Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Note, I assume there were regular rampages in the village because humans can't go without sleep indefinitely. Which means Garra would have passed out periodically, and gone on another rampage.
Baseline humans DIE if they don't sleep at least once every three weeks, and to be HEALTHY they need to sleep a lot more often than that. Hallucinations start after just a few days. I assume there is some chakra technique, or more likely a class of chakra techniques, to extend the time a Ninja can go without sleep safely, but I doubt that little baby Gaara would be able to learn them straight out of the womb, and I doubt they work indefinitely. So yeah, I imagine Shukaku rampaging was a monthly thing, and that isn't even counting how many people Gaara just randomly kills with his sand to "prove his existence". Such a high death toll for those that can't run fast enough isn't exactly a shining example for potential employers.

Now I wonder if the Daimyo's reason for outsourcing missions was a combination of A) You don't have enough Ninja for all the missions I want to run, because they keep dying in frequent Biju rampages, B) when I do hire you to run a mission, the people taking part frequently get killed by a rampaging Biju before they can complete it or report back to me, C) that includes the couriers and courtiers I send to deliver the message to you getting killed by a rampaging Biju, so I will not be attending Suna in person, you can come here — sans Biju/Jinchuuriki — to get the missions or give reports, and D) you really need to focus on safe missions closer to home or not running any missions while you build up your forces to replace all of those Ninja and civillians killed by aforementioned frequent Biju rampages.
Probably adopted? He was given the name B and declared to be A's partner and brother after being the only child able to work with A to perform the double lariat in what appears to be a general pattern in the village. This is shown in the Anime and Manga.

He only became the next host of Gyuki after that, when the previous host (also a "B", likely also through adoption) lost control of it.

Eh, I've been told enough things I thought I recalled weren't accurate this week that I'm hedging my bets.

In all fairness, my understanding is that it was the overall ruler of the Land of Sand who was outsourcing for all ninja needs. But yeah, sealing a giant 'demon' into an unborn child has consequences for the mother... Who knew?

I interpret it as her life being used deliberately to power the seal, not that her death was a side effect of the process.
To clarify: In this story Chakra colors and Magic colors are unrelated, despite originating from the same source. Naruto's magic is Orange (how could it be anything else?) and Hinata's is Yellow.
Naruto's magic is Orange, and his chakra is Green... aha! He's Ireland, and he's constantly arguing with/beating himself up about ... um, no that doesn't work either. He seems quite happy to get along with himself outside of sparring. Back to the drawing board... medical chakra?
I'm kind of hoping that Orochi doesn't do his canonical "attack Sasuke in the forest" routine. But that's mostly because Naruto and company would have to go all out against the pedo snake. And I kind of want Orochimaru to be caught completely flat footed when Team Youri pull out all the stops during the invasion attempt.
Naruto's magic is Orange, and his chakra is Green... aha! He's Ireland, and he's constantly arguing with/beating himself up about ... um, no that doesn't work either. He seems quite happy to get along with himself outside of sparring. Back to the drawing board... medical chakra?

The thought just occurred to me: What if medical chakra is what everybody's chakra is supposed to look like, without all those messed up parts of the "net" that lets them use various elements. What everybody else has to work at making to use in others, in essence creating type O- blood for transfusion, his chakra already is, as his whole system got fixed and upgraded by the Tome.

Quite possible. Couldn't remember the exact spelling, and didn't feel up to looking it up due to making some lunch.

Yurei means, or can mean, "ghost" or "spirit", if that helps. The degree with which the language is modified on every level to reach the end effect makes translations to English a bit difficult.

Well, I'd say that is entirely dependent on if Naruto is male or female at the time.

I was trying to come up with a joke for that, too, when you posted.
Yurei means, or can mean, "ghost" or "spirit", if that helps. The degree with which the language is modified on every level to reach the end effect makes translations to English a bit difficult.

Again, I couldn't remember the exact spelling, and didn't feel like looking it up due to making lunch. So I guessed how it's spelled. It's not like spellcheck will even recognize a Japanese word as being spelled correctly anyway.
I'm kind of hoping that Orochi doesn't do his canonical "attack Sasuke in the forest" routine. But that's mostly because Naruto and company would have to go all out against the pedo snake. And I kind of want Orochimaru to be caught completely flat footed when Team Youri pull out all the stops during the invasion attempt.
Well, one of the reasons he wants the Sharingan is its ability to let you use any elemental jutsu that you've copied with it. (Kakashi uses a copied Ice-Style jutsu in one of the movies)

However, that only works for jutsu you've copied, and not for jutsu you found a scroll for. For that, you would need some sort of super-bloodline -ability that gave you all the elements, not just the basic five. Which, rumour has it, is pretty much exactly what that one brat that Zabuza fought has, right?

So, in this case, Naruto might be the target, instead of Sasuke.

The Cursed Seal is delivered via a bite. What are the chances that Orochimaru's fangs would just shatter against the Knight Armour?
Well, one of the reasons he wants the Sharingan is its ability to let you use any elemental jutsu that you've copied with it. (Kakashi uses a copied Ice-Style jutsu in one of the movies)

However, that only works for jutsu you've copied, and not for jutsu you found a scroll for. For that, you would need some sort of super-bloodline -ability that gave you all the elements, not just the basic five. Which, rumour has it, is pretty much exactly what that one brat that Zabuza fought has, right?

So, in this case, Naruto might be the target, instead of Sasuke.

The Cursed Seal is delivered via a bite. What are the chances that Orochimaru's fangs would just shatter against the Knight Armour?
I'm suddenly reminded of a Chuck Noris meme.

Naruto was bitten by a snakelike missing-nin. After 3 days of excruciating pain, the missing-nin died.
Well, one of the reasons he wants the Sharingan is its ability to let you use any elemental jutsu that you've copied with it. (Kakashi uses a copied Ice-Style jutsu in one of the movies)

However, that only works for jutsu you've copied, and not for jutsu you found a scroll for. For that, you would need some sort of super-bloodline -ability that gave you all the elements, not just the basic five. Which, rumour has it, is pretty much exactly what that one brat that Zabuza fought has, right?

So, in this case, Naruto might be the target, instead of Sasuke.

The Cursed Seal is delivered via a bite. What are the chances that Orochimaru's fangs would just shatter against the Knight Armour?
Even if it works and Naruto gets the Seal one of two things will likely happen. 1 he uses an Uzumaki Hickey Remover and then burns it or 2 the soul whatever bit of Orochimaru in it just gets crushed/absorbed by the Tome.
Naruto's magic is Orange, and his chakra is Green... aha! He's Ireland, and he's constantly arguing with/beating himself up about ... um, no that doesn't work either. He seems quite happy to get along with himself outside of sparring. Back to the drawing board... medical chakra?
Medical chakra already came up.

Wrong shade of green! :p
The thought just occurred to me: What if medical chakra is what everybody's chakra is supposed to look like, without all those messed up parts of the "net" that lets them use various elements. What everybody else has to work at making to use in others, in essence creating type O- blood for transfusion, his chakra already is, as his whole system got fixed and upgraded by the Tome.
None of the other members of Team Yurei with completely repaired nets have non-blue chakra.
Well, one of the reasons he wants the Sharingan is its ability to let you use any elemental jutsu that you've copied with it. (Kakashi uses a copied Ice-Style jutsu in one of the movies)
That was budget "use existing ice" style jutsu, not "form ice from chakra" bloodline jutsu.

Sharingan can't copy bloodline jutsu on its own.
Well, one of the reasons he wants the Sharingan is its ability to let you use any elemental jutsu that you've copied with it. (Kakashi uses a copied Ice-Style jutsu in one of the movies)

However, that only works for jutsu you've copied, and not for jutsu you found a scroll for. For that, you would need some sort of super-bloodline -ability that gave you all the elements, not just the basic five. Which, rumour has it, is pretty much exactly what that one brat that Zabuza fought has, right?

So, in this case, Naruto might be the target, instead of Sasuke.

The Cursed Seal is delivered via a bite. What are the chances that Orochimaru's fangs would just shatter against the Knight Armour?

The problem is... where would Orochimaru have learned that Naruto has 'multiple elemental bloodlines'? Zabuza and Haku were captured during that mission. And so far as we know, they're still held by T&I. In fact, I doubt Danzo knows that little detail either, since it was in a Hokage's Eyes Only mission report.
People, Naruto is an uzumaki, their bloodline is an unstable variant of the Sage Body.

There's no great mystery about where the green is from.
To further expand my point... While it's true that the bridge builder and his family would be aware of Naruto (and his genin team mates) being able to convincingly fake having every elemental bloodline... They also would not be interested in bandying that around. After all, they saw Naruto blend Gato and (almost) all his men with one single move. As such, the only ones that Orochimaru could learn of Naruto's 'elemental bloodlines' from are Naruto and his team mates.

The fact that Naruto's team can all fly, create near impenetrable armor (that looks like normal cloths), and launch guided explosive energy attacks is completely unknown to Orochimaru or anyone else beyond Team Yurei and the 3rd Hokage. And maybe a handful of extremely trusted high ranked ninja who helped test Naruto's "Uzu battle squad" impersonation. But even they might think Naruto is merely the contact point for the Uzu battle squad.
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A letter from Zabuza (Chronocidal)
The problem is... where would Orochimaru have learned that Naruto has 'multiple elemental bloodlines'? Zabuza and Haku were captured during that mission. And so far as we know, they're still held by T&I. In fact, I doubt Danzo knows that little detail either, since it was in a Hokage's Eyes Only mission report.
"Dear Mizukage-teme,

While out being a nukenin for hire, I recently came across a real live Uzumaki, in spite of Kiri and allies' attempt to wipe them all out.

He stole Kubikiribochi, informed me that the sword was originally gifted to Kirigakure by Uzushiogakure as part of a peace treaty, and that by attacking Uzushiogakure as part of the alliance to destroy it, Kiri broke the treaty. He then provided me with a receipt indicating that, per terms of the treaty, Uzushiogakure would be reclaiming Kubikiribochi and the other swords gifted by their village to Kiri.

When he demonstrated the ability use use multiple second-level elements (including, but not necessarily limited to, Ice release, Scorch release, Boil release, Lava release, Mud release, Magnet release, and Explosion release), I decided it was prudent to make a tactical retreat.

Please find enclosed Kiri's copy of the aforementioned receipt of reclamation for your records, so that you can file it and cross-reference it against the treaty. If you wish to reclaim the sword, I highly recommend you commit suicide via Uzumaki.

Yours hatefully,
Obviously the normal color is blue, if it wasn't one of the local clans of chakra spotters would have said something. They interacted with uzumaki and senju for decades before the night of the kyuubi.

However this is the repaired version, the repaired version of a second generation jinchurikki from an unstable branch of the bloodline with Asura re-incarnate boosts. The question isn't 'why is Naruto's chakra different' there were a half dozen answers to that before the tome came into play, any or all of them could be impacting it. The question is 'why is it green', and my thinking is that it's green because it's interacting with natural energy in some fashion.
Guys, guys. We are all missing the obvious. Naruto's chakra is green because... drumroll... CmptrWz said it is green. Muhahahaha.
Don't be mean, his solve our not enough mission problem by showing how trustworthy we are through betraying our alliance partner in front of our future employers and endangering them at the same time, plan, was genial. Nobody would have guessed that he would do something that stupid, most would have though that he would talk to the Hokage about the problem and get him to stop accepting missions from Sunas territory or at least pay a commission for them.
Yeah, Asskicking Equals Authority (in this case, rule by the most badass ninja) will occasionally result in dangerous idiots getting that authority, and in some cases, a violent idiot becoming the highest authority in the village. I sort of wonder if the Wind Daimyo giving more missions to Konoha was an attempt to punish the Kazekage for being a foolish asshole.