Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

I mean, as soon as Shukaku was removed from the picture the remaining seven were doomed. And Matatabi was already "going" even that soon after Shukaku's demise - starting to bond to Yugito before extraction.
Oh so that's what will happen to the Tailed Beasts, I had figured Yugito was just naturally a catgirl on the inside.

Fun fact! Shihiki was using a quick visual examination and didn't actually count them all. His statement of a "dozen" is an approximation. There are actually 14. Kaguya and Zetsu aren't in the list and the God Trees have their own connection type that Shihiki is ignoring because it's expected. :V
Hmm, in that case the Moon Ōtsutsuki and Orochimaru suddenly start looking a lot more likely.

On the other hand it sounded like the wonky connections all happened at around about the same time; ie when the Sage created the Tailed Beasts, in which case it can't be Orochimaru. Could still be the the Moon Ōtsutsuki though... But I don't think they actually did any of the reincarnating thing the way Asura and Indra do...

I'm stumped. We've got 3 - 5 Tailed Beast-adjacent connections that are unaccounted for. (Depending on if 2 of them were Indra and Asura or not.)
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Does naruto now have an imprint of Gaara's mother in the tome? And if the tome scanned kakashi (which I would assume it needed to do to repair his chakra network) should it not now be able to replicate the sharingan?

Feel kinda meh about the sandy looking ears and tail, I'd have just put curse marking colouration on the fur or something and rounded the ears a bit personally, but it could be worse I suppose. Not gonna feel soft for ear scritches now though :(

Fun chapter. Looking forward to seeing where it goes
Does naruto now have an imprint of Gaara's mother in the tome? And if the tome scanned kakashi (which I would assume it needed to do to repair his chakra network) should it not now be able to replicate the sharingan?

Eh, they didn't actually need to scan Kakashi to get the sharingan, I think. Tome had already figured that out, but also realized it's connected to an outside power source. Thus Tome decided it's probably a Bad Idea.

Heh, Orochimaru's plan: have two tailed beast containers attack Konoha in order to draw out whoever holds the Nine Tails

Result of plan: two tailed beasts dead and Orochimaru no longer on the general Snake Summoning contract (also the loss of his Legendary Sword)

This amuses me.
Yeah, well, sometimes it really pays to ask 'wait, was that actually what happened?' and 'I think we need a quick scout job. Stealthily.'
Scout job by who? They don't have their emergency fallback reincarnation option reliably available. Who do you send?
Obviously, someone both expendable and loyal.

Surely they have at least one technique for brainwashing / indoctrination that doesn't actively link back to them?
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It's more that in the incoming emergency Kumo Council and outwards bricks are going to be shat.

From the view of Kumo:
-There is an "Uzu Remnant"
-Said Remnant apparently its of a level of such secrecy that Orochimaru (and Danzou) hadn't even been aware of it, either it's founding, location or what they had been doing.
-They from evidence seem to have succeeded on some form of "Kekkei Genkai/Tota user breeding" project, on preparing elite Uzu ANBU troops... And apparently SUCCEEDED on an unknown Kinjutsu aimed at KILLING PERMANENTLY BIJUU.
-It's probable that an imperfect form of the Kinjutsu was used against the Kyuubi by the Yondaime during its attack against Konoha, taking his life and the one of his wife.
- Likely the Uzu Remnant with the aid of the Sandaime propagated the rumours of the "Kyuubi Jinchuuriki"

Anyway, you know how rumours tend to take a life of their own..... Likely someone will inform to an Iwa spy, and the news will spread and go more outrageous....

. . Anyone CAN imagine HOW much distorted this rumour/news will be when Danzou hears of it?

The guy probably will have to use Izanagi once then and there, because his paranoid mind probably will give him a multi systemic stroke on the spot. Afterwards he's going to fully go Aluminium Hats and worse...

Possibly believing that either Konoha has been somehow taken over by an Uzu Conspiracy, the Sandaime its either on it or controlled by a freaky Uzu Fuuinjutsu... And that the Sandaime probably knew about him providing resources to Orochimaru but let it happen.. Because Orochimaru would be more useful as a smoke screen for the Uzu's own secret project to replicate Kekkei Genkai and their other stuff.

... Afterwards... It's going to get hilariously FUBAR in the shadows.....
Hmm, in that case the Moon Ōtsutsuki and Orochimaru suddenly start looking a lot more likely.

On the other hand it sounded like the wonky connections all happened at around about the same time; ie when the Sage created the Tailed Beasts, in which case it can't be Orochimaru. Could still be the the Moon Ōtsutsuki though... But I don't think they actually did any of the reincarnating thing the way Asura and Indra do...

I'm stumped. We've got 3 - 5 Tailed Beast-adjacent connections that are unaccounted for. (Depending on if 2 of them were Indra and Asura or not.)
I think two of those unaccounted connections are Indra and Asura, with the system being twisted and corrupted it's probably not achieving full functionality which is why Indra and Asura only have spiritual reincarnations (Hashirama/Madara and Naruto/Sasuke) rather than full ones. And two more of those are probably Hamura and Hagoromo, with them necessarily not being dead, being Chakra 'spirits' of some kind that cling to life after death which is also probably a part of the malfunctioning Reincarnation System. Which leaves us with one slot left.

So the question becomes who is the unaccounted for individual? To be honest I think it might be the Tome, with it adsorbing Kurama it might have found a way to plug itself into the System rather than just hijacking the Tailed-Beast connections.

Mainly because Orochimaru's own 'immortality' thing is different from the Ōtsutsuki method, they might be similar with the markings and such, but that might just be a convergent path to immortality rather than anything. And I don't think it's the Moon Ōtsutsuki either, they don't do the reincarnation thing, namely shown with Toneri being the last of them after the Branch Family rebelled against the Main Family. Which while this might be an AU where they do somehow have a Reincarnation System, I don't think it'd be connected to the one on the Ōtsutsuki Homeworld.
I can think of at least a dozen different ways for Hanabi to go about fulfilling her wish while causing everyone, from family to strangers to enemies to the monstrous end boss level villains in the series anything from headaches, to suffering, to even enduring trauma... just so she can become a cat girl
Well, I could see an incident where Hanabi puts a D-rank mission request in for Tora to be collected for a template contribution if she gets stonewalled for too long and then holds that out as her bit of blackmail, since they did recover the DNA bonding serum plans from the lab Team 7 stumbled into.

Checking what did the damage could be an option, but with such a delicate system compromised going in blind might just make things worse so being prudent and coming back when you are sure you have the tools to deal with anything unexpected is reasonable
Safest thing would be what he did, sandboxing the branch until it can be examined with known bulletproof defences in place to protect the observers.
Didn't Author-san already Decree that the Control Nodes of Nom'd Tailed Beasts didn't exist anymore?
We have nine tailed beasts, and Indra and Asura reincarnating themselves. Thats 11 connections to the reincarnation net. Who is the 12th? Is it the Sage, Is it 10 tails?
Fun fact! Shihiki was using a quick visual examination and didn't actually count them all. His statement of a "dozen" is an approximation. There are actually 14. Kaguya and Zetsu aren't in the list and the God Trees have their own connection type that Shihiki is ignoring because it's expected. :V
Post the Author quoted and their reply. Plus...
After a moment he decided that wasn't important right now as the alerts hadn't come from there. Moving on, he checked the reincarnation net and nearly had a heart attack when he found that it was unraveling. Scrambling, he checked everything he could and found that someone had attached a dozen odd non-Kama nodes to the thing quite a while back, and three of them had recently torn apart the net and started the unraveling.
We're talking about the Reincarnation Network which 14 individuals were connected to, and as seen in the underline three of those were torn apart meaning those belonged to the Tailed-Beasts who've been nommed, so yes those are gone and that's on me for forgetting that. But it also doesn't mean that the single unaccounted for connection isn't the Tome.

Although upon further thought I've got a pretty good idea of who it is actually.

Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, namely his vessel Jigen. Because I don't think Kawaki has been born yet. Isshiki was Kaguya's partner who she betrayed. He's still alive and the local branch of the reincarnation system being messed up might be why it took him so long to come back.
Doesn't mean you don't attempt to find out WTF happened, it just means you grab several dozen random people, program them appropriately, give them old tech that is chakra-locked to only be usable by them and is set to self-destruct on being scanned, dump them on planet, and either get response(s) that shed some light on the issue, or not.

And either way, nothing of value is lost.

Edit: Oh, whoops. Didn't see the part about the Tree Nodes being on a slightly different system that got ignored.... :wtf:
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If they're that resource crunched, then WTF are they doing still attempting immortality?

Immortality doesn't necessarily (or often) come with invulnerability, after all.
The Ototsuki(?) PoV mentions that "They were already stretched too thin anyway".

It could be that, even if they were willing to send random mooks as scouts to see WTF is happening in Kaguya's 'area', they cannot materially do it period.
Because since they work off Multiverse Theory, then chances are that they ran into people who would hate them and would murder them on sight
If they're that resource crunched, then WTF are they doing still attempting immortality?

Immortality doesn't necessarily (or often) come with invulnerability, after all.
They Dumbasses
Doesn't mean you don't attempt to find out WTF happened, it just means you grab several dozen random people, program them appropriately, give them old tech that is chakra-locked to only be usable by them and is set to self-destruct on being scanned, dump them on planet, and either get response(s) that shed some light on the issue, or not.

And either way, nothing of value is lost.
Except it's in an area that's considered fringe territory for the Ōtsutsuki, and for basically the entirety of his POV he's outright stating that they're spread wayyy too thin. He's already had to dismiss several other alerts from Kaguya's area because of these facts, and he's made the assumption (a wrong one) based on the fact that the Power Node network is so active that she's actively fighting whatever is going on in that area.

Meaning that from his POV Kaguya is actively containing whatever is happening in that area, but for him in the here and now he needs to stop whatever is happening to the Reincarnation Network because it's something that's basically irreplaceable to their entire civilization. So for now he deals with that, while Kaguya is the expendable pawn who makes sure whatever the fuck is happening stays away from the rest of the Clan so they can 'ascend to Godhood' and then they'll swoop in to deal with whatever is causing problems.

Plus you do realize the Ōtsutsuki really don't use technology yeah? A lot of their stuff is basically just techniques or stuff made using Creation of All Things.

If they're that resource crunched, then WTF are they doing still attempting immortality?

Immortality doesn't necessarily (or often) come with invulnerability, after all.
They are already immortal, in that if you kill an Ōtsutsuki you get marked with their Kama/Mark and they slowly possess your body and take you over. Or some poor sod gets randomly chosen to be their new vessel. What they're trying to do is become Gods, not immortal... they've already done that.

And the reason they're so spread out is because it takes a lot of power to 'become Gods' so they collected the seeds of the Shinju on their Homeworld and started plopping them down on other worlds to harvest those worlds Nature Chakra, upon which the tree will produce a Chakra fruit which will be consumed and the Ōtsutsuki who watched over the process return to the Homeworld and hand over the gathered Chakra to the Shinju on their Homeworld. Basically they're harvesting entire worlds for enough Chakra so the entirety of their people can become Gods.
Fun thing, the entire plan is likely doomed to failure because they can't become gods like that. They can become powerful enough to think they are gods. But they likely can't actually ascend to godhood off stolen life force.
Fun thing, the entire plan is likely doomed to failure because they can't become gods like that. They can become powerful enough to think they are gods. But they likely can't actually ascend to godhood off stolen life force.
Maybe, but these fruits also contain the biological data of everything that lived on the planet, the Ōtsutsuki use it to further evolve their species. Plus the fruits generally give them longer lifespans and vastly boost their already considerable power, so while they might not become Gods. They might get close enough that it doesn't really matter.

On another note.
Because since they work off Multiverse Theory, then chances are that they ran into people who would hate them and would murder them on sight
The Ōtsutsuki are pretty powerful even without a Chakra fruit boosting them up, and if they need to like Kaguya they can wake up the local Shinju and have it go Ten-Tails mode on whoever is challenging them. You know the thing that took basically two other Ōtsutsuki or Naruto/Sasuke at full power to take down, plus I imagine if they really really needed to they could wake up the Homeworld Shinju and have it go Ten-Tails mode. Which is a horrifying thought, because it's the first and oldest Shinju that's been fed on the Chakra of potentially hundreds of worlds.

And the one that Kaguya had was pretty young and it still had enough power that it reshaped entire continents, so just imagine what the Homeworld one could do.
I write the likely most competent version of this group I've ever seen, and the first person to comment on them calls them incompetent!

It's all relative. An incompetent version of the Otsutsuki would be extremely incompetent by everyone else's standards.

... At least, I'm guessing that's the opinion of people who have any idea what an Otsutsuki is. I stopped reading Naruto well before the story got to that point, and it doesn't really sound like the story started making *more* sense afterwards.

Does naruto now have an imprint of Gaara's mother in the tome?

Was there ever actually supposed to be anything of Gaara's mother in his seal to begin with? I was under the impression that everything he thought was his mother was just Shukaku all along.

Scout job by who? They don't have their emergency fallback reincarnation option reliably available. Who do you send?
Throwing clan members under a bus is an established standard practice, what with the 'sacrifice to create a God Tree' thing? So whoever is on the expendable list probably.
Luckily for them, most of their power is in attempting to elevate themselves to godhood, so there's very little "superior technology" to examine in the first place.
Whatever enables interplanetary travel seems kind of key...
It's talked about in the war ark that his sand defense isn't from shukaku but has mother. It seems that her soul was also put in his seal for some reason. They might of thought it would make the seal stronger or something. Honestly the whole Garra seal situation was always fuck weird and suspect.
I write the likely most competent version of this group I've ever seen, and the first person to comment on them calls them incompetent! :V
I mean, to a certain extent I was joking. (And/or coming down off the adrenaline crash.)

I honestly have no clue how competent or otherwise the canon Otsutsuki are, never having seen late-season Naruto or Boruto, or seen any other fics dealing with them. (It's always start with Naruto and die off before you get past the Chunin Exams... :p )

My only real comment on your version is that their reaction to realizing they're overstretched is to *remain* overstretched - i.e. the *previous* sets of alarms Kaguya set off or whatever - and without a better understanding of their total situation I can't say whether they had a better option.
It's all relative. An incompetent version of the Otsutsuki would be extremely incompetent by everyone else's standards.

... At least, I'm guessing that's the opinion of people who have any idea what an Otsutsuki is. I stopped reading Naruto well before the story got to that point, and it doesn't really sound like the story started making *more* sense afterwards.

Was there ever actually supposed to be anything of Gaara's mother in his seal to begin with? I was under the impression that everything he thought was his mother was just Shukaku all along.

The Otsutsuki are a multiverse-travelling human-adjent species that is high advanced in Chakra Bloodlines and Yin-Yang Release. They are kinda shit in everything else, though.

As to Gaara's mom, she is in the seal too. That is one of the reasons it is so weak (a weak seal that is supposed to hold one mind is holding two) and why it is such an issue that Shukaku pretends to be his mom (some messages ARE his mom, but most are Shukaku, and he can't tell the difference). His mom's soul is supposedly why he still has the automatic sand defense, even after Shukaku (who ran the actually-not-automated-at-all defense) was removed.
Was there ever actually supposed to be anything of Gaara's mother in his seal to begin with? I was under the impression that everything he thought was his mother was just Shukaku all along.
I mean it's basically shown to us that his automatic sand shield is somehow connected to her, considering during the Fourth War after he had already lost Shukaku the Shield literally took the form of his Mom during his fight with his Edo-Tensei dad.
Throwing clan members under a bus is an established standard practice, what with the 'sacrifice to create a God Tree' thing? So whoever is on the expendable list probably.

Whatever enables interplanetary travel seems kind of key...
Except said expendable Clan Members are needed to continue their harvesting operations, and in this case as I stated before he thinks Kaguya is fighting whatever the threat is thus containing it for now. And she was already on the expendable list.

They travel from dimension to dimension/planet to planet using Jutsu namely Amenominaka and several other unnamed techniques that usually tie back into Dojutsu like the Rinnegan and the Rinne Sharigan. Ōtsutsuki basically don't use technology, if they need to do something they usually just use Chakra to do it, even if it means literally using Chakra to make things like with 'Creation of All Things' which is basically just energy to mass conversion.
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