On another note, I am now imagining all the servants of chaldea watching carnival phantasm, which do you think would try to destroy the disc.
If he had something like Innocent Monster on his sheet, I'd buy the mad scientist shtick.
Eh, does Innocent Monster ever directly affect the mind of the Servant in question? I've seen it influence the body, but I can't remember a time when it's been said to directly alter their behaviour. Even Vlad and Vlad have their mental influences come from other sources (Legend of Dracula or overly high Protection of the Faith).

He's a cool guy but he's the legal definition of useless in gameplay. If you made skills targetable I feel like he'd be one of the best 3stars. All three of his skills exist to boost his damage output from poor to middling but if his skills were targetable, you could boost other Servants who are capable of dealing high damage but lack an on demand damage buff.
I'd have to look over the F/GO Materials entries of the others, but from what I remember of Bloody Demon, that one would make zero sense to have as a 'buff other' skill (IIRC, Bloody Demon is based on the records/legends of the sheer variety of combat-relevant skills that Geronimo has).
I'd have to look over the F/GO Materials entries of the others, but from what I remember of Bloody Demon, that one would make zero sense to have as a 'buff other' skill (IIRC, Bloody Demon is based on the records/legends of the sheer variety of combat-relevant skills that Geronimo has).
Skills don't really need to make sense in gameplay terms though. I mean, Migraine heals Nero and Weak Constitution increases crit weight. No reason Bloody Demon couldn't have been buff other.
Skills don't really need to make sense in gameplay terms though. I mean, Migraine heals Nero and Weak Constitution increases crit weight. No reason Bloody Demon couldn't have been buff other.
Or, y'know, Bloody Demon could be a self-buff that's more useful than 'buff possibly the most useless card type a Caster has'.

Honestly I think even Babbage is better than Geronimo.
That sounds like bullshit. Proof.
You know how Astolfo's NP gives him a three-hit dodge? And how Goetia's attacks charge up the NP gauge really really fast?

Once you survive the first attack by debuffing Goetia with the Atlas uniform I think it is, Astolfo can apparently NP every turn and avoid any damage at all while slowly chipping away at Goetia's health. I think there's a video of it being done so I'll see if I can find it.
You know how Astolfo's NP gives him a three-hit dodge? And how Goetia's attacks charge up the NP gauge really really fast?

Once you survive the first attack by debuffing Goetia with the Atlas uniform I think it is, Astolfo can apparently NP every turn and avoid any damage at all while slowly chipping away at Goetia's health. I think there's a video of it being done so I'll see if I can find it.
Yeah but Astolfo was given shit NP charge both attacking and defending to prevent exactly that. He charges three times slower than most anyone else trying to solo Goetia. That's why I don't believe you.
I'm pretty sure Tesla himself would be pissed off at in game Tesla for that.

Hell, at least give him the gambling addiction. And the whole "I support eugenics" thing. Don't forget that he supposedly talked to pigeons that shot lasers from their eyes. Come on man, that's what makes him interesting.

Why was this rated insightful thrice?

LATE EDIT: Why was this rated insightful?
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