Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Shouldn't that be "were" getting extra duty?
No, that sentence is correct the way it is.

The tome needs to take a look at the seal that's located on a non-nice Hyuuga Elder in order to gather the data needed to break it. In that scene, the elder in question does not have the seal on themselves so they can't get new cloths and scan the seal. Thus, not getting double duty.
I wonder if it's possible that the destruction of the tailed beasts might cause Kaguya to just slip free of the seal she was placed in while merged with the ten tails and she shows up minus all the power boosting god tree b.s. that made her so threatening in canon and how she would react to the current state of the resurrection system's cascade failure, could be an opening for a non-hostile Kaguya showing up. I find the idea that a Kaguya that doesn't feel a need to worry about the rest of her clan showing up causes her to shift into a personality similar to Sullivan from Iruma-Kun, though I don't know if it would be funnier to have her direct the doting onto Naruto(probably happily adopted in this case) or Sasuke(constantly trying to escape her attention).
I wonder if it's possible that the destruction of the tailed beasts might cause Kaguya to just slip free of the seal she was placed in while merged with the ten tails and she shows up minus all the power boosting god tree b.s. that made her so threatening in canon and how she would react to the current state of the resurrection system's cascade failure, could be an opening for a non-hostile Kaguya showing up. I find the idea that a Kaguya that doesn't feel a need to worry about the rest of her clan showing up causes her to shift into a personality similar to Sullivan from Iruma-Kun, though I don't know if it would be funnier to have her direct the doting onto Naruto(probably happily adopted in this case) or Sasuke(constantly trying to escape her attention).
Yeah... I mean maybe? But in canon it was a combination of factors that resulted in her going crazy. Namely she needed all of the Chakra she could get to try and rebel against her Clan, so when her sons were born with Chakra and seemingly opposed her plans to turn all humans into Zetsu and continue the harvesting of Earth to get an army and gather more power for her rebellion she snapped, woke up the Ten-Tails and went on to 'reclaim' all of her Chakra. She considers all Chakra on Earth hers.

Because while she might be a rebel Ōtsutsuki, she's still a Ōtsutsuki. And she rebelled because she was supposed to be the one sacrificed to the God-Tree, not because she cared about humans or anything, but because of pure survival instincts. So Kaguya, if she somehow escapes is still gonna be another baddie, even if she acts like an ally for a time, the first chance she got to reclaim her Chakra she'd take it.
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B already has ink spit. He had that in canon.
Yes, because it is one of Gyuki's abilities and he is a Perfect Jinchuuriki, which means he can use Gyuki's abilities freely.

If you took Gyuki out of him, he probably wouldn't be able to do the ink spit anymore, but with the Tailed Beasts being 'absorbed' by their Jinchuuriki I expect said Jinchuuriki to 'inherit' their Tailed Beast's abilities along with some physical appearance changes.
Hahaha... how you gonna revive Momma Kaguya now, Zetsu?
If this gets a TvTropes page, I vote that this gets filed under Achievements in Ignorance
Plot twist: Black Zetsu goes feral and turns on Akatsuki.
Should be funny
Well, it is all Tobito's fault, if he had just stolen the damn fox instead of going all rampage happy on Konoha then everything would be ok. Instead, it's all falling apart. It's all his fault graaAaAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!

Poor Zetsu, now where did my popcorn go?
Yup :3
Chomei and Fuu are likely going the same way as B and Gyuki since those two got along well.
so Insect wings and silk-stuff?
"Cancer no jutsu!"
"There is no cancer no jutsu, Naruto. You just have gamma ray chakra."
NARUTO SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If this gets a TvTropes page, I vote that this gets filed under Achievements in Ignorance
Except the Elder Toad specifically said that they would destabilize the God Tree just by absorbing Shukaku into the Tome.
"Exactly. Your 'death' returned much of what had been taken from the planet back to it. I have also foreseen that you and Shukaku in particular became 'anchors', keeping the God Tree alive despite being broken into pieces. Things are unstable with your removal, but the God Tree could still recover in time. Without both of you the tree will unravel entirely."
Yes. Yes, I do.

Orochimaru's 3 defining traits are: he's obsessed with becoming Immortal, he's obsessed with learning all the Jutsu in the world, and he's an amoral mad scientist.

He knows that he doesn't know everything — that's why he experiments to learn new things. If he hears new information or a theory that contradicts something he has learned, his instinct will be to test it. Now, if he had tried killing a Tailed Beast personally, and come to the conclusion that it was impossible himself, then he might be more prone to dismiss it based on ego — but he knows that some things he read or learned about are wrong, because he's disproved them himself. He can accept that information he learned from other people is wrong, if only because his ego demands that they be considered lesser than him, and thus not infallible.
For all the defects of the original setting, I always felt Orochimaru was both scary and smart, scarier than other enemies because he used his mind, he wasn't completely rational, but he acted rationally.
I think they meant the fact that doing so ends up screwing up all Akatsuki's and especially Zetsu's plans involving the tailed beasts that they have been entirely uninformed of.
Nah, eliminating the nine-tails already did that. The elder toad was talking about all of the tailed beasts, and the god tree specifically in chapter 20:
"Is he saying that we have to kill Shukaku at a minimum?" Naruto asked.

"I believe so," his mother answered. "At which point including Matatabi is probably just going to speed up what needs to happen."

"You will only need to take those two," the Great Sage confirmed. "Within a decade the damage will spread, and within three the process will be completed. Also, of the two, you can only bind Shukaku's remains to yourself. I have seen that Matatabi's remnants would destabilize you, though I couldn't tell if that was with or without Shukaku's bound beforehand."
I think they meant the fact that doing so ends up screwing up all Akatsuki's and especially Zetsu's plans involving the tailed beasts that they have been entirely uninformed of.

Nah, eliminating the nine-tails already did that. The elder toad was talking about all of the tailed beasts, and the god tree specifically in chapter 20:
Yes, but no one involved knows eliminating the Tiled Beasts screwed up Akatsuki's plans. Thus the achievement in ignorance.
Yes, but no one involved knows eliminating the Tiled Beasts screwed up Akatsuki's plans. Thus the achievement in ignorance.
Ah, sorry, miss-read your comment, thought you were saying the elders were talking about Akatsuki's plans and Zetsu. Who, like you said, they don't even know is a thing, and now possibly may never find out. depending on how Zetsu reacts to everything falling apart.
Technically speaking, the Ten-Tails\Kaguya is the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and the 9 Tailed Beasts are just its Chakra, which is why it didn't actually need all 9 Tailed Beasts to be revived, just enough of their Chakra.

So Black Zetsu's plan might not be entirely derailed; using the chakra from the former Jinchuuriki could still work to revive the Ten-Tails, or failing that it is not impossible that it could be revived with 'normal' Chakra.

It would probably take a really, really, really long time, much longer than using the Tailed Beasts.

Chakra is ultimately just energy, the Ten-Tails was never really dead, it's more been forced into a state of hibernation.

That's the whole reason why the Sage went to all the trouble of sticking it in the moon; he couldn't destroy it, only seal it away.
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The Rinnegan can be used to summon the Demonic Statue, but getting it enough Chakra to revive without the Tailed Beast Chakra would probably be a thousand year endevor at minimum.
Control nodes inside Tailed Beasts was presumably important parts of the God Tree hardware and/or software, so no reviving it now.
Control nodes inside Tailed Beasts was presumably important parts of the God Tree hardware and/or software, so no reviving it now.
I mean it's possible there was something in the Chakra that was irreplaceable, but I can't think of any particular reason to believe that at the moment.

The God Tree gathered that Chakra by itself from consuming Natural Energy in the first place, there's no canon reason to assume it could not do so again, if Natural Energy was available, which it is not on the moon.

And souls aren't Chakra, so dispersing the Ten-Tails Chakra doesn't affect Kaguya's soul, it's still in there.
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I imagine forcibly tearing stuff out is causing problems with associated systems and its more that what they were doing is damaging things that are somewhat hard to conventialy damage and further damage caused by that making other things unravel is the bigger problem for Kaguya and not the Bijuu Chakra itself kinda like how in mauling snarks they damaged the Master Power Hardware by Pulling energy in such a way that it wasn't supposed to so in this case forcefully pulling the bijuus out of the Network is damaging things related to them and thus also critically damaging the reincarnated network and the Local Chakra Tree
I mean it's possible there was something in the Chakra that was irreplaceable, but I can't think of any particular reason to believe that at the moment.
Its pretty heavily implied by Great Toad Sage and in Otsutsuki Interlude. Tailed Beasts grew in power because their dad made them from ripped apart parts of the God Tree chakra network - that IS its hardware. These nodes were still weakly connected, but with some of them gone whole thing will start to fall apart and no amount of chakra will help God Tree husk from withering and taking Kaguya with it.
Anyway, taking the death of the god-tree as read, what is that going to do to the local chakra supply?
I mean the thing's whole purpose was to convert like energy to chakra for the use of the Otsusuki, right?
Do the various natural Chakra generators (aka ninjas) represent a self-sustaining system now?