Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

The thing that might come back to bite them eventually is the assumption that whatever went wrong will be contained by the quarantine.

As opposed to, say, building an army of spacefaring ninja mages to go have a chat with the people who tried to eat their planet.
To be fair, they have no way to know Magic is involved, or that magic exist(probably could be different in this au), so they are working from what they know, which is that a core part of their project got destroyed, which should be impossible

The most logical, from their perspective is that the locals found a way to subvert some functions, going in blind would be dangerous

By quarantining the area they can however contain the locals, which are unlikely to be able to even reach them in other dimensions, and in the case of them managing, the quarantine will detect that(or at least should detect that, not much of a quarantine if people can pop out of it without tripping alarms), which would allow them to take measures, probably involving mass amounts of force.
To be fair, they have no way to know Magic is involved, or that magic exist(probably could be different in this au), so they are working from what they know, which is that a core part of their project got destroyed, which should be impossible

The most logical, from their perspective is that the locals found a way to subvert some functions, going in blind would be dangerous

By quarantining the area they can however contain the locals, which are unlikely to be able to even reach them in other dimensions, and in the case of them managing, the quarantine will detect that(or at least should detect that, not much of a quarantine if people can pop out of it without tripping alarms), which would allow them to take measures, probably involving mass amounts of force.
I don't think there's any indication that they imposed a physical quarantine rather than a network quarantine.

And I don't think magic actually changes the logic significantly. They're spacefaring, so they know spacefaring is possible. Is their space travel excessively restrictive or something?
I don't think there's any indication that they imposed a physical quarantine rather than a network quarantine.

And I don't think magic actually changes the logic significantly. They're spacefaring, so they know spacefaring is possible. Is their space travel excessively restrictive or something?
I think it's more they have an idea of how long it took for them to reach that point and they don't think the area where Naruto lives will reach that in a reasonable timeframe based on how long it took them. This is compounded by the fact that as far as they know, Kaguya is still active and hindering people so it should take longer. Ability to mess with one area of the clan's abilities doesn't help them with moving through space/dimensions.
I don't think there's any indication that they imposed a physical quarantine rather than a network quarantine.

And I don't think magic actually changes the logic significantly. They're spacefaring, so they know spacefaring is possible. Is their space travel excessively restrictive or something?
It's basically a form of dimensional transference, the only times they really seem to actually mess with space is to drop a new Shinju onto a world from orbit or like the Hamura-Branch with their Tenseigan Moon Ship/Orbital Colony. They mostly just open a portal using dimensional travel and walk through from world to world rather than actually travel through space/the dimensional sea.

And yeah it was more them isolating the Reincarnation Network for now rather than a physical quarantine. Plus remember, Magic is Chakra in this story. Or well Chakra is Magic.
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Now they need to find something to power up Tenten, otherwise she'll hopelessly lag behind the rest of her team. Not to mention Anko and Kurenai, who lost the race already before they even knew they were in it.
TBH, the only way I can think of are to pretty much figure out how to give her the abilities of Archer-EMIYA or Gilgamesh
I think it's more they have an idea of how long it took for them to reach that point and they don't think the area where Naruto lives will reach that in a reasonable timeframe based on how long it took them. This is compounded by the fact that as far as they know, Kaguya is still active and hindering people so it should take longer. Ability to mess with one area of the clan's abilities doesn't help them with moving through space/dimensions.
There's got to be something on the evil overlord list about never assuming that the rabble can't reverse engineer your superior technology if given the opportunity.
And yeah it was more them isolating the Reincarnation Network for now rather than a physical quarantine. Plus remember, Magic is Chakra in this story. Or well Chakra is Magic.
It appears that Chakra is a subset of magic.
...Not sure why but with all the problems Orochimaru is unknowingly having after the invasion kinda just have the image of him in one of those shirts along the lines of "I invaded Konoha...."

...What else of Orochimaru's stuff will be stolen and him not noticing until the lack of it becomes very relevant and inconvenient for him?
I am now imagining Orochimaru reminding A that he has a vital role in the invasion, and A says, "Don't worry. I know who my enemy is."

Cue Orochi getting a Lariat during the Kage Box Battle.
...What else of Orochimaru's stuff will be stolen and him not noticing until the lack of it becomes very relevant and inconvenient for him?
Sadly, Orochimaru is very much like a vermin infestation: No matter how many setbacks he suffers, as long as he's not completely gone he'll inevitably return even more troublesome than before.

A lot of people were super upset about how Orochimaru got 'redeemed' in canon, but IMO that was the only realistic option: The man is fucking impossible to kill. Convincing him that his quest to learn all the jutsu was inherently impossible (because new jutsu and bloodlines are constantly being created) and that he should stop being an asshole just for the hell of it, declare a truce and at least try to keep his experiments vaguely ethical (by ninja standards) was really the best possible outcome.

And to be entirely fair; after calming the fuck down and switching to using cloned bodies for his immortality technique, Orochimaru proved to be extremely useful to Konoha. Dude is a legit genius at SCIENCE! after all.

He just needed to get his shit kicked in a few times and then get exposed to Naruto in maximum Friendship Mode.

We have nine tailed beasts, and Indra and Asura reincarnating themselves. Thats 11 connections to the reincarnation net. Who is the 12th? Is it the Sage, Is it 10 tails?
Kaguya\Ten-Tails I would assume.

e: Could also be Black Zetsu; him having access to the Ōtsutsuki's reincarnation net would make sense, as he is a 'piece' of Kaguya, probably not unlike how the Tailed Beasts are 'pieces' of the Ten Tails.

Actually Black Zetsu being sort of a knockoff Tailed Beast made out of Kaguya's Chakra, instead of the Ten-Tails' Chakra, would explain a lot about him.

e2: Could also be something to do with the Moon Clan Ōtsutsuki, who I think are down to just Toneri and his puppets at this point in the timeline. Toneri himself never showed any Ōtsutsuki reincarnation stuff, but they did have that Energy Vessel Tenseigan full of eyeballs, which Hamura had supposedly created way back when. So that might have some kind of connection to the Ōtsutsuki reincarnation net.

e3: Also also could be Orochimaru. No fucking clue how he'd have gotten access to it, but if there's anyone who could figure out how to connect to a magical reincarnation network entirely on their own without even knowing said network exists in the first place, it would be Orochimaru.

Personally my bet is on Kaguya\Ten Tails\Black Zetsu though: It makes too much sense, especially since we know the Tailed Beasts were connected to it and they were created out of the merged Kaguya + Ten Tails.

That's not "incompetent", that's "someone did something that shouldn't have been possible without blowing up a star and we have to scramble now to avoid being completely wiped out as a side effect, write off that sector forever and stay the heck away!"
Yeah, it's really nice to see the Ōtsutsuki take one look at the Outside Context Problem that is fucking up their shit, go 'nope' and just cut their losses instead of taking unnecessary risks.

Because that is exactly what you would expect a literally interdimensional and interstellar (possibly even intergalactic) faction that is harvesting an unknown but probably considerable number of planets throughout the multiverse to do; the loss of a single planet just isn't that big of a deal when your faction is harvesting potentially dozens of planets at any one time, and said harvesting process takes ages to finish anyway.
(We get a brief shot of the world that Momoshiki had recently finished harvesting and it is covered in God Trees, hundreds of not thousands of the things. Given that it takes a fully grown God Tree 1000 years to produce a Chakra Fruit, the process of planting that many God Trees must logically take hundreds of thousands of years at minimum. Which makes sense: Planets are big yo.)

There is absolutely no good reason for the Ōtsutsuki to take that risk; nothing they have lost from this is not completely and entirely replaceable, and they are already over-extending themselves.

No, Shihiki's response was extremely sensible and unusually competent by Anime-villain standards.
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That's not "incompetent", that's "someone did something that shouldn't have been possible without blowing up a star and we have to scramble now to avoid being completely wiped out as a side effect, write off that sector forever and stay the heck away!"

Those old Belkan Apocalypse Artifacts, man... Never know when a Tome is going to pop up to murderize a world or dozen. Or any of the scores of other doomsday devices their wars left scattered around. It always pays to remember that Nanoha is a multiply-post-apocalyptic setting in space, with all the vastness that implies.

I'm wondering about the Kaguya Clan in the larger context of the crossover, though. Since they're a spacefaring civilization of a sort, are they and the TSAB (Or whatever polity is in power in current time) on each other's radar? I don't think any kind of correlation with the Nanoha timeline has been established, so on that front thing are in the air.
Trapped (Ziggrrauglurr)
I'd ask you, what madness has driven you to this point, but I suspect I have at least one answer. Plentiful, ready-made, Canon/semi-canon/non-canon omake content. Perhaps enough, with this single plot-thread, to rival another fanfic's armada of Omake and Spin-offs. You know, with that Family and those Lizards!


He was down to his last clone. Trapped. He could feel the chakra traps above the surface. Trapped. His reserves nearly bottomed out. Trapped. Since the betrayal of those slimy bastards. O how he missed her... Trapped. The chakra signature moving through his compound was coming closer. He, the greatest nin to ever exist was trapped. Trapped.

Mental alarm after mental alarm only confirmed what he already knew. There, at the door, she had arrived.
The door opened slowly and silently.
The bright light from some destroyed trap shone on her form from behind, actually painting a very dramatic picture, he would love to do that sometime.
He imagined his enemies quaking in fear... oh ... right... she was here.

- I can't. He whispered.
- You lie, you always lie.

Oh... how foolish he had been, even geniuses sometimes make mistakes... He thought she was gullible, that she was weak... How was he supposed to know that she had their help.

- Experiment 568: The female child was transformed into a cat hybrid, it enhanced her speed and reactions to the cost of long term planning, she is only good as an attack dog. Experiment 632: The injured nin grew a magnificent black fur reminiscent of a black panther, there's promise on neko infused creations, their ferocity is interesting and they are easy to convince. Experiment-

A deft hand movement and PAIN - - - - - - A needle-chakra-chain, what a wonderful concept... how had she achieved such a feat? ... oh how much would he love to know...

- Now, now, I know you are the last one. So pleeeease~~?
The demon in girl form pouted. SHE POUTED! She was supposed to be a simple chuunin, another pawn to manipulate with vague promises of power... although her request was so silly... Her conditions were simple, to never have to carry a mission in her village. Silly child, there where many ways to break a nin... But then again, she wasn't a silly child... not completely at least.

PAIN Pay attention to me - is the chakra drain already affecting you?
What?! When?! THE NEEDLES!
- So?
- I already told you! I can't! I tried! I swear! At first it was just the payment! But you are such a wonderful mystery! You don't understand! Your chakra web! It's flawless! You need to unde~
- "I know.", she interrupted. "My friends gave me that gift. Years ago."
He had believed that he was past surprises, shock was something that happened to lesser nin.
- Buuu... THEM!?
- Yes. Still that doesn't explains why you don't want to fulfill your half of the bargain.
- You don't understand child! PAIN You don't understand! You are protected, you are unique! The effect that I imparted on those others can't affect you!
- hmm... Stay there. Don't. move.

With a rapid movement and a puff of smoke a small toad messenger appeared.
- Yes?!
- U C
- Right away!
The lithe demon moved again and another toad appeared, while the first went away.
- If you attempt anything. You are ended.
He could only nod.
Then in a puff she disappeared. The little green reptile looked around the room, seemly bored.
He should try something. But what. He was so tired now, those needles were still there and it was hard to think. He wasn't aware of how long they stood in complete silence. Just breathing.

Suddenly POOF!
She was back.

- Ok. They confirmed you're right, the stable network blocks the incomplete transformation you attempted.
- So. You are off the hook. I have already collected my compensation in goods. I would recommend that you run.
- What? What are you talking about? What network? how? what is going to happen?
- Oh, while I was away I sent a message to an old student of yours. Bye bye~~ She singsonged.
Suddenly one of the newer mental alarms triggered, the one he had developed to detect those traitorous beasts.
He was so screwed... Trapped.
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Those old Belkan Apocalypse Artifacts, man... Never know when a Tome is going to pop up to murderize a world or dozen. Or any of the scores of other doomsday devices their wars left scattered around. It always pays to remember that Nanoha is a multiply-post-apocalyptic setting in space, with all the vastness that implies.

I'm wondering about the Kaguya Clan in the larger context of the crossover, though. Since they're a spacefaring civilization of a sort, are they and the TSAB (Or whatever polity is in power in current time) on each other's radar? I don't think any kind of correlation with the Nanoha timeline has been established, so on that front thing are in the air.
Yeah we dunno what's happening on the Nanoha side of things, but seeing as the Ōtsutsuki are both interstellar and interdimensional at minimum it seems likely that if the TSAB are around then the Ōtsutsuki are probably in something of a cold war situation with them. Either that or the Ōtsutsuki are studiously avoiding the TSAB as much as possible, since I can't imagine the TSAB would be particularly pleased with a faction of alien assholes that routinely harvest entire planets as part of a scheme to become gods, and unlike most people the TSAB are entirely capable of chasing the Ōtsutsuki across dimensions.
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We know it's minimum several thousand years past the time the Tome landed on nin-world and that it had been drifting for possibly longer before it crashed. It did, after all, arrive before the Ōtsutsuki planted the god-tree…

Maybe the Ōtsutsuki are the TSAB, or their successors, corrupted by power as the Al-hazardians and Belkans before them…?

If this is the same universe as Hybrid Hive though, they really shouldn't be neo-Belka/the Secret Kingdom because they already have immortality… after only existing for about a year. No need for chakra-fruit or life stealing either. Unless they got lost/split off and are trying to get that back.
...Not sure why but with all the problems Orochimaru is unknowingly having after the invasion kinda just have the image of him in one of those shirts along the lines of "I invaded Konoha...."

...What else of Orochimaru's stuff will be stolen and him not noticing until the lack of it becomes very relevant and inconvenient for him?
His "immortality." Let's see him survive the bullshit he goes through after having his survival ability taken away.
Yeah we dunno what's happening on the Nanoha side of things, but seeing as the Ōtsutsuki are both interstellar and interdimensional at minimum it seems likely that if the TSAB are around then the Ōtsutsuki are probably in something of a cold war situation with them. Either that or the Ōtsutsuki are studiously avoiding the TSAB as much as possible, since I can't imagine the TSAB would be particularly pleased with a faction of alien assholes that routinely harvest entire planets as part of a scheme to become gods, and unlike most people the TSAB are entirely capable of chasing the Ōtsutsuki across dimensions.

At a guess, they are in dimensions that the TSAB can't access, with Tome managing to access by accident. Would mean either it's not as far down the timeline from Hybrid Hive as suspected, or chakra techniques allow seeing a different set of dimensions exclusive from both magic and shard techniques.

Including some of the ones that neither of those two could see.

And that's assuming that chakra, despite being very compatible with magical techniques, is a distinct set of techniques. Which I don't think we have 100% confirmation either way? Might be wrong there.

Though there would be a kind of amusing if the combination of chakra, magic, and shard techniques showed that there was more gaps in possible dimensions. Technically bringing it up to 128-bit techniques, but I'd also assume that there would also be a ton of gaps that could be very difficult to pin the location of. Depending on how much detail the combination gives. Even harder to figure out what techniques could fit the gaps.

And this all might actually fit the fact that chakra is 'oddly limited' magic. It's got the same dimensional limits as mana based techniques, Tome just can't see some of them.
I am now imagining Orochimaru reminding A that he has a vital role in the invasion, and A says, "Don't worry. I know who my enemy is."

Cue Orochi getting a Lariat during the Kage Box Battle.
Oh right, with Kumo nin participating in the tournament A will probably be in attendance, and in the Kage box with Hiruzen and Orochimaru at that. Where Orochi will be expecting A to help him kill an out-of-shape, out-of-practice Hiruzen.

I've changed my mind. The barrier can stay; it keeps Orochimaru trapped.
The man is fucking impossible to kill.

All too true. The only contender to the title of "Anime Character Nearly Impossible To Kill" that neared Orochimaru's place was Naraku, and he required getting erased from reality (together with the reality bending artefact he was bonded with at the time) to finally dying for good!
Oh right, with Kumo nin participating in the tournament A will probably be in attendance, and in the Kage box with Hiruzen and Orochimaru at that. Where Orochi will be expecting A to help him kill an out-of-shape, out-of-practice Hiruzen.

I've changed my mind. The barrier can stay; it keeps Orochimaru trapped.
O it gets worse, remember, the Fourth Hokage is back, in a way, together with his wife.
And his son now also knows his two signature techniques as well.
So think for a moment, what happens if the Yellow Flash also enters that Kage Box?
Mirror of the canon Kage Box fight?
Just sooo against Orochi as can possibly be.
Please also enjoy this framed photo of twined middle fingers!
That sounds painful.

Twinned middle fingers? Fine. But Twined middle fingers? Ouch.
*sees an Otsutsuki show up*

*begins panicking*

Oh wait, never mind. They're incompetent too.
I write the likely most competent version of this group I've ever seen, and the first person to comment on them calls them incompetent! :V
I feel sorry for Matatabi (two tailed beast). Shukaku (one tailed) was an insane monster, but Matatabi was a decent being in a bad situation (stuck in Kumogakure, where its host was badly mistreated).
I mean, as soon as Shukaku was removed from the picture the remaining seven were doomed. And Matatabi was already "going" even that soon after Shukaku's demise - starting to bond to Yugito before extraction.
Yeah, well, sometimes it really pays to ask 'wait, was that actually what happened?' and 'I think we need a quick scout job. Stealthily.'
Scout job by who? They don't have their emergency fallback reincarnation option reliably available. Who do you send?
There's got to be something on the evil overlord list about never assuming that the rabble can't reverse engineer your superior technology if given the opportunity.
Luckily for them, most of their power is in attempting to elevate themselves to godhood, so there's very little "superior technology" to examine in the first place.
We have nine tailed beasts, and Indra and Asura reincarnating themselves. Thats 11 connections to the reincarnation net. Who is the 12th? Is it the Sage, Is it 10 tails?
Fun fact! Shihiki was using a quick visual examination and didn't actually count them all. His statement of a "dozen" is an approximation. There are actually 14. Kaguya and Zetsu aren't in the list and the God Trees have their own connection type that Shihiki is ignoring because it's expected. :V