If we're naming someone Rosine I want to save it for a healer or a Fairy-type. She's a sister of the church, after all.

(I realize this same justification applies to Ries but Rosine's more into it, tbh).
Plus Ries would be a better name for... a Snorlax :V
except maybe the Croagunk line.
Glad to hear that I have conditional support if Croagunk ever comes up~

The condition being that Makuhita doesn't also come up aha.
Non-binding idea pitch of Fighting-types I like for Mariana (first evos only):

Machop, Paldean Tauros (any breed), Makuhita, Riolu, Mienfoo, Meditite, Hawlucha, Scraggy, Bewear, Flamigo, Koraidon

I'd do the same for Flying types but I'll take basically anything bird-shaped from there.

Plus Ries would be a better name for... a Snorlax

Or a Cramorant.
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Personally, I just want a Fighting type and a Flying type to further represent the Andosin Highlands, considering that the starter type options for that area were Fighting, Flying, and Dragon. We got one of those types as our starter, so we may as well round out the playset if possible.
A Pokemon I would like for us to get is a Swampert. Like, those things are fucking monsters for Starter mons. It has some overlap with Drillbur with it's Ground type, but Water and Ground is a fantastic typing and, frankly, it's moveset is downright ridiculous.

Also, do you like Mudkipz?
Personally, I just want a Fighting type and a Flying type to further represent the Andosin Highlands, considering that the starter type options for that area were Fighting, Flying, and Dragon. We got one of those types as our starter, so we may as well round out the playset if possible.

Since game statlines don't seem to matter here, it's time for Tropius to shine!
Personally I maintain that having a spare Dark type handy would help long-term by having someone else that can Seal.
I'm realizing that in an alternate universe where I got everything I wanted, our sealing ritual would be Remy from Ratatouille sprinkling gourmet salt onto the Stakes.

Damn you all.
Okay, I literally woke up just a couple of minutes ago and I see people talking about potential healers/tanks for a future party member, so I present: Comfey Propaganda.

First off: it's smol and cute. Bright, cheery and spreads a pleasant floral smell around from the flower it has picked up. Very important.

Second: I know game stats don't matter in the same way but screw it. While it only has a measly 51 hp, it has 90 and 110 in def and sp. def respectively, and 82 and 100 in sp. att and speed respecitively, which is... respectable (heh). We don't talk about its attack stat >.>

Third: It's moves are, while unfortunately limited to mostly Grass and Fairy moves, still pretty awesome, especially in a setting where we're not limited by 4 moves. Floral Healing, it's signatur move, heals half of a pokemon's max hp, and can hit multiple targets at once. It can learn both Draining Kiss and Giga Drain to both deal damage and restore its own health. It can learn Grassy Terrain, which heals grounded fighters over time and makes Floral Healing heal 2/3 of a pokemon's max hp, while also boosting Giga Drain. It can also learn Leech Seed for damage and gealing over time, and Synthesis for just personal healing.
Also it can learn moves like Worry Seed to fuck with opponents' abilities, Helping Hand and Tailwind, to assisst partners and moves like Growth and Calm Mind for self buffing.

Fourth: It's signature ability Triage, probably the only one of it's three available abilities worth mentioning. It makes healing moves, that is Floral Healing, Synthesis, Rest and also Draining Kiss and Giga Drain, gain a whopping +3 in priority, making it a fucking speedy menace in those cases (unless they have Quick Guard or an ability like Armor Tail). The infamous ability Prankster, while it works on all status moves, only gives +1 priority for example.

And that's it. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk
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We should get a Lapras actually, based on little else but design, vibes, average personality and the fact that it can do long distance transportation over water.
Plus it adds water and ice typing to our team, which I don't think we have any of?
yeah want to wait till after he FE before deciding on a gym but staying one badge behind nemona is my goal personally so im gonna be pushing for hitting one in between here and fe 2, I kinda still want a machop if we go for a fighting type, so sorry about what happened to you starter machop my buddy. a Kommo-O would also be cool. I will abandon all standards if a spirit tomb or a Volcrona/larvesta get teased tho. two of my favorite mons
Personally, I just want a Fighting type and a Flying type to further represent the Andosin Highlands, considering that the starter type options for that area were Fighting, Flying, and Dragon. We got one of those types as our starter, so we may as well round out the playset if possible.

Yea this. I'm not thinking of anything in particular for our 4th pokemon, but I want it to be from back home in the Highlands.
What will really help our action economy is when Renne becomes able and willing to teleport us between cities.

Run errands like one of the steps of a gym battle without needing to spend time on a train.
Still got to go the place first, and I'd guess psychic types have to put active effort into learning a place for long-distance teleportation after they master it. Even being able to teleport partway is useful though, means you can catch a morning train from Levincia for example rather than getting there midday.