Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

On the matter of "gods" in Naruto.

Anyone have a short answer?

In Naruto we have real (for what ever real is in this context) gods.

And we have the Ōtsutsuki that are gods wannabes and we do not know what the Ōtsutsuki think it means to be a god.

So anyone have a short answer?
So, we have the Shinigami who can be summoned by a seal or a mask. Both of which seem to tie back to the Uzumaki. So your answer is: The Uzumaki are bullshit! Because either...
  1. The Uzumaki actually bound the Shinigami to a seal and a mask.
2. The Uzumaki somehow created a Chakra Entity that has dominion over Chakra and Souls and then bound it to a seal and a mask.

It's never really specified which is the truth, but both are possibilities.

So now the somewhat longer answer:
Number one, because Seals especially Uzumaki ones are OP broken.

Number two, because Uzumaki are OP broken and it's technically possible to hold dominion over Chakra and Souls, just look at Pein/Nagato with the Rinnegan. And the Uzumaki are a cousin clan to the Senju who are descendants of the Ōtsutsuki, namely Hagoromo and his son Asura. So it could be argued they inherited some knowledge from their ancestors and managed to forge a Chakra Being like the Shinigami.

Edit: Right sorry realized I kind of went of on my little tangent there, rather than actually answer your question. But basically we don't know, lore never really touches if the Shinigami is the actual God or if it's a Chakra Being that can be summoned and took the form of the Death God.
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So, we have the Shinigami who can be summoned by a seal or a mask. Both of which seem to tie back to the Uzumaki. So your answer is: The Uzumaki are bullshit! Because either...
  1. The Uzumaki actually bound the Shinigami to a seal and a mask.
2. The Uzumaki somehow created a Chakra Entity that has dominion over Chakra and Souls and then bound it to a seal and a mask.
TBH, I'd honestly say go with either of them because they're both awesome and should lead to insanity
Also on the subject of gods in Naruto, cannot forget Jashin: An evil god ('Jashin' literally translates to 'evil god') who apparently demands nothing less than the complete and total death and destruction of everything and everyone, and is capable of granting his followers immunity to death in exchange for ritual sacrifices.

And that is the sum total of information that we know about Jashin: He is an evil god, he wants everyone and everything to die and he is willing to provide a ritual to make his followers unkillable to facilitate their murder sprees.

Incidentally, Jashin is the only entity in canon that is flat out called a 'god'; the Shinigami is implied to be a god because 'Shinigami' translates as 'death god', but IIRC it is never explicitly referred to as a god specifically, just a spirit or spectre.

So yeah, canonically we know of only one actual god in the Elemental Nations, and its the god of omnicidal death and destruction.

Naruto really is a wonderful setting isn't it.
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I will assume that other than losing the Biju transformations and Bijudama, any jinchuriki that has their biju taken out by the tome will be able to make up for the lack of chakra by improving their control massively more than they could have while having a biju sealed in them constantly disrupting their control by the bleed over from the seal that likely all of them have to one degree or another at all times.

So for example Gaara can likely still do everything he did during the war ark given a few years to get better control to cut the cost of his sand manipulation.

I expect the net result in loosing their biju being the loss of one admittedly powerful trump card but the added versatility they can likely gain via the better control they can get likely makes them more potentially effective overall in the long term, especially if recovering from the removal still leaves them with even a fifth of Naruto's natural chakra capacity, given that would be more chakra than the majority of Kage would have had to work with.
We have no idea how the Jashin unkillability ritual works beyond that to get it to work you need to be a Jashinist and sacrifice people in the name of Jashin, so 🤷‍♂️

And even that had been subjected to one WoG retcon: initially, Bakamoto's answer to Hidan's "Blowed to gibs and buried alive" was that, without more sacrifices to Jashin, Hidan's immortality would have left him and thus he would have died, later changed to "Nope, it is permanent, Hidan will remain in a fate Worse Than Death for the rest of eternity".
Do we even know if the ritual was powered by an actual diety, or if it was just a sacrificial ritual?

Coin toss, because the only on-screen source of infos on the Ritual is Hidan, that is the combination of a zealot and a loon, and not even a bright one, plus a Word of Author later retconned on how long can Hidan's immortality works after Shikamaru pulled a 'Cannot kill you? Meh, there are fates worse than death' on Hidan.
And even that had been subjected to one WoG retcon: initially, Bakamoto's answer to Hidan's "Blowed to gibs and buried alive" was that, without more sacrifices to Jashin, Hidan's immortality would have left him and thus he would have died, later changed to "Nope, it is permanent, Hidan will remain in a fate Worse Than Death for the rest of eternity".
I thought it was explicit from the start that Hidan could only die from malnutrition, and so he did in fact die in that hole, it just took a few months as he slowly starved to death.

Do we even know if the ritual was powered by an actual diety, or if it was just a sacrificial ritual?
We do not. However the only two known people who ever did (or attempted to do) the ritual: Hidan and Ryūki, were both followers of Jashin, believed that Jashin was the ultimate source of the immortality and that it could only be gained by ritually sacrificing people to Jashin.

So there isn't any reason to believe that Jashin wasn't the source of the immortality. Certainly there is no canon information that suggests otherwise, and nobody in-universe expresses any kind of doubts about whether Jashin exists either.
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We do not. However the only two known people who ever did (or attempted to do) the ritual: Hidan and Ryūki, were both followers of Jashin, believed that Jashin was the ultimate source of the immortality and that it could only be gained by ritually sacrificing people to Jashin.

So there isn't any reason to believe that Jashin wasn't the source of the immortality. Certainly there is no canon information that suggests otherwise, and nobody in-universe expresses any kind of doubts about whether Jashin exists either.
Huh, so maybe Jashin could be one of the unaccounted for reincarnation node things. It's just using it in a completely different way.
Huh, so maybe Jashin could be one of the unaccounted for reincarnation node things. It's just using it in a completely different way.
I mean, maybe? Nine of those 14, would be the Tailed-Beasts shown with three of them unravelling because they've been consumed by the Tome. Two more are probably Indra and Asura, because they spiritually reincarnate rather than just outright possess people like Ōtsutsuki usually do. And two more of those are probably Kaguya's Sons Hamura and Hagoromo because they've somehow stayed around as Chakra 'Spirits' for a very long time after their deaths. Which leaves one unaccounted for, which is most likely Kaguya's former partner that she betrayed. He's still alive and one of the main baddies in Boruto.

Plus from what we know of the Ōtsutsuki Reincarnation Network it doesn't work like what the Jashin Ritual does. The Network is basically you die, and in the case of the Tailed-Beasts you slowly reform, or in the case of normal Ōtsutsuki you Mark whoever killed you with your Kama and slowly possess them and shift their body into yours or possess someone who is compatible as a vessel. And in the case of Indra and Asura you just keep spiritually reincarnating into people who are somewhat similar; Madara and Sasuke for Indra, and Hashirama and Naruto for Asura.

And in the case of Jashin, the 'secret experimental religious technique' that Hidan went through was basically a sacrifice of several people in order to grant him immortality, basically he doesn't 'die' like with the Network. So I don't think Jashin is a rogue Reincarnation Node, it's either actually a God, an empowered Chakra Entity, or a complete fabrication by the madmen who worship it to justify their hunger for violence with the immortality simply tying completely back into the secret technique that was used.
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Does naruto now have an imprint of Gaara's mother in the tome?
No, she stayed with Gaara.
Not gonna feel soft for ear scritches now though :(
..."sandy-looking" and "sandy-feeling" are different things.
Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, namely his vessel Jigen. Because I don't think Kawaki has been born yet. Isshiki was Kaguya's partner who she betrayed. He's still alive and the local branch of the reincarnation system being messed up might be why it took him so long to come back.
That would be a properly-attached node on the net, so no.
If they're that resource crunched, then WTF are they doing still attempting immortality?

Immortality doesn't necessarily (or often) come with invulnerability, after all.
Because they got complacent when they hadn't run into trouble on multiple fronts, then ran into problems in several places at the same time.
My only real comment on your version is that their reaction to realizing they're overstretched is to *remain* overstretched - i.e. the *previous* sets of alarms Kaguya set off or whatever - and without a better understanding of their total situation I can't say whether they had a better option.
Who said they've stretched themselves any more since becoming overstretched? God Trees take a thousand years to bear a fruit. Long games are being played all over the place. In canon they only check in on the planet after the second chakra fruit should've formed on the tree, and only after finding that the local space curvature was too high (whatever that was supposed to mean, but I take it to have to do with her not maintaining her pocket dimensions).

All of them were added after the Ten Tails was defeated the first time but before the brothers had passed away.
Yay! I was actually kind of worried about that.

Also, speaking of people who stayed with us: any news on the fate of Zabuza, Haku, and the Demon Brothers?
I've been on a Naruto fanfic binge recently, so I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that this is one of the stories that has Haku and Zabuza survive the Land of Waves mission, just one Seven Swordsmen sword less.
Huh, so maybe Jashin could be one of the unaccounted for reincarnation node things. It's just using it in a completely different way.
Unlikely, Jashin's unkillability ritual works completely differently from the Ōtsutsuki reincarnation.

No I'm more inclined to believe that Jashin is exactly what Hidan says he is; an evil god of death and destruction who is willing to offer his followers a ritual to become unkillable in exchange for human sacrifices.

Considering all the crazy shit that is known to exist in the Naruto world, including multiple different types of demons that are unrelated to the Ten-Tails, spiritual entities of death that can eat souls to prevent them from passing on to the Pure Land, glowing rocks (that are almost certainly from a meteorite impact, given what the 'vein of Gelel' looks like) containing nigh-unlimited life-force energy, and who knows what else, I don't find it hard to believe that the setting also includes an evil god of death and destruction who calls himself Evil God.

Which leaves one unaccounted for, which is most likely Kaguya's former partner that she betrayed. He's still alive and one of the main baddies in Boruto.
It shouldn't be Isshiki; as a 'proper' Ōtsutsuki he's using the Kama and thus would have a normal Kama node connection to the network.

Which, incidentally, just got cut off. So depending on what exactly Isshiki is up to (it's unclear when exactly in the timeline he formed Kara, but given the ages of the people involved it probably happened after the events of Shippuden), he's going to be having a bit of a panic attack as his Kama gets disconnected.

Whether or not this will be fatal to him is unclear, given that he isn't actually using the Kama to puppet Jigen's body, and even if he has founded Kara he definitely hasn't found Kawaki yet. So he should only have the Kama on Jigen which he can't actually use to reincarnate, due to Jigen being incompatible, and is instead just having it slowly overwrite Jigen's DNA with Ōtsutsuki DNA so as to make him a better sacrifice for the Ten-Tails seedling (that he somehow acquires) in the future.

And without the Kama, Isshiki's plans to grow a new God Tree and get things back in track have gone up in smoke. So if he does survive being cut off from the network (and I see no reason why he wouldn't, given that he survived by parasitizing Jigen because he couldn't use the Kama at that point) I would expect to see a hysterical Isshiki\Jigen show up at some point.

Isshiki is not going to be a happy Ōtsutsuki, though it'll be interesting to see if he realizes what actually happened (the rest of the clan deemed him a lost cause and cut their losses) or if he blames something else for his latest round of dire misfortune.
(Seriously, nothing has gone right for Isshiki ever since he arrived on this world with Kaguya.)

And probably a decent amount of unknown others and not strictly just their descendants
Nope, Indra and Asura's reincarnations were explicitly into their descendants; the Uchiha and Senju respectively. Madara and Hashirama were also explicitly the previous reincarnations before Sasuke and Naruto, though we don't know how many times they reincarnated prior to Madara and Hashirama. (It is mentioned that they reincarnated 'for a millennium after their deaths', so depending on how much down-time their is between reincarnations they could have had up to a dozen or so before Madara and Hashirama.)

Oh, actually. Now that I think about it; the 'missing' connections in the Ōtsutsuki network might be the other Demons like Mōryō and the Zero-Tails. We don't actually get any information regarding the origins of those guys, other than that the Zero-Tails was 'created by the dark thoughts and feelings of the downtrodden' somehow.

There's also Satori and the Box of Ultimate Bliss, and according to Gamabunta the BoUB has been around since the time of the Sage of the Six Paths, so it and Satori being one or two (it's unclear whether Satori is actually an entity that the BoUB creates and controls, or is just like the BoUB's limbs) of the abnormal connections matches up timeline-wise.

Actually, I think that might be it: 9 Tailed Beasts, 1 Asura, 1 Indra, 1 Mōryō, 1 Zero-Tails and 1 Box of Ultimate Bliss\Satori. That's 14, which is the number of abnormal connections.

The numbers add up, and Mōryō, the Zero-Tails and the Box of Ultimate Bliss all potentially date back to around the Sage of the Six Path's era, which matches CmptrWz's timeline for the abnormal connections.

Alternately, the Three-Headed Guardian Beast is another possible candidate, as it was said to be a living mass of Chakra much like the Tailed-Beasts. So if I'm wrong about Mōryō, the Zero-Tails or the BoUB, it might be one of the connections instead.

Probably not Rōen or the Genryū though; Rōen was a normal (albeit incredibly large and powerful) animal and the Genryū are just straight up dragons.
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You know, with all this talk about the Otsutuki's arrogance, I just wanted to pop their bubble with a Halo 2 Needler

Momoshiki couldn't believe what was happening. The mighty Otsusuki clan, future gods one and all, was being destroyed. They had seeded hundreds of worlds with God Trees, absorbing their power, but it was not enough. He didn't know where they came from, or what strange devices they were using. All he knew was that this morning something massive appeared in the sky, and disgorged thousands of small... things, each capable of taking on one of the lower ranking members of the clan, and they outnumbered them 10 to one. The elders of the clan were forced to unleash the ten-tails, but they were destroyed when the large object used some form of jutsu to blast them out of existence. Then the true threat came.

There were only a mere dozen of them, but each of them was easily stronger than even the mightiest of the elders. He couldn't do anything, except run.

"You know, I was having a pretty good year so far."

Momoshiki froze, that was the voice of their leader.

"We managed to take down 10 shard clusters, I managed to crack safely giving other people my multitasking interface, and my emotional deadening was cured." Bands of blue light wrapped around his limbs, pinning him completely in place. "And just as we pick up a signal from a Belkan Tome and dispatch an investigatory expedition, I run into something even worse than Shards. At least they're mindless computers, you're doing this on purpose."

She walked around in front of him as a large boxed with a door landed beside her. Although her eyes were covered, he could sense that she was staring at him with a gaze of purist loathing. "At least this multiversal group of parasites has a central HQ, so my workload won't be increased that much, but it's the principle of the matter." With the snap of her fingers, the box opened, and he was tossed inside. "I have enough to deal with already, so just sit tight until your trial."

As the door slammed shut, Momoshiki slumped to his knees. "So this is the end of the Otsutsuki."
Momoshiki couldn't believe what was happening. The mighty Otsusuki clan, future gods one and all, was being destroyed. They had seeded hundreds of worlds with God Trees, absorbing their power, but it was not enough. He didn't know where they came from, or what strange devices they were using. All he knew was that this morning something massive appeared in the sky, and disgorged thousands of small... things, each capable of taking on one of the lower ranking members of the clan, and they outnumbered them 10 to one. The elders of the clan were forced to unleash the ten-tails, but they were destroyed when the large object used some form of jutsu to blast them out of existence. Then the true threat came.
So was it a Coconut, or was it the I Asked You Nicely Not To Do That?
Obviously, this is Minerva from Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? along with several other members of Team Mana. The Coconut-class ship is a very very large vessel Minerva and her Device have designed, based loosely on the two-iterations smaller Blueberry class, which still makes the Saint's Cradle look like a bath toy. The I Asked You Nicely Not To Do That was my joke for what Minerva would name an actual warship from her empire, Please Ignore the Secret Kingdom.
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