So, something I'm not seeing people mentioning here: we actually have a decent chance to pull off a flinch-lock, here. And that would be the best possible thing we can do for this fight, since every time Vigoroth loses a turn to flinch or paralysis, it's not using that turn to OHKO one of our allies. So hear me out.
If Roland takes a frontline role, one of the moves he'll prioritize is Shadow Sneak, explicitly stated in the move list. Shadow Sneak causes the opponent to lose their next turn to flinch as long as two conditions are met: Roland has higher initiative than his opponent, and his effect roll is at least 20. And with the right combination of options, those are both doable on a fairly consistent basis.
Let's start with the effect roll. We get +13 to that from Skill right out of the gate, easy enough, and picking backline boosts that by another +2. That means we get +15 minimum to all effect rolls, for a 75% base chance of getting the 20+ effect roll needed to trigger our secondary effects. If any of our other allies in the support role give +effect to our side(likely at least one), every +1 they boost us by increases that by 5%, so that leaves our chances pretty high of getting all of our secondary effects off from all of our moves before anything else, as well as meaning that we're going to be dealing more damage from that. But that's before you count the +1 to effect rolls for every 2 points you beat your opponent's initiative by, which is almost certainly going to apply here, because the next thing I'm covering is initiative stacking.
So let's start with the obvious. Vigoroth's default initiative is +5. Roland gets +2 if he takes the frontline. Renne and Ruby both have options that let them drop Vigoroth's initiative by -2 each, bringing his initiative down to +1, lower than Roland's +2 initiative bonus from frontline, so we're already slightly more likely than not to beat Vigoroth in initiative just from that. Then we add in the effect of the other Pokémon in the support role (pretty sure the Murkrow line gets Tailwind, and we have a Murkrow on support), for a potentially even higher initiative buff for us or Vigoroth's initiative being pushed even lower. And then we add in that Roland's backline moveset has Agility listed, meaning we'll almost definitely be running a stack of that for the battle, so that's another +3 initiative, +6 if we get 20+ on the effect roll when we cast it (see previous paragraph for the odds of that). And then we add in a completely different thing: Ruby using Spark, which I'm going to put into a whole other paragraph.
So, other than Seismic Strike, both of Ruby's other possible tactics have Spark listed on the move list. Spark has a secondary effect of causing paralysis. (Dragonbreath also causes paralysis, but Roland learning that isn't guaranteed, so just use that as an increased chance of Vigoroth getting paralyzed and move on.) Ruby has an even higher chance of getting that secondary effect than Roland does, because she's going to be running Curse no matter what, so that's +2 to her effect rolls from Curse, another +2 if she gets the 20+ for the secondary effect, and another +2 if she runs backline for her second tactic after Seismic Strike, and of course the thing about other teammates running support still applies. And I'm pretty sure her custom move from the railgun option also applies paralysis, so in short we can just assume that Vigoroth is going to be paralyzed and have a pretty good chance of being right.
So what does paralysis do? It gives a full -10 to initiative rolls, and a one in four chance of skipping Vigoroth's turn every turn. That means one in four times when Vigoroth would hit a member of our party with a 1-or-2HKO, he will instead sit there and do nothing, and that's on top of the flinch-lock that is basically guaranteed by that -10 initiative on top of our initiative stacking and base high effect rolls. So basically we can turn our team into keeping Vigoroth from being able to do anything while everyone hammers him down.
So in conclusion, we can do this really cool thing if we pick the right combination of strategies, where Renne runs double support, Roland runs frontline and backline, and Ruby runs Seismic Strike and either of her other two strategies with a preference for backline for the increased effect and paralysis chance. As such:
[] Plan No Turns for Vigoroth
-[] Roland (Veil of Shadows)
-[] Roland (Death from Above)
-[] Renne (Cat Got Your Tongue)
-[] Renne (Feel No Evil)
-[] Ruby (Seismic Strike)
-[] Ruby (A Certain Terastal Railgun)
I feel like this is the best possible strategy.
Edit: actually, I messed up a little bit. +15 effect roll gives us a base 80% chance of getting our secondary effect on any given move, not 75%. Take that as you will.