Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

It's important to remember, because it kind of gets lost when Taylor Escalation Hebert raises steam and gets moving, that Belka was a bullshit magitech empire with a genetically designed ruling family, wide scale uplift of animals for defence, protection and companionship and AIs that are either a gun, jewellery or a playing card depending (and those are the basic ones).

Some of the things Orange Sky has done would be worth a footnote, or even a couple of research papers, but well, some days you get a giant kitten, some days you get a trio of ghosts stolen by a machine and some days you find the Belkan Empire being 'yes and'-ed back into existence by teenagers. These things happen.
Fortunately Orange Sky would likely have been being puppeted by it's Defense Program (last story had Taylor find Hive's Defense Program... a Superuser-level AI which when tripped prioritizes restoration of Core Functionality over all other concerns, including Core Level Ethics) at the time and may not have enough data to attempt experimentation.

@Epsilon Rose: text specifically said the fragments in Naurto's body were linked to things that when pulled yanked two more "core fragments" from a weird non-direction.
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What the heck is with Orange Sky's Field Healing Report?

Did the Tome really just yank Minato and half of the bloody Fox from the Shinigami's stomach -- likely at the time between the Mortal Plain, Pure World and Impure World?

And were any of the "limiting nets" physical/mental inhibitors (why would the son of two exceptionally Intelligent people be idiotic but not enough so to not be able to 'hack it' in the military?).

Intelligence limiting Seals of course (usually put there by a Hyuga, wanting him too stupid to be attractive to Hinata)/Fanon
Minato left an echo of his Chakra in the seal. It has an imprint of his personality, and Naruto talks to it at one point. It doesn't last long. Kushina has one too.

The Book saw the Chakra echoes, and used them as a personality imprint. Minato himself is still in the Shinigami's stomach. What's in the Book is just an echo.
Pushing the fractured pieces of linker core into something resembling a coherent whole had first required pulling out the odd structures keeping the pieces apart, only to find out that those structures had somehow been linked to others that contained more pieces of core. The Tome had no clue where they'd come from or how to begin describing the direction they'd arrived from.
Note the additional "fragments" of Linker Core entering the picture once Orange Sky started merging the Core bits it already knew about (read: in much the same place Cores are supposed to be, just more than one piece).

IIRC the Shinigami was canonically summoned specifically to empower (cast) the Seal, due to Minato not trusting Mortal Chakra to be capable of containing the Strongest Bujuu.

So Net Chakra would link back to the Shinigami.
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And were any of the "limiting nets" physical/mental inhibitors (why would the son of two exceptionally Intelligent people be idiotic but not enough so to not be able to 'hack it' in the military?).
No, pretty sure that was... well, chakra. The result of the gift of the Shinju Tree. Orange Sky specifically noted that it had fixed the inefficiencies and rebuilt those nets after noting that they were mostly converting Naruto's natural mana into other things and doing a good job of it once they'd been fixed up. Hence why he's now, to borrow a term from Fate, an Average One. Someone capable of easily wielding any of the five primary elements in their techniques. Those "nets" were whatever naturally shapes people's mana into what ninja call chakra.
On the topic of the Henge, does anybody else think it was a missed opportunity to not have the moment of Naruto successfully distracting Kaguya with the sexy jutsu be what let them win the fight? It would both serve as a decent bit of humor in the moment and a great callback/brick joke by having the technique Naruto invented in first few chapters be what defeats the Final Boss of the manga.
Ah this is also on AO3, I really like how the author write logically and fill in the hole of the plot in Naruto.
On the topic of the Henge, does anybody else think it was a missed opportunity to not have the moment of Naruto successfully distracting Kaguya with the sexy jutsu be what let them win the fight? It would both serve as a decent bit of humor in the moment and a great callback/brick joke by having the technique Naruto invented in first few chapters be what defeats the Final Boss of the manga.
On a tangential note, I feel it was a huge miss for Tenten to not trap Madara with the sacred relics, it's not like she doesn't have the chakra for it.
And were any of the "limiting nets" physical/mental inhibitors (why would the son of two exceptionally Intelligent people be idiotic but not enough so to not be able to 'hack it' in the military?).
I thought the 'limiting nets' were basically 'the machinery that makes chakra work like chakra instead of working like mana' as placed on all humans of this world, not anything specifically on Naruto
I thought the 'limiting nets' were basically 'the machinery that makes chakra work like chakra instead of working like mana' as placed on all humans of this world, not anything specifically on Naruto
Especially with the whole "Linker Core apparently broken into five pieces with the limiting nets placed around the pieces holding them together" thing. The five pieces denoted elemental affinity, while the nets actually changed the nature of the mana to be chakra. Hell, the "nets" were likely shaped in spirals and coils, because Chakra Coils are a thing.
Minato left an echo of his Chakra in the seal. It has an imprint of his personality, and Naruto talks to it at one point. It doesn't last long. Kushina has one too.

The Book saw the Chakra echoes, and used them as a personality imprint. Minato himself is still in the Shinigami's stomach. What's in the Book is just an echo.
Minato left part of himself in the seal. The seal was torn open, the connection back to the Shinigami through the seal and through part of Minato and part of Kurama being on both sides of the divide was accidentally abused into tearing a hole in the Shinigami's stomach.

The Shinigami wants nothing more to do with that mess... but more on that later in the story. :V
Note the additional "fragments" of Linker Core entering the picture once Orange Sky started merging the Core bits it already knew about (read: in much the same place Cores are supposed to be, just more than one piece).

IIRC the Shinigami was canonically summoned specifically to empower (cast) the Seal, due to Minato not trusting Mortal Chakra to be capable of containing the Strongest Bujuu.

So Net Chakra would link back to the Shinigami.
The nets didn't link to the Shinigami, the things inside the nets and the seal itself did.
I thought the 'limiting nets' were basically 'the machinery that makes chakra work like chakra instead of working like mana' as placed on all humans of this world, not anything specifically on Naruto
This is correct!
Especially with the whole "Linker Core apparently broken into five pieces with the limiting nets placed around the pieces holding them together" thing. The five pieces denoted elemental affinity, while the nets actually changed the nature of the mana to be chakra. Hell, the "nets" were likely shaped in spirals and coils, because Chakra Coils are a thing.
The main pieces were "Naruto, Kushina, Minato, Kurama (Yin), Kurama (Yang)".

The net itself is what handles elements, and it's a "limiting net" because improperly formed ones prevent mana/chakra capacity from growing beyond a fixed point before putting too much pressure on the net to continue.

Think of the net as a very basic storage device sitting around the linker core that turns hand seals into spells. ;)
Minato left part of himself in the seal. The seal was torn open, the connection back to the Shinigami through the seal and through part of Minato and part of Kurama being on both sides of the divide was accidentally abused into tearing a hole in the Shinigami's stomach.

The Shinigami wants nothing more to do with that mess... but more on that later in the story. :V

The nets didn't link to the Shinigami, the things inside the nets and the seal itself did.

This is correct!

The main pieces were "Naruto, Kushina, Minato, Kurama (Yin), Kurama (Yang)".

The net itself is what handles elements, and it's a "limiting net" because improperly formed ones prevent mana/chakra capacity from growing beyond a fixed point before putting too much pressure on the net to continue.

Think of the net as a very basic storage device sitting around the linker core that turns hand seals into spells. ;)
...So it is basically a Virtual Storage Device, like Aura is in Hazardous Interruptions? If it specifically turns hand-seals into spells, then it was likely created by Indra of the Fan, the first Uchiha, Son of the Sage of Six Paths, and Inventor of Zodiac Hand Seal Ninjutsu (and thus modern chakra usage in general). I would guess that the Sage, his brother, and his mother use some other form of casting, in addition to their (numerous) Kekkai Genkai/Rare Skills.
Was Tome able to recover Yin Part of Kurama or its power able to restore Kurama fully?

Does Naruto able to use chains and negative sense due to Tome? Can he more suited to sage art due to having essence Minato who was a sage in his body?
CmptrWz said one of the integrated pieces was "Kurama (Yin)" so... yes.

He also said there was power lost due to Naruto being Human.
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Honestly, given the tone of Naruto essentially being "Talk no Jutsu", the shonen brawling series. I can't help but have this to say, more than hypothetical Worm infection memes.
Fortunately Orange Sky would likely have been being puppeted by it's Defense Program (last story had Taylor find Hive's Defense Program... a Superuser-level AI which when tripped prioritizes restoration of Core Functionality over all other concerns, including Core Level Ethics) at the time and may not have enough data to attempt experimentation.
Honestly. Is it wrong for me to imagine Naruto beating befriending the Tome's Defensive Mechanism, Nanoha style. To the point it glitches out into becoming say; "Yandere overprotective" to a SKYNET Degree? Or at some speculative worst case, end up bieng at a long term risk if it 'recovered' fully enough. To end up going full Unison mode.

As much as odds are Master Program. Might not so much get the "Reinforce" name, but probably some Ramen flavored name if you think of Naruto, trying to name a "Naruko" or closest thing to a possible found family, to him. Which honestly, could be another tihng if say, he names/adopts even the Defense Mechanism.

Or well. If ending up pissed. You thought Kyuubi mode, untamed is bad? Imagine Naruto going into "Defense Mechanism mode", but instead of having his body burnout. He's able to contain it in some accursed 'symbiosis', and it escalates from there?
Minato left part of himself in the seal. The seal was torn open, the connection back to the Shinigami through the seal and through part of Minato and part of Kurama being on both sides of the divide was accidentally abused into tearing a hole in the Shinigami's stomach.

OUCH! That sounds like a seriously bad case of indigestion. Shinigami-Sama really should be more careful what he eats.
Shinigami-Sama ulcers are the worst. Should eat only bland foods and go on a course of Kami-Sama level antibiotics.
Hindsight... no, I'd make a joke on Murphy mixed with Sord's lemonade. But it'd likely be a case of "Orange Tome OMNOM'S Shinigami." Then digests turns it's "Soul entrapment/stomach" into a means to process Ninja, into more "Pages" to fill in/complete, truly. Give or take some pepperoni, and well...

Madara? What's the worst that could happen, if your Moon Eye Plan got hijacked, by an eldritch Tome from another universe? Especially if say, it 'ate/sealed' a Ten Tailed Kaguya princess demon? I mean, imagine if for a spitballing second. You have Reinforce sorry, "Tome-chan" (or nee-san, or some rude/affectionate family nickname Naruto will tack on to her.) And the pet Defense dog fox too?

Bonus points if say, after processing/absorbing your "Moon Princess", er. Chakra Cultivator. And it acquired a... 'taste', for archiving/integrating your Boruto SPACE Cultivators. Complete with possible possession + EXPLOSION bad end, that at Naruto's vitality? He'd beat the crap out of the bugs... Then, the bugs will crawl right into him, like a Magical Sage Wizard.

... Hindsight. Is it wrong if in another parasytic lens? If that Defensive mechanism ends up taking more 'traits' from Naruto than it even expected, to a further degration/corruption in buggy nature, degree?
Isn't the Shinigami a uzu construct anyway? It was their way to accesses the pure realm.
Dunno. Remember, the Tree that became the Ten Tails was simply a natural energy collector. And Chakra is Ten Tails energy redistributed.

Drain enough Chakra users and/or significantly large natural space(s), no reason extra energy can't be made up for. Assuming it's absolutely necessary and Ten Tails has no problems forming anyway.

Even with the power loss, Naruto should be able to single-handedly account for at least 60% of Kurama's Energy.
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I don't think Kaguya/10 tails can be summoned anymore, since the tome nomed all of the 9 tails' chakra...
If memory serves, it was summoned in the manga using a bit of chakra from a different source because they couldn't get Naruto like they did almost all the others. So, from that point of view, the plan may still be on track.