If it's about Bulky pokemon, I think Toxapex very much deserves a mention. It fills our water type needs, it's a source of spikes and Dots, it's hilariously hard to put down when you can give it all the defensive moves it might want, it for sure exists in Paldea since it's catchable in the games...

Hell, even its offense isn't that far behind Meowstic, especially if its Merciless.

We could also use it as impromptu shelter when enemies try to go for the trainer.

I can't wait to come home for our fifth Field Exercise and upon seeing our team and probably the stressed body language Jenkins immediately facepalms, because he knows full well we ignored his advice on taking things slow, because we'll probably be fourth or fifth badge level by that time.
Well maybe he shouldn't have sent the teenager with confidence issues to Overachiever Academy then.
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Toxapex would be a fun one, too
Personality wise... yeah. Can see it working!

Interested to see how it would be, and it kinda fills this mechanical niche some want to fill
Story wise, we need to see, but if it pops up, I'll probably vote for it.
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Don't underestimate OG wall Clefable, either. A pure Fairy type shuts down some of the hardest attacks out there, and all three of its possible abilities are good at blocking offensives in one way or another, plus again a historically strong movepool for buffs and recovery, although its offense does tend more toward pink lasers than ticking damage.
Oh man, I'd love a Clefable, even back when it was a normal type it was great at defence, now that it's a fairy it's fantastic. Seeing that it's a gen 1 mon it also has a frankly absurd move pool even when it isn't using Metronome. It also has that crucial Life Dew for healing. I don't know where we'd find a Clefairy though... maybe if visit Erika's hometown?

I also wonder what a Mastered Metronome looks like.

Take, for example, regional Best Boy Clodsire - solid defensive typing, Water Absorb, and access to two kinds of spikes, yawn, rest, and an unnecessarily large number of ways to poison you. That's a great bulky mon for this quest.
I normally don't like doubling up on ground types, but it doesn't share many weaknesses with Drilbur and fills a good niche.

Also, Clodsire is Clodsire, fantastic should be taken as granted.

The honorable Tinka-line has a truly absurd defensive typing, plus HP-drain moves and a lot of defensive options via TM, even if they're normally a "hit it harder" offensive threat.
I'm still on the Tinka Lobby, so this is fine.

Although a Pokemon that can set up spikes like Mareanie or Golisopod would also suit us well.
The cowardly tactical retreat thing is a bit of a bummer, but Golisopod makes up for it with being a great fighter and a swimmer in case we need one.

If it's about Bulky pokemon, I think Toxapex very much deserves a mention. It fills our water type needs, it's a source of spikes and Dots, it's hilariously hard to put down when you can give it all the defensive moves it might want, it for sure exists in Paldea since it's catchable in the games...
I'm a fan of Big Stall as much as any other Stall Abuser, so Toxapex would be great, I'm just concerned that it probably doesn't swim very well, and even if it can it probably won't be good at carrying passengers until its an actual waterbender. So we'd have to stick with Roland or another mon to carry us in case we get lost at sea.

Well maybe he shouldn't have sent the teenager with confidence issues to Overachiever Academy then.
I think even Jenkins couldn't expect the levels our anxiety could reach, how could he predict that Mariana would latch onto and engage in a toxic rivalry with some girl who's better in battle than her?
I will have to beg Arvis not to include Toxapex as an option, because if I ever have to read a segment of this quest where Mary is talking to Roland and Toxapex, I am going to be so confused I disassociate out of my chair entirely and dissipate into the atmosphere
Knife and Dinner plate, for Eating and HUNTING
Pinnacle of Andesin culinary, we shall have a chef and hunter on our side. We shall teach it everything, and soon... it shall be cooking as it fights
Actually, that would be a pretty neat idea for a Charge Blade design, a knife and dinner plate for sns mode, and a frying pan for axe mode.

Let's go the Sellsword Lute* rout and have our non-existent Tink dual wield Great Shields.

*Minor Dark Souls 2 Character, for those of you unaware.
Actually, for something closer to now…

The only options for AP spending so far have been the two "explore to reduce DCs" options, Optional Tasks that we can only tackle one of per day, shopping, the gym, and the various options to catch Pokémon in different areas. Since we're only catching one new 'mon for the exercise, and we've finished our shopping, that means we'll have 3 free AP towards the end of the Field Exercise.

Obviously the QM is going to create new actions to fill out those AP, but does anyone want to speculate what we'll be filling those actions with?

I personally think that we'll be offered options for increasing our bond with various parties and training. Possibly options that do multiple by tagging along with our friends to what they want to do and helping out. And hopefully an option to help our newest team member settle into the team dynamic. That sounds like a good option to bond with all of our Pokémon a little bit.