[X] You sigh. "Fukou da..." You don't know whether there are actually magicians or if this person is delusional, but it doesn't really matter. If someone is after her, it just adds one more thing to your plate. You were going to summon your friends and allies anyways, so whoever might be chasing her is in for a rather nasty surprise. Accelerator grumbles something about you being a shitty hero.

Whatever choices, Magic and Science will cross paths. It'll be interesting
[X] You sigh. "Fukou da..." You don't know whether there are actually magicians or if this person is delusional, but it doesn't really matter. If someone is after her, it just adds one more thing to your plate. You were going to summon your friends and allies anyways, so whoever might be chasing her is in for a rather nasty surprise. Accelerator grumbles something about you being a shitty hero.
[X] You sigh. "Fukou da..." You don't know whether there are actually magicians or if this person is delusional, but it doesn't really matter. If someone is after her, it just adds one more thing to your plate. You were going to summon your friends and allies anyways, so whoever might be chasing her is in for a rather nasty surprise. Accelerator grumbles something about you being a shitty hero.
[X] You sigh. "Fukou da..." You don't know whether there are actually magicians or if this person is delusional, but it doesn't really matter. If someone is after her, it just adds one more thing to your plate. You were going to summon your friends and allies anyways, so whoever might be chasing her is in for a rather nasty surprise. Accelerator grumbles something about you being a shitty hero.
[X] Look at Accelerator, shrug. "You can come along with us. Otherwise these 'magicians' would keep chasing you, right?"
-[X] "Besides, you got no money for food right?", how much could a girl that size eat anyway?
I feel intense pity for Stiyl, who is about to run into the Accelerator, Level 4 Biokinetic Imagine Breaker, Mental Out, maybe the Railgun and her posse, and potentially also Meltdowner. At once.
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he ran into 4 walking nuke and the boggieman of all thing supernatural
i think his boss would excuse him for getting his ass kick
As for summoning friends/allies...
• Accelerator is there. Obviously.
• We're on good terms with Misaki, she's good at finding stuff out, and she could probably reverse psychology suplex the Railgun into getting involved. Let her know what's up.
• This whole thing sounds extra illegal. Full Judgement mode, report to your superiors.
• Touma might know Kuroko as a fellow L4 in Judgement - given how different Misaka's relations would be with Touma as a L4, that sounds like the best bet for directly letting her know about the thousands of clones of her that were made.
• This situation sounds like a massive fustercluck. Let Saiai know that stuff's going down so ITEM stays out of it. Or jumps into the middle of it. One of the two.
• Might as well take the nun cosplayer with us to HQ, she'll be safe from her crazy cultist stalkers or whoever there.
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I feel intense pity for Stiyl, who is about to run into the Accelerator, Level 4 Biokinetic Imagine Breaker, Mental Out, maybe the Railgun and her posse, and potentially also Meltdowner. At once.
In canon...the reason that the L5s never got involved in magic side business was that if they beat magicians it's tantamount to an act of war.

I dare say half the L5s ganging up IS an act of war anyway :p
In canon...the reason that the L5s never got involved in magic side business was that if they beat magicians it's tantamount to an act of war.

I dare say half the L5s ganging up IS an act of war anyway :p

And the only reason Kamijou was given the leeway he is in canon is because he didn't have an esker ability so he wasn't seen as magic sidez

Heh WW3 gonna start early huh?
I'm just imagining Accelerator, Meltdowner, Railgun, Mental Out, Touma, Kuroko, Saiai and Index in a meeting room, barely restraining their hostilities while planning on how to disable the Sisters project. (And Misaki might know a thing or two about Index...) Stiyl opens the door, walks in... looks at everybody, closes the door, and leaves.
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That reminds me of that one To Aru x Touhou crossover comic series. Marisa's power there is cool, although not as cool as Patchouli's "storytelling magic" IMO. Also, dat hot Sakuya.
V. A Certain Plan Gone Awry and a Problem
[X] You sigh. "Fukou da..." You don't know whether there are actually magicians or if this person is delusional, but it doesn't really matter. If someone is after her, it just adds one more thing to your plate. You were going to summon your friends and allies anyways, so whoever might be chasing her is in for a rather nasty surprise. Accelerator grumbles something about you being a shitty hero.

You sigh. "Fukou da..." You don't know whether there are actually magicians or if this person is delusional, but it doesn't really matter. If someone is after her, it just adds one more thing to your plate. You were going to summon your friends and allies anyways, so whoever might be chasing her is in for a rather nasty surprise. Accelerator grumbles.

"Fucking shitty hero."

The first person you call? Your cute imouto of course.

She picks up on the first ring "Moshi Moshi super onii-chan." Saiai says and you can tell she's smiling.

"I hate to ask this but could you...help me with something?" You ask hesitantly.

"Well just super get too the point baka onii-chan." She says.

And with that you explain your problem.

"...I already signed the contract for this job."

You blink slowly before you say. "What?"

"I already signed a super contract for a protection detail job for these factories pumping out these super clones...I'm sorry...I...super sorry." And with that she hung up the phone quickly.

You stare at the phone for a minute and resist the urge you have to throw your phone against the wall before calmly calling Misaki. "Misaki? I need your help."

"Oh?" She says amused "It'll cost you." Misaki purrs.

You gulp before saying "I got it lemme' explain."

Misaki quickly agrees "However...."

You groan "What is it now?" You ask with a sigh.

"As payment you'll take me on a date." She says triumphantly.

You blink confused before saying "Okaaaaaaaay?"

"Good I'll be over at your house as quick as I can."

You open your mouth to ask if she has the keys but she stops you and says "Yes I still have the keys. I haven't lost them."

You sigh heavily and look up at the two guests in your house "Well, that three out of five we got. Well...more like three out of four because Saiai apparently is already on the job."

At this Accelerator starts at the mention of his younger...counterpart you guess you could say before he grumbles "So that means those shitty bitches are...?" He gives you a pointed look and you nod causing him to grunt in annoyance.

"What are you talking about?" Index asks clearly confused.

You shake your head and pat her on the head...only for her clothes to burst into shreds...

"Ah...." You say staring in shock, your eyes wide.

She gives you a dark look, a glare on her face, tears in her eyes, and if it wasn't for the situation, you honestly would've thought she looked rather cute.

You look to Accelerator for help only to see he's slipped on his earbuds, closed his eyes, with his reflection on probably. So for all intents and purposes, he's currently dead to the world.

You sigh, body sagging in resignation. "Fukou da..."


You sigh as you apply another bandage and Index fixes her somehow pinned back together 'Walking Church' as she called it. Apparently it was her only protection and was the reason she survived the fall and wasn't worried about the consequences of her roof hopping. It protected her from attacks.

'How was I supposed to know that would happen?' You complain in your mind. Because you know that you're not getting any sympathy from your friend or from the girl.

"So...we have a problem." You announce.

"Eh?" Accelerator and Index exclaim simultaneously.

"I have literally no idea how to find the last person we need for this little operation of ours." You say.


You roll your eyes and say "I haven't finished yet. It'll probably be easy to know who she is if you see her she's the original after all." You finish giving him a pointed look and stressing the 'original'.

His eyes widen and he sigh's and mumbles "Gotcha shitty fucker."

Where do you go to find Biri Biri?

[X] A Certain Vending Machine

[X] Hey, wasn't her uniform a Tokiwadai one? It might be risky but head there.

[X] A Certain Bridge where you 'fought' her, more like ran away really but...

[X] Isn't she your Kouhai's friend? Head to Judgement to find her.

Where do you send Accelerator to look?

[X] A Certain Vending Machine

[X] Hey, wasn't her uniform a Tokiwadai one? It might be risky but head there.

[X] A Certain Bridge where you 'fought' her, more like ran away really but...

[X] Isn't she your Kouhai's friend? Head to Judgement to find her.

[X] Probably not a good idea to leave the girl there have Accelerator stay with her.
Well this should be interesting...
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Poor poor ITEM their about to fight 3 level 5 a level 4 teleporter and the Imagine Breaker I bet our little sis is asking for a raise right now because i seriously doubt their being paid enough for this shit.

[X] Isn't she your Kouhai's friend? Head to Judgement to find her.
[X] Probably not a good idea to leave the girl there have Accelerator stay with her.
Hmm. Too bad about ITEM, but there was always a risk of that. At least we're forewarned. We aren't going anywhere until Misaki gets here, and once she is, she'll follow us, which basically precludes working with Misaka directly. Kuroko seems like the best bet for passing a message without meeting face to face.

[X] Isn't she your Kouhai's friend? Head to Judgement to find her.
-[X] Accelerator knows even less about her than you, and isn't exactly diplomatic. He might as well come along.
-[X] Along the way, fill Misaki in. Knowing her, though, she probably already knows more than you...
-[X] Take the girl along. She'll be fine with you all along, and you can drop her off at Judgement.
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[X] Both of you head to Tokiwadai.
-[X] Call Misaki again and ask if she can grab/find Railgun
--[X] Being the nutjob, aka Index, with you.