mainyu, but that whole subplot is fuckin' stupid anyway.

Death Where I Cried The Most So Far - Cu Chulainn in the UBW movie.
-> Silver Medal - Ionian Hetairoi
-> Bronze Medal - Gilles de Rais

Most Loyal - Diarmuid, the poor bastard.

Garnered The Closest Thing To A Win For Their Master - Arturia or Iskandar, depends on whether you value the Grail or positive character development more.

The One I Liked Best As A Person (which I guess is what you guys mean) - Cu Chulainn, of course
You should do that AFTER you read the Visual Novel.
... but the Visual Novel sucks. And I say that as someone who voluntarily plays Tokimeki Memorial games. However much you people bitch about DEEN, it can't be worse than that.
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God, I knew I'd get flack for that, but fuck, my pride as a writer will not allow me to sit here and pretend Nasu isn't a hack who got lucky. I pulled that shit for ten years as a Lucas fan, I'm not wasting any time on someone who didn't invent Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.
God, I knew I'd get flack for that, but fuck, my pride as a writer will not allow me to sit here and pretend Nasu isn't a hack who got lucky. I pulled that shit for ten years as a Lucas fan, I'm not wasting any time on someone who didn't invent Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.
Actually, most of the bad quality is from the translation. From what I've heard, in his native language, Nasu is one of the best in his business. I've been to threads where moonspeakers accurately translate parts of the novel that are requested and I have to agree with the people who say he is a good writer. Even if the translation makes the novel not as good as it used to be, the story, themes and characters are still solid. The sex scenes on the otherhand...

EDIT: Felt like I should add that he isn't just a hack who got lucky. My evidence being the rest of the Nasuverse (Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, DDD(?), etc.)
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Actually, most of the bad quality is from the translation.
Do you read Japanese? 'Cause I don't to an extent that I could tell good prose from bad. I'd hesitate to say I can reliably judge that kind of thing in French, and I've been reading French since I was seven.

In the absence of any alternative, any translation could be as good, worse, or better than the original, and I would only maybe be able to tell. So for all intents and purposes, the translations are all I have to work with. And I'm sorry, I cannot work under those conditions, because at the very least, the complete translations suck.

Also, I doubt the translators are to blame for the abysmal pacing.
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IIRC there's a fairly good translation of the KnK novels floating out somewhere, which certainly seems much less clunky in it's prose than F/SN.