... I'm amazed Mikoto went to Touma's house without even a little bit of being flustered.

I mean, it's a teenage girl going to a teenage boy's house. Who lives alone.

In Japanese anime, that's pretty much the equivalent to the dude propositioning her for sex.

Yeah, but this is with the murder crew. With Accelerator and Misaki there, that would be the last thing in her mind.
wish we could get Gunha to help
but he way too chaotic for these type of thing
#1, #3, and #7 all in one place? Possibly against #4? Dude, setting a nuke in their place is kinder.
[X] Keep things straightforward - give her the details of the illegal experiment involving that Accelerator informed you about, and say that you intend to put a stop to it. However, since it seems to have the backing of someone who is both high ranking and corrupt you can't risk making it an official investigation as of yet as they may have someone watching the official Judgement records. You're gathering people you know who can help with the investigation, and since these are clones made from her - which you doubt she would have allowed - you felt it would be best to inform her and see if she wanted to help. Her skills, particularly in hacking and electronic warfare, could be useful in gathering evidence so Judgement and Anti-Skill could close the net.

I'll try to get the update out within an hour and a half, as I'm being forced to go to another party (even though I just sit down nursing a non-alcoholic drink, not a fan of alcohol)

I'll probably update tomorrow night. I would do it tomorrow morning but going to the movies tomorrow to see Ant-Man, Jurassic World, and Pixels with friends.
X. A Certain Group Planning and 'Her'
[X] Keep things straightforward - give her the details of the illegal experiment involving that Accelerator informed you about, and say that you intend to put a stop to it. However, since it seems to have the backing of someone who is both high ranking and corrupt you can't risk making it an official investigation as of yet as they may have someone watching the official Judgement records. You're gathering people you know who can help with the investigation, and since these are clones made from her - which you doubt she would have allowed - you felt it would be best to inform her and see if she wanted to help. Her skills, particularly in hacking and electronic warfare, could be useful in gathering evidence so Judgement and Anti-Skill could close the net.

"Okay...so here's what's going on." With that said. You proceeded to tell her what's going on. As you go on, she proceeds to turn paler, and paler.

Finally when you shut up she looks down. "This is all my fault." Misaka says quietly.

"Hey! You couldn't of known." You begin to attempt to placate her.

"NO! Its my fault...when I was a child..." She trails off, eyes distant.

"When you were a child?" You question raising an eyebrow.

Accelerator snorts at you and you look back at him.

"It's totally her fucking fault shitty hero." He says coldly.

"Accelerator!" You shout in annoyance, getting ready to lecture him on proper behavior for the umpteenth time.

He rolls his eyes and replies "Yeah, well it fucking is. The bitch is a dumbass, and you are too for not figuring this out. How could those shitty scientist fucking make complete clones so easily and in large fucking numbers? With your ability it should be goddamn easy to figure out shitty bastard."

At this you pause, and think for a second. The idea comes to you almost immediately.

"...Mikoto. Please tell me you didn't give them your complete genetic map?" You ask, face palming knowing the answer.

"...Yes..." Mikoto replies hands gripping her skirt tightly, unable to look you in the face.

The room is silent and you sigh, clapping your hands to attract some attention to yourself.

"Okay! So. That was an interesting little tidbit that's going to make our job slightly harder and easier than originally intended." You say. This catches the attention of a certain Biri Biri, you notice.

"How does that make the job easier?" She asks crossing her arms.

You fold your left arm across your chest, with your right arm resting on it, your index finger pointed upwards.

You smile.

"Consider the following." You begin.

"If we are able to find the main factory where they're really churning out the...products then we can more than likely we could access the computer and find your genetic map. There I could set to work using my power and Accelerator's help with the calculations if needed, and scramble the code beyond all recognition, sending it out to the other facilities causing failures, grinding the operation to a halt as I doubt we could just delete it so easily. Though if it is so easy then it's not necessary." You finish.

Mikoto blinks, cocking her head to the side, before saying "You sound smart...it's weird. I didn't think you were someone like this at first glance."

At this you hang your head and mutter glumly "Fukou da. Is this Kamijou-san's appearance so reminiscent of some kind of rapscallion that people think he's some kind of uneducated punk?"

"""Yes.""" Is the blank, matter of fact response from the other members of your little group, causing you to crash to the ground from the brutality of their unified response.

At your response the group snickers at you and you get up a little glaring at them, your chin already healing from the impact...though your ego's still bruised.

You look around and see that everyone, even Accelerator is all smiles, and you begin to laugh a little which proves to be contagious.

"So, when do we start?" Misaki asks though she herself is still giggling?

When do you start the operation?

[] Now-


"Hold on!" Accelerator shouts, slamming his hands down on your coffee table, breaking it you might add.

"Waaaaat?" You complain, impatiently. Though to be honest your more annoyed about the coffee table, it wasn't cheap.

"I only know where a handful of those fucking factories are. I have no damn clue where the main factory is." He says.

You roll your eyes annoyed "This Kamijou-san knows this already Accelerator. He figured that we would start from there and work our way to finding the main factory."

Your long time friend groans in annoyance flopping down on the couch again.

"That isn't a fucking plan dipshit." He growls.

Misaki, strangely quiet for a while except for following the conversation, and before everyone got settled in, sending mischievous looks Biri Biri's ways for reasons you couldn't understand though Biri Biri glared back pipes up.

"Well...we could call someone who possibly already most likely knows about the situation...like...her...for help."

At this everyone in the room blinks confused for a moment.

"""Her?""" You all ask confused.

Misaki grins her usual trickster grin and says again looking at you and Accelerator directly and repeats "Her."

For a moment you don't understand till it hits you. And when you realize it...you make...a face.

You glance at Accelerator and he clearly realizes who Misaki's talking about as well as he makes the same face.

Misaki giggles while Mikoto blanches slightly at the odd faces you and Accelerator both are making right now.

"Oh come on.," Your blonde, starry eyed friend says amused at you and Accelerator ",She's not that bad."

Accelerator at this, glares at Misaki and replies "That's because you're usually fucking spared from her...," the albino stopped, pausing to shudder as well as to find the right word ",Machinations."

"That's a hell of a way to put it..." You murmur.

"Okay! I'm tired of being out of the loop.," Mikoto begins annoyed ", Who is 'Her'. Explain please?"

"Don't worry about it." You tell Mikoto quickly.

Misaki rolls her eyes, amused at you as usual, "Fine if you don't want to then don't."

You nod and become serious "Besides. She's my good friend as well you know. I wouldn't want to get her in trouble like that." You say.

What do you do?

[] Go find factory on your own with your murder crew little gang.

[] Call her. Please anyone but her!

[] Write-in
Should be interesting...
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[X] Go find factory on your own with your murder crew little gang.

Let's hold off on the mystery box until things are really desperate. We can just commandeer some Judgement resources to help if necessary.
[x] Call her.

I... I don't know why but somehow I just feel like this pic is somehow appropriate.

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[X] Go find factory on your own with your murder crew little gang.

It actually should be really simple to find all their factory we just bust into one wreck their shit then hack them in order to get all of their sister sites locations they are a research team after all, they have to have some way of knowing were the others are to share information we can use that to find them.
[X] Go find factory on your own with your murder crew little gang.

We have an inside man, someone who can hack computers with her mind, and someone who can control the actions of others with television remotes. I think we'll be fine. Let's save... her... whoever she may be, for a later time... though I'll totally be fine if we do call her.