Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

lets be honest here, for most people, you can say they are completely harmless after restraining, or removing the arms and legs, with mystical Ninja, Like the one seen in Naruto, you can not assume that even and dis-armed and De-legged Ninja is not still dangerous.
eh, sort of.
Yang is Body/physical(like the Akimichi body manipulation) and Yin is Mind/spiritual(genjutsu, Nara Shadows, Yamanaka Mind control).
Yin-Yang is basically Creation, using the Yin to create something from nothing, and Yang to make it real, but it's also not as simple as doing two parts of a technique
More or less, yes. That part of what they are and how they work wasn't really relevant to the the topic at hand though, so I saw no reason to go over it. And I'm really not sure how you ever got "as simple as doing two parts of a technique" out of my post. That is oversimplifying what I said by cutting details until you have something almost completely different, and then extracting a meaning from your simplified version that is the exact opposite of one of the points I was actually making.
Rereading, and I was right. Nobody in the village is even aware of the Tome except Naruto and his team. And most of the team don't know the significance of the Tome.
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Rereading, and I was right. Nobody in the village is even aware of the Tome except Naruto and his team. And most of the team don't know the significance of the Tome.

Once the chakra network reformatting into a Linker Core itching stops and Tenten starts throwing kunai with multiple elements imbedded in them, I think the rest of Team Eighteen is going to want a piece of that magical action.
Bureaucracy no jutsu! An awesome chapter.

And every one thinks Naruto now has the motherlode of all elemental manipulation bloodlines. The fangirls will be really bad.

But in all seriousness, there's evidence in the hands of people not loyal to Konoha that he's a strategic asset. Best be on the lookout for kidnapping and seduction missions.
There's evidence in the hands of people not loyal to Konoha and not currently reporting to any hidden village that Naruto might be a strategic asset.

Given that the canon Zabuza and Haku didn't make it out of Wave alive, you have to wonder who they're going to tell...
Even more, I bet Tenten can now do it too. Oh, and Naruto has copied down the clan secrets of one of those ice techniques while Haku was going over the technique scroll... without ever noticing the clone. Priceless.
Tenten hasn't had enough time training elemental techniques to just slap them together like that even when her net is fixed, because she was having problems with elemental jutsu in general before now.
I doubt that they will need more than an hour to plan grand theft Gato. Really, they could end up pulling that off the next morning without any issues. Doesn't matter what Gato offers Zabuza and Haku when he is broke and dead. Gato and most of his thugs would be dead and all his loot would be gone. Nothing for Zabuza and Haku to even scavage after the fact. The only profit the pair would get off this mission is selling info off the impossible bloodline that the female Uzumaki has.
They know that they need to at least observe an organization like Gato's to be prepared for surprises. For example, you don't loot the tyrant the day before a massive payment is due to come in unless the goal is to immediately loot them a second time. Now, adding that to your goals once you know the massive payment is coming is another possibility, but for the goals Team 18 has they don't need the extra hassle.

And they're stuck in the area while the bridge is being built anyway. They have no need to rush.
An amusing part being that "access to every single elemental combination" is a canon ability that Naruto gets as his final power–up in the series.
Which means that it isn't technically out of place as something that can exist in a human. ;)
Huh. Kubikiribocho sorta makes sense, for those that didn't keep up with the series until the end it was revealed that it has the power to repair itself by absorbing and multiplying the iron in blood from people it cuts, which is weird enough to be an Uzumaki thing, sure. But Nuibari is just an oddly shaped sword with a roll of wire tied to the hilt, all it's strangeness is down to the user's skill. Why did they make that?
Mist insisted on calling the giant sewing needle a "sword" after an Uzumaki craftsman created it for assembling giant clothing and armor. It was given seals that allow it to pierce almost any normal material with ease for this task.

This was after they misunderstood how Akimichi size-manipulation worked and thought that items would need to be assembled instead of normal-sized clothing growing with the shinobi.

Uzushio's leadership shrugged and let them think that the sewing needle was a "sword", then rolled their eyes when the wielders spent far too much time learning to sew in large scale mid-combat.

Kubikiribocho was a failed sword as well, but primarily because the one making it didn't realize that an impractically large sword wasn't what was being ordered until after completing it. Smaller, more manageable versions that can be used indoors without cutting down the building were made later. ;)
It's a little surprising that Zabuza even had a backup sword.
This version of the elemental nations has a bit of "general knowledge" floating around that a good kenjutsu user always has backup weapons.

A wannabe kenjutsu user tends to carry their one weapon and then ends up helpless when disarmed of it.
I think "very strong, very stupid, or bait." would probably have worked better here, very stupid and soon to be very dead usually enjoy at least something of a causal relationship, after all.
Bait falls under "very strong" or "very stupid" - Strong for those that can survive being bait and stupid for those who can't.
I think Yin and Yang release would probably not combine with the others like that. They aren't the same kind of "release" as the elemental transformations, after all. Elemental transformations involve using chakra in whole, formed into an element. Yin and Yang release are about isolating one or the other of the two energies that is combined to form proper chakra, and using that. Even if it's possible to use one of them at the same time as a full chakra jutsu, if you tried to add them together all you would get is a jutsu with imbalanced chakra. A failure in all respects.
Yin and Yang release are not actually described anywhere I know of as "pulling the component energies of chakra out and using them independently", and in this story they aren't.

Yin release can do physical things, and Yang release can seemingly do semi-spiritual things. That alone has me interpreting them as their own manipulations of chakra that are a combination of the underlying Yin and Yang energies.
Does anyone in the village realize the tome is more then just a book Naruto has taken to carrying around? I'd have to reread, but I think Naruto's team are the only ones who even suspect that fact.
Naruto is occasionally seen carrying the Tome around. Usually while reading it for training, and it tends to be a plain orange cover book then.

When not carrying the Tome around, it sits around his neck as an Uzumaki pendant. Because storage forms are a thing. :V
Once the chakra network reformatting into a Linker Core itching stops and Tenten starts throwing kunai with multiple elements imbedded in them, I think the rest of Team Eighteen is going to want a piece of that magical action.
The Net sits around the linker core and serves as an in-built device that makes jutsu possible. This means that all jutsu are spells, technically, cast with the aid of a device.
Kubikiribocho was a failed sword as well, but primarily because the one making it didn't realize that an impractically large sword wasn't what was being ordered until after completing it. Smaller, more manageable versions that can be used indoors without cutting down the building were made later. ;)
"When I said I wanted something that looked like a huge butchers knife, I meant more..." *holds hands apart*

"Then maybe you should have given me actual measurements, instead of saying, I quote 'give me a giant meatcleaver-looking thing.' You said giant meatcleaver-looking sword. I gave you a giant meatcleaver-looking sword."
Yin and Yang release are not actually described anywhere I know of as "pulling the component energies of chakra out and using them independently", and in this story they aren't.
The way I understood Yin and Yang release was that for the elemental transformations you were making your chakra behave in a certain way(vibration for lightning, cutting for wind, etc.) while for Yin or Yang you had to alter the ratio of physical to spiritual energy in your chakra like if for most ninjutsu you used a 1:1 ratio, for taijutsu enhancement you used 6:4 minimum and genjutsu was the other way around at 4:6.
While Yang release would have a minimal ratio of 7:3 and ideal ratio of 9:1 of physical to spiritual energy while Yin would be the mirror opposite which is why those releases were so rare, hard to control and use.
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I'd disagree that only Kubikiribocho is a sword. Looking them up Kiba is a pair of swords with weird protrusions but channel lightning and are super sharp. But yeah most of them are obviously something weird that are called swords. Only other exception could be Hiramekarei as while it looks fan shaped could also be called a sword, albeit one meant to shape-shift via chakra.

One of the best anti-climaxes regarding those two happens in Uchibi Sasuke, where Naruto is Sasuke's accountant (years of managing his own money having to penny pinch for everything meant that he had a good head for numbers) and he uses the access Sasuke gave him to the clan finances to outbid Gatou and hire Zabusa for Gatou's head.
I know it's been mentioned at least once in the story, but as far as I recall scrolls that hold living people area big no no. You can store bodies and carcasses, but not people alive... And apparently you can't store someone to kill them either because it would be an effective killing strategy
So the random Konoha people all think he's trying to impersonate Kakashi reading porn in public, but with a fake blank book, possibly because he doesn't know what that book of Kakashi's is?

No, the random public think he is reading porn. Because they don't know the book is 'blank'. Hinata knows about the book, but not that his parents and the nine tails are held within the book as personality matrix. Tenten and the instructors (ha!) know the book is blank, and only readable by him now. But other then that they don't really know the significance of the book.

At least, I think they don't.
EDIT: I think that everyone in Team 18 except Naruto and Hinata think that Naruto is sharing Uzumaki clan techniques with them.
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No, the random public think he is reading porn. Because they don't know the book is 'blank'. Hinata knows about the book, but not that his parents and the nine tails are held within the book as personality matrix. Tenten and the instructors (ha!) know the book is blank, and only readable by him now. But other then that they don't really know the significance of the book.

Possibly, but the cover is also blank, and Kakashi's isn't:

One of the best anti-climaxes regarding those two happens in Uchibi Sasuke, where Naruto is Sasuke's accountant (years of managing his own money having to penny pinch for everything meant that he had a good head for numbers) and he uses the access Sasuke gave him to the clan finances to outbid Gatou and hire Zabusa for Gatou's head.
I had forgotten about that story since my tracker program broke thanks to the FFnet admins being assholes. I need to go see if it's updated since then....
Kubikiribocho was a failed sword as well, but primarily because the one making it didn't realize that an impractically large sword wasn't what was being ordered until after completing it. Smaller, more manageable versions that can be used indoors without cutting down the building were made later. ;)
Yes, it was supposed to be a shapeshifting sword, capable of growing to an immense size.
It was originally ordered by a guy calling himself Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword that Slays Evil.

After Kubikiribocho was considerd a failure, someone else managed to complete his Daizantou.
Nowadays he still uses it in combination with his armor, DyGenGuar.

You should take a look what the guy does with it.


(Considering what in canon Nanoha happens when Vita, Knight of the Iron Hammer gets serious, it would not be surpising someone made a sword like that to be used on human scale, without a Super Robot to wield it...)
Fate Testarossa, with Bardiche in Zanber Form, came closest to being MGLN's version of Zengar Sanger.

Hell, MGLN (starting with A's) piled on ALL the Super Robot Wars/Taisen: Original Generation(s) references.

Case-in-point: Signum, a.k.a. Lamia Loveless w/ Vysaga's moveset and Angelg's finisher (and the exact same seiyuu).
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Like that dinky shield the Princess "wins" for you in the prolouge of Minish Cap?
Seriously, it's an actual plot point that a small child (Link) finds the thing embarrassingly small.
That's a shield someone welded hilts onto.
it's a pair of shovels :V
but more seriously it's a pair of Chakra Capacitors and projectors, which makes it one of the swords that is an actual force multiplier as it's a second well of power for its wielder.
at least it isn't Kabutowari, the Helmsplitter is a giant Mallet attached to a Giant Axe via chakra conductive rope, at no point is it a sword.