Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

I read an omake somewhere that had Tora as the first successful test dummy of Tobirama's Edo Tensei no Jutsu, success no doubt helped along by the favorite cat of the Fire Daimyo's Wife being killed by Genin long enough ago the missing status of the cat had already been noticed....
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Chapter 43 - Kumo’s Exams Start, Demonstration Matches
Naruto idly wondered why Tekuno looked annoyed as the fireworks timed to start when the first stage officially began were going off. Technically the exams had started two hours prior with the 'keep participants from finding the correct first stage room' dance, and that entire building was going to be quite busy for the next couple of hours as the genin hunted down clues throughout it. Hoshi was in the building keeping an eye on things as well, but the genjutsu-hidden real clues were comically easy to spot for anyone with sensor skills.

Of course, it would be interesting to see how many of the examiners noticed that the little fox was hiding more of the real clues than they expected.

But for now, it was time for the demonstration matches, which weren't being delayed while Kumo tried to pretend that they knew about and were responsible for the honestly not too bad fireworks display.

"So how many puppets do you have?" Naruto asked. "Because I've got five with me that are combat-ready."

"...I can only handle three at a time right now," Kankuro admitted, pulling a scroll off of his back and unsealing two humanoid puppets. One had four arms and the other had six, with the byakugan showing that the four-armed one had more weapons hidden within it. "And I'm still more comfortable with two." A moment later he connected five chakra strings to each puppet, connected to the fingers and thumb of each of his hands, and that allowed the puppets to stand up.

"Hmmm. Not sure if it would be fair to pull all five out at once against only two of yours."

"You think you can actually manage five puppets at once?"

"Yes, and the paperwork puppeteer technique makes it even easier."

"Paperwork what?"

Naruto grinned. "Turns out that if you're good enough at paperwork then you can use the skill to handle more puppets."

"I kind of want to see you keeping five puppets moving at once," Temari admitted from the sidelines. "Especially since Kankuro has been at this for years and you're an acknowledged newbie."

Most puppeteers probably couldn't use clones to practice with multiple puppets at a time every single day for months, so it wasn't a fair comparison, but Naruto unsealed all of his puppets. Including two of his non-combat birds, because why not? He then dropped paperwork clones into all of them. The sight of the large Shukaku-like tanuki puppet starting to move had caused every Suna shinobi in the audience to stiffen and back up if they had the option of doing so.

"Well?" Naruto asked.

Kankuro gulped as he looked at the seven puppets all obviously moving independently of one another, including turning to look at him, and his chakra strings vanished. He shuddered as his two puppets collapsed. "I, er..."

"I think you've won by intimidation," Yugito said, looking between Naruto's puppets and Kankuro. "Both because I'm a little in awe of the display and because he's probably happy that he's wearing brown pants already."

Naruto pouted. "But I wanted to see how a normal puppeteer does things."

Unfortunately, it was obvious that Kankuro wasn't going to be in any suitable mental state for an actual demonstration match for the rest of the morning. Naruto packed up his puppets and sighed as one of Kiri's jounin prepared to fight against one of Kumo's wielding a supervibrato sword.

"This is way too easy," Sasuke noted with the communication technique as they moved from room to room collecting their clues. They'd lose points for visiting too many rooms not in their team's clue chain, but that didn't seem to be a problem yet.

"Hoshi seems to have hidden two-thirds of these clues," Ino pointed out.

"And left false ones, yes, but there are non-Hoshi signatures involved. But none of the access doors, false panels, or even the room locks themselves have been well-hidden or a challenge."

"I'll admit that I wouldn't have understood half of these clues,"
Kiba offered.

"Some of them have been obscure, but you've shown that you're most likely to get the hunting references that we miss."

At the current rate they were going they'd likely be done with over an hour to spare. Getting updates from their animal-form clones watching the fights in the arena wasn't even helping alleviate boredom much, since Naruto-sensei had scared his first opponent into being unable to fight.

Hinata had endured watching two different weapon-focused battles while waiting for her turn. Kiri and Kumo both produced excellent kenjutsu specialists, and Temari's battle fan presented interesting challenges for a Kumo shinobi. Doubly so since wind generally overcame lightning when all else was equal...and Temari proved that she was able to use the reinforced fan in both close-range and long-range styles.

Getting hit in the head with that thing had looked painful.

But now it was time for a somewhat literal catfight, the former holder of Matatabi against the one bound to the remains of the tailed beast.

"How did you want to do this?" Hinata asked.

Yugito smirked, obviously coating herself in chakra as her fingernails extended into claws. "Turns out that after some time I was able to recover a few tricks."

"Huh. Literal claws?"

"Yep. Not something you figure out quickly either, since it took me a couple of years to pull them off."

Hinata raised an eyebrow, then focused a little. A moment later she was able to shapeshift her fingernails into claws, which she then examined. "I can see how this could be useful."

"...that's not fair. How long have you been able to do that?"

"This is my first time forming claws like this."


"Yep." A moment later Hinata's claws were coated in blue-black flames. "But they seem quite useful."

Eyes narrowing, Yugito apparently decided that they'd chatted enough, darting in. Hinata side-stepped the initial rush, though her opponent was faster than expected. Also a lot more capable of reacting to changes in the situation than bandits, given the almost immediate shift to try to launch an attack anyway.

But not as fast as Naruto was during their spars since he had four gates locked open.

Except that a retaliatory swipe was met by the chakra coating Yugito, and the flames did nothing. Definitely an interesting trick, and Hinata devoted some mental focus to figuring out how it worked. The chakra didn't feel like normal elemental chakra...

Back and forth between the two in taijutsu, without attempting to strike with the Gentle Fist while using the claws, didn't get very far. Hinata dropped the shapeshifting to get normal fingers back, and used chakra reinforcement to block her opponent's claws instead. Striking at chakra points followed, but the odd chakra coating was diffusing the strikes before they could close chakra points.

Now, neither of them was going all out in an attempt to harm the other, nor was Hinata using clone tactics or combined-element releases. This was a friendly demonstration match, and the previous two hadn't had a real winner, just continuing for a bit before both sides decided that they'd shown enough. But Anko-sensei wasn't exactly a fan of draws, so Hinata started adding various chakra natures into her strikes to see how the protective layer of chakra reacted to them. Any one of the five main elements reacted similarly, the chakra layer almost looking like it was taking on the counter-element.

Combined-element strikes, such as ice chakra, had caused the entire protective layer to almost flicker, and pushing out combined-element chakra from index and ring fingers before a normal attack on a chakra point from the middle finger allowed the latter to strike true. The first time this was managed caused Yugito to flinch, and she didn't recover in time to stop the following six strikes. At that point she had an entire leg no longer responding properly and the coating of chakra was obviously not intended to be partial.

Keeping up with the jounin was a lot easier at that point, and Hinata followed the attempted retreat with ease, striking at more chakra points as she did so. Medical chakra tuned to cause unconsciousness followed, a trick that only worked because of how disrupted the woman's chakra already was.

"I thought these were going to be more showing off than aiming for a win," one of the other Kumo jounin noted.

"Except that by winning I showed off my ability to work around whatever it is she figured out for protecting herself from normal and basic elemental chakra," Hinata replied.

"...point to you. She hasn't explained to anyone how that trick works."

"I'm still not sure how she managed it either, but I figured out a counter anyway."

It had taken twenty minutes to get Yugito conscious and able to watch, as annoyed as she was at losing like that, but now it was time for the final match. Naruto pulled out Kubikiribocho, as requested, and looked at his blue-haired opponent.

"I can't recall your name," Naruto admitted.

"That isn't surprising," the slightly older shinobi admitted. "It's Chojuro."

"Ah, right. Wielder of Hiramekarei. I hope you've been charging it with a lot of chakra."

" seem to know more than I expected."

"I'm not a kenjutsu specialist, but I did research famous blades after finding out that two of them were technically on loan from Uzushiogakure originally."

"Ah." The paired swords known as Hiramekarei were pulled off of Chojuro's back in their bundle of bandages as everyone else moved to the stands. There was far less of an initial show than setting up puppets had been and getting out of the way only made sense, especially with the range Hiramekarei could apparently operate at. "I'm probably not going to do well."

"If we're sticking to kenjutsu then you probably have a lot more skill than I do, and definitely more respect for the blades."

" don't respect the blades?"

"Ask Karui here in Kumo if you want. I chopped up one of her blades with a kitchen knife."

That seemed to annoy the young man, based on the look on his face and the sudden murderous vibes coming off of him. The swords suddenly lighting up with chakra, shredding the bandages wrapped around them and allowing him to separate the two was another sign.

Dodging the first swing, which had the chakra from the swords extending significantly to cover the distance between them, wouldn't have been difficult. Naruto instead coated Kubikiribocho in chakra and blocked, slicing through the two lines of chakra trying to slice through him.

"Chopping up chakra projections just doesn't have the same kick," Naruto complained, before pulling out the kitchen knife and holding it in his other hand. This obviously made Chojuro angrier, one of the two fish-shaped blades being swung horizontally and the other vertically. The latter formed what looked like a large hammer, and Naruto lifted Kubikiribocho to block that strike while the kitchen knife was used to cut the chakra from the horizontal 'cutting' projection.

Unknown to most other than his original team, Naruto had practiced kenjutsu with his clones, both to be able to pretend to be a specialist from other villages and to have a style of his own. The latter was intentionally designed to look like he was a lucky idiot with his various swords so as to make it seem less likely that he could realistically portray a skilled kenjutsu specialist. He didn't have the form down for the supervibrato swords yet, but Kubikiribocho and Kusanagi had been practiced with quite a bit, including wielding them together and with a dagger or kitchen knife in addition.

The seemingly-inexperienced style definitely seemed to be enraging Chojuro though, because the block and cut move likely looked like they'd been just barely pulled off. Which was only really possible due to the current attacks being more 'anger-fueled lashing out' than 'skilled kenjutsu specialist aiming to tear apart their opponent'. But angering someone with a sword was also generally the easiest way to defeat them.

Amusingly, chakra-conducting kitchen knives seemed to be an excellent tool to keep them angry, and Naruto wasn't sure if his was intentionally created for that purpose or merely a side effect of some retired shinobi in Uzushiogakure wanting all of their knives to be combat-ready.

Keeping dodging to only when two different hammer-projections were coming in, because the kitchen knife wasn't large enough to block those effectively no matter how much chakra you pumped into it, was reasonably simple.

Eventually Chojuro seemed to realize that he'd fallen into an emotional trap and pulled back on his anger, scowling at Naruto. Before anything could be said, Naruto changed the script and darted in, changing the chakra flow to Kubikiribocho to magnet release and funneling wind into the kitchen knife. A sweep with the larger blade triggered a block with the pair of fish-shaped blades, only for them to stick in place. The kitchen knife then came down and started, just barely, to cut one of the two...before the pull on the chakra increased and the cutting power vanished at the same time that the twin blades were released from the larger one.

Jumping back, Naruto scowled. "Right. They don't have to absorb your chakra, do they?"

Chojuro blinked, staring at the small cut in one of the two blades. " tried to cut Hiramekarei...with a kitchen knife."

"Yep." The kitchen knife vanished in a puff of smoke, only to be replaced with a tanto. "But I think I need something a little bit stronger with the way you're wielding those two."

Apparently the previous rage from implying cutting up swords with a kitchen knife was nothing compared to attempting to do so with a legendary sword. Admittedly, Tenten would likely be just as annoyed and liable to yell at him for an hour or so if or when she found out, but she wasn't the one currently dropping into a murderous rage while wielding the legendary sword. At the same time, pulling the tanto out was probably a good idea, because it was just large enough to block some of the hammer-blow attacks and it seemed that Chojuro might have still been holding back before.

Using a tanto with the larger swords wasn't something Naruto had practiced as much as the knife or dagger, but he did have plenty of tanto practice and was able to mix it in well enough to handle the seemingly-sloppy blocks and cuts.

"He has no form," Karui swore as she watched the match. "It seems that he barely uses his swords at all, even, and I should be embarrassed to have considered him a sword user at all even if he does have a legendary blade. He's obviously had more practice with the kitchen knife than the swords!"

"Word is he can cook," Hitomo commented. "So that kind of makes sense."

"...he's making a mockery of kenjutsu specialists by making it seem like anyone can just grab a sword and run with it!"

"Which makes dealing with idiots on missions easier."

Okay, he might have a point on that one. "That still doesn't mean that he should be escaping entirely unscathed like this."

"I'm honestly impressed with his skill, personally."

"...what skill?"

"You can't see that this is anything but aimless flailing? No obvious stance, but he always has the blades he needs in the positions he needs them in. Not once with the kitchen knife was it the one in position to block a hammer blow, and he only dodged when there were two hammer blows incoming. In a shorter fight it wouldn't have been obvious, but there's no way he's managing to keep his blades ready to block every time by accident or luck. My guess is closer to self-taught, or perhaps originally figured out against worthless bandits and in dire need of refinement."

Now that Hitomo had mentioned it, Karui could see what he was talking about. It wasn't likely something that could be noticed if you were participating in the fight, but from the outside it was definitely there. And then her left eye started twitching. "I've still not seen him fight the same way twice!"

"He's an Uzumaki, only predictable in their unpredictability."

That brought her up short. "...there was an entire clan of people like him."


"They had to be the single most infuriating opponents on the planet."

"Bad enough for multiple villages to team up to take them down and nearly lose, with rumor having it that they caused less actual damage than originally reported."

A lull in the battle as Chojuro once again regained his mental footing was enough for Naruto to decide that the tanto wasn't going to continue to cut it, so he stored it and pulled out Kusanagi. That paired with Kubikiribocho was a combination that he'd practiced far more, and against the legendary pair of Hiramekarei it appeared that the additional power might be needed. Well, either that or a more obvious show of having proper skills, but that was quitter talk when you'd already committed to a bit.

Having a sword that could match some of the 'suddenly longer' tricks was an added bonus, and even better was that until that trick was used Chojuro wouldn't be likely to expect it. Being able to release the sword and control it with chakra was another possibility for a surprise, though channeling chakra through it to increase its already impressive cutting ability was a lot harder at range.

Idly wondering if Chojuro had noticed that the small cut in one of the two fish-shaped blades was already gone, likely courtesy of some self-repair seal or similar built into the swords, Naruto darted in close again. This time the sweep of Kubikiribocho wasn't blocked in the same way, merely deflected, but that was okay because it still left an opening for Kusanagi to come in. To Chojuro's credit, he did get one of the two blades up to block...but that wasn't enough to stop Kusanagi, just slow it down..

Unlike with the kitchen knife, Kusanagi both didn't rely on chakra flow for its cutting power and seemed better at holding onto the chakra being flowed through it. The combination meant that one of the two fish-shaped swords was cut clear in half and Chojuro barely avoided having his arm cut off. In fact, the latter had only been avoided because Naruto pulled back on Kusanagi in time while aiming for it to look like he just didn't know how to follow through on the strike properly.

"" Chojuro said as Naruto darted back. The older shinobi didn't seem to notice as he stared at the damaged sword.

"Kusanagi is sharp," Naruto answered.

That got a look at the sword, that hadn't even been extended yet. " many legendary swords do you have?"

"Only the two, but that's because I handed Nuibari and Shibuki off to my teammates."

A potential international incident regarding destroying a legendary sword in a demonstration match was resolved through Naruto demonstrating that the sword could be repaired with enough chakra. That nobody noticed one of his clones sealing away the cut-off part of the sword so that it could be examined to maybe figure out secrets later was another thing entirely, especially as Chojuro assumed that the cut-off piece had vanished because it had been pulled back into place instead of run off with.

"You feeling better?" Temari asked.

Kankuro shivered slightly, flashing back to the sight of the one-tail in puppet form. "No."

"Well, you're responsive now."

"A supposedly-novice puppeteer was controlling seven puppets without any obvious effort, two of them flying, and either found or made a puppet of the one-tail. That he happens to be bound to the remains of."

"...I'm doing my best to suppress the horror of that puppet."

"He didn't even need to keep his fingers under control to avoid having the puppets do things he didn't intend. It was like he breathed life into them and then let them do their own thing instead of controlling them directly!"

It was obvious that Temari hadn't noticed that particular detail, but she wasn't a puppeteer trained to pay attention to what another puppet-user was doing with their fingers to try and determine what the puppets would do next. Not quite the same as keeping an eye on hand seals, but Uzumaki almost never used those either. Maybe there was a way to train yourself to maintain and control the chakra strings without needing to connect them to your fingers? Sasori had to use some other method to maintain his chakra strings when controlling the hundred puppets he was famed to be able to control, after all.

"One of the jounin did suggest that he's not a newbie," Temari finally said. "They recognized two of the other puppets as other Sasori designs and questioned if Konoha has had them for longer than we knew."

Kankuro blinked a couple of times. "So...someone who's been working with some of Sasori's puppets for years and just kept it secret?"

"That's the guess, and if they had to recreate things from scratch then they might have developed an entirely different technique."

"Which would imply that our generations of refinement could be losing out to some new way of doing things."

"Or maybe their method doesn't hold up in actual fights, which we don't know because the intimidation factor worked too well against you."

...dammit, that was, wait, it wasn't. "They mentioned Sasori approving of his skills, and I don't think they were kidding."

Well, at least she knew enough about puppeteering to pale slightly at that implication.

"So all four Konoha teams made it through to the second stage," Naruto noted as the five sensei ate a meal together.

"They haven't told us that yet," Kurenai-sensei noted. Not questioning, just stating it.

"All four teams were led out of the village to the caves a few minutes ago," Hinata noted. Which could be explained by her checking with her byakugan, or by her or Naruto being good sensors.

In reality, they'd both known that the four teams had passed before anyone was led out of the village thanks to Hoshi and clones monitoring things and reporting back. More clones were in the caves, and Hoshi had followed the genin in. More for monitoring and reporting on things than with any specific plans to ramp up the difficulty this time.

"Which means we've got a few days to kill," Tekuno said. "And not much we're allowed to do here."

"Did you know they set up a 'visiting shinobi' mission desk?" Naruto asked, only to get looks from the other four. "Specifically for sensei that are willing to do C-rank missions nearby while Kumo's shinobi are busy running the exams right now, but as I understand it they'll be including things suitable for genin should preliminaries eliminate only part of a team."

"Now that's an interesting way of handling visitors," Yugao commented. "Logical on the surface, but showing that they've got a smaller shinobi pool than we do in a general sense."

"They need far more shinobi dedicated to in-village tasks than we do with our civilian population."

"True, but they don't need to defend a civilian population either."

Tekuno nodded. "A better question for the moment is if anything in their mission list is interesting enough for us, not to mention if Naruto is willing to let any of us take Kumo up on the offer."

Naruto shrugged. "Couple of escort missions that should only take a week, three bandit-eliminations, and a bunch of low-importance courier tasks. Nothing all that interesting unless you want to see how bandits act here compared to back home, but I don't have a problem with any of you deciding to take them up on things."

"Are you going to take any in order to slip out and complete any of the other missions you were given?" Kurenai-sensei asked.

"Don't have anything left that isn't directly tied to the exams."


Hinata grinned. "Hokage-sama was quite surprised with our turned-in reports."

"I got pictures," Naruto added, pulling out a small stack of pictures from a seal and handing out copies.

"You got pictures from inside of his office," Yugao observed.

"Yep. Fairly certain he and his guards didn't notice me getting the pictures either. As far as I know none of the copies I gave to Old Man Hiruzen, Tsunade, or Hiashi have been revealed yet, but they haven't held their meeting about the mission results yet as they're waiting on the final reports to come in."

" secretly got pictures from inside of his office?"

"Do you want to see the ones I have of the Raikage learning about the banners?"

Even Hinata seemed to be surprised about that one.

Despite permission being granted, no attempt had been made by Hinata or the three jounin to take any of Kumo's offered missions. They left that to the other villages, and by the end of the day the stack of missions was still depleted. Nobody had come to inform the Konoha group about the mission desk either, making it seem like it was something the other villages just knew to look for...possibly because Konoha was the only hidden village that didn't do this in some fashion.

That information likely made it into all of their reports.

Monitoring the second stage continued, and someone was sent to notify all the sensei that preliminary matches would be needed a day before the stage was supposed to end. All four Konoha teams had made it through by then, with only one Kiri team keeping it from being all Konoha and Kumo right now. Four other Kiri teams were looking like they had a good chance of pulling through as well, and there might be a single team from one of the smaller villages that made it through, but it wasn't looking likely that any more than that would.

...more amusing was that the Team Yurei food cart was doing better business than the Kumo cafeteria in the bunker at the end of the second stage, with a training hall having been ceded to the trio to set up the larger cart in so that Kiba could make more jerky. It also seemed that nobody was checking for binary knockout drugs, because everything being served to non-Konoha shinobi was laced with a component of one and none of the genin had avoided the cart once it was available.

"We've got a couple of hours before the second stage is officially over," Yugito said to the gathered sensei. "There's a chance that at most one more team will make it through, but we're calling it incredibly unlikely as the needed token is currently buried in a cave-in." There were a couple of flinches there. "The only fatality so far has been a single Shimogakure kunoichi, who happened to be the one that triggered the cave-in, and that team was already extracted and has departed."

It had been very stupid of the girl to use explosive tags in a cramped cave system, and if not for some quick work by one of Hinata's clones the entire team and two others would've been buried. Instead the single kunoichi had been crushed and it was unlikely that anyone realized that external intervention had happened at all. Naruto also wasn't as nice as Hinata and probably wouldn't have intervened as much as she had since no Konoha shinobi were involved.

...he'd have probably still saved the two Kumo teams, but allowed the entire Shimo team to be crushed by their teammate. Especially as neither of the girl's teammates had told her off for her previous use of explosive tags.

"Unless someone finds that token then we're only looking at Kumo, Kiri, and Konoha in the preliminary elimination rounds," Yugito continued. "Kumo with half of the teams, the other half split down the middle between Kiri and Konoha. We'll be using a computer-generated random set of matches with a bias for pairing up entrants across villages, so all the initial matches are going to be non-Kumo entrants against Kumo entrants unless things are unbalanced by another team finding that last token. We need two rounds though, because we've got four times too many genin for the final stage, but the bracket will be laid out such that nobody will have any chance of fighting a teammate in the second round."

It was nice to know that they admitted to the pairing biases. Naruto's clones had even found and checked the computer, deciding against tweaking the settings after generating a couple of sample sets of combatants. The software was less configurable than the version Konoha used, and the terminal did need a password...that someone had helpfully stuck on a note attached underneath the upper-left drawer of the desk. Which was admittedly more secure than under the keyboard itself, given that the desk was locked, but not secure enough.

Being led through to the external entrance to the bunker had been reasonably straightforward, though if they normally brought injured anyone through this route then it could probably stand to have a wider path. Of course, it was likely that this was the backup access method as the cave-in had destroyed a more direct path, and Naruto had needed to update maps to include those details.

Despite being in the bunker, the group of sensei were sequestered in a set of rooms the genin didn't have access to as the second stage timer ran down. Which didn't stop Team Yurei's genin, or Tenten, from reaching out to Naruto and Hinata with the communication technique upon realizing that they were there. Included was confirmation of the plan to use the knockout drugs to simplify elimination matches as a way of sticking with the chef theming.

"I've just heard from the engineering staff," Yugito said as she returned from an 'urgent meeting' that she'd been informed of when they arrived. "We were going to hold the preliminary matches here, but they don't trust some of the support columns after the cave-in and they want to get everyone out as soon as possible. A nearby training ground is being prepared instead and we'll be pulling teams that pass the second stage there and sending all others back to the village proper. Those still in the caves will be escorted out the entrance they were brought in through, but you'll be welcome to join them."

Those with teams that had passed were taken by Yugito to collect their teams and head off to the training ground for the preliminary matches while the rest were brought to the caves to collect their teams from inside of them or to where their eliminated teams had been staying before being escorted out of the bunker. There was some grumbling about not being able to see the preliminaries, but Naruto didn't think it was that serious. Konoha hadn't let the sensei of eliminated teams watch their preliminaries either, after all.
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It seems that they missed the bit about the paperwork puppeteer ability. I was sure that they'd be interested in what paperwork ability makes for better puppeteers. Doubt that little tidbit would make it back in their reports. It would cause so much R&D wasting in Sand looking for those paperwork abilities.

Heck, admin nin would be looking for them much less the puppeteers.

It's not that Naruto disregards security. He just doesn't recognize that it exists. Hinata is near his level and picked up that mindset. Worse though, his team is all getting there as well.

Konoha is going to need to up their security when they actually start having several teams of nin on that level. Heck, they'll be trying to do it just to detect/stop Naruto, much less those he trains. OTOH, all that will increase village security.

He likely won't show off those photos to outsiders so they won't be upping their game. I wonder when someone will figure out that they are infiltration specialists far more than combat ones. It's not that they picked up due to getting up there in the rank and needing to learn new skills. That is they were always that good at it. When that really sinks into whoever figures it out, it'll be horrifying/terrifying.
It seems that they missed the bit about the paperwork puppeteer ability. I was sure that they'd be interested in what paperwork ability makes for better puppeteers. Doubt that little tidbit would make it back in their reports. It would cause so much R&D wasting in Sand looking for those paperwork abilities.

Heck, admin nin would be looking for them much less the puppeteers.
I wonder more if they misinterpreted it as a training method. And/or the mythical paperwork Jutsu.

Useing a threads to manipulate dozens small object without moving parts (like a pen and papers) well enough to use them as one normally would. Pehaphs even doing so with a single thread. Or dozens of other imagined methods as they try to fit the results into what was said, with out knowing about the clones.
I don't quite get the usefulness of the binary drug in this situation. Are they going to feed their opponents? Even assuming they have all eaten the food with the first drug, the team would still have to apply the second drug in a combat situation, and if they are doing that, they can just use a non binary drug just as easily. I guess they have a tiny advantage in that they can be liberal with the application because it wouldn't affect them, but plenty of ninja use drugs they are immune or protected from, so it's a very minor advantage.
I don't quite get the usefulness of the binary drug in this situation. Are they going to feed their opponents? Even assuming they have all eaten the food with the first drug, the team would still have to apply the second drug in a combat situation, and if they are doing that, they can just use a non binary drug just as easily. I guess they have a tiny advantage in that they can be liberal with the application because it wouldn't affect them, but plenty of ninja use drugs they are immune or protected from, so it's a very minor advantage.
unless all they need to do is make their opponents inhale the 2nd component (or splash them with it or something) to trigger it
unless all they need to do is make their opponents inhale the 2nd component (or splash them with it or something) to trigger it

But that was my point, that works just as well for a non binary drug, the trick of getting everyone to consume the first half of a binary drug adds nothing to that, they could just hit their opponents with a non binary drug instead.
But that was my point, that works just as well for a non binary drug, the trick of getting everyone to consume the first half of a binary drug adds nothing to that, they could just hit their opponents with a non binary drug instead.
Only if their distribution mechanism for the second part isn't going to hit any unwanted targets.

Whereas with the binary drug, they have no need to target the second component at all.
I think it's more to set up having the option to use the second component whenever they want. They got everyone that was in an opposing village. We also don't know what the other component is.

For instance, if it reacts to something that would already be taken by the target. (Stuff like the soldier pills. At least I think that was the name of them?) Or if it's something that would normally be innocent. Thus not worried about.

There's a reason why binary poisons/drugs are a thing, after all. That, and it's much more likely that a non-binary one would be detected.

It also helps hide who actually caused it.

Now, if they went for a higher amount of needed components to be applied... (trinary or more) well that's something that would terrify people. Especially with a 'security report' pointing out where each one was. Along with the expertise needed to make such a combo work. And knowledge of where to plant them.

Another possible setup I can think of would be some sort of trinary one, which had a 'prime', 'what effect', and 'activation' components. Meaning that different effects could be done at the same time. But then, it seems like that would be better handled with seals instead. Also likely to be more possible. And have a better range of effects.
But that was my point, that works just as well for a non binary drug, the trick of getting everyone to consume the first half of a binary drug adds nothing to that, they could just hit their opponents with a non binary drug instead.
well the first thing that came to mind is that a smoke bomb with the second half of the druug would only knockout their opponent while obscuring the battlefield so others don't know what they did
well the first thing that came to mind is that a smoke bomb with the second half of the druug would only knockout their opponent while obscuring the battlefield so others don't know what they did
Or, indeed, if one of the standard components of the smoke which everyone uses was the second part of the KO drug so it would happen even if one of the opposing forces used their own smoke bombs.
And because Team Yurei is known as a 'heavy assault' team, nobody suspected the food being sold by the three genin. Amusingly the three genin were doing better business then the village's food venders.
Chapter 44 - Preliminaries in Kumo
"Each village sees these exams in a different way," the Raikage said to the assembled genin in the training ground. It wasn't the one Naruto had fought the man in, but was near it and had a much larger observation area straddling two different combat areas. Plus a hastily-assembled medical tent. "I like to tell it like it is. What you're participating in is a proxy for war and wartime promotions, and in many cases serves to help advertise a village's strengths. Despite that, the bulk of chunin are promoted outside of the exam cycle in field promotions, many without having entered the exams at all. You've all shown significant promise in making it this far, and shouldn't be discouraged if you're forced out in the preliminary matches about to be held. But now you are competing as individuals, and with an even number of teams there will be no free passes."

There were nods, and then the proctor stepped forward. A kunoichi named Ai, and she looked over the group. "Unfortunately, we need to whittle you all down significantly, so we're running a two-stage single-elimination set of matches. I've got the computer-generated bracket here, which would normally have been revealed in random order. We can't do that out here, but we're still not warning anyone who their matches are with. I will tell you that in the first round there are equal numbers of Kumo and non-Kumo participants, so everyone not from Kumo is fighting someone from Kumo. The second round is already determined based on the winners of the first round and Kumo participants have a chance of running into each other there, but thanks to equal numbers of teams making it through from Kiri and Konoha there's no risk of them fighting someone from their own village. Kumo participants aren't at risk of going up against their teammates."

Some shuffling was needed to get everyone into the observation area before two pairs were called down to fight, and Sasuke was in one of the first two against a Kumo shinobi named Jokuro. There was no banter to speak of before his opponent had quickly run through some hand seals to launch a lightning technique. In response, Sasuke had dodged to the side, producing a spatula that he coated in wind chakra to bat the edge of the technique away, and then sent a packet of flour across the arena. Jokuro had stepped forward and batted the packet away instead of letting it hit the ground at his feet, only to realize that it was just flour.

"You're trying to blind me with flour?" Jokuro said, sounding insulted.

"Not at all," Sasuke replied with a grin, sending two more packets of flour at his opponent's feet. Those hit and started making a cloud of flour, followed by three more packets. "Did you know that the right mix of air and flour is explosive, and the slightest spark of fire or lightning can set it off?"

That elicited a number of widened eyes, both from his opponent and those focusing on this battle, followed by a scowl and a water technique that caused a small rainshower over the pair of genin. This knocked the flour out of the air, though it was running over Jokuro's skin a bit. "Fat chance of that no..."

The Kumo genin fell over at that point, and Sasuke scoffed. "Flour also hides certain drugs quite nicely, of course."

A quick clean-up happened, because nobody wanted to leave the drugged flour there, and then a match between Kumo and Kiri shinobi occurred. Neither really stood out, though it took longer, ending at about the same time the first match on the other side between a different pair of Kumo and Kiri shinobi did. Each village had won one of the matches, and then Sakura was called down to one side while Shino was called down to the other.

"How many people does your village have with animal features?" a Kumo shinobi named Kuhi asked Sakura with a scowl.

"More than we'd like in some ways," Sakura answered. "Every genin here with them was exposed through accidents, and in my case it included a bunch of academy students that needed immediate medic-nin intervention."

"...and now I feel like an asshole for bringing it up, but don't think that I'm going to go easy on you because of it."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Kuhi apparently decided that banter-time was over and rushed across to strike at Sakura. Her response was to dodge his fist and strike his chest with a medical-chakra coated palm, causing him to stumble as he clutched at where she'd hit. A moment later he fell over, and she placed her hand on his chest and restarted his heart. He remained unconscious and was dragged off by the medic-nin.

"I'm glad that wouldn't work on me," Sasuke commented.

"Yeah," Naruto said with a nod. "Passive resistance would've stopped that if he'd had maybe ten percent more chakra."

"She and Karin both worked hard to get that down correctly though."

"I'm aware."

Unfortunately for Konoha, Shino's fight was similarly short in the opposite direction. His opponent's lightning was excellent at killing insects and he didn't seem to have the ability to coat them in insulating wind chakra. Ami and Rio were both called down next, neither putting up a particularly impressive showing against their opponents before being defeated. Ami had lasted longer due to higher chakra reserves though, even if she didn't have a good solution to her opponent's sword.

While another match between Kiri and Kumo was happening on the side Rio had been on, Kiba got called down to the side that Ami had just vacated. To the surprise of anyone familiar with the Inuzuka, he had Akamaru stay in the observation area. His opponent Ubume had immediately pulled out a tanto, which Kiba responded to by pulling out a pair of tongs.

"...tongs?" Ubume asked.

"I just need to block your tanto long enough to knock you out," Kiba replied.

"As if you're going to be able to handle that while using tongs."

To Ubume's surprise, Kiba's tongs had trivially stopped the tanto, even with wind chakra flowing through the blade. They'd even lit the tanto on fire, causing mild panic because having your blade explode in flames when you aren't expecting it to isn't good for staying calm or for the blade itself. More amusingly, it appeared that all of this was a ruse and had nothing to do with Kiba's actual plan.

That was revealed more by virtue of Ubume just falling over unconscious a moment later, because Kiba had popped a capsule to release a gaseous version of the other half of the binary knockout drug and then used slight wind manipulation to keep it out of his face and direct it into his opponent's.

Ino got called down next, and the kunoichi named Sugaba that she was up against scowled. "You better not think that you can knock me out as easily as your teammates knocked their opponents out."

"I don't see why not," Ino replied with a smirk. "I mean, everyone who made it through the caves was stupid enough to buy food from us over the past day or two and as far as I know nobody bothered checking for two-component drugs. Surely you all knew that there'd preliminary fights to whittle us down?"

Sugaba's eyes went wide at that, but Ino lashed out with ramen noodles being used like ninja wire. Wet ramen noodles that easily wrapped around her opponent's arm, but were quickly cut with a kunai. Ino then backed off instead of pressing the attack, causing Sugaba to frown.

Two seconds later she fainted, the exposed skin being enough for the second half of the knockout drug to affect her.

"I love chakra-active knockout drugs," Ino commented. "They're so fast when one component has already spread through someone's system."

Splitting focus between matches for a bit didn't reveal a whole lot. Choji's bullet tank technique had proven to not be useful in the partially-uncontained fighting areas and he'd been taken down by a lightning technique while trying to turn, Shikamaru had spent five minutes getting into his opponent's head before suddenly engaging in taijutsu for the knockout, and Sachi had put a kunai through her opponent's leg for her win.

"So you're a fox," Seruta, Karin's opponent, commented to start the next match Naruto felt a desire to actually focus on.

"Yes," Karin replied. "And you're an asshole."

"I think you'll find that I'm a bit more resilient than most."

"That wasn't a comment on your skills, but your inability to recognize when flirting isn't appreciated. You've been annoying kunoichi since the first stage."

"Not my fault that you're all uptight."

"Oh, the problem isn't us, but I've got the perfect technique to get that stick out of your ass."

Seruta snorted, pulling a katana off of his back. "Sorry, not planning on losing."

Karin simply seemed to stomp her foot, but an unseen paperwork clone was using an underground movement technique to get into position. "A Thousand Years of Death, Uzumaki style."

Three chakra chains spiraling around each other like a drill shot up from the ground and struck Seruta's buttocks, launching him into the air. He screamed, and Naruto had to catch the katana to stop it from striking one of the already-defeated Kumo shinobi watching their teammate fight on the other side in the back.

"You might have overdone it," Ai commented as Seruta fell down outside of the fighting area. "And now we have to send someone down there to fetch him."

Karin shrugged. "I warned him that I was going to get the stick out of his ass."

"I don't think he expected you to make a literal attempt."

"Sucks to be him."

Checking on Seruta had taken a couple of minutes, and the last match of the first round was starting just as the asshole was being dragged into the medical tent. Tenten had come up last, and her opponent had immediately pulled out a pair of swords. She met this with a basic wooden staff instead of a blade of her own, which took Naruto by surprise. Her opponent was obviously dismissive of the staff, darting in and moving to force her to block or dodge two slashes from different angles in a way that the staff shouldn't be able to do much about.

The staff became far more interesting when spinning it caused both swords to stick to it. Apparently Tenten had been working on her magnet release, and her opponent hadn't been expecting it. Both swords came out of their hands, were flung off to the side away from the audience with carefully-timed releasing of the chakra flow along the staff, and then the staff came down on top of the shinobi's head. That wasn't enough to knock him out though, as he'd seen it coming in time to roll with it. She followed him though, suddenly holding a tanto in her hand and pinning him with the blade at his neck.

She was even nice enough to get his swords for him from where they'd landed.

A small selection of food was made available as the second-round bracket was properly updated and parceled out between the jounin running the two fighting areas. An announcement was also made that all drugs had been cleared out of systems in the checkups after the first round of matches, but Ino's revelation had been made after the medic-nin had brought it up themselves. In fact, she'd known about the discovery by the medic-nin and had likely made a point of bringing it up due to knowing it wasn't going to continue to be useful.

"So," Naruto said as their genin snacked on their own food instead of taking anything from Kumo. "All three of you are against Kumo shinobi, and can't rely on knockout drugs."

"We were hoping it would only be a single elimination round when we came up with the plan," Ino admitted. "But it does mean that we basically haven't shown any real skills, so we're still unknowns."

"At least we don't have to go up against anyone else from Konoha," Kiba added. "They'd have a better idea of what we might be capable of."

"Which means that we're likely to be embarrassing Kumo by having the third stage be more than half Konoha participants," Hinata said. "The host country not having the bulk of participants in the finals is almost as bad as having only the host country in the finals."

There was a pause as the genin processes that, and Sasuke frowned. "'re obviously weaker than expected if home field advantage isn't enough to get your genin into the finals, but only having your genin in the finals means you probably cheated to ensure that nobody else could make it that far?"

"Good job," Naruto said. "That's pretty much correct, though admittedly some of the embarrassment is likely to be offset by Uzushiogakure obviously having shaken up the balance between the larger nations through removal of the tailed beasts. Add in things like the beast-man formula and there's an expectation that Konoha is going to be doing better in shows of strength for another six to eighteen months."

"The jounin from the other visiting villages were grumbling about it," Hinata added. "Though I think most of the Kumo shinobi talking about it were more focused on being happy that they'd flipped to being allied with Konoha just in time to not be on the wrong side of things."

Hiruzen watched as Shisui opened the envelope and extracted the pictures within, eyes widening as he realized what they were.

"Where did you get these?" Shisui asked as he stared at the pictures. It was somewhat obvious that he'd not seen the reaction shots of finding the test mission reports and scrolls in his desk yet.

"Naruto," Tsunade responded, Hiruzen and Hiashi nodding their agreement. She obviously found the whole thing simultaneously hilarious and horrifying at different points, possibly depending on which side of things she was focusing on at the time.

"...where did he get them?"

"My understanding is that he had a clone waiting to see reactions," Hiashi stated, letting no trace of emotion slip into his voice.

Some of the things going through the fifth Hokage's head were obvious as he processed that. But young Naruto's personal views of what was and wasn't secure were...warped, when compared to what most people thought. Unfortunately for most people, the one that was able to prove that they could trivially slip through the existing security was likely the one with the better view of the effectiveness of that security.

It was one thing to claim that security measures couldn't stop you, something that many shinobi and non-shinobi claimed over the years. Naruto didn't do that. He just pretended that the measures didn't exist and lightly chided you for thinking they'd stop him afterwards. Which went along nicely with all the other ways he ignored what should and shouldn't be possible, directly and with the help of the imprints of his parents and three of the tailed beasts in his magic book.

"I feel that the only reason Naruto hasn't read every record in the village is out of respect," Hiruzen noted. "He did, after all, copy basically everything he could find in Kiri and Kumo, including every technique scroll he could locate."

"Which was surprisingly little for Kiri," Shisui grumbled. "But he does seem to be quite a bit less likely to snoop in the private records here."

"Everyone he's corrupted towards his way of thinking is similarly reserved in their snooping, minus their own clan records. I can only assume that Kiba is the only one that was spotted looking through more advanced techniques than they were supposed to have access to, anyway."

"And unless he was being incredibly obvious and stupid about it or touching the most dangerous stuff he'd not have been told he was spotted."

"That is a bit of a tradition, yes. Still, as much as I still personally have reservations about early promotions, I'm thinking that age is the only reason they're being held back and that the current team of five could do a lot of very useful things without the restrictions of including genin."

"The two are special jounin at a minimum from a medic-nin standpoint alone," Tsunade offered. "With their genin having easily reached field medic status. As I understand it, their combat demonstration during their chunin exams basically pushed them to special jounin or better from a heavy combat point of view, they're out-infiltrating Anbu infiltration specialists, and have proven that they've got leadership skills."

Shisui nodded. "They're also impossible to test properly."

"To put it in a different light," Hiashi said. "They are the only reason the hospital archives are in order, and if they're promoted to jounin then they'd be officially cleared to take the standing mission to clean up the jounin archives."

"...even they couldn't manage that. I've seen even evaluating that mess break elite jounin and drive them to suicide, let alone trying to fix it."

Hiruzen's only hope for the jounin archives had been that some disaster would obliterate them and they'd have to start over fresh, not allowing them to get anywhere near as bad as they currently were in the process. But Naruto's killing intent took the form of paperwork...

"You look annoyed," Hinata commented.

"I think someone who should know better is doubting my skills," Naruto replied. "...or perhaps threatening to burn down the jounin or Anbu archives back in Konoha before I get a chance to sort them and look for things that people might've buried in them."

"You've heard my father and grandfather complaining about both before. Most people that've seen them think that they'd be impossible to sort out."

"...maybe I should just slip in and fix them before someone gets jumpy with fire techniques, even if I'm not supposed to have access."

Hinata just gave him a look, as though not believing that it would be that easy. Then again, she had seen the archives from the outside, and the horrible mess they were in, on top of the stories they'd heard. He wasn't sure if she'd noticed the seals involved though. It was too bad that nobody had figured out an automatic sorting and filing seal array, but even Shukaku and the Tome flinched at that idea for physical records. To understand context you'd probably need an actual mind in the array, and that wasn't safe.

Musing on the subject was interrupted by the second round of matches beginning. Sakura was up first out of those they cared about, against a Kumo kunoichi named Saki. This wasn't going to be a trivial 'slip in and induce a heart attack, then heal it' match like her first one either.

There was no banter, and the two got into the fight basically immediately. Sakura had produced a short tanto to block her opponent's longer sword with, but otherwise seemed to be aiming to deal with this using her fists. This included the beginnings of Tsunade's famous strength-boosting trick, making cracking the ground with pure power possible. Not to the same level as those who'd perfected the ability, but far more power than you wanted to actually hit you anyway.

Healing was definitely running in Sakura's favor as well. She didn't even need to focus on anything but the deepest cuts, with grazing hits sealing themselves up as you watched and the slight poison on Saki's blade not able to get purchase before it was neutralized. Sakura might not have noticed the poison with how ineffective it was proving to be, and after fifteen minutes she was able to take advantage of a slip-up by Saki to land a solid punch.

Saki was unconscious when she landed on the opposite side of the other fighting area. Luckily another Kumo kunoichi, Mio, had already won against her Kiri opponent there.

Next up were Ino and Kiba at the same time, which was annoying, up against Ren and Rin from Kumo. They appeared to be brothers, and had similar fighting styles. No kenjutsu, plenty of lightning techniques. Little to no idea how to handle opponents using Knight Armor and wind techniques to completely neutralize lightning. Kiba's tongs had made a repeat appearance alongside metal trays as larger bludgeoning weapons and Ino had repeated her wet ramen noodle as ninja wire trick to direct lightning around her and back at her opponent.

Tenten was next, against Aina from Kiri, while another Kumo vs Kiri match happened on the other side. An important detail about Aina was that she had an obvious bloodline involving her eyes, but it wasn't one of the major dojutsu. Her eyes went pitch black when she used it, but it was hard to tell what was happening when she had it active.

Whatever it was, it didn't seem to have any effect on Tenten, who continued on as though her opponent wasn't actually attempting anything. Dodging was attempted on Aina's part, but it was almost like her dojutsu was attempting to predict Tenten and failing to do so correctly. Dodging into the strike instead of away from it and being knocked out almost immediately with a sizable injury due to the mistake. The match on the other side took three times as long, the Kumo shinobi named Kei taking the win with a lightning technique channeled down his opponent's sword.

Shikamaru looked to be gearing up for a longer match of out-thinking his opponent, who was more ready for a sudden taijutsu interjection. Naruto kept a little focus on that, but paid more attention to the other side. First Sachi was up against a Yuko from Kiri, and apparently Haku hadn't been the last ice release user as Yuko had resorted to revealing it to avoid being skewered by high-velocity kunai. Maybe Haku had been the last Yuki, but not the last ice release user. Mild coating of the ground, using ice release chakra to maintain footing despite the slick surface, was enough to get the upper hand and knock Sachi out. Then Karin was up against Akio from Kumo...who surrendered immediately citing not having any idea how to defend against the attack used on Karin's previous opponent.

Karin was obviously both pleased by that since she hadn't needed to reveal any additional skills and annoyed that she hadn't gotten to show off.

A Kumo vs Kumo match then started up, and Naruto focused more on Shikamaru's ongoing match. He'd gotten his opponent into an obvious bind with a combination of shadow manipulation, traps, and genjutsu. Naruto could see three easy ways out, but two required skills most people didn't have and the last required equipment most people wouldn't be carrying. It also looked like Shikamaru wanted to give up and be done with things, but also didn't dare do so and thus have his entire team eliminated.

Threatening to have his opponent cut his own throat was enough to get a win.

That allowed a Kiri vs Kumo match to start, and it wasn't long before both matches ended. Hashige from Kiri and L from Kumo had won their matches and moved on. All that was left was the final match with Sasuke...and a Kumo opponent that wasn't present. One of the Kumo jounin appeared a couple minutes later, just as Ai was getting frustrated, and then there was a sigh.

"Sasuke Uchiha gets a pass as his opponent poisoned themself while preparing a sword with a stronger than usual poison in an attempt to overcome the beast-man formula's demonstrated healing factor. Please take this as a warning to not use poisons you don't know how to use properly."

A bag was brought out with twelve tokens in it, and each of the twelve genin making it to the finals took a token from it. The numbers from this were written down, and then copies of a tournament bracket were hand-written right there. Each genin participating got one, plus each sensei for those genin. The number of genin meant that there were four free passes from the first round of matches...and they'd gone to Tenten, Ino, Sasuke, and Karin. Sakura, Kiba, and Shikamaru were spread into different matches in the first round as well. In the second round Sakura had a chance of fighting Ino, Kiba had a chance of fighting Sasuke, and Shikamaru had a chance of fighting Karin.

"So," Naruto said. "We've got one team returning to Konoha, two full teams of genin making it to the finals, and one team with a single genin in the finals."

Kurenai-sensei didn't seem disappointed that her team was the only one without a genin in the finals, even if Sachie obviously didn't like that she'd been knocked out in the second round of the preliminaries. Shino was obviously far more annoyed with how many of his insects had been killed and Choji had just shrugged and admitted that he was more team-oriented than for solo combat without things that the exams didn't justify using.

"Kumo doesn't allow visitors to use their training grounds for the month," Tekuno noted. "So I'd like to take my team out in the morning to find a nearby place to camp and train."

"That was my hope as well," Yugao added. "Unless our leader here disagrees?"

"Our genin asked to stay in the village," Naruto commented, getting looks from the three jounin. Not mentioned was that Ino wanted to see if they could use paperwork clones and summoning to make it appear that they weren't training at all while actually training back in Konoha...and working on their infiltration skills by not being spotted by others in Konoha. "But I have no problem with your two teams finding camping areas. I've even got a couple of suggestions from scouting the area which I doubt would've been found by most people."

"I hope you know what you're doing with letting them make that call," Kurenai-sensei said, but she seemed to have developed a smirk. Of course, she had experience with the Team Yurei style of infiltration. "But if that's what they want then I see no reason not to take advantage of Kumo's hospitality. I'll obviously be taking my team back to Konoha and delivering all the initial reports, and I'm sure that word of the plans for the Hokage's arrival will be sent along in a couple of weeks."

"I'll be on the lookout for it." Naruto then turned to the other two jounin. "Do you have enough supplies for a month's training?"

"...only about two weeks if we aren't hunting," Tekuno admitted.

"About the same here," Yugao added.

"See me before you depart in the morning and I'll have seals with another couple weeks of supplies ready for you."

" much do you carry with you normally?" Tekuno asked.

"Probably at least six months of supplies at any time," Kurenai-sensei answered. "And that's what he seemed to have when only expecting to be gone for a couple of weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if he carted along enough supplies for a couple of years on this trip."

"I just keep adding to my reserve supplies," Naruto admitted. "Though I had to stop adding to my kunai, shuriken, and senbon seals after the Anbu commander checked purchase records and realized that I probably have more than the village stockpiles do."

"Between you and Tenten you could trivially outfit an army," Yugao said, shaking her head. "I don't know why you bother though."

"Having enough to outfit clones with real equipment can be useful if you don't want things vanishing when the clones dispel. That's particularly important if you're leaving things as signs or intend for a kunai to hold something open or closed, and I can create a lot of clones."

For some reason the three jounin all shuddered at that thought, but he wasn't really sure why.

"So how are we handling things?" Tenten asked once they'd settled into a well-hidden but very usable campsite. She suspected that Naruto had less 'found' it and more 'made' it, using wood release and other tricks to create a perfect little area for them, right down to natural-looking but perfectly-placed roots in several places and access to water that was protected and clean in all defiance of the location.

It was also obvious that Yugao-sensei and Karin had similar feelings about it, but that Sakura wasn't familiar enough with Naruto to have picked up on the full implications while also knowing that this wasn't just a 'found' campsite.

"There are two basic thoughts for training in the month before the finals," Yugao-sensei said. "Some genin work solo, others get help from their sensei. A good sensei lets the genin make that call, as well as whether to train individually or together in a situation where there are multiple in the finals. Team Tekuno doesn't have that problem, and Team going for something subtler or sneakier, I suspect, instead of actually not training for the month."

"We aren't exactly suited to the same training routines," Sakura pointed out. "Three very different styles and we've not really been a team long enough to synergize in any useful ways, so we're probably best off training individually to see what surprises we can have for each other if we do make it through to facing each other. I personally suspect that I won't make it past Ino though."

Karin flinched at that. "Yeah...Sasuke is probably going to be tough for me, even with my chakra advantage. He's spent a lot more time training for combat instead of for support."

"That's what I think my problem is going to be with Ino, on top of knowing that she's gotten her chakra up much further than I have."

"I think I'm in agreement with us each needing to work on our individual skills," Tenten said. "But perhaps a four-day rotation of Yugao-sensei assisting each of us individually followed by a team training day would be a better choice than running off on our own every day?"

Karin and Sakura nodded their agreement, and Yugao-sensei seemed pleased. "That works for me, though I do know how to make shadow clones and can handle two or three without issue. Doing that would allow me to help all three of you at the same time each day."

"And we can all make them too at this point. You might need a handful for each of us to work with our selection of clones."

"...I admittedly hadn't considered that aspect."
Well, Team Yurei 2 proved just as capable of running with a chosen theme as their predecessors. Now they can give people an idea of their true abilities in the finals.

I wonder how long it will be before people realize that if a Konoha team is named Yurei, they'll be full of surprises?
"Sasuke Uchiha gets a pass as his opponent poisoned themself while preparing a sword with a stronger than usual poison in an attempt to overcome the beast-man formula's demonstrated healing factor. Please take this as a warning to not use poisons you don't know how to use properly."

While this is simply amusing, it also struck me as very plausible. Both as a mistake, and that the proctors would announce said mistake. After all this is in theory part of a Ninja's education.
Three chakra chains spiraling around each other like a drill shot up from the ground and struck Seruta's buttocks, launching him into the air. He screamed, and Naruto had to catch the katana to stop it from striking one of the already-defeated Kumo shinobi watching their teammate fight on the other side in the back.

"You might have overdone it," Ai commented as Seruta fell down outside of the fighting area. "And now we have to send someone down there to fetch him."

Karin shrugged. "I warned him that I was going to get the stick out of his ass."
It's a pity she can't use Mokuton through the chains, because that would allow her to literally pull a stick out of his ass.

Bonus points if, once healed, he's much more mellow. Because then he'd never live down the jokes.
It was too bad that nobody had figured out an automatic sorting and filing seal array, but even Shukaku and the Tome flinched at that idea for physical records. To understand context you'd probably need an actual mind in the array, and that wasn't safe.
Hmm. Assuming the problem is having a mind in the array in the sense of having an AI, would making the array able to connect to a mind temporarily work? E.g., someone is The Librarian for a day/week/month/year/whatever the limit is before damage occurs, then they disconnect and the next volunteer takes their place?

If not, well... it should definitely be possible to connect the array to the Tome, because that's a subset of what the Tome does.
"Sasuke Uchiha gets a pass as his opponent poisoned themself while preparing a sword with a stronger than usual poison in an attempt to overcome the beast-man formula's demonstrated healing factor. Please take this as a warning to not use poisons you don't know how to use properly."
I just finished re-reading _Itachi, Is That A Baby?_, and that's exactly the sort of thing IITAB-Dumbledore would say. Literally. I can't read it without thinking of him.
Hmm. Assuming the problem is having a mind in the array in the sense of having an AI, would making the array able to connect to a mind temporarily work? E.g., someone is The Librarian for a day/week/month/year/whatever the limit is before damage occurs, then they disconnect and the next volunteer takes their place?
Possibly? I would think it would be theoretically possible, as that's pretty much the same effect as creating a shadow clone, except imbued into the seal instead of a clone body. But it would likely also tune/prime the seal to the first person who used it, with conflicting memories/data problems cropping up if someone else tried to use it. So every time the Librarian/archives died/retired, an entirely new seal would have to be made and learn the contents of the archive that was sorted by it.
I can't help but wonder how long it will take for someone to ask why there's a heavy assault team called Team Ghost. As opposed to anything else, when the name implies the sneakiness of an infiltration team...