Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

One Prank I can think off, copying of libraries.
ugh, that bit of fanon is so pervasive and it bothers me. the Henge is not an illusion and never has been an illusion, and has always been a fully physical transformation.

with that said the story so far is great fun, and it's just a minor thing that now that I've complained bout it will be able to over look as part of an AU.
Canon Naruto, sure.
He transforms into a trowing star.
But everybody else?
Do we have anything, there?

Sorry, but I have to ask, because the little I've seen, does not really include info on this.
Canon Naruto, sure.
He transforms into a trowing star.
But everybody else?
Do we have anything, there?
yes literally everyone that uses Henge is physically transforming, and the best example is probably Kiba and Akamaru as the jutsu they use are mostly variants of the Henge, or Enma transforming into the adamantine staff.
This technique is most often used to disguise the user as another person, but they can also turn into an animal, plant, or inanimate object;[1] according to Sasuke Retsuden, inanimate objects are the most difficult to transform into, and users are shown familiarising themselves with an object's weight and feel before assuming its form. Users will gain the attributes and physical features of whatever they transform into, such as a weapon's sharpness or an animal's fangs.[2][3] To be able to assume so many different forms makes this technique invaluable for not just combat, but intelligence gathering and diversionary tactics as well.[1] In Sasuke Shinden, some transformations are shown to take some getting used to, such as if the assumed form has a different height than the user or if the assumed form wears clothes that the user isn't accustomed to.

Transformation Technique

The Transformation Technique allows the user to take the appearance of whatever they choose. This technique is most often used to disguise the user as another person, but they can also turn into an animal, plant, or inanimate object;[1] according to Sasuke Retsuden, inanimate objects are the...
yes literally everyone that uses Henge is physically transforming, and the best example is probably Kiba and Akamaru as the jutsu they use are mostly variants of the Henge, or Enma transforming into the adamantine staff.

Transformation Technique

The Transformation Technique allows the user to take the appearance of whatever they choose. This technique is most often used to disguise the user as another person, but they can also turn into an animal, plant, or inanimate object;[1] according to Sasuke Retsuden, inanimate objects are the...
Did not actually know that.
I think this fanon is so widespread bc the anime only really shows naruto using it like that.
I mean, if it's a phisical transformation, why doesn't Jiraya henge into a woman and walk into a female onsen instead of spying? Why not henge into a civilian and walk into Rain? Tsunade henge into someone elso to stay hidden?
There's a million uses and yet noone uses them.
Of course, it's because it's shounen manga, but that's likely why that spread so far, it's not really explained in depth in the manga, some fics used the illusion thing, and readers thought it made sense, so it spread.

Edit: the kiba thing i'd just put down to "clan stuff"
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Was Naruto's difficulty in this story with the Henge, or is it with the Bushin? Because I believe canon had Naruto being basically unable to use the standard Bushin at all.
yes literally everyone that uses Henge is physically transforming, and the best example is probably Kiba and Akamaru as the jutsu they use are mostly variants of the Henge, or Enma transforming into the adamantine staff.
See, I look at information like that and think that it's complete bullshit based on what was shown in the manga and even the anime.

If it was a complete physical transformation that even academy students could pull off then it would be used a hell of a lot more often than we see it used. As it is, the only character we see in the original manga that is capable of triggering a physical transformation like that with the supposed academy technique is Naruto himself, and the majority of the physical changes we see other than Naruto's are things getting bigger. I think Naruto may be the only one in the manga, and possibly the anime, that ever pulls of a transformation into something smaller while supposedly using the academy-taught jutsu.

Worse, ninety percent of the supposed limitations of the technique come from post-manga "official fanfiction" light novels written by other authors. Your quoted information cites two of them by a single author!

Now, I'm not saying that physical transformations are impossible in canon, but it seems like every physical transformation that doesn't originate with Naruto is explicitly another jutsu in some fashion instead of part of the all-purpose academy jutsu. The wiki's claim that all of these other jutsu are "derived from" the academy one is, IMO, a mistake for several of them and misleading for others.
why doesn't Jiraya henge into a woman and walk into a female onsen instead of spying?
well I can't give answers to all of them, but I figure that it's because Jiraya both invented a invisibility jutsu as a genin and doesn't really care if he's caught.
as for Tsunade, she vain enough that she's constantly Henged into herself but younger.

If it was a complete physical transformation that even academy students could pull off then it would be used a hell of a lot more often than we see it used. As it is, the only character we see in the original manga that is capable of triggering a physical transformation like that with the supposed academy technique is Naruto himself, and the majority of the physical changes we see other than Naruto's are things getting bigger. I think Naruto may be the only one in the manga, and possibly the anime, that ever pulls of a transformation into something smaller while supposedly using the academy-taught jutsu.

there's also the bit with the combination henge between naruto and Gamabunta, where Gama asks for a form that would allow proper grip on Shukaku, if the physical henge wasn't the norm then there would be now reason for Gama to suspect that would work.
but fair point about smaller than your starting bodymass Henge, Naruto is also the only one I can think of that does that (all of twice).

and like I said, it's not exactly a big deal given how little use it gets in canon, especially now that I've vented about it
Also, Danzo "undermining the village"? BOO! That was a terrible Dad Joke. Of course he's undermining it! His secret Bond Villain Barbie Lair is underneath the village after all.
What? Noooooo! I've made a horrible mistake! Please forgive me, I didn't mean to pun! I swear I didn't even think of it that way! :rofl:
(That was legitimately accidental. :oops:)
"GODDAMMIT," his father yelled a moment later. "HOW DID I NEVER FIGURE THAT OUT?"

" didn't know?"
his mother asked, sounding confused. "It's name in Uzu was the paperwork jutsu."
I always love when this gets brought up. Clearly the Uzumaki have an altered view of reality from being bullshit powerful, but it's still funny when no one thinks of that!

EDIT: *"Its name"
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well I can't give answers to all of them
No need really, the manga/anime is vague enough that we could be making points and counterpoints forever, while both being completely valid.
My point really was just that this fanon likely started with people liking the explanation in a fic that covered an inconsistency in the original work. That's quite common, fiction rarely explores all ramifications of all abilities.
Yeah, my issue with hybrid hive is that it's not slice of lifey enough. I'm not saying that it should be more action adventure. I'm saying that the reason that people think the pacing is off is because they are expecting action adventure because it seems to be building up to a big fight, and all of the focus is on making even more lethal attacks; And that if this particular story that is now being written is not more leaning into the slice of life sort of stuff, they will probably get the same complaints about it.
Like, the problem Hybrid has, at least I feel, is that there is absolutely no challenge whatsoever. Taylor, by about a third of the way through the story or so, has enough power to end the world multiple times over, is so smart she is rewriting fields of study, and has enough diplomatic clout that people are treating her as a functional Head of State. There is no real challenge that exists, outside of the TSAB, to give her pause, as no one would be willing to question her skills in a fight or her answers on a math test. The story feels floaty, in that nothing she does ever has negative consequences for anyone and people wishing her harm obligingly walk into her fist repeatedly. Even the most recent threat, that government Thinker group, got caught because they enacted a plan that makes so little sense from step one that the only motivations I can conceive of for coming up with it are suicidal.
The Harry Potter one at least has him in the same realm of ability as most of his classmates, and the teachers standing above that, and as a result leads to a lot more back and forth that keeps things interesting.
It's possible the reason Henge isn't used more often is due to the technique having an exponentially increasing cost for maintaining the altered form, with the "derived" techniques trading flexibility for cost.
Personally, I suspect the real reason Henge isn't used more often is because Kishimoto can't world build, with a patch in the form of making it so that holding a henge disrupts ones chakra enough to make other things difficult, and by the time they have reserves able to hold it for any meaningful amount of time they have better options.
At last you have a main character who can do pranks without worrying that it's out of character.

(Although Kushina being a prankster seems to be fanon. Though common fanon.)
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Congratulations on the initiation of another story. Look forward to seeing where you take it.
I always figured Henge had the same problem a Fairy glamour has: Sure, it'll let you do just about anything, but it's really fragile. Come into contact with the wrong material or the wrong chacra or simply put to much stress on it and the whole thing breaks. Other techniques might not be as flexible, but they also won't break before you do.
His father claimed that the bigger health risk remained having learned how to prepare pork and bacon in the apartment
From what someone put on discord, it's a great risk to fry bacon without proper ventilation (in an apartment), a sensor calibrated to detect pollution in the air marked 800 on a scale of 0 to 900; 0-20 is good air, 100-200 is small grass fire, 800 is the worst day you can imagine in India. So, yep, cooking bacon is a risk.
The reason it's not used more often might simply be that it takes active concentration to maintain the physical illusion. Using it to sneak in someplace, or to hide? No real issue, as you can focus simply on maintaining it. Need to search for something while using it? You risk dropping it as your attention is divided. Using it for more than an hour or two? Might not dent your chakra reserves, but it's going to be mentally tiring.
Jiraya sneaking into a hot spring? It drops as soon as he becomes too focused on something else. Transform into a weapon? Not something normally done unless you trust who will use you, and/or are brave/foolhardy enough to do so.

It also might set off chakra detecting wards and/or be fairly obvious to those sensitive to chakra.

So it's a short-term tool with limited uses, unless you're fairly creative, and most of those uses are not something the show or manga focus upon. Being battle-focused more then something sneaking-focused. Those who are actually using it are likely to be the information gathering elements of the village, not the main or even side characters of the series.
Or maybe Henge does not get used because, at the level most of these characters start operating at in canon, the ability to shapeshift into anything is kind of meaningless in the face of the ability to reshape the landscape or the power to kill anyone you have cut once or the ability to instantly hypnotize people as long as you can look at them.

Like, Henge seems like an awesome ability, in an extremely low power version of the Naruto setting. But when your power level starts hovering around DBZ it starts to be a little less important.
Jiraya both invented a invisibility jutsu as a genin and doesn't really care if he's caught.
No, it's actually worse than that. Jiraiya wants to be caught. He could easily infiltrate the baths in one of dozens of ways. That's not the point anymore (it was when he was a horny kid though). The point is to get the naked and semi-naked women to beat him up, which won't happen if he actually infiltrates the baths.
I like the author's pacing as is if you don't like it you don't have to read it
ugh, that bit of fanon is so pervasive and it bothers me. the Henge is not an illusion and never has been an illusion, and has always been a fully physical transformation.
has it? where do you see this in canon? I'm not saying you're wrong just that to the best of my knowledge it was never explicitly shown one way or the other and things make a lot more sense to me if the standard academy henge is an illusion rather than a physical transformation
yes literally everyone that uses Henge is physically transforming, and the best example is probably Kiba and Akamaru as the jutsu they use are mostly variants of the Henge, or Enma transforming into the adamantine staff.
variants like the shadow clone is a variant of the academy clone
Now, I'm not saying that physical transformations are impossible in canon, but it seems like every physical transformation that doesn't originate with Naruto is explicitly another jutsu in some fashion instead of part of the all-purpose academy jutsu. The wiki's claim that all of these other jutsu are "derived from" the academy one is, IMO, a mistake for several of them and misleading for others.
Yes this explains it better but this is pretty much exactly my thoughts on the issue
Or maybe Henge does not get used because, at the level most of these characters start operating at in canon, the ability to shapeshift into anything is kind of meaningless in the face of the ability to reshape the landscape or the power to kill anyone you have cut once or the ability to instantly hypnotize people as long as you can look at them.

Like, Henge seems like an awesome ability, in an extremely low power version of the Naruto setting. But when your power level starts hovering around DBZ it starts to be a little less important.
being able to be unrecognizable to 99% of people looking for you is a powerful ability if the basic academy henge was a physical transformation then security of valuables would have to be much higher and naruto would never have been able to steal the scroll that he did at the beginning of the series the only way it makes sense for naruto to have been able to steal something so important is if some part of his ability is rare enough to be considered an OCP for the guards guarding it and the only abilities he had at the time were the replacement jutsu and his transformation jutsu and the derived sexy jutsu

Even if it does, it's an awesome start, and if you happen to have access to the magic, you can find the beta document with the first 18 chapters so far.
what is this magic and where can I get access?
If it really is a physical transformation, then there is a lot of substance a ninja can transform into to escape various danger.

Enemy tied you up in ropes and chain? transform into liquid or gas and escape.
Enemy blast you with million volts of electricity? transform into a gas or block of rubber
Enemy blasting you with fire? transform into water/rock.
Enemy release poison gas into a room you are in? transform into a chair and wait out until the gas dissipates.
Enemy throws those ninja star or knives at you and you have only seconds? transform into block of stone

So, If it is an academy jutsu, I would wonder it is because of its versatile application and not due to being an easy starter jutsu for a child to learn.
Personally, I suspect the real reason Henge isn't used more often is because Kishimoto can't world build, with a patch in the form of making it so that holding a henge disrupts ones chakra enough to make other things difficult, and by the time they have reserves able to hold it for any meaningful amount of time they have better options.
I always figured Henge had the same problem a Fairy glamour has: Sure, it'll let you do just about anything, but it's really fragile. Come into contact with the wrong material or the wrong chacra or simply put to much stress on it and the whole thing breaks. Other techniques might not be as flexible, but they also won't break before you do.
I figure some variant of both of these possibly, plus definitely a matter of "it's not as easy as it looks." Mostly in terms of using it for a form that you haven't practiced with it before a lot. Sure, you can transform into the guy next to you when you have him right there to use as a visual reference. Making up a new look from your imagination though, or trying to get someone right by memory? That's hard. That's hella' hard. On top of that, it might be harder to keep it going when you're moving around a lot, as opposed to transforming and mostly just standing there. Or transforming and letting someone else do the moving for you, as in the case where Naruto henged into a shuriken for Sasuke to throw. Or in the case of when Naruto transformed his toad summon, if the someone else is staying in contact with you for the duration they might be able to hold you in a transformation while you do the moving, but that would be highly situational.

Most shinobi might practice one or two alternate forms that they can use as disguises, and they might or might not know their teammates well enough that they can transform into each other as a tactic to confuse enemies. Going beyond that though, most people could only really hold a henge of some rando if they were like, a guard standing in one spot who they killed and replaced, or an inanimate object that they had one of already and they wanted to make it look like there were two instead of one and a person.

The idea that it takes effort to maintain a transformation is also supported by the Third Hokage's battle with Orochimaru: Hiruzen's summon, Enma the monkey king used henge (in the manga it's specifically labelled as being henge) to transform into a variably-sized adamantine staff, something that given mythological references, Enma was probably quite familiar with, which Hiruzen then used as a weapon. When Orochimaru blocked it at one point with the edge of the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, a blade that could damage such a staff, Enma had difficulty holding the transformation due to pain, and partially untransformed for a moment.
If it really is a physical transformation, then there is a lot of substance a ninja can transform into to escape various danger.

Enemy tied you up in ropes and chain? transform into liquid or gas and escape.
Enemy blast you with million volts of electricity? transform into a gas or block of rubber
Enemy blasting you with fire? transform into water/rock.
Enemy release poison gas into a room you are in? transform into a chair and wait out until the gas dissipates.
Enemy throws those ninja star or knives at you and you have only seconds? transform into block of stone

So, If it is an academy jutsu, I would wonder it is because of its versatile application and not due to being an easy starter jutsu for a child to learn.
All but one of those are better served by using the Substitution, a different one of the Academy Three that is specifically designed for such things. The last one, with the poison gas, you probably could use it to reduce the amount you breathe if you notice quick enough before you breathe in too much of the gas, but such an occasion never came up in canon. Presumably, if it had, Kishimoto may have had someone use henge in that way.
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Naruto himself is shown to have a Henge that physically transforms him. But he's the only one shown to be able to do that. And it's never explicitly mentioned. It's rather implicately implied by the way Naruto uses his Henge technique in combat. The techniques other ninja use that are shown to provide a physical tranformation however are all suppose to be clan techniques or taught by summons, I think. You know, rather then a generic henge technique taught to all ninja. The 5th Hokage does use a physical transformation to appear younger then she is, true. But that's explicitly stated to be a technique of her own creation, and the gem she has on her forehead is a focus for the technique. I think it's mentioned to be related to her superhuman strength too.

Somehow, I doubt a technique that physically transforms the user gets taught in the academy. Such a technique likely has a higher chakra cost then most students could handle safely, and would probably be classified as a higher rank jutsu then academy students are allowed to learn. My theory has long been that Naruto tried to do the one taught in the academy, but due to a combination of his sabotaged education and containing the Nine Tailed Fox Naruto got it wrong somehow. Thus he ended up with something that looks to the casual observer to be what was taught, while having properties that Naruto doesn't realize it's not suppose to have. Then again, considering Naruto mainly uses it in combat to change into weapons or the 'sexy jutsu', it's likely any observer wouldn't realize there's something odd about his henge technique.
as well as that he should put on his goggles
I never understood what was the utility of those goggles. Something in the manga or anime?
A week ago he'd even spent a day out in the village as 'Yoko'
I know you write Yoko looks like Kushina, but, do you think you could post an illustration so that we see what Naruto looks like as a girl?
And you spoke of shapeshifting and not a henge, does that mean that Naruto will go through both genders' growing problems?
Their classmates were jerks
Ah, the cruelty of young children... Reminds me of Elfen Lied sometimes.
From this you can see that Uzumaki has a lot of chakra
Isn't there also something about the density of Uzumaki chakra?
wandering with the Tome being done while the Tome had a plain orange cover though
Oh god... You didn't...? You did... Okay, I now know why you had the Tome in orange.
Say, you never really named it, did you? Like the original tome in Nanoha?