[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, Icame to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "Mybrilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcementwitnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get herunder Judgement's protection, of course.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
-[X] "Also please take responsibility."
--[X] After a moment's pause, indicate the equipment fried by her electricity.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[JK] Grab Accelerator, pull him in front of you as a human shield.

I know this is a joke, but I thought about what something like this would actually involve ... And it's actually quite hilarious how things would likely turn out. Well, that or tragic, depending on if you subscribe to the @shadenight123 school of humor or not.

Accelerator's ability is passive and always on. I'm not sure he even can turn it off, and certainly not on a dime like this. Shoving him in front of Touma while Mikoto charges up and fires her rail gun would lead to Mikoto promptly losing the upper half of her body barring a miracle, much like almost happened in her first encounter with Accelerator in canon, and she only lived there because she was moving while shooting, IIRC.

Karmic irony at it's finest, but not one most here would appreciate.:p
I know this is a joke, but I thought about what something like this would actually involve ... And it's actually quite hilarious how things would likely turn out. Well, that or tragic, depending on if you subscribe to the @shadenight123 school of humor or not.

Accelerator's ability is passive and always on. I'm not sure he even can turn it off, and certainly not on a dime like this. Shoving him in front of Touma while Mikoto charges up and fires her rail gun would lead to Mikoto promptly losing the upper half of her body barring a miracle, much like almost happened in her first encounter with Accelerator in canon, and she only lived there because she was moving while shooting, IIRC.

Karmic irony at it's finest, but not one most here would appreciate.:p

You summoned me.
I have come.
Where is my sacrifice? Who must I bring despair to?

And tragedy is humorous, it's called Schadenfreude.
Accelerator's ability is passive and always on. I'm not sure he even can turn it off, and certainly not on a dime like this. Shoving him in front of Touma while Mikoto charges up and fires her rail gun would lead to Mikoto promptly losing the upper half of her body barring a miracle, much like almost happened in her first encounter with Accelerator in canon, and she only lived there because she was moving while shooting, IIRC.

Accelerator gas complete control over any vectors of motion he can touch (being able to change their direction or magnitude at will). The reflection aspect of it acts as an easy passive he defaults to if he isn't paying attention, but he can instantly change it at a moment's notice provided he tries to. This of course assumes that Touma touching him with his hand doesn't cancel out his ability to do so, and given it is shown that Touma blocking Mikoto's rail gun with his hand (which he is able to do reliably with ease) cancels it and negates any damage, there isn't much point in him using Accelerator as a shield. That said, it is also worth noting that if she was prepared, Mikoto could presumably cancel out her rail gun as soon as it was reversed back at her based on the level of control over electricity she shows, however given the timing involved, she'd have to be ready to do so ahead of time, or it would likely be too late.

Look up how the first Sister died. It's not as easy as you'd think, and his passive deflection isn't something that he changes quickly. As for Touma being able to handle Mikoto's railgun, of course he can do it, but that wasn't the scenario posited, if you'd read the posts more carefully. As for Mikoto being able to reverse it, no she can't, and we've seen it shown in canon with Accelerator. There's no point pretending otherwise, particularly when it's overly optimistic speculation that ignores how numerous variables have been added.

EDIT: Posting from a phone so sorry for the terseness of the reply. Either way, though, you're taking a joking response to a joke far too seriously, and using incorrect claims and contradicted assumptions, at that. I don't want to be dragged into an argument, so I'm just laying it all out - I probably won't respond further particularly given that I only have my phone with me.
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Look up how the first Sister died. It's not as easy as you'd think, and his passive deflection isn't something that he changes quickly.
Not entirely sure what you mean by "Not as easy as you'd think" I was when I noted it being easy referring to the effort for him, not the ease of others overcoming it. Also, he did at later points show he can quickly turn it off or otherwise rapidly do fine control with his power, though he has to actually attempt to do so and presumably apply some degree of focus to the task (as his power requires he make the calculations needed to alter the vector in the manner he desires, while his passive is more or less multiply all vectors touching him by -1).
As for Touma being able to handle Mikoto's railgun, of course he can do it, but that wasn't the scenario posited, if you'd read the posts more carefully.
I realize that the scenario was not him blocking it with his hand. I initially brought up Touma's negation power in reference to that he may cancel out the Accelerator's power by grabbing him, thus making him a fairly useless shield, being no better than any other person, though I then went on to comment offhandedly that just using the hand would be a more effective method of blocking. I was not attempting to claim that the hand was being used to block in the joke vote.

As for Mikoto being able to reverse it, no she can't, and we've seen it shown in canon with Accelerator. There's no point pretending otherwise, particularly when it's overly optimistic speculation that ignores how numerous variables have been added.
This is inaccurate. While there may be some degree of misunderstanding due to unclear wording on my part, I was intending to convey that Mikoto could presumably use her power to avoid being hit by the reversed railgun provided she was prepared to do so. While she does not do this in her canon fight with him, she was already moving and dodging thus making such an effort unneeded, and as I noted redirecting her railgun would require extremely fast timing given the speeds at which it moves. The reasoning behind my belief that she could in theory do so is the fine control, power, and range her ability is shown to have in canon (I also seem to vaguely recall her actually at some point curving a railgun shot, or possibly a shot from the Meltdowner, though I could be misremembering since it has been some time since I read it). In any event she has displayed the control and power needed to alter an already fired railgun's trajectory, if not the reflexes hence my noting that she would be unlikely to pull off such a feat in the proposed situation of shooting the Accelerator accidentally at close range and responding before the shot rebounded into her.

That said, it is also worth noting that if she was prepared, Mikoto could presumably cancel out her rail gun as soon as it was reversed back at her based on the level of control over electricity she shows, however given the timing involved, she'd have to be ready to do so ahead of time, or it would likely be too late.

Look up how the first Sister died. It's not as easy as you'd think, and his passive deflection isn't something that he changes quickly. As for Touma being able to handle Mikoto's railgun, of course he can do it, but that wasn't the scenario posited, if you'd read the posts more carefully. As for Mikoto being able to reverse it, no she can't, and we've seen it shown in canon with Accelerator. There's no point pretending otherwise, particularly when it's overly optimistic speculation that ignores how numerous variables have been added.

This is actually possible. Misaka WORST used that EXACT method to try and kill Accelerator and she's only level 4. Accelerator's PoV said it'd work too.

On the other hand as she lacks the data on his power, unless she manages to test and find the response gap of Reflection, which is easier said than done when he's in combat. WORST cheated by using Kihara Amata's data.
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.
[x] Oh god. Whenever you two interact, there's property damage - and for some reason, you always take the blame. "Not in the building! Not in the building!" You have no desire to have to renovate this place again.
- [x] Pass "Index" (what kind of name is that anyway?) off to someone reliable. "She crashed into my balcony, says she's being chased by 'magicians'. (Do the finger quotes.) Keep an eye on her while I deal with biribiri."
-- [x] Futily attempt to convince her you weren't looking for a fight. Fail. At least try and go somewhere private-ish (why has Accelerator abandoned you?) so when you mention clones not everyone overhears.
Another thing to note is that I'll be updating a lot from now in order to give you guys some content as I'm going to be taking a drive up to Canada to see some family on the second of August, so don't expect too many updates from then.
VII. A Certain Destroyed Trio of Computers and A Distressed Biri Biri
[X] You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"
-[X] While she gets flustered for that, calmly let her know you didn't know she was here, but had another errand anyways (pointing to Index) and that you figured Kuroko would help arrange a meeting. Ask her if she can come talk to you and some other people in a more private setting, as it's pretty important and is something she'll want to know about. After you hand off Index and get her under Judgement's protection, of course.

You facepalm, and then deadpan. "Yes, I came to pick a fight with you in the middle of a Judgement office." Now, dramatically. "My brilliant and flawless plan to fight you in the middle of the city with law enforcement witnessing the untold property damage and chaos at our hands is exposed! Fukou da!"

"Eh...eh?" Misaka says blinking and face red, extremely flustered.

'There we go.' You think. It was nice to be in control of the situation for once.

"Waaaaah! My computers!" Uiharu shouts in despair.

You quickly turn and grimace. The electricity must have fried them.

"Good going Biri Biri." You grumble annoyed.

"AH!," Said Biri Biri is either too busy feeling guilty over the murder of some very high quality and very expensive computers to hear your pet name for her as she rushes over to them. ", M-maybe they can be salvaged? Perhaps? I mean. I'm sure that we can right?" She asks hilariously looking over her shoulder at you with a pleading look.

You give her a look, eye twitching slightly in annoyance that she's looking at you about this and dryly reply "You asked me what a railgun is right? Well I know for damn sure that it can go from about 15-50 volts to one million and more. It takes as low as ten volts to cause microchip damage to the computer and I'm pretty sure that was a lot more than ten. What do you think?"

At this she sinks to the floor face oddly cute as tears threaten to fall from her eyes. "I'm so sorry Uiharu! I'm sure I can buy them back! How much for them?"

"I don't think you can buy them back Misaka-san..." Uiharu says scratching her cheek nervously.

At this Misaka gets up so fast you swear she turned into lightning for a brief moment and puts her hands on Uiharu shoulders a slightly maniac look on her face. "I don't care. This is my fault, please let me make it up to you! Just name the price."

"U-ummm....well that Mac is about.....plus those two...would add up to about...hm...¥1,342,548 (About ten thousand eight hundred dollars US) ." Uiharu says.

At this Misaka's head lowers, her bangs shadowing her eyes.

Uiharu blinks and looks around uncomfortably. She tries to move, but seems to be locked in place by Misaka's arms, you note.

"U-um...Misaka-san? Could you...let go of me? Your...making me uncomfortable." You cute junior asks nervously.

Finally this seems to get a response from the girl "Ufufu...," Misaka giggles raising her head. ", Neh...Uiharu-chan~?" She calls Uiharu's name sweetly, a very creepy and impossibly large smile on her face, eyes still closed.

"Y-yes?" Uiharu asks slightly scared at this strange reaction of Misaka's.

"...Do you think...because I'm a...ojou that goes to a prestigious school...that I have a lot of money?...Or is it because I'm a Level 5? If so your sorely mistaken, I live in a dorm, and yes it's a rather nice one, but I live in a dorm...I get a small stipend for my services in experiments...and a little extra money when I do PR stuff for Academy City... and even then it's never reached digits that high...so please...explain to me." She stops right there before opening her eyes, now shedding tears.

"How am I supposed to pay for these computers!!!?" Misaka shouts.

You sweatdrop before thinking 'In all seriousness, how is she going to pay for all these computers? I mean seriously, I kind of feel bad for her. Not even I've had this level of bad luck...well technically yeah I've had worse, but not in the way of monetary concerns like this...'

Think of something to do to help Biri Biri out of this jam and get new computers.

[X] Write-in
Well, this should be interesting. Also, the second part of the vote will come right after this is solved.

How was Misaka's reactions btw? Did I do a good job?
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