XI. A Certain Continuing Conversation
[X] Go find factory on your own with your murder crew little gang

"No we're not calling her. We'll be fine on our own. Besides she's our friends as well, there's no need to call her, she could get in serious trouble if the Board found out she was helping us. You know how they are when things don't go their way." You say with a shrug and a slight grimace.

Everyone in the room sans a certain Biribiri also grimace with you.

"All the flavors in the world yet they chose to be salty." Misaki jokes to attempt to alleviate the tension.

It works as even Accelerator snickers slightly.

"Saltshaker Supreme." You snicker.

At this your other two compatriots burst into laughter...well Misaki does. Accelerator never really bursts into laughter ever...well, not unless he decides to go on a rampage, but that's besides the point. He more chuckles or snickers slightly louder which you learned was more or less his equivalent.

"Oi shitty hero, Saltshaker Supreme? What the fuck kind of shitty joke is that? Seriously-" Accelerator begins only to be interrupted.

"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH!" Misaka shouts angrily throwing her hands in the air. "Honestly! I've heard of third wheels but I've never heard of fourth wheels before, because that's what I feel like right now! And besides that don't we have some very important things to do!? AND YOU!" Misaka shouts turning towards you. "How do you even know not only the number five lvl 5." She grimaces at mentioning Misaki causing you to raise an eyebrow at that. "And the number one, the strongest!?"

You shrug and reply, not too surprised that Misaki and Accelerator's voices mix in with yours simultaneously """Childhood friends.""""

The Railgun stares, expression blank before asking "What?"

"We're childhood friends. We were raised in the same child error facility." Accelerator says boredly, a fist resting on his cheek, arm on his leg. "It's not exactly an interesting story."

Finally she manages to sputter out "Wha?"

"Yup. We're practically siblings." You say cheerfully, a smile on your face, eyes closed.

Immediately after you do this you hear the tell tale sound of a hand smacking skin. You open your eyes and look towards the direction of the sound to see Accelerator face palming. To his right, Misaki has her hands folded on her skirt, eyes closed and one of them twitching.

For some reason....her reaction makes you nervous.

"Um...Misaki?" You ask cautiously. "Are you alright?"

"Ufufufu." She giggles darkly "Oh my siblings hm? Is that what I am to you Kamijou-nii a sibling?" She asks you.

'For some reason I have the odd feeling there's no right answer to this.' You think. You try to compromise.

"Not just a sibling, my friend, one of my very best friends." You say smiling.

Your blonde friend looks off too her right, a rigid smile on her face and mutters "Is that so?"

"Hey! Kamijou-baka." Misaka's voice calls you.


"I guess I can accept you negating my attacks so easily. You must of had to learn how quickly in order to deal with these two monsters." She says begrudgingly folding her arms.

"Right....let's go with that." You say, your eyes narrowing, taking note of her calling the two 'monsters.'

"Anyway." Accelerator interrupts. "Let's figure out what district we're hitting first seeing as they're spread all over the city."

What district should you check.

[] District 1

[] District 2

[] District 3

[] District 4

[] District 5

[] District 6

[] Stay in District 7 you're already there.

[] District 8

[] District 9

[] District 10

[] District 11

[] District 12

[] District 13

[] District 14

[] District 15

[] District 16

[] District 17

[] District 18

[] District 19

[] District 20

[] District 21

[] District 22

[] District 23
Welcome back, how's the maple?
Syrup? It was good, a hell of a lot sweeter than the one's in 'Murica though. But yeah, back from that little vacation. Also a little secondary vote for you guys.

Who's POV do you want to see as I'm going to make an interlude.

[] Accelerator

[] Misaki Shoukohou

[] Mikoto Misaka.

So yeah that's all for now.
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Interlude I: Memories of Worse Times
[X] District 7

"We're already here so let's stay in District 7 okay." Touma said with a grin.

"Well that fuckin' makes sense." You grumble taking a sip from your coffee.

"Don't worry Misaka-san. We'll make sure too stop this from happening." He said looking determinedly at the Railgun.

"A-ah, okay." She muttered shifting in her seat.

You recline in your seat, smiling a bit at the same time muttering "Shitty Hero..."

It was an annoying but somewhat...fucking endearing part of him, how much he goddamned cared about everyone, even people he didn't know.

But...he couldn't fucking save everyone. He could only save so many people at a time. He could only be so many shitty places at once.

Memories of a much younger you and a just as young Touma, standing, staring at bodies and bodies flood your mind before you shake them off. Of a beautiful girl with long chocolate hair...


You blink in surprise.

"You okay?" Touma asked in concern.

You nod slowly "Yeah...fucking peachy."

'There was nothing we could do...' You thought.

If that was true...why did he feel like he was trying to reassure himself?
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