Hmm, due to Facade threat, this set up seems good: Roland and Ruby Frontline and Backline, and Renne Double Support. All roles get someone to double down on.
Normally, I'd be all for partaking in the time-honoured tradition of cheesing the overleveled boss with healing and status effects, but the Facade worries are real. It could, however, be too busy using Shadow Moves, but I'm not sure if we want to risk that.

With some planning though, I think we can manage it just fine. My plan is simple. We-
[] Running interference
- [] Roland (Death from Above)
- [] Roland (Speedy Support)
- [] Renne (Cat Got Your Tongue)
- [] Renne (Feel No Evil)
- [] Ruby (Ironheart)
- [] Ruby (A Certain Terastal Railgun)

A preliminary plan focusing on status effects and annoyance from Roland, weakening body and running interference with Renne and Ruby serving as a high damage tank.
Oh, uh. That. Exactly that, I guess.

Roland will DOT it to hell, give more Initiative to the entire Frontline, all while dodge-tanking so our entire side gets hit less, and also maybe learning two very neat moves. One proper STAB ranged move in Dragonbreath that paralyzes, and Curse, which is the strongest DOT he could have, I think. The Facade worries are real, but so is Renne, who's coming up next.

Renne will almost entirely negate Vigoroth's Effect and Initiative advantage by herself, heal herself, and most importantly, her double screens support will mean that even if Vigoroth crits a Facade we will have an absolute guarantee that they won't be hurt that bad, even if they're taken out of the fight. With Renne here, nobody on our side will be dying, over the course of the fight. Also, more Bond Points, which is nice.

Meanwhile, Ruby, our brave girl, will be on the Frontline with the other maniacs like Elise, since from what I can see the Frontline is a bit small at the moment. She'll be another tank to protect others, and further nerf the boss's Effect Rolls, and get a new idea for a custom move. There's also the tiny fact that picking Backline for her other pick means IT'S RAILGUN TIME, BABY, WOOO, THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. IT'S ABOUT THE RAILGUN! RAILGUNS RULE! GIGA DRILBUR BREAKER!
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Hmm, due to Facade threat, this set up seems good: Roland and Ruby Frontline and Backline, and Renne Double Support. All roles get someone to double down on.

Roughly what I was thinking, but let's take a look:

Veil of Shadows (Front): speedy attacker, has flinch and dodge options. Dragon Tail is a useful control move
Death from Above (Back): faster than other backline options, DoTs and effect debuffs. Dragon Breath is a useful damage+status move
Speedy Support (Support): Team speed buff, All The DoTs, including Curse

Mind over Matter (Back): Pure damage. Effect roll bonus is a wash with Cat Got Your Tongue.
Cat Got Your Tongue (Support): Enemy roll debuff, still inflicts some damage and effects. Increases Bond
Feel No Evil (Support): Keeps people healthy. Damage basically nil. Increases Bond.

Ironheart (Front): Bulky, gets stronger in a pinch, can set up. Custom Move option.
Seismic Strike (Front): Pure Damage, Shadow Pokémon shouldn't be able to strategize around Dig, meaning she's absorbing less damage. Custom move option.
Terastal Railgun (Back): Even more pure damage, better chance of flinch/para. Custom move option.

I'm definitely feeling Double Support for Renne, since she'll either be increasing our survivability or doing somepretty impressive suppression to Vigoroth's rolls. Likewise, that means probably keeping Roland off Support, which...I think is fine. Facade discussion aside, Support mons aren't going to be able to spam DoTs as well as backliners, and while Curse+Burn is amazing, I expect the battle to be over in less than five turns since we've got (assuming an even line distribution) 6 mons using a move every turn and 3 mons using moves every other turn, at which point Roland would just be getting a third attack in.

That just leaves how to divvy up Ruby. Personally, I think that putting the Railgun option in is good so she and Roland can trade off who's in front and who's artillery. The remaining question then is just whether we want her to absorb damage and hit back with Ironheart, or try to avoid it with Seismic. Since we're doing barriers with Renne...

[] Plan: Witch, Dragon, and Mole Knight
-[] Roland (Veil of Shadows)
-[] Roland (Death from Above)
-[] Renne (Cat Got Your Tongue)
-[] Renne (Feel No Evil)
-[] Ruby (Ironheart)
-[] Ruby (A Certain Terastal Railgun)

EDIT: I can't read.
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The reasons vary, but a common one is to have a ready made victim to cling onto the affection their precious child will unknowingly shower them in. That and it's cheaper," Theodora explains while applying a potion to a nasty welt on a Teddiursa.

There's venom in her voice as she says those words, as well as another emotion, one you can't parse. You do catch Theodora's gaze briefly flickering to Sharon during her explanation. The Braixen returns her looks with a wistful and yet determined one of her own.
Oh. :(
It's a shame our friendship actions are so short in supply, because Thea is a pretty cool gal in her own right.
Man, the hype is real. Also had to include this

"I…am merely addressing L—Rika with the respect she deserves." Cassandra stutters out in response as a pitying look forms on Instructor Leaf's, Theodora's and surprisingly Poppy's faces. "F-fine! You're in charge, Ranger!" Cassandra grumbles out, her face flush in embarrassment. The RMP officer walks over to a tree next to Poppy to sulk, the small child patting them on the shoulder all the while.

That content warning forgot to include assault cause I think I just witnessed it here
Honestly im also hoping they dont have the other thing that makes shadow pokemon terryfying. Shadow moves... supereffective moves against EVERYTHING. Is it bad that i hope vigoroth mentally affected enough to not have these?
Ok, Mechanics time.

First - what are we optimising for? How do we Win?


So - no time limit. Just a damage race. Presumably, the fight will end narratively at the point where enough Pokemon have been knocked out by Vigoroth with something else intervening - our success is how much damage we can do first.

How much damage do we need to do?

Due to being a Shadow Pokemon, they will receive additional HP (bringing their health to 1200) and take +25% more damage received. Due to their nature of being a Shadow Pokemon they will target the last Pokemon that dealt damage to them. Effects are additive so in summation, Vigoroth will do 75% More Damage and Take 50% Less Damage at base.

As a Shadow Pokemon, defensively Vigoroth takes Neutral from everything except Fairy, which deals Super-Effective Damage.

So, we need to do at least 300 damage, and hopefully 600 damage, to a pokemon who takes 50% less damage to everything but Fairy type attacks (25% less to those). Meanwhile, our 400 HP 2nd-badge pokemon take 75% More damage from Attacks. There's 10 pokemon fighting for us in total, so that's 4000 HP in total on our side. Pretty good odds, even with the multipliers

Now we can start calculating how quickly our team can do 600 damage, but there's something we want to calculate first.

How Quickly will Vigoroth faint pokemon?

As a Boss Vigoroth will be able to attack/take action twice in a turn. One under Initiative rules and another attack at the turn end.

Frontline Pokemon will be the ones in the thick of it and will be the ones primarily targeted by the Boss. If their Initiative is higher than the Boss they'll be able to intercept any attacks directed towards Backline or Support Pokemon.

Due to their nature of being a Shadow Pokemon they will target the last Pokemon that dealt damage to them.

Vigoroth will attack twice per turn, both at the last pokemon to damage them. Frontline pokemon may be able to intercept them, if their initative beats vigoroths 1d20+5. For 4 pokemon with no initiative boosts this will happen 76% of rounds, for 5 83%, and for 6 88%. So it's pretty likely. All the potential frontliners have 400 HP and take 75% More damage, except for Ruby who takes 50% More if Frontlining

Vigoroth, as a 5th-badge pokemon, probably has Mastered some Complex moves (Given Renne has just started learning them at 3rd badge). That is 3d100+100 * 1.75 damage, or a mean of 437 damage, 87.5 standard deviation.

So Vigoroth will knock out ever pokemon in one or two hits. Ruby is more likely to get a 2HKO than 1HKO, but we can expect to Lose 1 to 2 pokemon every turn. Facade is not much of a worry, not because it won't be powerful but because Vigoroth is already able to 1HKO any pokemon even with a neutral Facade, so the boost is just overkill.

So we can see this is a damage race, and one that is likely to be over in 5 or 6 turns due to Vigoroth just knocking all the Pokemon out. To determine our strategy, first we must know

How much damage will our allies do?

To balance this every single available Pokemon of Group 1 will be able to take an action during a turn to either attack or support their allies. Battling Pokemon are split into three: Frontline, Backline and Support.

The Current Roles of the Pokemon of Class VII
Frontline: Rin (Honedge), Argy (Beldum), Leo (Pawniard), Elise's Charcadet
Backline: Elise's Charcadet, Poly (Staryu), Elise's Murkrow, Sharon (Braixen)
Support: Sharon (Braixen), Poly (Staryu), Argy (Beldum), Elise's Murkrow

Our allies have 7 Pokemon. Roles are flexible but lets say 5 are attacking each turn to start (Support pokemon don't attack every turn or at all) and this goes down 1 per turn due to KO's from Vigoroth. That is 5+4+3+2+1 = 15 attacks from our allies. Since we're dealing with so many attacks from so many pokemon, we can standardize them to a "Representative Attack"

We're going to assume every pokemon has a STAB Skilled Intermediate move it can use - base damage 1d75+75 *1.25. This is what Roland has. Average Effect of +5 better than Vigoroth for that x1.05. And half attack from the Frontline and half from the Backline, so Vigoroth's damage resistance is 40% on average. How much damage does that do?

[ 1d75+75 *1.25 *1.05] *0.6 = 73.45 * 15 = 1101 damage More than we need to end the encounter, even before Mariana's Pokemon get involved.

Now, this does make some assumptions about attack power and density from our team, but I think it does hold, even if attacks are 1d50+50 we'd do 600 damage in 15 attacks.

Our Allies have enough firepower to put this Vigoroth down already, but no without withstanding nasty casualties from doing so.

So what does that mean about our options?

First Ruby should take both Frontline Options (Seismic Strike and Ironheart)

They reduce either Vigorth's Effect or Initiative Rolls, and mean there is another body able to roll to intercept Vigoroth's attempts to attack non-Frontline Targets. Reduced Effect means more damage by Every other pokemon, and reduced Initative means less chance to hit Backliners or Supports.

Second Roland should take the non-Support options (Death from Above and Veil of Shadows)

More damage is good. Burn only reduces physical attacks by 25% in the system, which does lower the average attack from Vigororth to a 2HKO from a 1HKO - if it doesn't have Facade or Guts, then we're back in 1HKO territory.

Thirdly Renne should take both support options

Renne's backline damage would be helpful here, but it's not required to win. We need to improve our bond with her and both the support options are powerful effects and good for our safety.

We should win this fight with a S-Rank, but expect one of if not both of Roland and Ruby to be wounded doing so

So, the plan.

[] Plan Mechanically Optimal
-[] Roland (Veil of Shadows)
-[] Roland (Death from Above)
-[] Renne (Cat Got Your Tongue)
-[] Renne (Feel No Evil)
-[] Ruby (Ironheart)
-[] Ruby (Seismic Strike)

Which in the end is only different from the others in a single Ruby option, but I hope the analysis is useful.
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Honestly im also hoping they dont have the other thing that makes shadow pokemon terryfying. Shadow moves... supereffective moves against EVERYTHING. Is it bad that i hope vigoroth mentally affected enough to not have these?
I have secret information that Arvis isn't worrying about these, at least for this fight. I'd anticipate a variety of direct damage Normal, Fighting, and Dark moves instead.
Honestly im also hoping they dont have the other thing that makes shadow pokemon terryfying. Shadow moves... supereffective moves against EVERYTHING. Is it bad that i hope vigoroth mentally affected enough to not have these?

Fun Fact! Vigoroth will probably 1HKO everything anyways, even without shadow Moves!

Just hope it doesn't have AOE attacks (it is only a Vigoroth at least)
.... Well. Shit.

Okay, so Bragg needs to die. Immediately. Kinda glad Lokix isn't here, but he probably will be soon... from our victory conditions I have a sinking feeling his survival is dependent on how much damage we can dish out before he arrives. I heavily recommend we put as many of our guys on damage dealing as we can.

On the other hand, we also get bonuses for each one we choose, except having Renne on DPS. On every other thing our cat does, we get extra Bond, but not if she's doing damage. In exchange, her support abilities are really powerful, both removing negative effects of failing and nerfing the evil sloth. We should probably have her doing both support actions.

Roland will learn moves depending on what we pick. If we go for support he's guaranteed to learn Curse, while both others have a chance of him learning a dragon type attack - which he notably doesn't have right now. Given his fighting style and the situation I advise putting him on Backline and Support - Ghost type Curse is massive for this type of situation, and Roland is best off as a ranged attacker. On the other hand I really don't want to get hit with Facade. It will hurt. A great deal. Especially if this thing has Guts.

Finally Ruby will come up with custom moves for herself, which I didn't expect this early. She's seemingly leaning heavily to being on the Front line, and I'm inclined to let her. On the other hand, railguns.
.... Well. Shit.

Roland will learn moves depending on what we pick. If we go for support he's guaranteed to learn Curse, while both others have a chance of him learning a dragon type attack - which he notably doesn't have right now. Given his fighting style and the situation I advise putting him on Backline and Support - Ghost type Curse is massive for this type of situation, and Roland is best off as a ranged attacker. On the other hand I really don't want to get hit with Facade. It will hurt. A great deal. Especially if this thing has Guts.

Well at least vigoroth only ability is Vital spirit. So no falling asleep. No guts (thank you game freak!)
With all this talk about Façade, we should keep in mind that even if we don't go for status, the others might. Notably, Braixen and Charcadet could very well go for burns independently, so I don't think we should act as though we control the proccing of moves like Façade.
I think a very important factor here is going to be Support Renne keeping a Barrier/Reflect up. She can only do it every other round, but it does make the two attacks in that round (or the intervening one) deal half damage, which should stop the OHKO machine and oh my god she really is Tio.
I think we want to have Bragg not die, personally - the train cops made it very clear that they need him for questioning, and I sincerely doubt they're going to get useful testimony out of any of the surviving grunts. Surge is off the table entirely, that's like an act 4 or 5 boss there, and he's definitely got a Teleport escape route via his pancake mouse. If we want to follow the existing thread deeper into this conspiracy, we unfortunately need the bastard alive and able to speak.
It's here, and the hype is so fucking real.

The kids were in the middle, both of them in conversation with one another over their respective Steel-type Pokemon. Argy seems to like Poppy's attention while Pinky was squirming uncomfortably in Ostia's grasp.

"You're carrying her wrong. C'mon, I'll show you," you say to Ostia, before briefly adjusting the bag you're carrying so you can help your friend carry the Tinkatink. You adjust their posture, pointing out where they should place their arms to carry a Pokemon the size of Tinkatink. Ostia thanks you as the Fairy-type now looks more comfortable being carried.
Got to have some light-hearted stuff before the grim reality sets in. Lovely to see Ostia have a friend that's his own and age and that isn't a surrogate mother.

"You keep calling her Lady. I thought the only noble in the Elite Four was Lord Hassel? Was she made a peer recently?" Theodora interrupts as she approaches the two women with the other two members of Group 1 and their Pokemon in tow. Cassandra's face looks like it just bit into something sour as Theodora finishes her question.

"I…am merely addressing L—Rika with the respect she deserves." Cassandra stutters out in response as a pitying look forms on Instructor Leaf's, Theodora's and surprisingly Poppy's faces. "F-fine! You're in charge, Ranger!" Cassandra grumbles out, her face flush in embarrassment. The RMP officer walks over to a tree next to Poppy to sulk, the small child patting them on the shoulder all the while.
Theodora rightfully telling Cassandra to reign in her simping and desire to make someone that isn't even here proud of her so the person who should be in charge can actually take charge. Thank Arceus for this lass.

"It's not unheard of for some clientele to specifically request abused Pokemon. The reasons vary, but a common one is to have a ready made victim to cling onto the affection their precious child will unknowingly shower them in. That and it's cheaper," Theodora explains while applying a potion to a nasty welt on a Teddiursa.

There's venom in her voice as she says those words, as well as another emotion, one you can't parse. You do catch Theodora's gaze briefly flickering to Sharon during her explanation. The Braixen returns her looks with a wistful and yet determined one of her own.
Ah fuck. Doesn't take a genius to figure out the history there. Why do I suddenly get the feeling Theodore doesn't like her family very much, or am I getting ahead of myself.

"The contact would be me." A grizzled yet smug voice came from one of the stonework homes up above in the cavern.

Emerging from its shadows is a man with graying spiky blonde hair, wearing military fatigues with an overcoat on top. On the man's right and left shoulders are a Plusle and Minun respectively, both Electric-Types crackling with energy. Surrounding him are two Raichus, each a different variant, one is floating right behind him while the other is on all fours at the newcomers feet. He has more than six Pokeballs on his belt.

A barrier flashes in front of the newcomer as shadowy tendrils lash out from the ground right towards him. The psychic shield holds, the eyes of the floating Raichu behind him glowing a light blue. "Well hello to you too, Leaf. A reunion after Rime, already?" The man's tone is mocking but there is almost a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

"Surge." Instructor Leaf all but snarls, the sheer hate in her voice giving you pause. Her shadows lash out all around her, Missy half emerging from the ground, hate mirrored on her face. Wiggly leaps over to her trainer's side, the Wigglytuff's usual cheery demeanor replaced by a grim expression.
This mother fucker. The bastard with a literal trash gym, in all his war-crime reverse-glory.
I will give the slightest bit of respect to anyone willing to run with Plusle and Minum on their team though. Thinking about it in a non-game setting though, with the Plus and Minus abilities they're probably incredible bastards to fight.

"C'mon, I taught you better than this." Leaf growls at Surge's words. "Only ask questions important to the mission! Guesswork can find out why I'm here, or you can ask squealers like Moreau over there." He points at the bespectacled man the adults were interrogating earlier. Said man shrinks away from the attention brought back towards him.
Oh, so Leaf's hate towards Surge has that kind of history behind it. So not only a former protag herself, but probably a former #child soldier, as well.

With his free hand he grabs the strange black Pokeball and throws it into the air behind him, a black beam releasing its contents into the middle of the cavern.
I'm suddenly reminded of the "Dark Ball" that the antagonist of the Celebi movie used. Coincidence or intentional, it's probably not a good sign either way.

Right towards the restrained poachers. They're all awake now and are screaming in terror right as the Vigoroth descends, tearing into them. One of them manages to scoot out of the way enough, one of the Charcadets even pulling him away from the carnage. The other two aren't as lucky.

Blood and viscera is sent flying everywhere, limbs and bones rolling across the ground as the Vigoroth continues striking down, utterly relentless in its onslaught. Jab, slash, jab, slash. A splatter of blood hits you in the face.

You can't stop yourself anymore. Your stomach heaves, and you puke the contents of your breakfast and lunch onto the cavern floor. The rest of Class VII look on, utterly horrified.
More trauma to Mary's presumed pile of repressed/supressed memories. The entire class better get sent to a therapist after this (assuming they're not as rare as legendary pokemon that is).
Honestly I think Lokix might accept that if we have Vigoroth. They're old pals after all, and Lokix might help them through being a Shadow Pokémon.
I think I'd actually be willing to trade increased risk of injury for a better chance at getting the A/S rank. I agree it probably will have an effect on whether Lokix makes it out, though I don't know if we should he worrying about any of our groups Mon dying if we roll badly enough?

Either way I'd rather have one of Renne's focuses being on the frontline.
"You keep calling her Lady. I thought the only noble in the Elite Four was Lord Hassel? Was she made a peer recently?" Theodora interrupts as she approaches the two women with the other two members of Group 1 and their Pokemon in tow. Cassandra's face looks like it just bit into something sour as Theodora finishes her question.

"I…am merely addressing L—Rika with the respect she deserves." Cassandra stutters out in response as a pitying look forms on Instructor Leaf's, Theodora's and surprisingly Poppy's faces. "F-fine! You're in charge, Ranger!" Cassandra grumbles out, her face flush in embarrassment. The RMP officer walks over to a tree next to Poppy to sulk, the small child patting them on the shoulder all the while.
Poppy knows what to do about the dozens of heartbroken women following in Rika's wake. There there, Cassandra. It's okay. You're not alone. These things happen. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

I have secret information that Arvis isn't worrying about these, at least for this fight. I'd anticipate a variety of direct damage Normal, Fighting, and Dark moves instead.
Bit weird that this is stepping away from the Shadow Pokémon rules from XD where they only learn non-Shadow moves as their Heart begins to open up. Which... I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Bragg hasn't been doing.

Though maybe GO did it differently?
I think I'd actually be willing to trade increased risk of injury for a better chance at getting the A/S rank. I agree it probably will have an effect on whether Lokix makes it out, though I don't know if we should he worrying about any of our groups Mon dying if we roll badly enough?

Either way I'd rather have one of Renne's focuses being on the frontline.
The thing about that is, the longer our pokemon stay up, the more damage they can do. As far as we are aware, we have an HP limit, not a time limit. Barrier/Reflect turns OHKOs into 2HKOs, and the nature of Shadow Pokémon targeting means that's probably two Pokémon at the end of the round still up instead of unconscious. I'd say that's definitely worth trading even Renne's superior damage for.

Now if you wanted to drop Cat Got Your Tongue instead, that'd be more understandable, but dropping initiative is also important to make sure that we can tactically redirect (i.e. spread out) Vigoroth's damage.
Bit weird that this is stepping away from the Shadow Pokémon rules from XD where they only learn non-Shadow moves as their Heart begins to open up. Which... I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Bragg hasn't been doing.

Though maybe GO did it differently?
Listen, I'm going to level with you, I am a turbo casual who knows nothing about Gale of Darkness or Shadow Pokémon. I could have misunderstood here and Arvis is just dropping Shadow type's offensive supereffectiveness.