Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Testing of abilities showed that Hinata turned out to have nearly the same tolerance for drugs and poisons that Naruto used to have, unless the compound in question was anything close to a 'fuel' for flames. Then she was essentially immune, but her tail and ears would light up on fire without her intending to do so as though literally burning the compounds away.

So, all buzz, no barf? They may never know the misery of a hangover, but drinking until they blacked out would almost certainly have been training at some point.
Instead they'd all rushed off to report things immediately. Oh well, they could get chewed out by their various handlers over that one, he had more alcohol to consume.

Jiraya, the bombshells you dropped on them are of such a magnitude that no matter the level of competence, every spy in earshot has rushed to inform their handlers, because the information is that important.
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So your chakra is oddly-colored because you have bits of tailed beast bound to you," Karin said after the full explanation of what had happened to Naruto and Hinata was given. "That's...weird. And isn't tailed beast chakra red?"

"Supposedly," Hinata agreed. "We aren't sure why Naruto's is now yellow and mine green, instead of being shades of purple."

"His was green before adding bits of Shukaku, so presumably yellow is the next step down the line."

Random thought I had while reading this part again:

r o Y G B i v

With Naruto as Yellow, Hinata as Green, and everyone else as Blue. Makes me wonder what Indigo or Violet may be when it comes to chakra, and what happens when you hit infrared areas...
Danzu would be extatic for the other villages to lose their wmds.

Hell, he considered having the 3 tail attack the village so they could take it away from it's village.

So he is happy. Would be happier knowing that they essentially stole two Biju, but just denying them to other villages would be just great to him, especially when the two tail started getting chummy with it's host.
On the flip side: he has to worry that, even if he does successfully locate and subvert the real nine-tails jinchuriki (not knowing that there isn't one, although he might figure it out eventually), then Uzu might just turn up and say "Nope, DENIED"…
Thought he was a Big and Fatassed Tanuki?
Tayuya: (loudly thinking to herself) "Think he's actually having performance issues, but just doesn't wanna admit it?"
If this line, and by extension the rest of it get into the story, it will be just perfect
And yay for Naruto getting permission/blessing to use and data for the Gates.
Should lead to more asshats getting their faces beaten in. On a related note, something's been bugging me about the gates for a while, and while I'm not the kinda person who specializes in exercise and related stuff, isn't using the gates kinds pretty much Full-Body Exercise? Because if so, then seeing Gai and Lee's reaction to the fact that they were using the Gates wrong shall be hilarious
Hell, he considered having the 3 tail attack the village so they could take it away from it's village.
On the plus side of things, at least it'd be less devastating than when Isobu's Big Brother attacked
Naah. Any plan that he didn't make and wasn't executed by his Root will not please him.
and we are pleased by him not being pleased
what happens when you hit infrared areas...
I'd say that's when shit gets weird
On the flip side: he has to worry that, even if he does successfully locate and subvert the real nine-tails jinchuriki (not knowing that there isn't one, although he might figure it out eventually), then Uzu might just turn up and say "Nope, DENIED"…
But he won't because there's a pretty good chance that he knows what a pissed off Uzumaki looks like and wants to avoid being on the wrong end of it
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With Naruto as Yellow, Hinata as Green, and everyone else as Blue. Makes me wonder what Indigo or Violet may be when it comes to chakra, and what happens when you hit infrared areas...
That feels unlikely.
Since this is a MGLN cross you can expect the changes to reflect specialties in magic, er, chakra manipulation. Yellow in MGLN is electricity and speed which, oh wait, happens to line up with the Yellow Flash.
On this basis, Green probablyhas a knack for healing and information management. Possibly the ability to turn into small animals as well.
Snakes? Anti-summoning seals and being removed from the snake contract have rendered that useless.

Edo Tensei? See above.
Hmm, didn't we have an aside with one of Kaguya's clan members earlier? Where they said that something had attached foreign nodes to their resurrection grid? Something like say the Uzu Masks?

And that the grid had been damaged by something happening to those nodes? Like say, the Tome shatterring them?

With damage being frightening enough that they decided to cut out that section of the grid. Did Naruto and the Tome just destroy the Shinobi afterlife that Edo Tensei draws from?
Orochimaru: "You fools. My former teammate was obviously bluffing. It is impossible to permanently kill a tailed beast, and equally impossible to extract them from a jinchuuriki without killing the host. He clearly modified the seals holding the One-Tails and Two-Tails and is spinning a lie to cover it up."

Because Orochimaru still believes Jiraiya is inferior to him, and is so certain that what he believes to be true is the only truth, I could see him saying that.
Yeah, I can definitely see that happening. After all "Everyone Knows" you can't kill a tailed beast permanently and I very much doubt that Kumo, Kiri and Iwa are going to want to let people know that Jiraiya is actually right after all even if all three will already know. With Orochimaru's known arrogance and no-one outside of Konoha willing to acknowledge this truth it is indeed 99% certain that 'Rochi will assume Jiraiya is bluffing.

Still, the deck has certainly now been stacked very, very far against old 'Rochi so I'm itching to see just badly his little invasion fails.
That feels unlikely.
Since this is a MGLN cross you can expect the changes to reflect specialties in magic, er, chakra manipulation. Yellow in MGLN is electricity and speed which, oh wait, happens to line up with the Yellow Flash.
On this basis, Green probablyhas a knack for healing and information management. Possibly the ability to turn into small animals as well.
The author has previously said that the chakra colors Karin sees do not match to MGLN magic colors. The magic color idea also does not explain Naruto's chakra changing colors.

The ROYGBIV explanation, however, does.
Heh. People are going to get hilariously paranoid (well, it'll be funny to us) about how hidden the Village-Hidden-(somewhere-possibly-not)-in-the-Whirlpool is. I wonder if they'll start finding things that folks like Orochimaru or Danzo don't want them to, over the course of trying to find the new Uzu.
Orochimaru: "You fools. My former teammate was obviously bluffing. It is impossible to permanently kill a tailed beast, and equally impossible to extract them from a jinchuuriki without killing the host. He clearly modified the seals holding the One-Tails and Two-Tails and is spinning a lie to cover it up."

Because Orochimaru still believes Jiraiya is inferior to him, and is so certain that what he believes to be true is the only truth, I could see him saying that.
But does he believe himself superior to an Uzu ANBU unit, especially in the arena of sealing?

Your point only works if Jiraiya was claiming that he personally killed the tailed beasts. That's not what he stated. His info was that a previously thought extinct group of the best sealmasters in the world decided to show off what several years of uninterrupted research has done for their arsenal of BS.
But does he believe himself superior to an Uzu ANBU unit, especially in the arena of sealing?

Your point only works if Jiraiya was claiming that he personally killed the tailed beasts. That's not what he stated. His info was that a previously thought extinct group of the best sealmasters in the world decided to show off what several years of uninterrupted research has done for their arsenal of BS.
Counterpoint: Do you believe Orochimaru's ego would allow him to believe that what he knows could possibly not be true?
I have to wonder how B will fair his partner's demise. Will he turn to stone from Nature Chakra overload? Will he instead transform like Naruto and Hinata did? And, if he does change, what does a tentacled ox boy look like?
I believe the implication is that the remaining Jinchuuriki will 'absorb' their Tailed Beast over time and end up like Hinata.

So B is probably going to get bull horns and octopus tentacles, and likely the ability to spit ink and regrow severed limbs as well.

Random thought I had while reading this part again:

r o Y G B i v

With Naruto as Yellow, Hinata as Green, and everyone else as Blue. Makes me wonder what Indigo or Violet may be when it comes to chakra, and what happens when you hit infrared areas...
Violet\Pink Chakra actually shows up the anime in the form of a meteorite that emits Chakra-enhancing radiation which is primarily used to fuel the Mysterious Peacock Method.

So violet Chakra is Chakra From Space.

Which might mean that red Chakra is Chakra From Earth, as the Tailed Beasts are the result of splitting up the Ten-Tails Chakra, and the Ten-Tails got its Chakra from consuming the Natural Energy of the world itself.

(Hinata also develops indigo Chakra after she gets some of Hamura's Chakra, which also fits as Hamura was a descendant of the Moon Ōtsutsuki. Otherwise we mostly only see indigo Chakra as 'dark', 'evil' or 'cursed' Chakra, such as Yin Six Paths Chakra, the Demonic Statue's Absorption Chakra and Negative Chakra. The indigo Dragon Vein Chakra is one of the few exceptions to this.)

Towards the violet side is 'Celestial' Chakra. Six Paths stuff, as Hinata's chakra turns violet when she has access to it.

Which makes the 'Nature' Chakra of Tailed Beasts the red end of the spectrum.
Normally Sage Chakra is light green\teal though.
That said; the Ten-Tails Chakra was described as feeling like Natural Energy (which is similar to but not actually the same thing as Chakra) and could only be sensed by Sages, and its Chakra was very definitely red in colour. And green\teal is 1 to 1.5 steps towards red from blue. So considering that Sage Chakra is a mixture of normal Chakra + Natural Energy, it does fit.

On the other hand, Natural Energy is consistently depicted as the same blue colour as normal Chakra, except in the 'diagram' where it is green so ???

TL;DR - Towards red being 'Earthly' and towards violet being 'Celestial' does in fact fit canon more often than not.
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One without an extra seal that the Tome was curious about, so they weren't getting double duty in examining that while all of this happened.
Shouldn't that be "were" getting extra duty?
Activating that seal generated two more...and he blinked as he stared at the smaller one.

"Oh come on," his father said, apparently having spotted the same thing. "The only thing they changed from the demonstration was to swap out zero for five?"
...Did they just find the password by complete accident?! Although, it's not like 12345 is secure. At least they didn't use 1234, but that's probably only because it enforces five digits...
Naruto had no clue if it was normal for shinobi families to have plans to drug and/or poison each other and would've expected the sake to have been purchased for 'honorable visitors we want to rob and/or kill discreetly' instead. It also made him happy that he was incredibly hard to poison...and made him wonder if they should re-test Hinata's tolerances there, actually.
They're ninja. I'm sure this is in the standard rulebook.
her tail and ears would light up on fire without her intending to do so as though literally burning the compounds away.
Haha, she's a human flare tower. I bet once she's allowed to drink at bars it will be a great party trick.

*siiip* *foomph*
This meant that someone who'd figured out where the real him was could be proven 'wrong' so long as even a single sand clone existed.
That sort of ability is always delightful hax. At least when it's on your side. Enemies of Konha are going to absolutely hate it...
I wonder if any of those spies Jiraiya spoke to were from Ame?

If so, Nagato is probably about to BSoD hard. No bijuu = all of his plans ruined.
...Did they just find the password by complete accident?! Although, it's not like 12345 is secure. At least they didn't use 1234, but that's probably only because it enforces five digits...
Well Minato's enough of a Genius to take something one of his predecessors couldn't figure out how to make work, made it work, and then proceeded to murderize a lot of asshats, so maybe?
Haha, she's a human flare tower. I bet once she's allowed to drink at bars it will be a great party trick.

*siiip* *foomph*
Could probably also happen if Naruto does something to get her super embarrassed
I don't see why not, assuming he gets Gyuki's tentacles.
So presumptive yes, got it
I wonder if any of those spies Jiraiya spoke to were from Ame?

If so, Nagato is probably about to BSoD hard. No bijuu = all of his plans ruined.
Don't forget Tobito and Zetsu
I wonder if any of those spies Jiraiya spoke to were from Ame?

If so, Nagato is probably about to BSoD hard. No bijuu = all of his plans ruined.
This one was from...Amegakure, pretending to be a spy from Kusagakure that was doing a poor job of faking being from Tanigakure, all under a passable disguise of being a normal civilian. Stupid layered games that Jiraiya never personally used, but there were plenty in his network that did similar things.
The guy Jiraiya was talking to is from there.
Counterpoint: Do you believe Orochimaru's ego would allow him to believe that what he knows could possibly not be true?
Yes. Yes, I do.

Orochimaru's 3 defining traits are: he's obsessed with becoming Immortal, he's obsessed with learning all the Jutsu in the world, and he's an amoral mad scientist.

He knows that he doesn't know everything — that's why he experiments to learn new things. If he hears new information or a theory that contradicts something he has learned, his instinct will be to test it. Now, if he had tried killing a Tailed Beast personally, and come to the conclusion that it was impossible himself, then he might be more prone to dismiss it based on ego — but he knows that some things he read or learned about are wrong, because he's disproved them himself. He can accept that information he learned from other people is wrong, if only because his ego demands that they be considered lesser than him, and thus not infallible.