Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

The Ōtsutsuki are pretty powerful even without a Chakra fruit boosting them up, and if they need to like Kaguya they can wake up the local Shinju and have it go Ten-Tails mode on whoever is challenging them. You know the thing that took basically two other Ōtsutsuki or Naruto/Sasuke at full power to take down, plus I imagine if they really really needed to they could wake up the Homeworld Shinju and have it go Ten-Tails mode. Which is a horrifying thought, because it's the first and oldest Shinju that's been fed on the Chakra of potentially hundreds of worlds.

And all of these advantages would mean "we can hold the line, but barely" if, because it is the Multiverse and the crossover nature of This Timeline meant that anything on the Anime Overpowered Polity is available, had showed on their doorsteps, to not talk of the other franchise where the original omake from where this story has been conceived had stumbled on them (I am talking of the Entities from Worm).
Throwing clan members under a bus is an established standard practice, what with the 'sacrifice to create a God Tree' thing? So whoever is on the expendable list probably.
With their Kama, that's not exactly "expendable" in the normal manner; they would just resurrect after a few years. However, the system responsible for that is exactly what is damaged.

A far safer method, for quite such a long-lived race, is to disconnect that branch of the network until it either collapses or stabilises, and then send someone in afterwards to do a forensic post-incident reconstruction without the risk of further spread/infection.

In fire-fighting terms, the house is already too far gone to save, so their priorities are preventing it from spreading, waiting for it to burn itself out, and then try to figure out the cause. Don't run into a building that might collapse on you at any second.
Problem is, the Ōtsutsuki can't recognize that it's a lost cause, and are doing what the judges on Forged in Fire call "chasing the rabbit".
(It's always start with Naruto and die off before you get past the Chunin Exams... :p )

Oh hey, more parallels with Worm. is this even randomized Leviathan's a lot like an invasion, right?

(Kinda makes me wonder what fanfic would look like if Hunter x Hunter was more popular. For a while it seemed like the manga itself was never going to get out of the Hunter Exam...)

I mean it's basically shown to us that his automatic sand shield is somehow connected to her, considering during the Fourth War after he had already lost the Shukaku the Shield literally took the form of his Mom during his fight with his Edo-Tensei dad.

Ah, okay. I think I'd heard of Gaara still being able to do *something* with sand after losing Shukaku, but I'd gone "this isn't actually fun to read anymore" and checked out before that actually happened.

And all of these advantages would mean "we can hold the line, but barely" if, because it is the Multiverse and the crossover nature of This Timeline meant that anything on the Anime Overpowered Polity is available, had showed on their doorsteps, to not talk of the other franchise where the original omake from where this story has been conceived had stumbled on them (I am talking of the Entities from Worm).
Yes? But so far we've seen nothing connecting this to anything other than MGLN, and the multiverse is vast so for all we know the Ōtsutsuki are surrounded by worlds that don't stand a chance against them. I mean sure they'll eventually bump into someone, but so far it hasn't happened.

Added into things is the fact when a new Shinju Seedling (Ten-Tails) is deployed they drop it from orbit and it hits hard enough to cause a lot of damage, so it's possible they have encountered more advanced civilizations before but it's kinda hard to fight back when a Giant Tree gets dropped onto you from orbit like a Rod From God.
In fire-fighting terms, the house is already too far gone to save, so their priorities are preventing it from spreading, waiting for it to burn itself out, and then try to figure out the cause. Don't run into a building that might collapse on you at any second.
The thing is that they haven't prevented it from spreading. They have no reason to believe that this is just a network phenomenon, and in their favor it doesn't particularly seem like they do make that assumption. But they're not doing anything to address the origin of the problem. And that's probably usually safe for a house fire in the real world, at least for long enough for it to stop burning. Most ignition sources are local and immobile.

But what they've got here is, in the analogy, more of a nest of fantasy salamanders. When they've finished incubating they're going to walk right across your firebreak and there goes the neighborhood.

And the thing is I don't see any reason for them to neglect the possibility of that sort of enemy action.
The thing is that they haven't prevented it from spreading. They have no reason to believe that this is just a network phenomenon, and in their favor it doesn't particularly seem like they do make that assumption. But they're not doing anything to address the origin of the problem. And that's probably usually safe for a house fire in the real world, at least for long enough for it to stop burning. Most ignition sources are local and immobile.
Except as mentioned before Shihiki did at least look at the Power Nodes and saw that they were 'unusually active', he assumed that means Kaguya is on ground containing things. So he contains the Network damage and salvages things there, because losing that would be bad for all of them, while Kaguya who is already considered expendable contains things on the ground hopefully long enough for him to fix the Network and for someone to get freed up so he can send them to investigate.

Because even if Kaguya bites the dust, the local God-Tree is still part of the Network and it will deal with the issue by simply sucking the life force out of the entire planet.

But when he notices that the local God-Tree is somehow dying? Or that it somehow truly died without the Network bringing it back? That's when 'stretched thin' or not someone gets freed up and is sent to find out what the hell is going on, because that's when things truly become a threat.
The thing is that they haven't prevented it from spreading. They have no reason to believe that this is just a network phenomenon, and in their favor it doesn't particularly seem like they do make that assumption. But they're not doing anything to address the origin of the problem. And that's probably usually safe for a house fire in the real world, at least for long enough for it to stop burning. Most ignition sources are local and immobile.

But what they've got here is, in the analogy, more of a nest of fantasy salamanders. When they've finished incubating they're going to walk right across your firebreak and there goes the neighborhood.

And the thing is I don't see any reason for them to neglect the possibility of that sort of enemy action.
To use your example, it is a nest of fantasy salamanders, but there is ALREADY an adventurer there handling the situation. One high-level enough that, as far as the guild knows, they should be able to deal with it. So they are marking the area "salamanders here, do not enter" and will come back when the Adventurer is done, or dead.

It is just that we, as the readers, know there is a dragon there, doesn't mean that assuming every salamnder nest is also a dragon roost is a good idea.
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Thing is, the Ōtsutsuki are literally strong enough to convert pure energy into matter, and AFATK Kaguya is still active and loyal. Hard not to become complacent in that situation.
Thing is, the Ōtsutsuki are literally strong enough to convert pure energy into matter, and AFATK Kaguya is still active and loyal. Hard not to become complacent in that situation.
Except that Creation of All Things isn't supposed be an issue of power. It is basically "are you able to perform the basic yin-yang release?" and "can you visualize what you want to create?". Sure, you can make supernatural effects with greater power, but if you can separate Yin and Yang, visualize an object, and smash the two chakra together, then you can do Creation of All Things.
The guy probably will have to use Izanagi once then and there, because his paranoid mind probably will give him a multi systemic stroke on the spot. Afterwards he's going to fully go Aluminium Hats and worse...
I now have an amusing picture of Danzou in a spiral of stroke -> Izanagi -> stroke -> etc
At least until he runs out of shared eyeballs, of course.

But then again they're connected to something outside and we learned that resurrection is being disconnected... so maybe all those "OP plz nerf" Sharingan abilities are disabled?

Tobi is forever stuck in his empty dimension unless Wiz wants to redeem him as Kakashi's best friend.
Except as mentioned before Shihiki did at least look at the Power Nodes and saw that they were 'unusually active', he assumed that means Kaguya is on ground containing things. So he contains the Network damage and salvages things there, because losing that would be bad for all of them, while Kaguya who is already considered expendable contains things on the ground hopefully long enough for him to fix the Network and for someone to get freed up so he can send them to investigate.

Because even if Kaguya bites the dust, the local God-Tree is still part of the Network and it will deal with the issue by simply sucking the life force out of the entire planet.

But when he notices that the local God-Tree is somehow dying? Or that it somehow truly died without the Network bringing it back? That's when 'stretched thin' or not someone gets freed up and is sent to find out what the hell is going on, because that's when things truly become a threat.
Plus, of course, the "firebreak" for the salamanders to wander across is measured in light-years. He probably assumes that, even if it does start to spread, they have plenty of time to worry about it later.
So, we've seen what happens if a damaged device arrives in Brockton Bay. We've seen what happens when one arrives in Konoha.

But what would happen if it arrived in a land where there's magic everywhere, like Gensokyo?
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So, we've seen what happens if a damaged tome arrives in Brockton Bay. We've seen what happens when one arrives in Konoha.

But what would happen if it arrived in a land where there's magic everywhere, like Gensokyo?
We haven't seen a tome in Worm. We saw a damaged belt that became a necklace in Worm.
Except as mentioned before Shihiki did at least look at the Power Nodes and saw that they were 'unusually active', he assumed that means Kaguya is on ground containing things. So he contains the Network damage and salvages things there, because losing that would be bad for all of them, while Kaguya who is already considered expendable contains things on the ground hopefully long enough for him to fix the Network and for someone to get freed up so he can send them to investigate.

Because even if Kaguya bites the dust, the local God-Tree is still part of the Network and it will deal with the issue by simply sucking the life force out of the entire planet.

But when he notices that the local God-Tree is somehow dying? Or that it somehow truly died without the Network bringing it back? That's when 'stretched thin' or not someone gets freed up and is sent to find out what the hell is going on, because that's when things truly become a threat.
I do not read that scene as "I trust Kaguya to deal with this".

I thought it was pretty clear that the attitude on Kaguya is "she can be useful or dead and I only care a little bit about which".
To use your example, it is a nest of fantasy salamanders, but there is ALREADY an adventurer there handling the situation. One high-level enough that, as far as the guild knows, they should be able to deal with it. So they are marking the area "salamanders here, do not enter" and will come back when the Adventurer is done, or dead.

It is just that we, as the readers, know there is a dragon there, doesn't mean that assuming every salamnder nest is also a dragon roost is a good idea.
Kaguya, who he doesn't consider reliable at all, vs. and unknown but known to be unprecedented problem?

That's not a high enough level adventurer.
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I do not read that scene as "I trust Kaguya to deal with this".

I thought it was pretty clear that the attitude on Kaguya is "she can be useful or dead and I only care a little bit about which".

Kaguya, who he doesn't consider reliable at all, vs. and unknown but known to be unprecedented problem?

That's not a high enough level adventurer.
Dude, the Otsutsuki literally have never met anything more powerful than them. Kaguya is a WEAK member of the species and still supposed to be able to handle basically anything given enough time, which their natural agelessness and reincarnation techniques grant. Their thought is basically "if it exists, it is weaker than us", and reality has basically shown that as true. Just because the uber-powerful race sent the weakest member, doesn't mean that the weakest member isn't strong enough to handle the issue.
Dude, the Otsutsuki literally have never met anything more powerful than them. Kaguya is a WEAK member of the species and still supposed to be able to handle basically anything given enough time, which their natural agelessness and reincarnation techniques grant. Their thought is basically "if it exists, it is weaker than us", and reality has basically shown that as true. Just because the uber-powerful race sent the weakest member, doesn't mean that the weakest member isn't strong enough to handle the issue.
This came from the actual chapter:
Something there was likely causing Kaguya massive problems, and if she hadn't called for help long before now then she was either unable to or an idiot. Either way, if she won then she had other ways to reconnect with the clan, otherwise she and that particular God Tree were going to be a write-off. When they achieved true godhood they'd consider coming back to avenge her.
The viewpoint is absolutely not considering it a certainty that Kaguya has this handled.
This came from the actual chapter:

The viewpoint is absolutely not considering it a certainty that Kaguya has this handled.
Having it handled, and having it contained aren't exactly the same though. So long as Kaguya is fighting it, that means it's probably focusing on her and not them. I mean really what is Shihiki supposed to do? All of the Clan are focused on their goals, they're focusing on harvesting what worlds they've planted trees at for now. And he doesn't have anyone to spare because even those who are considered expendable have a job to do right now, and they don't have the time to go out to a far away isolated area to investigate right now.

So contain the damage, and keep an eye on things as best you can from a distance. And if it seems like Kaguya has kicked the bucket alongside her God Tree that means whatever killed them might end up finding and coming for the rest of the Clan. Naruto Earth, and yes it's called Earth in canon is basically a middle of nowhere backwater to the Ōtsutsuki if whatever the threat might be somehow wins it still has to find the rest of the Clan.

know Naruto and the Tome are a legitimate threat to the Ōtsutsuki, they don't, and from what we know of their history they basically crushed any resistance they have faced like ants. So Shihiki has decided it's a problem for later, rather than a problem for now because in his mind they have more important things to do.
Having it handled, and having it contained aren't exactly the same though. So long as Kaguya is fighting it, that means it's probably focusing on her and not them. I mean really what is Shihiki supposed to do? All of the Clan are focused on their goals, they're focusing on harvesting what worlds they've planted trees at for now. And he doesn't have anyone to spare because even those who are considered expendable have a job to do right now, and they don't have the time to go out to a far away isolated area to investigate right now.

So contain the damage, and keep an eye on things as best you can from a distance. And if it seems like Kaguya has kicked the bucket alongside her God Tree that means whatever killed them might end up finding and coming for the rest of the Clan. Naruto Earth, and yes it's called Earth in canon is basically a middle of nowhere backwater to the Ōtsutsuki if whatever the threat might be somehow wins it still has to find the rest of the Clan.

know Naruto and the Tome are a legitimate threat to the Ōtsutsuki, they don't, and from what we know of their history they basically crushed any resistance they have faced like ants. So Shihiki has decided it's a problem for later, rather than a problem for now because in his mind they have more important things to do.

And that's a really bad way to deal with an outside context problem. Which he knows this is.

It's not a completely senseless choice, but it is a pretty questionable prioritization.

And that's a really bad way to deal with an outside context problem. Which he knows this is.

It's not a completely senseless choice, but it is a pretty questionable prioritization.
Arrogance is a hell of a drug, Pride too now that I think about it. Something all Ōtsutsuki even the Moon ones have in vast quantities, when you fit the definition of a immortal 'living god' lowercase g in this case, and have ambitions and plans to become living Gods with the uppercase G you kind of need them. Combine that with a feeling of security in 'We've crushed all who opposed us in the past, we can do so again. Especially when we ascend to divinity.' it kind of lines up with what you'd expect.

Course just because he isn't sending people to investigate right now, doesn't mean he won't ever send someone, or that like in canon someone could be derping around with dimensional travel and draw the Clan's attention. Because there's a difference between 'This potentially incompetent subordinate is struggling against some local yokels might have to write her off, and what the hell did she do to fuck up her cluster of the Reincarnation Network?' and 'Huh, these people travelling dimensions like us might be rivals time to investigate.'
On the matter of "gods" in Naruto.

Anyone have a short answer?

In Naruto we have real (for what ever real is in this context) gods.

And we have the Ōtsutsuki that are god wannabes and we do not know what the Ōtsutsuki think it means to be a god.

So anyone have a short answer?
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