In any case, it's honestly getting tiresome to see over and over the claim that Nasu habitually engages in retcon as to explain how particular characters perform supposedly impossible actions.
My sympathies, fallacies. The belief likely comes at least in part due to the source material being in Japanese, leading to English fans having issues knowing what is 'canon' or not due to translation differences. Personally I feel all is fine for writing fanfic and such as long as you maintain general themes and outlines of the setting, but that sort of thing would be subjective.
Because that's not the point in contention, the argument isn't "Shirou projected a hollow Excalibur but not a full one" it's "Shirou projected something else entirely and the visuals are a lie." The argument isn't "Archer can project a hollow Excalibur but not a full one" it's "Archer can't project Excalibur at all." The retcon is precisely that we went from "Archer and Shirou can project degraded copies of the Holy Sword" to "Archer and Shirou can't project Excalibur or any other divine weapons at all."
Degraded approximations are not the same as the actual deal. Archer and Shirou being unable to project the real deal doesn't mean that they couldn't in theory project something similar that performs the same function despite the cost. The only retcon here is pretending that the fan interpretations were right in the beginning when it was that Archer could project Excalibur because of Shirou projecting something that looks like Excalibur Morgan.
Degraded approximations are not the same as the actual deal. Archer and Shirou being unable to project the real deal doesn't mean that they couldn't in theory project something similar that performs the same function despite the cost. The only retcon here is pretending that the fan interpretations were right in the beginning when it was that Archer could project Excalibur because of Shirou projecting something that looks like Excalibur Morgan.

Who said they are? Shirou projects a sword that looks like Excalibur and Archer says he can project a degraded copy of Excalibur. CM3 later retcons this to say that neither Archer nor Shirou can project even degraded copies of Excalibur and would have to use completely different Noble Phantasms that might be stored in UBW if they wanted to achieve similar effect.
Who said they are? Shirou projects a sword that looks like Excalibur and Archer says he can project a degraded copy of Excalibur. CM3 later retcons this to say that neither Archer nor Shirou can project even degraded copies of Excalibur and would have to use completely different Noble Phantasms that might be stored in UBW if they wanted to achieve similar effect.
It looking like Excalibur doesn't make it Excalibur. And Archer claiming that he can approximate something similar isn't saying that he can project Excalibur either. CM3 clarifies later that projecting Excalibur isn't possible, but degraded NPs that can pull off the same function are. This isn't a retcon given that nothing prior explicitly states that he could project Excalibur in the first place. Hence the fact that this is simply fan interpretation getting contradicted rather than any canon retcon.
It looking like Excalibur doesn't make it Excalibur. And Archer claiming that he can approximate something similar isn't saying that he can project Excalibur either. CM3 clarifies later that projecting Excalibur isn't possible, but degraded NPs that can pull off the same function are. This isn't a retcon given that nothing prior explicitly states that he could project Excalibur in the first place. Hence the fact that this is simply fan interpretation getting contradicted rather than any canon retcon.

It looking like Excalibur makes it perfectly reasonable to read it as Excalibur in the absence of other evidence. Archer explicitly says he can replicate (a degraded) Excalibur multiple times. The impression given by the original work is that projection of Excalibur, or some degraded version of Excalibur is possible. In fact, this impression is so strong that other people (who aren't Nasu) working on later entries into the franchise consistently accidentally keep including it as something Archer and Shirou can do e.g. Extra and Prisma. We'll see what happens at the end of the Third movie on this subject as well.

For a non-fate example; when Holmes falls off the waterfall at the end of The Final Problem the reader is to assume that he died because everything about the scene indicated it even if the reader wasn't explicitly shown Holmes' body anywhere. Later, Holmes comes back and this is understood to be a retcon i.e. something that wasn't originally intended. For an even more salient example: the basic assertion here is that what Shirou projected is actually just an Excalibur shaped thing which was mentioned nowhere in the original text. This is essentially the same assertion as "That wasn't actually Doctor Doom, it was a Doctor Doom shaped robot that you fought and killed."

Archer and Shirou being unable to project Excalibur is something that is absolutely not intended in the original work and the two instances of it happening are pretty direct evidence of this concept. I'm not really interested in continuing this any further for that very simple reason. Which is to say that I don't believe that Nasu - in good faith - intended that to be anything other than Excalibur Morgan (well really at this point in time just Black Excalibur) originally. He changed his mind later.
It looking like Excalibur makes it perfectly reasonable to read it as Excalibur in the absence of other evidence. Archer explicitly says he can replicate (a degraded) Excalibur multiple times. The impression given by the original work is that projection of Excalibur, or some degraded version of Excalibur is possible. In fact, this impression is so strong that other people (who aren't Nasu) working on later entries into the franchise consistently accidentally keep including it as something Archer and Shirou can do e.g. Extra and Prisma. We'll see what happens at the end of the Third movie on this subject as well.

For a non-fate example; when Holmes falls off the waterfall at the end of The Final Problem the reader is to assume that he died because everything about the scene indicated it even if the reader wasn't explicitly shown Holmes' body anywhere. Later, Holmes comes back and this is understood to be a retcon i.e. something that wasn't originally intended. For an even more salient example: the basic assertion here is that what Shirou projected is actually just an Excalibur shaped thing which was mentioned nowhere in the original text. This is essentially the same assertion as "That wasn't actually Doctor Doom, it was a Doctor Doom shaped robot that you fought and killed."

Archer and Shirou being unable to project Excalibur is something that is absolutely not intended in the original work and the two instances of it happening are pretty direct evidence of this concept. I'm not really interested in continuing this any further for that very simple reason. Which is to say that I don't believe that Nasu - in good faith - intended that to be anything other than Excalibur Morgan (well really at this point in time just Black Excalibur) originally. He changed his mind later.
Again, assuming you had the correct assumptions from the start is not in any way an argument that there was a retcon in the first place. You still have to prove it, and given the obvious lack of statements saying "Archer can totally project Excalibur" pre CM3, this wasn't something you could do at all. Strong incorrect impressions happen all the time, considering Vader's line to Luke has been twisted into something else over the years. And Archer never states that he could replicate Excalibur explicitly either. Making an approximation isn't equivalent to making a copy (like Rho Aias, K&B or Caladbolg).

Extra got a different excuse while Prisma is its own thing that doesn't run on the main Nasu mechanics. Not great examples either.

Personal belief has little to do with the fact that nowhere is it stated pre or post CM3 that Archer or Shirou could project Excalibur. Personal belief doesn't change Archer's words on him being to make something that could do the same job into him being able to project Excalibur. Personal belief is ultimately irrelevant here and pretending that it means anything when you're claiming a retcon happened is dumb when the facts given state otherwise.
Again, assuming you had the correct assumptions from the start is not in any way an argument that there was a retcon in the first place. You still have to prove it, and given the obvious lack of statements saying "Archer can totally project Excalibur" pre CM3, this wasn't something you could do at all. Strong incorrect impressions happen all the time, considering Vader's line to Luke has been twisted into something else over the years. And Archer never states that he could replicate Excalibur explicitly either. Making an approximation isn't equivalent to making a copy (like Rho Aias, K&B or Caladbolg).

Extra got a different excuse while Prisma is its own thing that doesn't run on the main Nasu mechanics. Not great examples either.

Personal belief has little to do with the fact that nowhere is it stated pre or post CM3 that Archer or Shirou could project Excalibur. Personal belief doesn't change Archer's words on him being to make something that could do the same job into him being able to project Excalibur. Personal belief is ultimately irrelevant here and pretending that it means anything when you're claiming a retcon happened is dumb when the facts given state otherwise.

Stop repeating this literal lie that Archer never says he can replicate it, he says he can multiple times. The one spouting personal belief here is you:

And it's fine if you'd like to see me attempt it, Saber.
Your Holy Sword —
[I'll have you] witness its replication in legitimate.」

「My Holy Sword ...
Are you stating this in the knowledge of its identity, Archer?」

「Of course.

Though I would be incapable of perfectly replicating an existence of such a [magnitude] (アレほどのモノ, are hodo no mono, "a thing of such an extent"),
an approximation of the actual article would be doable.

And if I do this, how would things play out?
When Holy Swords come to clash,
is it possible for the humans in the vicinity to survive?」

「What —
Archer, you're ... !!」

「And that's the way that things are.
Do not bring your Holy Sword to bear, Saber — even in error.
In the circumstance that it enters into use, it's impossible that I won't oppose you in kind.
And in that circumstance, that which vanishes would not be us, but the humans in our vicinity.
... If it's you,
you would protect that boy over there, even if it requires that you sacrifice yourself.
To me, the Projection of the Holy Sword and its like would be self-annihilation.
And if such a thing comes to pass, only Emiya Shirou / a single person would survive.
It wouldn't hold much meaning.」
Stop repeating this literal lie that Archer never says he can replicate it, he says he can multiple times. The one spouting personal belief here is you:
He makes an approximation. That is never used to describe his other projections like Rho Aias, Caladbolg, Hrunting or K&B. What makes you think that he means that he can replicate Excalibur exactly, other than personal interpretation?
He makes an approximation. That is never used to describe his other projections like Rho Aias, Caladbolg, Hrunting or K&B. What makes you think that he means that he can replicate Excalibur exactly, other than personal interpretation?

He says that he can't project the full majesty of Excalibur but he can still project a degraded/ranked down version of it. You're basically hardcore trolling at this point.
He says that he can't project the full majesty of Excalibur but he can still project a degraded/ranked down version of it. You're basically hardcore trolling at this point.
You're getting a degraded/ranked down version of it out of nowhere. Again, personal interpretation is not fact. Especially when approximation has never been used to describe other projections, something you keep ignoring for essentially no reason.
You're getting a degraded/ranked down version of it out of nowhere. Again, personal interpretation is not fact. Especially when approximation has never been used to describe other projections, something you keep ignoring for essentially no reason.

Nobody cares whether it's an approximation because it being an approximation is exactly where I'm getting degraded/ranked down from. We can use the word approximation if you prefer, it's still explicitly called the genuine article, just a version of it which isn't equivalent to the full power/status/whatever of the original. Archer says he can project a copy of Excalibur, the Holy Sword but his version of it isn't as good as Saber's version of it.

At this point it doesn't matter whether you're trolling or just can't read, I'm not speaking to you any longer, don't quote me again.
Nobody cares whether it's an approximation because it being an approximation is exactly where I'm getting degraded/ranked down from. We can use the word approximation if you prefer, it's still explicitly called the genuine article, just a version of it which isn't equivalent to the full power/status/whatever of the original. Archer says he can project a copy of Excalibur, the Holy Sword but his version of it isn't as good as Saber's version of it.

At this point it doesn't matter whether you're trolling or just can't read, I'm not speaking to you any longer, don't quote me again.
Again, it's not stated explicitly to be Excalibur, just something that approximates it enough to pull off a beam sword clash vs the real deal. Pretending otherwise that he could actually project Excalibur as of FSN when the text never says so unlike any of his other projections is lying to yourself. Sorry, but this isn't exactly up for debate unless you like to pretend you knew what the writer intended to depict in the story better than what was actually given and love to ignore other facts that disagree with your personal interpretation.

Nice to see you can't be bothered to actually think through and understand what I'm saying, instead preferring to accuse me of trolling or illiteracy. What does that make you then, someone so hopelessly self delusional he can't believe Nasu didn't write that EMIYA could project Excalibur?
He says that he can't project the full majesty of Excalibur but he can still project a degraded/ranked down version of it. You're basically hardcore trolling at this point.
He says he can't project Excalibur but make a approximate of it.

That's explicitly different from all other weapons he projects, and they're all already ranked down.
It follows then, that Excalibur isn't just degraded or ranked-down.

Let's make an analogy. Emiya is a photocopier, weapons are text documents.

Normally, weapons he projects are a photocopy, and so close to the original document that only very very careful inspection will find the artefacts and small bits of bad quality in the copy.

Emiya essentially said "yeah, I can make a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of Excalibur. It's nowhere near the real thing, but the text is still readable enough for it to clash against the real thing and doom bystanders."

If you want to call that projecting Excalibur, you can, but it is wrong.
He says he can't project Excalibur but make a approximate of it.

That's explicitly different from all other weapons he projects, and they're all already ranked down.
It follows then, that Excalibur isn't just degraded or ranked-down.

Let's make an analogy. Emiya is a photocopier, weapons are text documents.

Normally, weapons he projects are a photocopy, and so close to the original document that only very very careful inspection will find the artefacts and small bits of bad quality in the copy.

Emiya essentially said "yeah, I can make a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of Excalibur. It's nowhere near the real thing, but the text is still readable enough for it to clash against the real thing and doom bystanders."

If you want to call that projecting Excalibur, you can, but it is wrong.

I'm calling it what Archer is calling it.

To me, the Projection of the Holy Sword and its like would be self-annihilation.

Archer can project the Holy Sword because he terms what he's doing 'Projection of the Holy Sword.'
I'm calling it what Archer is calling it.

Archer can project the Holy Sword because he terms what he's doing 'Projection of the Holy Sword.'
Killing myself by projecting Excalibur is not being able to project Excalibur. Again, when none of the already ranked down projections like K&B, Caladbolg, Rho Aias and Hrunting are called approximations unlike what Archer says he can do for Excalibur, are we somehow going to ignore the other examples and pretend like he totally can project Excalibur and not it's 2 cents knockoff that can do something similar to the real deal?
Heeeeey, another quick and dumb Fate question, if'n ya'll don't mind. At the end of Apocrypha...
Wait, I'm talking about the end of a work, should this be spoilered? I don't think it's necessary, but just in case...

Does Sieg taking the Greater Holy Grail to the Reverse Side of the World cause the sub-Holy Grail Wars to also stop occuring?
Heeeeey, another quick and dumb Fate question, if'n ya'll don't mind. At the end of Apocrypha...
Wait, I'm talking about the end of a work, should this be spoilered? I don't think it's necessary, but just in case...

Does Sieg taking the Greater Holy Grail to the Reverse Side of the World cause the sub-Holy Grail Wars to also stop occuring?

Nah, Greater Holy Grail doesn't have anything to do with the sub-Holy Grail Wars occurring or not.
Nah, Greater Holy Grail doesn't have anything to do with the sub-Holy Grail Wars occurring or not.

I thought that was the case, just wanted to make sure. Do we actually know what it was that DID cause the sub-wars in that timeline, then? Reading the first chapter of Strange Fake makes it sound as if fake Holy Grails - and therefore, potentially fake wars - are actually not that uncommon, but I thought that the sub-war system was mostly confined to Apocrypha's timeline...
I thought that was the case, just wanted to make sure. Do we actually know what it was that DID cause the sub-wars in that timeline, then? Reading the first chapter of Strange Fake makes it sound as if fake Holy Grails - and therefore, potentially fake wars - are actually not that uncommon, but I thought that the sub-war system was mostly confined to Apocrypha's timeline...
Every grail is fake. Even the one in Stay Night. It has been canon since Stay Night that the Fuyuki Holy Grail is the 726th artifact to hold the name.
Darnic released info about how to make a grail and that the grail is a path to the root. It is unique to Apocrypha because that is the only timeline where that info is released.
I thought that was the case, just wanted to make sure. Do we actually know what it was that DID cause the sub-wars in that timeline, then? Reading the first chapter of Strange Fake makes it sound as if fake Holy Grails - and therefore, potentially fake wars - are actually not that uncommon, but I thought that the sub-war system was mostly confined to Apocrypha's timeline...
There's a difference between Holy Grails-wishgranting devices, in Fate Terms-and Holy Grail Wars. The latter in Apocrypha are courtesy of Darnic leaking the basic details as a distraction, and a bunch of people making their own. I presume they run off the same Rhinegold Foundation as the main War, except without directly using the Rhinegold.
Every grail is fake. Even the one in Stay Night. It has been canon since Stay Night that the Fuyuki Holy Grail is the 726th artifact to hold the name.
Darnic released info about how to make a grail and that the grail is a path to the root. It is unique to Apocrypha because that is the only timeline where that info is released.

Saying 'fake grail' seemed simpler than saying 'Fake Grail that isn't the Greater Holy Grail that isn't the actual Holy Grail'. :V

Buuuut, that second part was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

I presume they run off the same Rhinegold Foundation as the main War, except without directly using the Rhinegold.

... wait, the Rhinegold is invovled with the Grail itself? I knew the Einzberns had it, but I didn't really disaster was literally baked into the foundation of the Holy Grail.

Seriously, the more I try to learn about the Nasuverse, the less I feel I know about it. Which I have to admit, really puts a dampner on enthusiasm to write in the setting for me...
... wait, the Rhinegold is invovled with the Grail itself?
...Thinking on it, I don't actually have a straight citation, I just have heavy implications between the Einzberns having it, the Grail in Apocrypha clearly being made of gold and our other known Heroic Spirit summoning system, FATE, running off something that gathers legendary figures as well. 'Scuse me, I'm off to citationhunt.
The problem is that even if you'd said "yeah, the faker grail" then that'd be something entirely different as well.
EMIYA has a Grail? That's news to me.:V
... wait, the Rhinegold is invovled with the Grail itself? I knew the Einzberns had it, but I didn't really disaster was literally baked into the foundation of the Holy Grail.

Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - Page 2254

MOD EDIT: THIS IS THE OFFICIAL BEAST'S LAIR FREE-RANGE SPOILER THREAD FOR F/GO AS IT IS UP TO DATE WITH THE JAPANESE VERSION It'd probably be better if someone who could actually read made this, but oh well. Talk about the story and shit here so they don't get lost to the void in the...
siegf lines

6) What happens if Im stabbed in the back? I'll die, of course. This is already a curse, a concept. However, I sometimes wonder. If every single parts of my body had been bathed in blood, would I have fallen into the evil dragon myself?

7) Holy Grail War... I regret of my fault and disgrace towards many. In particular, to Lancer of Black. At least now, being able to wield my sword together with him is my one consolation, my one atonement.

8) Das Rheingold... the accursed treasure. I had heard from a while ago, that now it is in the possession of alchemists hailing from Germany? If I am not mistaken, the name is.... Einzbern? It would be great if no curse had befallen to them, yet...

9) When I was alive, I had no wish that can really be said to be a wish. In that regard, I am like a wish machine. Now...? Now... my wish had already been granted. To protect Human Order. To protect others. To protect my Master. They are all... my wish.

10) Lancer of Red. We had once desired to settle it between us, but... It seems like you have someone else with a something to be settled first. In that case, then it seems I must wait in order.

Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - Page 2255

MOD EDIT: THIS IS THE OFFICIAL BEAST'S LAIR FREE-RANGE SPOILER THREAD FOR F/GO AS IT IS UP TO DATE WITH THE JAPANESE VERSION It'd probably be better if someone who could actually read made this, but oh well. Talk about the story and shit here so they don't get lost to the void in the...

Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - Page 2260

MOD EDIT: THIS IS THE OFFICIAL BEAST'S LAIR FREE-RANGE SPOILER THREAD FOR F/GO AS IT IS UP TO DATE WITH THE JAPANESE VERSION It'd probably be better if someone who could actually read made this, but oh well. Talk about the story and shit here so they don't get lost to the void in the...

It was in FSN when Mirror Moon (?) fucked up Kirei's line about the Einzberns while explaining the Holy Grail War and the 3 Families to Shirou.