Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Spinning "once on its axis" is the approximate length of the full day/night cycle. Half of 27.322 days is 13.661 days, or about two weeks each of day and night.

Thank you for the correction. I was thinking of how long it takes for the moon to go around the earth as seen from a point on earth (moonrise to moonrise) and misapplied that to the orbit of the moon (this would only be correct to do if the earth wasn't rotating). I have corrected my mental model.

I really enjoy your stories. Thank you for providing such wonderful entertainment.
You know, as a new, artificial moon, it doesn't need to be tidally locked to the planet. It could thus have a matching day/night cycle to the planet, thus all those problems would go away... just saying could.
You know, as a new, artificial moon, it doesn't need to be tidally locked to the planet. It could thus have a matching day/night cycle to the planet, thus all those problems would go away... just saying could.

Tidal locking would require energy input to prevent, so likely not worth the effort?

Besides, the whole reason to build the moon was to fix tidal problems caused by the previous artificial moon being destroyed.
More importantly, it is easier for the moon to act as an observation platform if you just have the sensory equipment locked to look away from or toward the planet and not have to constantly adjust for the moon's rotation moving the "camera" angle out of place.
Besides, the whole reason to build the moon was to fix tidal problems caused by the previous artificial moon being destroyed.
The tides that the moon causes on the earth would be about the same even if the moon wasn't tidally locked. However if the moon wasn't tidally locked then people on it would get to see the tides that the earth causes on it
The tides that the moon causes on the earth would be about the same even if the moon wasn't tidally locked. However if the moon wasn't tidally locked then people on it would get to see the tides that the earth causes on it
That's actually an incredibly good reason to ensure that the artificial moon IS tidally locked - having to compensate for the earth's tidal effects on a massive artificial structure would add complexity and failure points to the design.
More importantly, it is easier for the moon to act as an observation platform if you just have the sensory equipment locked to look away from or toward the planet and not have to constantly adjust for the moon's rotation moving the "camera" angle out of place.

I was under the impression he'd moved on to a ludicrously sized Very Large Array at this point anyway?
Not yet. Right now the moon is the scanning array, I think.
It progressed to the orbital VDA(Very Dangerous Array) around the Earth comprised of the bigger-on-the-inside satellites, which is considerably larger, if possibly less dense in terms of sensors. There was mention of a similar array being constructed around the Sun, but unclear if that is operational yet.

I believe there was mention of the intention to build further defenses(and hence sensors) further out in the system, but I might be misremembering that.
Just thought of something. Way back when, it was said that the one Uzumaki Mask that did a time travel thing ended up sending its victims into space because it didn't take the planet's position into consideration when sending the wearer back to the previous time, but current location, they'd worn it, or something like that. What are the chances of finding random Uzumaki bodies and artifacts around the system, now that it's being explored?
Just thought of something. Way back when, it was said that the one Uzumaki Mask that did a time travel thing ended up sending its victims into space because it didn't take the planet's position into consideration when sending the wearer back to the previous time, but current location, they'd worn it, or something like that. What are the chances of finding random Uzumaki bodies and artifacts around the system, now that it's being explored?
Not much, since the planetary system isn't static in space, probably. It should be orbiting a galactic core, so those bodies are scattered out along the track of its path. The new telescopic mage arrays are impressive, but I suspect they still aren't up to picking up human-sized objects in interstellar space.
Chapter 111 - Moon Exam: Skill Testing
Hinata thought that the start of the jounin skill tests was a bit understated, but not needing to do a 'everyone meets up to get informed of things that could fit on a sheet of paper' dance was far more efficient. What had her confused was Naruto running off again, and it had taken her some time to find him in one of the other dimensions. Even that had only been possible because he'd left a transport pad unlocked for her and Ino.

"What are you working on now?" she questioned one of his clones as she looked at the teams of clones constructing...something, mildly annoyed because it looked like technology.

"Boss decided that he needs a supercomputer or thirty," his clone answered.

"Beyond the 'more computing power than any nation's non-Uzushio computing systems' cores in every major settlement or the insane computing array built into the moon?"

"None of them can keep up with scanning for threats and we're still working on getting the full scanning system constructed."

"Oh. Why is he doing this alone instead of asking for help?"

"Accuracy concerns."


"Mangekyo sharingan and rinnegan examinations are needed to ensure that things are correctly constructed." The clone gestured to a computer terminal nearby. "If you want to look at the plans then feel free."

She did so, and quickly found that things were far beyond anything she'd expected. It looked like technology from a distance, but the plans indicated that the work fully integrated seals and magic throughout the entire construction. In fact, she was having trouble spotting places that seals weren't used, and both they and the technology aspects were defined at precisions that were giving her a headache just thinking about them.

"When did he have time to design this?" she finally asked.

"It started as an improved computer core design and just kind of grew from there," the clone answered. "Only upon realizing that far too much data has to be discarded by the moon's systems did it become a serious consideration for building though."

"Ah. How much can this handle?"

"In theory the finished array could be pushed to a few thousand exaflops per second, but we won't know if it comes close to that in practice until all of the units are built. If projections are accurate then approximately six years worth of monthly scanning the star system should be able to be stored though, which is the bigger concern."

" don't even understand that properly, do you?"

"Only because there are a bunch of clones emulating technology division members in the swarm working on the thing feeding me information."

Yeah, that sounded right.

Hiyuki was annoyed at the distances involved in the skill tests. Yes, he knew that jounin had to be able to move around a lot faster than a chunin was expected to, but the skill tests were arrayed over an area the size of one of the larger non-Uzushio countries.

Uzushio was definitely an outlier on that front though, given that they had an entire moon now. That had to make them the largest country by controlled area, though possibly not the largest 'on the planet'.

That aside, he'd finally reached the testing location he'd been aiming for. A probably-not-human proctor was standing there under a basic sun shade in the middle of a large field. He landed next to the proctor and nodded. "I'm hoping this is the taijutsu skill test."

"It can be," the proctor confirmed.

"...what else can it be?"

"Wide area techniques."

"Ah. Am I allowed to test both?"

"You are! Which would you like to start with?"

"Let's start with taijutsu."

The proctor nodded, and suddenly zombies started pulling themselves out of the ground. "Defeat the zombies with taijutsu, optionally holding kunai or shuriken so long as you do not throw them."

Well, that sounded downright generous. The zombies fought much better than expected once he was in the middle of them though, and it was actually a decent workout taking them all out. Groups of the things even showed teamwork, nearly getting good hits on him due to him not expecting that, but eventually he made it through all two hundred and six.

"Why two hundred and six?" he asked as he returned to the proctor.

"A random selection between minimum and maximum numbers is generated," the proctor replied. "And there were two hundred and eight, but it's understandable that you miscounted the ones taken out by you throwing others into groups."

...apparently he'd failed to show off how well he'd been paying attention. "I hope I at least passed."

"You did. Would you like to attempt the wide area techniques test now?"

"Might as well accomplish multiple tests in one stop."

The proctor nodded, and a larger group of zombies started clawing their way out of the the same time that a ring appeared around them. "Without crossing the line, take out all the zombies with ten or fewer techniques."

Okay, that was definitely being generous. He judged distances, then sketched a circle just inside of the line and activated his rock roller jutsu. What he'd designed as a giant rolling pin formed out of the earth and started rolling in a circle around them, flattening the zombies as it did so. He had to direct it to do a second circle, slightly further out, because he'd hit the maximum length he could get and that hadn't reached quite far enough for fifteen or so zombies at the far edge of things.

When he turned back to the proctor, he was surprised to see that there was now a computer terminal on a stand there. It showed his two completions and showed him a map of other testing stations he could choose to go to.

Orochi had spent three days on the moon with Tsunade and decided that no, she and Mito were not staying there long-term. Ruri had been in full agreement after finding out that 'day' and 'night' lasted a couple of weeks each on the moon. No, dealing with that kind of situation was not something they wanted to do, no matter the research opportunities. 'Day trips', as defined by Earth days and not moon days, were more their style.

That Tsunade was willing to put up with the insanity was a testament to her own research drive though, which was admittedly impressive. If either of them was looking for a more physical relationship it might even be enough to trigger some incidents, but they weren't looking for that right now.

None of this really changed how much work she was doing with the civilian scientists, or the revelations they were coming up with in the process of examining everything Uzushio was letting them examine. Their maps of the star system and important objects within it had gone from approximately 'we know these planets exist' to 'we have a good idea what moons exist around each planet, minus a couple that the Sun has blocked our view' in a remarkably short period of time.

Then there were the communication satellites and documentation needed to use them, currently revolutionizing everyone else's radio technology. There was the caveat that using the satellites meant that Uzushio would be able to monitor things, but the scientists were of the opinion that everything was already being monitored so why throw away the gifted 'and you can use our network' access?

It also seemed that shops on the moon were selling various technological trinkets that scientists were buying up to figure out how they worked. Light strips that took a fraction of the power of normal lighting, flashlights apparently based on the same technology, toys that used the not-radio communication trick that electricity could flow over and had motors inside that were far better than they had any right to be...

How much of it was set up specifically to show off compared to someone deciding that the shops needed inventory and slapping it together was entirely unknown, of course. Probably a mixture of things, given that Konoha's access to Uzushio's technology division records showed that they'd designed most of it but hadn't put it into mass production despite the moon having shops full of inventory of the various items.

One thing Orochi personally liked, and wanted Uzushio to distribute a bit more widely, were the 'baby monitors'. Tsunade had picked one up and being able to keep an ear on a napping Mito from anywhere in the house was a godsend. Even better, you only had to plug in one end and could wear the other on a little belt clip. The same trick was probably incredibly useful for spying as well, especially if it used the not-radio insane-range communication seals, but that felt secondary to childcare right now.

Probably only because she had a small child to care for, admittedly.

Jono was a little surprised that she found herself appreciating the distance between skill tests. They actually served as a way to recover from one test before beginning another, while also serving as a 'can you navigate unfamiliar terrain' test. Not that you didn't get that situation constantly once on proper chunin missions, of course, and even familiar territory frequently had unanticipated changes.

Arriving at what should be the next test station, she frowned. There was no sign of a testing station. She checked her notes, landmarks she could see, used a couple of jutsu to confirm distances...and she was right where the testing was supposed to be. That was concerning, because it either meant it was well-disguised or she'd completely screwed up reading the map. The main thing giving her pause on 'she made a mistake' was that she was dead center in an empty field...for an earth-nature skill test.

Considering that, she dropped into the ground right in the middle of the field, searching for something underground...and almost immediately fell into a small room with a proctor standing there.

"Congratulations," the proctor said as she recovered from the unexpected fall. "You're the first person to seek me out and find me."

"You're well-hidden," she said, looking up at the expansive dirt ceiling. Apparently you could be off by a good twenty feet from the center of the field and still hit the room.

"Part one of passing the test is finding me. Part two is finding a token in the field."

She turned to the proctor. "A...token?"

"Five centimeters in diameter, with a picture of the Earth on it, and a unique serial number etched into the edge."

Ugh. Finding something like that buried in the field was going to be annoying. But she nodded and jumped up to the ceiling, moving through the dirt again to the surface. There were a number of ways to use earth manipulation to either scan through dirt or bring objects up to the surface. She doubted that the circle above the area the proctor was in would hold a token, because stumbling upon one getting in would be counterproductive to testing, so she started a circle outside of that.

It took forty-five minutes to 'sift' enough dirt to find a token, after which she dove back down to the proctor...and ran face-first into another one in the dirt over the underground room. Right on the edge though, making her think that things had been set up with levels of expectations, counter-expectations, and so on. Possibly down to 'some testees will come back in on the edge of the room once they know where that is, so ring that area with tokens to infuriate them when they finally find one further out'.

"Please tell me that there's something else I can do here," she said to the proctor after handing both tokens over.

The proctor gave her a sad smile while gesturing at the console showing a map. "This station permits wood release testing as well, but we know that you aren't capable of using it."

Naruto had checked on the skill tests at the halfway point, the candidates still having half a week to finish things, and found that everything was running approximately as predicted. The pass and fail rates on some individual tests were a little off from what he'd expected, but were still well within specifications. There was a decidedly smaller number of 'needed to answer questions' hits on that team than anticipated though, but an expected rate of questions asked, which seemed to indicate that a better than expected job had been done of pre-populating answers for the system.

Personally simulating two thirds of those participating and getting questions they seemed likely to ask taken care of ahead of time likely helped there, but that was an incredibly imprecise method of populating answers.

He'd also checked on other things, like activity planet-side and the false-positive flagging on the monitoring systems. Most of the latter seemed to be more tied to the current systems having problems processing enough information, but it would be a few weeks minimum before he could start bringing in the supercomputer cluster. Longer if he ran into any major construction problems, or other tasks came up to take more of his time, and then there would be a month or two of testing to ensure that it all functioned properly.

Hinata had needed to be pulled away from the supercomputer plans though as she'd started getting 'ranty'. Things that shouldn't work but did, impossible construction elements, and other such details. She knew that the seals and magic sides of things were why it all worked, but just hadn't wrapped her head around enough to see how yet. Of course, she also hadn't done more deep examinations of the Tome to figure out more internals, and he was reasonably certain that the Tome was still going to be more computationally powerful than any single unit of the supercomputer cluster.

Tadizo had taken three hours running over water to reach the testing station and needed a quick rest before approaching the proctor. "So, what's the goal here?"

"The first stage was managing to reach me at all," the proctor admitted. "Now you need to identify the code on the sea floor below us."

"...there's a code down there."


"This is probably deeper than any body of water any shinobi has ever needed to dive into back on Earth, and you want me to go down to find a code."

"It was labeled as one of the harder skill tests."

That was unfortunately true, and diving had been warned about on the map. He grumbled, but dove into the water anyway. Managing to keep the pressure from crushing him was harder than he was used to as he headed deeper, and he had to coat his little flashlight in chakra to protect it as he didn't have a light-creation jutsu that worked under water. Eventually he found the sea floor theory. There was obviously a constructed mountain under the water for him to find, and circling around it had him spotting six different clues. He committed those to memory and swam back up, climbing back onto the floating platform before unsealing some paper to write the clues down on.

It took him ten minutes to decipher the clues, after probably twenty spent in the water, but the proctor accepted his answer. "Good job. Here's the map, and you can use the transport pad here to return to shore."

"That's nice of you," he admitted, looking at the map. "But I note that the map doesn't tell me where on shore the pad will drop me."

"Which is part of the test, of course. You can know where you are by going across the water yourself or figure out where you ended up by taking the pad."

In hindsight that was an obvious test on its own.

Shino was impressed that they had insect-related skill tests. Information gathering in this case, and thus nothing that required being an Aburame. He was reasonably certain that it could be handled by other insect-using clans across the Elemental Nations, not that he had direct proof. Fu had obviously beaten him to this one as well, and had left little hints behind for him regarding the solution.

She was unfortunately too trusting that the solution would be the same for each person, no matter how 'built in' the solution appeared to be.

Based on that, he'd ensured that he went through and found all the actual clues, deciphering them himself. As expected, he came up with a different answer than Fu's hints implied should be the case.

"Good job," the proctor said once handed the answer.

"Thank you," Shino replied.

"It looks like you need a few minutes to finish pulling your insects out of the system."

"...I do, but that's plenty of time to examine the map to choose my next test."

"Very true."

Twenty minutes later he was on his way to his next chosen test. He'd have to ask Fu why she bothered leaving clues at all when they next met up.

Ryose ran a genjutsu dispel to prove to herself that she was seeing what she thought she was. How Uzushio had stuck a molten lava pool inside of an ice cave at sea level of what looked like a floating glacier was beyond her understanding, but that's what she'd found. There was a proctor standing off to the side, and she moved over to them as she eyed the lava pool. "What do I have to do here?"

"Push chakra into the yellow orb on the pole sticking out of the lava," the proctor replied. "When it goes from yellow to green you've pushed enough in."

" Just the implications of safely getting a way to reach the orb make this seem like quite the challenge."

"We've had to save two people already that failed to make a suitable bridge."

"Yeah. Has anyone passed already?"

"Not yet. You're only the third to show up to attempt it."

Well, it had been labeled with a lava symbol, so she wasn't too surprised at that. She reached out to the orb with a chakra string, successfully latching onto it and pumping chakra down the string. It took longer than she thought it should before the orb flickered, and another ten seconds had it change to a solid green. "There you go."

"Congratulations on being the first to figure out the simple solution."

"Is there another test I can perform while I'm here?"

"Not with your skill set."

"Try me."

"There's another orb under the lava holding a token to be retrieved."

"'re right, there's no way I'm pulling that one off. Where's the map?"

Fu found it interesting that they had insect-related skill tests, given that she knew that the Aburame were one of the few clans that used them. Information gathering was reasonably straightforward with insects as well, and Shino had obviously been here before her. While he'd obviously left clues, she wasn't sure if someone else had been through and possibly messed them up on her so she didn't trust them.

As it turned out, that was the right move as the clues pointed at something that was close to correct but not actually correct. It was a bit harder for her to pull her hive back to her as she'd not lived with them her entire life, but she managed it before going over to the proctor with her answer.

"Good job," the proctor said as a map lit up for her.

"Thank you," she replied, examining the map. She doubted that there'd be more than a couple of insect-related tests, but the map showed a flying one. She liked flying, so that was an obvious next choice.

She would need to find out why Shino had left clues for her, assuming it wasn't just his hive having marked areas and him not cleaning it up afterwards.

Nomio grinned as he worked his way through the maze. Bozane had obviously been through here already and had left markings at key intersections, allowing bypassing of several puzzles through punching the correct codes into the doors to open the path forward. Not all of them, admittedly, only the hardest-looking puzzles. But that fit their general view of things and made it trivial to slip through faster to have more time for additional tests.

He'd just come to another such puzzle, grimacing at the difficulty of the puzzle itself. Yeah, this was not his personal best choice for a challenge. Deciphering the markings left behind was easy enough though, and had him punching the solution code into the left-hand door. That opened without any problem, and he moved forward...only for the door to slam behind him before the floor dropped out from beneath him as though it had never been there.

Righting himself as he fell was easy enough, though the fall took far longer than it should've while also taking far less time than it felt like it had before landing next to the proctor. Blinking and looking up, there was no obvious hole in the ceiling. How in the world had he...

"You've failed," the proctor said, causing him to blink. He then scowled, because Bozane had probably failed as well, making a mistake without realizing it, and there had been no way to go back and fix the markings.

"No second tries?" he asked.

"Not for this test."

"Do I at least get to see a map?"

"No, map access is for successful completions only. Hopefully you noted multiple tests on your previous maps and can reach one of them."

Fuck. He'd barely paid attention to the other points on the last map.

Yoko shook her head as Davaa fidgeted. "What is it that you wish to ask me?"

"Er," he said. "Would you happen to have a brother?"

"I do."

"One that's exceptionally well-traveled?"

"Oh, definitely. I understand he checked in on you somewhat recently."

The man nodded. "Yes."

"He checks in on areas a lot more than I do."


"If that's all that has you nervous, I believe you have a list of requests from your leaders?"

He blinked at her, then nodded. "Er, yes. Though I don't recall mentioning that."

"My brother let me know."

"Oh. The main request is that they're, er, hoping that some of our people could study here more permanently?"

She didn't sigh, but it was close. "You wish to have shrine helpers learn here."

"That would be my interpretation, but they did not put it anywhere near that way. I hope out of ignorance and not malice."

"I am not yet equipped to teach your people. The cultural divide is one of several concerns, and none of my people can speak your language."

" and your brother have no problems?"

"We are unusual cases. I have a priest and priestess seeing if they can learn your language, but it is slow going and there are a number of other considerations that are...more difficult to work with."

"Oh. That isn't likely to be taken well."

"Warnings that your leaders cannot force pupils on me have already been delivered."

The man gulped. "What...kind of warnings?"

"Suitable ones." Inked on their own chests in the middle of the night by clones, but the man didn't need to know that. "There is always a chance that my brother missed some other request though. Were there any others?"

Davaa shook his head. "No, not from them. A couple of local taverns have asked about how to construct a smaller shrine though, as I mentioned the possibility from reading what you provided."

"Ah, now that I can walk you through easily enough."

Bozane swore as he found another set of markings from Himeko. The maze had to overlap with itself if you took wrong paths, maybe to give you a second or third shot if you made an honest mistake, but every single time markings had been left they'd pointed to the wrong door...and generally to an incorrect answer that the wrong door accepted as though it were the right one. Why she'd leave markings like this was also entirely unknown, because why would she expect him or Nomio to find the same skill test?

The problem was that the markings were a significant distraction as he worked his way through the puzzles himself. He'd taken to spending a couple of minutes ensuring that he'd removed all the markings before starting on his own solving, adding a couple of minutes to each puzzle with them. This one was no different, careful cleaning leaving an unblemished puzzle. He then figured out how to arrange things to create the solve path needed and obtained the code, noting that it led to the door on the right this time.

Punching the code in, he continued through the door and ensured that he was ready to reach out and slap a wall in case of another unexpected pit trap. Down the corridor, around a corner, open the door there while watching for traps to trigger...

...and then he found himself with the proctor.

"Congratulations," the proctor said. "You have passed."

"Oh," he said. "Cool. Er, I don't suppose either of my teammates passed?"

"One of your teammates has passed through, but failed."

Yeah, that tracked from the consistently horrible clues left behind.

Ino found it amusing how many tests had been failed on the 'found obvious clues from a teammate or acquaintance and trusted them' front. Admittedly, Naruto's systems for faking those were...less than perfect, a number of those being tested noticing obvious problems. Like the person being faked not having made it into the skill tests. Those fake clues had been left until day three though, so there was less of a 'ran into them before the other person could possibly have left them' problem than you might otherwise expect.

Anyone falling for the false clues was being marked down beyond simply failing their tests. The few people actually leaving clues for teammates were having their clues modified as well, because making it easy wasn't in the plans.

There were also three fights that had broken out between teammates over false clues. A couple where both teammates had gone through the same test and thought the other had misled them and one where only one of the pair fighting had gone through a test but thought that the other had done so and not left a 'I failed this one' warning outside.

She was also pleased with how well infiltration teams had been doing over the past few days. Only one had needed to be pulled out due to mistakes, plus two that had to be called off because of unexpected changes in the plans of their targets and a third where Kisame Hoshigaki had shown up to rob the place and they'd rightfully bailed. They'd now reached the point where enough of the nobles were filtering back to Earth thanks to transport pads to end their ability to openly target large numbers of them, but they had gotten most of their objectives and by all indications hadn't left any significant evidence behind.

...well, except for the infiltrations where they'd intentionally left evidence framing someone else behind, anyway.

They were now down to the last hours of the skill tests and approaching 'prep for the live combat stage'. Which Naruto hadn't detailed for anyone ahead of time, of course, because why would he?

Sasori was proud of himself for having managed to get through the skill tests with minimal use of his puppets. He'd failed once due to not quite being skilled enough with wind chakra, but had done three extra tests to make up for that and prove that it was more fluke than consistent problem. Besides, not everyone could be good with all elements. Now he was ensuring that he'd resupplied, needing to pick up some additional meals and replace a dozen kunai he didn't have time to properly work damage out of before the next stage.

Nobody knew exactly how long they'd have once the skill test stage officially ended in...a little over an hour now. It was possible that those running up to the last minute wouldn't have time to resupply at all, which was why he'd ensured that he made time to swing through the appropriate stores. As it happened, he'd also had time for a proper meal that hadn't come out of a supply scroll.

Finishing checking that he'd purchased everything, he headed for a 'rentable workspace'. Each participant had been given a couple hours of time in those for equipment maintenance and he wanted to do a once-over on the puppets he'd used during the skill tests. There shouldn't be any problems as he had checked them before putting them away, but it was far better to be safe now than to be sorry later.

Sakura looked over the gathered chunin a mere thirty minutes after the skill tests had ended. "I had thought that I might be disqualifying some of you due to injuries, but those of you who were injured had the sense to make time to get your injuries looked at before this meeting. We've also only eliminated two people due to not making it to the meeting on time."

There were some snickers at that.

"However," she continued. "I can't tell you what the next stage will bring as you aren't starting it immediately. Those of you who have already prepared have been noted, but you have a full twenty-four hours to ensure that you are properly rested and supplied. What I can tell you is that when you meet back here, assuming you are not late, you will be assigned teammates for the next stage. Barring issues with sufficient numbers, your teammates will come from other villages and we will be striving to avoid pairing you with teammates from close allies as well."

That got their attention, and the general mood after that was obviously 'worried'. But there were no audible complaints, which she appreciated, and she sent them off a minute later.

Doing this for Karin was annoying, but nowhere near as annoying as dealing with a shinobi that had somehow blown up their own hand with water chakra in the process of failing a skill test.
small units error
exaflops per second is quadratic
Because flops are floating point operations per second, so if your unit is exaflops per second your computing power is increasing the longer you run the array.

Which means that computing problems go away fast.
Not exponential fast, but fast.
In-universe in-character error, immediately all-but-pointed-out by Hinata:
" don't even understand that properly, do you?"
In-universe in-character error, immediately all-but-pointed-out by Hinata:
And the next time she checks in on things she learns that, no it wasn't a mistake, the seals and magic make the computers more efficient(and durable probably) the longer they run as a future proofing method so that they only have to solve the increasing memory requirements to hold all the information they will be recording. Bonus points if the progressive improvement in processing power was an unintended interaction and the accuracy of Naruto's description is only noticed by him after a few weeks.
Doing this for Karin was annoying, but nowhere near as annoying as dealing with a shinobi that had somehow blown up their own hand with water chakra in the process of failing a skill test.

OUCH! Why the heck did he even think that jutsu was a good idea? Please tell me he didn't try to improvise a jutsu he'd seen someone else use but was never actually taught how to do it himself.
Chapter 112 - Moon Exam: Team Combat
Karin looked across the group of chunin, shaking her head. "I can tell that you're worried about the number of you present. We have over a hundred plans for how to divide you up fairly, depending on a number of factors, but our preference was for there to be an even number of you. As that's what happened, you will be assigned partners for the next week." She produced four tokens from a pouch and held them up. "Each of you will receive one of four tokens, a different one than the token your partner receives. You and your partner will need all four tokens at the end of the week to move on. There will be no early exit for obtaining tokens before the week is up."

There were a number of grimaces at that, but she signaled for the screens to turn on. To her they looked blank, but to each of the chunin they should see their picture and their partner's information. Pausing a moment to let them look outraged, she spoke up before they could start yelling. "Many of you have noticed that your partners are...objectionable, to put it mildly in some cases. Village, clan, family, and even known personal grievances were taken into account as we worked to ensure that as many of you as possible were given your worst possible match-ups. Jounin must be able to put the mission above such grievances, rarely getting to choose who they must work with when assigned a mission that intersects with another village."

The general horror on the faces of the chunin at that declaration amused her, though not all the chunin knew what the problem was with their partner and there were six pairs that had no such problems at all. They'd run out of possible problems for those six and had to settle for horrible skill match-ups instead.

"As a reminder," she continued. "You and your assigned partner must survive as a team and collectively hold a full set of four tokens at the end of the week to progress. If you abandon each other and still collect the required tokens then you will still be disqualified, and we will know. We may even extract you at the point that it's obvious that you are no longer working together, failing you early and removing any tokens you hold at the time from play."

They made quick work of splitting everyone up into their pairs, getting them tokens, and sending them through a collection of transport pads to their entry points into the forest surrounding an artificial volcano that they'd be fighting in. Now, in theory they had enough tokens in play for half of the participants to pass. Assuming even distribution of the four tokens, anyway. In reality, half the tokens were identical with each team having one. The rest of the tokens were split three ways, to reduce things down to at most a third of the team count.

Shino was less than pleased with his partner, but at least it wasn't a member of the Kamizuru clan. Assuming any remained in Iwa's ranks, anyway. Dealing with an area of effect lightning user was...problematic though, especially as they'd regularly gone up against Aburame and wiped out large numbers of insects.

That they were apparently afraid of insects wasn't making this any easier.

Luckily, both of them were professional enough to look past their issues with each other for the good of the mission, unlike another team or two that appeared to be ready to try to kill each other before even making it to the transport pads.

"I can scout for others but not easily find out what tokens they have," Shino said as they moved through the trees, dodging the attempts by the branches to take them out. "The markings are not distinct enough for my partners to identify, and even if they were we cannot assume that tokens will be reachable."

"Makes sense," Sazen replied. "That's almost certainly part of why they're using tokens and not scrolls. Easier to conceal and harder to spot."


"...but, er, what's with the puppet?"

"I can only carry so many insects with me at once. The puppet protects additional hives, allows me greater range and flexibility, and has a number of built-in tools to aid in close-range combat if needed."

"It's...full of insects?"


The man shivered, and gave the puppet a wary look, but didn't move to do anything to it. Thankfully, because the trip back to Konoha to fetch it after the skill tests had been annoying.

Han stretched as he moved away from the vegetables he'd just finished steaming, allowing those that served as helpers to portion them out. The fabrics he'd started on earlier needed another hit due to a particularly troublesome clay and should be ready for him to give another attempt. He didn't find most of this interesting, but it paid well enough.

Doubly so when you considered that the people in the area were willing to go to great lengths to get new books for him.

Unfortunately, he didn't make it to the cleaning room before someone started ringing the village bell. Grimacing, he hopped out of a window and headed for the village gates. Roshi had swung through and ensured that the village walls were strong enough to handle bandits, but the gates were a weak point and strong walls made most bandits think that there was more here than there was.

Sure enough, there was a group of bandits starting to make trouble. He hadn't had time to get his armor, not that it fit him well anymore. Not since the tail had started coming in, at any rate. But he also didn't need it anymore, barreling through the bandits without much concern for their weapons. No, he was now much tougher, and his appearance was enough to cause those unfamiliar with him to panic.

He was not kind to those that intruded upon the peace of the village, nor did the villagers expect him to be. When he was done only two bandits had escaped, and he'd allowed them to so that hopefully others would be warned away.

"I think I'll tackle the fabrics again tomorrow," he mused as the villagers started to clean up the corpses. They got a bit insulted if he tried to do things that were 'beneath him' and not directly related to his boiling and steam tricks.

In some ways they had the unfortunate habit of worshiping him, honestly. Roshi's last visit had included a similar complaint regarding non-shinobi he worked around regularly as well.

Himeko scowled as her arm was looked at by the medic-nin. Nomio had been too trusting of obviously-faked clues and had failed the skill tests, something she and Bozane hadn't been stupid enough to do, but she'd not made it five minutes into the forest before she had to defend herself from her 'partner'. She got a kunai to the arm and nearly took a tanto to the stomach, but had gotten her katana into his chest before then.

What felt like fifteen seconds later a pair of proctors had arrived, stabilized the asshole's injuries, and dragged them both out of the forest.

"So," the pink-haired and wolf-featured medic-nin said. "Though you were eliminated, the reports will show that you made no attempt to attack until your life was put in danger, so it shouldn't hurt future promotion chances. That you came out mostly uninjured and were starting to treat your own wound will probably help."

"Thank you," she replied.

"They are unlikely to see promotion for a few years though."

"I should hope not."

"Well, your arm should be fine now. The poison didn't have time to spread deeper into your system."

"...he poisoned me?"



"Definitely. As a consolation prize and apology for having to deal with him, you've got two free meals here and can pick up a free five-meal reusable storage tag from any of the shops selling them."

That had her blinking. "Oh. Cool. I'd been hoping I could pick up something like that." Pausing, she frowned. "How much of that is a bribe to not be angry with Uzushio for the entire format of this stage?"

"Probably half of it, though I don't think the others getting similar offers have noticed."

"I'm more annoyed that it's probably still going to work despite me having noticed."

Naruto shook his head. In three hours they'd pulled nine teams out of the forest due to one or both members aiming to deliberately kill the other. Nobody had died in the attempts, but a couple had been close. Luckily the plan and teams had been approved by the other village leaders ahead of time as well, with minimal grumbling after reading the justifications for why it was being done.

He was going to have to have a talk with the lone Uzushio chunin that had attacked their assigned teammate, though they'd been kind of manipulated into failing in that manner so that Uzushio would have at least one idiot to keep the other villages from complaining too much. Originally the plan had been to have three, to have a backup in case one of them got jumped before they could be an idiot, but five other candidates for that had all proven that they weren't ready for promotion at the skill tests stage.

It felt like they should've had twelve potentials instead of six as a result, but that was hindsight speaking.

Somewhat more surprising was that Sasori's teammate had made two attempts to kill him, but they hadn't been pulled out yet. Neither attempt had even been close to successful and the man had spent twenty minutes lecturing his teammate, but they were currently working together. If that would last was yet to be seen.

For now it looked like the bulk of the issues had been settled though, so he could leave things to others now and get back to focusing on the computer systems he was making good progress with.

Sasori found it amusing that they were two days in and had all four tokens they needed, and personally suspected that every team had gotten the 'shinobi' token. In addition, Baisho continued to try to find ways to kill him even after the lecture from the first couple of attempts, but now it felt more like probing gestures instead of actual attempts. Which would at least help explain how pathetic the attempts were at this point.

With nowhere specific to go at the end of the week they'd just hunkered down in a created cave, a few basic privacy and chakra suppression seals thrown around to hide their presence.

"You know," he said, looking over at his 'partner'. "I don't think you explained why you want to kill me."

Baisho frowned. "Why wouldn't I want to kill the man who killed my parents?"

"You feel a bit young for that to be a concern."

"You wiped out an entire village in the Land of Rivers."

That had him blinking. "Couldn't have been me then. I've never wiped out any entire village, let alone in the Land of Rivers. Spent too much time on smaller jobs and research after the war, and I spent the bulk of the war itself in the Land of Wind. I'm Sasori of the Red Sand because of all the blood spilled onto the sand, not blood spilled in forests."

"A likely story."

Perhaps Uzushio had some clue who had actually done that particular deed. If said person still lived then he might even swing a mission to show them that it was unwise to pretend to be other shinobi.

Davaa found it somewhat interesting that he was working against the legitimacy of their local spiritual beliefs...but in the face of actual Gods and Goddesses running around it seemed very much stupid to not adapt. Everyone he was working with on setting up smaller shrines agreed, though the political leaders were...problematic in their own ways.

Whatever had been done to warn them had at least appeared to stop them from wanting to force people on the Goddess though.

The smaller shrines, with the talismans provided by the Goddess, seemed to work though. Things actually improved, petty overnight theft in particular dropping out almost entirely around them, which was another blow to their local spiritual traditions. Being able to set up a shrine and have things immediately start changing around it for the better was an incredible demonstration of true power.

After all of this, focus had instead shifted in part to an attempt to teach their own people the language that the Goddess apparently used to teach others currently, instead of just waiting for others to learn their language. They'd finally found references to it, now that they were communicating with other nations a bit more, and relative experts from dealing with merchants were going to be coming to take a look. Non-military experts, and with any luck they would be able to help ensure that no mortal insults were dealt. Or help confirm that none had already been issued to the Goddess, for that matter, though she seemed forgiving of accidental insults.

In some ways, her less-known brother was the bigger concern. He may have been the one to issue the warnings, and there was an implication in things that he was the more violent of the pair. How true that was couldn't be fully determined though, and they didn't even know if the appearance he'd used when visiting was his true appearance or not.

Hinata grumbled as she sat down at dinner. "Your computers are insane."

"You're just mad that I figured out how to make them faster and more efficient with seals," Naruto retorted.

"No, I'm mad that you underestimated everything and don't understand any of the units. You've completed two units, and the first one tested at just over three thousand exaflops before the power requirements forced throttling it back significantly. How you seem to have managed yottabytes of storage is eluding me."

He frowned. "Three thousand exaflops in what time period?"

"Flops are floating point operations per second."

"Oh. Are you sure?"



"That the performance goes up that much when you shove more power into the system is ridiculous."

"Well, that's probably the time-compression seals."

She blinked as she processed that. "Time-compression seals?"

"Yeah. They compress time in the computing areas to speed them up."

"But...that should break all the clock cycles?"

"That's why the computing areas have an independent clock system, isolated from the rest of the system."

"But that still shouldn't work. Though it does explain a few things I hadn't understood yet. How did you get yottabytes of storage?"

He shrugged. "I obviously don't know what the units actually are, but I took the solid-state storage system and used seals to allow the storage chips to store exponentially more data thanks to being able to put things along an additional couple of physical dimensions. As an added bonus, if you try to bypass the controller and attempt destructive analysis then the chips explode violently. Writing the driver to allow access was annoying though."

She took a couple of deep breaths, because it shouldn't be anywhere near that simple and he was obviously glossing over a large number of details, before turning to Ino. "I hope you're at least having fun."

Ino sighed. "He and Yoko dropped a seal array on us that creates an impossibly accurate fake of someone you stick on it, the only differences being instructions you prepared ahead of time. Only works on those with at most one tenth of the chakra of the one who activates the array, and only for up to two weeks, but the initial tests had copies of nobles successfully transferring their holdings to their next of kin."


"It's a less combat-focused version of the fight yourself array," Naruto pointed out. "Needs more chakra to keep the copy going for over a week, but otherwise the same basic premise."

"And what did you test it on?"

"Yoko grabbed a couple of troublemakers in their sleep, didn't give one any orders at all and gave the other one orders to cheat on his wife. The originals were put back in bed, the duplicates let loose a couple towns over, two days later they met up and confused everyone by killing each other."

Ino groaned at hearing that. "Of course that's how that was managed. Why wasn't that in the report?"

Naruto blinked this time. "What do you mean? The 'techniques used' section should've connected right to the documentation on the seal array. At least if you were at a secure terminal when you read the report, anyway."

That was one of the more annoying things about Naruto doing this kind of thing. It was always documented, but generally in a manner that made perfect sense in hindsight while not necessarily being obvious when you first went looking. Well, that or it was documented in Uzukage-eyes-only storage and there was no way to get access to it.

Jono wasn't sure who had stolen their tags, when they'd done so, or even how, but their tags had been missing after they beat down another team. That team's tags had also been missing though, which implied that someone was being stealthy.

Unfortunately, anyone that good at being stealthy probably wasn't going to be trivial to find.

This led to the unusual situation of teaming up with first the team that they'd just beaten, and then over the next two days a collection of others that had lost all their tags to go hunting for those responsible. So far they were up to ten shinobi working together on that now. None of them had lost their tags in combat, though a couple had stored them in a manner that made them being stolen instead of something like 'fakes that vanished' confirmable.

They had at most a day to find someone with tags, and they weren't having any luck at all. It was as if everyone who had tags had vanished, despite there being no way out of the forest without being disqualified.

Fu hadn't gotten along with Doyuki at first, the man being offended by anyone with non-human features in general. But he was incredibly good at being sneaky, apparently having been trying to get up to Uzushio's level of stealth, and she was good at moving them around the forest. This led to her flying him in, letting him steal the tags off of everyone in the area, and repeating.

They had nine teams worth of tags, though only two full sets. She'd even spent some time close enough to Shino to find out that he and his partner had managed to get a full set and were in 'hunkered down' mode. That was something she couldn't really do though, not knowing any way to hide her chakra well enough, which is why she was running Doyuki to near-ish teams and then letting him do the stealth work.

"You'd think someone would've seen us flying up to the cave on the volcano at least once," Doyuki commented as they sat down to a meal.

"Several did," Fu pointed out. "But reaching here without being able to fly is hard."


"And last night someone tried to attack, but they were easy to drive off."


Himeki looked over at the screens showing the jounin exams. "So gentlemen, did any of you bet that only eight teams would be in the running as the stage closed?"

The grimacing from all of them told her that they hadn't, and she'd known that. But she wasn't supposed to know what anyone had bet on, so had to ask. If any of them had been potential winners then she'd need to escort them to the back. After she confirmed that none of them were going to claim otherwise, she moved to the next table to repeat the process.

Eventually she made it through everyone, and the timer had run down as she reached the last table. Nobody had assumed that so few would pass, so the house had won big on this one...and the cheaters had lost enough money that their shinobi leaders were likely to show up wanting answers.

Four drink orders were collected on her way to the bar to report the lack of claimed winners, but she was more interested in the most nervous gang members. They were the ones that seemed most likely to be directly answering to the shinobi leaders, and the owner's son wasn't in the list. She found that interesting, since he seemed to be running things otherwise. Perhaps he was only allowed to believe he was in charge and they were planning on double-crossing him later?

It didn't matter right now, but it was something to mention to Hanabi if he hadn't picked up on it already, and they might need to mention it to the owner as well.

Naruto looked over the group of sixteen chunin that had ended the week with their tokens. "I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that we ended up with so few of you after a week. Admittedly, we lost just over half of the teams to the trees and four teams to the wildlife, but three teams running around successfully stealing as many tags as they could wasn't anticipated."

You could tell which teams had done that by the shit-eating grins on their faces.

"We also only had four deaths in combat," he continued. "Mostly due to everyone realizing that the tags were far easier to hide in ways that would be difficult with a corpse, or so it seems. Still, the end result simplifies things as it allows for a straightforward final bracket. As is standard, you will have a month to train. Here or elsewhere isn't important, beyond being here on time for the finals. You will not find out who you're fighting ahead of time, as jounin shouldn't need that kind of direction to prepare to show their skills."

There was nodding at that, and he dismissed them before turning to the other leaders present. Mei shook her head as he did so. "You didn't mention the emergency evacuations of most of the participants so that your medics could be miracle workers."

"The public already knows about those."

"I suppose. Forcing everyone to work with 'enemies' was a bold move though, and revealed quite a bit more than expected."

Kurotsuchi nodded her agreement. "Shinobi that can't get over grudges for the good of their mission are...problematic."

A chuckled. "Yes, but I noticed that Uzushio and Konoha were the only villages whose shinobi just took or ignored the attempts to kill them and continued on anyway."

"Well," Shisui said, grinning. "We're also some of the most likely to be able to ignore basic poisoning attempts."

"Very true, and that's quite annoying to deal with. Luckily your shinobi are also currently the least likely to go on violent rampages for no good reason."

"Removing the string-pullers trying to improve the village by screwing up everything helps there. You should have Naruto here give you a list to target."

"We've given him six lists so far," Naruto pointed out. "He's having trouble working around his daimyo at this point."

"Ah. Having a good relationship there is useful."

"Definitely," Kurotsuchi said. "Do we know if the others didn't show up because their chunin didn't make it to the finals, or because it wasn't important enough either way?"

Naruto shrugged. "A mixture. Gaara was called to meet with the Wind Daimyo about an attack that needs immediate investigation, but I think most of the minor villages didn't see it as useful to show up when their shinobi were already home. Which is a shame, because a bunch of them are getting glowing recommendations despite being eliminated because they went above and beyond working with others in pursuit of their goal."

"Ah. Pity. I'd hoped to have a quick chat with him in a neutral location."

Shisui shook his head as he turned away from the moon. "Having obvious lights in the dark portions of the moon is going to take some getting used to."

"As if having forests and oceans up there isn't unusual enough," Hiashi pointed out.

"True. I might need to replace Tsunade as an advisor though, if she's going to spend too much time up there doing low-gravity medical research."

"She's not exactly hard to reach if you want to call her for a meeting," Kakashi pointed out. "And three quarters of these meetings are more 'informal' gatherings where one or more of us just doesn't show up."

"I know, but having an advisor not be in the village for long stretches of time is still a potential problem."

"And she wasn't going to take much interest in jounin promotions anyway."

"...okay, that's probably a good reason to stop worrying about her not being here now. Usushio already provided a number of recommendations regarding those who didn't make it to the finals. Several special jounin potentials, a couple for which they just had bad luck, and a few that seem like they're very much not ready for promotion."

Hiashi nodded as he accepted a copy of the recommendations. "Hopefully none of the latter are mocking us for being fooled by someone very obviously not ready."

"My quick skim said that it was more attitude than skill creating the problems, and that's hard to spot unless you're working with them extensively."

It didn't take long for them to start going through things, cringing at some of the mistakes cited but finding the arguments hard to argue for each recommendation.

Gaara grumbled a bit as he finally returned to Suna. Being made to personally go out to placate the Daimyo was annoying, doubly so when the problem turned out to be someone the Daimyo insisted be allowed through security when his guards thought they were trouble. Games like that made security for nobles a significant pain on the best of days, but at least they had a better situation than before politically.

Directly saving the Daimyo's life from the person he had trusted, in front of his own eyes, made justifying the guards ignoring the Daimyo for a bit trivial.

"How badly did our chunin do?" Gaara asked as Kankuro came up to him.

"All the remaining ones bombed out in the second stage for a number of reasons," Kankuro answered. "But there were several sneaky teams running around stealing instead of fighting, whittling the numbers down significantly. Only two of them seemed to have an Uzushio member, which was the surprising part of that."

"Counter-stealth is horrible to train, especially in forest environments when most of our training is still in the desert, so I understand them having problems detecting the thieves. Did we have any more blatant idiots attacking those that they were supposed to be working with?"

"Nope, and we've got recommendations tied to some that worked together with a large group hunting down stealthy thieves. No actual success, but they were willing to try."

"That's some good news."

"We also have a large amount of great-quality supplies picked up from shops up there, and all the chunin who were 'betrayed' by their partners got consolation prizes."

"Pity that I won't be attending the finals as a leader. Not sure I want to bother getting tickets for myself at all, honestly."

"Uzushio passed along tickets anyway. If you don't want to use them then some of the analysts would probably jump at the chance."

Yeah, that was probably the better choice. Especially for hopefully jounin-level combat on display. "Anything else I should know about immediately?"

" Sasori wants to spend some of his training month here?"

That brought Gaara up short. "Why?"

"To work with me on puppet designs, I think."


Ino found it interesting that only the Konoha and Uzushio chunin had returned to Earth for their training. Admittedly, they were also taking advantage of the dedicated training islands instead of the more generic facilities on the moon. A more normal day and night cycle was probably also a plus for most of them, honestly.

She was currently going over the recommendations for the group based on various observations. Baisho, for example, was probably not getting promoted without a really good showing due to having never given up on trying to kill Sasori. Conversely, Sasori was very likely to get a full promotion at this point, in part due to his professionalism when it came to said attempts on his life.

The most interesting pair for her were Shino and Fu though. They'd regularly communicated in ways that most hadn't noticed throughout the exam and it was kind of surprising that they weren't officially married at this point. All reports indicated that they all but acted like they were, though it could be that they didn't see things the same way others did. Too much of their communication happened through their insects, above and beyond what Aburame normally did when dating or married. Then again, Fu was part insect now due to Chomei's remains, so perhaps that was to be expected.

Fu's partner, Doyuki, had also drawn attention due to being incredibly skilled at stealth. Some of that was low chakra reserves being easier to hide, but he'd demonstrated that being on the low end of chakra capacity wasn't a significant hindrance to him in the skill tests. Burying some of his dislike of Fu's added features had been a good showing as well, but being the only non-Uzushio participant to attempt and pass the stealth skill tests was telling on its own as well. He deserved careful observation.

By the time she'd made it through the stack she could confidently state that Baisho was the only example of 'needs a good showing for promotion' in the lot. He was literally the only one who made multiple attempts on his partner's life without being pulled out immediately too. Mostly because he was also inept enough to be the only one to fail to seriously injure his partner, admittedly, which was the other part of why he was marked down.

Spending a week with someone and failing to seriously injure them even once with at least thrice-daily murder attempts just didn't point at jounin-level skills.
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