Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

With those conditions the winner is always miss "A properly prepared trap is visible to the naked eye from the surface of the moon and will make people on the exact opposite side of the planet go "What the hell was that noise?"" over in Amegakure.
I know you probably mean 'the aftermath of the trap' being visible, but I can't help but imagine it being visible before going off. And still managing to work.

But then 'visible to the naked eye from the surface of the moon' would probably be rather less visible to someone that stumbled into it. And also not easily be seen as a trap in the first place, no matter the angle.
Is Naruto the most powerful ninja in the Elemental Countries yet or merely in the top10?

I figure in terms of sheer power and number of options, he's probably number one(Nagato being the only real contender there), but in terms of experience and skill, even with the sheer quantity of clones he has training, he has a ways yet to go. Of course, as Cmp pointed out, that's assuming he doesn't have the chance to prepare the area and get in an advantageous position.

Huh. I wouldn't have guessed 'turn people into clothing' as one of your fetishes, @CmptrWz, but that was before this chapter and last week's For Want Of An Outfit. :p

Knowing people have a fetish and indulging in a bit of fanservice is not the same as sharing the fetish.

Anybody else thinking a lot/most of the bodies being found are root members dying off to suicide seals linked to Danzo as a paranoid information security tactic?

The problem with that theory is that Kakashi is still alive. He was a member of Root for a time, one of the only people to survive leaving it, but still had the seals that make it impossible for him to talk about Fight ClubRoot.

Naruto's and crew "accidentally" start the Iron chief tournament that runs alongside the ninja tests.
No, it is the new preliminary for the finals and you can only use what ingredients you can gather from the forest for the competition.

I won't link it, as apparently some people have issues with it(I don't recall those issues being present, but I got a temp ban for linking it before. Sometimes, things just don't register for me) had a prank on the first stage become more popular than the original plan: The Great Konoha Dance Off. Getting the contestants to figure out how to make a good enough attempt at a skill they hadn't been trained in with little to no warning tests their adaptability, key for a chunin, far better than the canon test.
The problem with that theory is that Kakashi is still alive. He was a member of Root for a time, one of the only people to survive leaving it, but still had the seals that make it impossible for him to talk about Fight ClubRoot.
maybe Danzo added the kill seals because Kakashi got out? A measure to prevent anyone else from leaving?
Given that, statistically speaking, her trap consisted of every single explosive tag ever to exist, both are probably true.

The "her" here suggests you're talking about a specific story, rather than just in general, as I had originally thought the reference was. What story was this, if you don't mind me asking?
The "her" here suggests you're talking about a specific story, rather than just in general, as I had originally thought the reference was. What story was this, if you don't mind me asking?

Konan's preferred trap for taking out Tobi was "I've replaced this hidden village with six hundred billion explosive tags rigged to chain detonate, let's see if he notices".
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I won't link it, as apparently some people have issues with it(I don't recall those issues being present, but I got a temp ban for linking it before. Sometimes, things just don't register for me) had a prank on the first stage become more popular than the original plan: The Great Konoha Dance Off. Getting the contestants to figure out how to make a good enough attempt at a skill they hadn't been trained in with little to no warning tests their adaptability, key for a chunin, far better than the canon test.

Could you PM me a link? Google is throwing me a lot of videos instead of fics.

Konan's preferred trap for taking out Tobi was "I've replaced this hidden village with six hundred billion explosive tags rigged to chain detonate, let's see if he notices".

I don't recall that. I'm not saying it didn't happen, or anything like that, just that no matter how I wrack my mind, I can't bring the memory up. Seems a foolish plan, given that they knew he could become intangible with a thought and had evaded most attempts to harm him with it for decades, and that's just what they knew of. Then again, the author was bad about doing that kind of thing.
they knew he could become intangible with a thought
The plan was made to take advantage of the intangibility having an observed time limit and having the explosions chain together long enough to force it to run out and hit him with enough explosions that it could have potentially had Deidara starting her official fan club.
... Having just finished a re-read of this, I'm going to miss Danzo's slowly progressing realization of his own uselessness.

Then again, he had quite literally outlived his usefulness long ago, and was no longer even providing accidental op-forces for training genin. So, it's likely for the best that his time has come to an end.
Chapter 42 - Tests, Another trip to Kumo, Pranks
"This may be unorthodox," Shisui said in a pre-departure meeting of the sensei going to Kumo. "But I'm putting Naruto and Hinata in charge of the initial trip to Kumo, with jounin seniority kicking in should they be unavailable or their team doesn't make it to the finals."

"...that's very unorthodox, Hokage-sama," Yugao said. She was apparently playing jounin-sensei for Tenten, Karin, and Sakura.

"They've got the most recent experience with Kumo," Tekuno countered. "In a general sense and with the Raikage."

"Which is my reasoning," Shisui agreed. "It's honestly hard to beat Naruto having his arm ripped off by A and still departing on friendly terms only a few months ago, and they probably know the village itself better than the residents do."

"I'm sure they changed the keys and combinations on everything by now," Naruto commented. "Probably filled in a few of the tunnels they didn't know about and did a proper inventory of their own of the various storage areas."

"Only because we gave them a slightly-edited copy of your maps from your last visit. And for the rest of you, I didn't call these two in for the map review yesterday because they provided the maps. It had nothing to do with their ranks."

Kurenai-sensei nodded. "I thought it looked like Naruto's work. Have you had him map Konoha yet?"

", but only because regulations prohibit having those below jounin rank create official maps of the village."

"He has some anyway," Hinata noted. "Though without making note of every key profile and combination in the village like he did with Kumo."

"And we were able to identify three previously-unknown hidden areas in the Daimyo's palace that these two mapped while there recently, one of which seems to be in use by Iwa infiltrators." The Hokage then looked at Naruto. "Would you mind dropping a copy of your existing maps off for review? I can't officially give you a mission to map the village, but I can pay for existing maps that reveal things previously unknown or forgotten about the village."

"I'll get some to you by morning."

"Thank you." Shisui then picked up some scrolls and tossed two or three to each of them other than Naruto and Hinata. They got five each. "These are the official secondary missions for each of you. Standard evaluation of Kumo and all other participants you can identify, no matter how far along they get, and Kumo's approach to the exams. Kiri and Suna have agreed to join in demonstration matches, Kiri to show that they're solidly in the new alliance and Suna to try and get back in our good graces. Naruto and Hinata were specifically asked to participate by the Raikage, but the rest of you can decide to do so at your own discretion. Naruto and Hinata have a couple of infiltration items as well, which is another reason to leave them in charge to start with."

"Apparently they've sped up the promotion paperwork pipelines," Naruto commented at dinner with the Hyuga.

"Oh?" Hiashi asked. As if he didn't know. Then again, with Hinata involved he might have actually been kept out of the loop.

"We've been put in charge of the initial delegation to Kumo," Hinata answered. "On top of being given some other missions, a couple of which are 'along the way' and for only one of us at a time."

"Obvious testing that isn't stated to be testing," Naruto continued.

"Each of us did get a mission that's officially to test others."

"And I'm willing to bet that's either a cover for the others testing us or testing both sides at the same time."


"If you're correct then it's good that you noticed that you're being tested," Hiashi said with a nod, before turning to Neji. "Are you okay with your sensei's decision to not participate this time?"

"He explained that Kin isn't eligible until after the exams start due to defecting at the end of the exams a year ago," Neji said. "It would be foolish to hold him responsible for a detail that's outside of his control. This was compared to Karin, Naruto's family member, who didn't officially defect at all and only had to wait six months before being eligible for promotion testing."

"Yet he could've swapped Kin for someone eligible for testing and entered you that way."

"Kin has done far too much for the team to leave her behind like that, and I suspect that Lee still needs another few months to get used to his own changes before he'd be ready for the exams."

"So your sensei and teammate finally stopped bursting her ear drums?" Hanabi asked.

"...yes, and she figured out a way to destabilize their ears when they attempt the sunset genjutsu. I've not needed to dodge it for months."

"Kurenai-sensei taught us how to deal with that during genjutsu dispelling practice," Hinata commented, getting a betrayed look from Neji. "It's a variant of the sunglasses technique."

Neji flinched at that. "That's never quite worked correctly for me."

"I'm honestly surprised that it works for as many of the clan as it does," Satomi chimed in. "We see the world differently than most and it can be hard to adjust techniques to account for that."

"You just need a quarter-twist on the third layer and an extra one on the inside of the stack," Naruto said, getting looks from all of the others present. "What?"

"When did you figure that out?" Hinata asked.

"It only took three days after finding out the basics."

"I think the clan would appreciate any notes you're willing to share," Hiashi said. "As most of those that get it working to any degree at all 'butcher' it, as they generally describe the process. If you have alternate instructions that work better..."

Naruto shrugged, producing some paper and ink. Copies for everyone present was easy enough to handle, though he was surprised that Hinata hadn't figured it out on her own since she'd never claimed to have trouble with the base technique.

Fu groaned as she freed a wing from her blanket. They were still growing, and she appreciated that she didn't seem to be growing a regular tail alongside the single pair of wings. But she was forming at least a basic exoskeleton, which was annoying on its own, and Chomei's self was fading more every day. Supposedly this was a good thing, something that one of the other now-dying tailed beasts had figured out, but Fu hadn't understood the explanation.

There was mention of a tree in the explanation, and Shibuki wondered if the village's tree starting to wilt was a sign that things were connected. Nobody knew why the tree was the only one known to create the hero water, but its wilting was seen as a bad omen for the village itself and they were working on packing up to leave to a backup location established decades ago as they didn't want to trust the underwater caverns that served as the village entrance and were supported by the tree's roots.

Her musing on things was ended by her finishing cleaning up her bed. She had to get dressed and grab breakfast before resuming flying supplies out of the old village and to the new one. Something that would probably be easier today as her wings were larger than they'd been last night, a pattern that hadn't stopped for the past month.

The trip to Kumo had been slower than Team Yurei was used to traveling outside of when they were in an 'infiltration mode' that limited their movement speeds...and far slower than flying would've been. But they weren't handing the ability to fly out to everyone and had to deal with two of the four teams just not having trained their speed up to the same degree as the other two...and Kurenai-sensei hadn't really gotten her new team up to proper speeds yet either. But even they were lightly complaining about how slow the other two teams were. Oddly enough, Shino and Ami were the slowest, Karin and Sakura commenting that Tsunade demanded far more than just medical skills from medic-nin and Shikamaru claiming that remaining slow had been 'too troublesome'.

This meant that instead of at most one stop they needed two. The first one included Naruto and Hinata sending clones off to handle one of their additional missions each. Two facilities close to their route needed to be tested to see how well the guards handled infiltrators, or so the missions claimed, with specific scrolls to be removed if possible. Naruto hadn't known that Hinata had gotten a couple of smaller summoning stones from the snakes until then either, though apparently that had come about while he was stuck retraining chakra control.

...he wasn't sure if she knew that the toads and foxes had ensured that he had enough for him and Yoko to have their own sets at this point, for that matter.

The second stop had been after passing through the Lands of Hot Water and Frost, when they'd made it into the Land of Lightning proper. There were no extra missions to worry about there, but they were then obviously under observation by Kumo shinobi.

Shisui stared at the two scrolls sitting inside of one of the secure drawers of his desk, in his office, that he'd just unsealed. Two scrolls that shouldn't be there. He ran through a dozen security checks, and had his Anbu guards run several, before extracting and opening them...only to find that it was mission reports wrapped around the target scrolls for Naruto and Hinata's test infiltrations.

"Now that's just showing off," one of the Anbu guards grumbled, and Shisui had to agree.

An hour later they'd confirmed that they were the originals and had no sign of having been opened. A mission to check with the two locations to see what they'd seen, or not seen, would need to be assigned today or tomorrow.

Kyo sighed as he looked over the cameras in the facility. It seemed unlikely that Uzumaki would make any attempt at things before returning to Konoha after at least the second stage of the exams, if not the third, but they had to be on high alert anyway. A quick check of the single-fire indicators showed that the boy's target scroll hadn't been moved either, a precaution needed because the boy was supposed to be insane when it came to bypassing security.

But there hadn't been any sign of the boy, no hits on the perimeter defenses, no sign of any odd activity. As far as he knew the code phrase check system hadn't had a single wrong hit, nobody had been seen where they weren't expected, and Makoto was even checking to ensure that there wasn't any abnormal usage of power or water in the building that might indicate that there were any additional individuals in the facility.

It was quite boring, but in a few days to a week when a first attempt was made it might get more interesting and they might get a chance to see how the boy handled combat when he needed to fight his way out.

"...why do you get the fancier rooms?" Tenten asked once they'd been given their hotel assignments.

"Because they're close to being local celebrities," the kunoichi at the desk replied. "Very few people can push Raikage-sama in a friendly spar, and fewer can drive him into a limb-tearing rage and live to tell the tale."

"Plus the fancier rooms have more monitoring options for the locals," Naruto added. "Both due to more places to hide microphones and cameras and due to being better positioned for longer-range observation from nearby buildings."

"'re a heavy assault team and aren't supposed to notice those details."

"I'm also proficient with seals and need to be aware of when my work might be observed."

"Ah, right, forgot about that."

"That's okay, the fight with the Raikage was probably far more interesting than a few medics suddenly being a lot better."

"You did that?"

"...yes? That would be the seal work I was involved with the last time I visited."

"We were able to get a dozen jounin back into the field after that, on top of saving what would've been several impossibly injured genin after a training accident!"

"Oh, I bet Tsunade will be happy to hear about that."

It probably shouldn't be so amusing to be having this conversation at all, but the looks on the part of Kurenai's genin and the entirety of Team Tekuno made it somewhat worth it.

"By the way," Naruto said after a moment. "Would there be any problem with setting up temporary food carts? Our genin have started to dabble."

"Er," the kunoichi started, frowning. "I don't think so, but I'll need to have someone check. The carts might need to be inspected."

"So hold off until we hear about that. Thanks."

"So we're updating the maps with everything they changed," Hinata commented that evening, after shinobi had examined the three smaller and one larger food carts and approved their use in Kumo.

"And we were asked to play a couple of specific pranks," Naruto agreed. Both of them had a pile of clones already spread out throughout the village, and had two days before the first stage began. Unofficially, they were also seeing if they could figure out the first two stages before information was given to the genin, and he was fairly certain the information his clones were making multiple copies of was related even if he hadn't asked them to confirm that. "I'm thinking about getting the first one out of the way tonight, then prepping the other one tomorrow."

"We just arrived. Surely that would be a bit of a tell for us being responsible?"

"...for a prank that without a few dozen clones would likely require several days to set up without being spotted? Suna's group seems to have been here for a week and would be far more likely to be blamed if a long-term mole isn't assumed to be responsible instead."

"Oh. I'd not thought of it that way and now I feel silly for overlooking that aspect."

Getting the prepared materials out for the prank and adjusting things to take into account changes in security hadn't taken long.

The next morning had come far too early for some people. Doubly so for the Kumo shinobi when two dozen banners had suddenly exploded out of points on buildings in the areas that the visiting shinobi were permitted to wander in. Each banner made fun of a stereotype of a different hidden village. All of the big five and a selection of minor villages, though the minor villages were stretching things a bit in several cases. Anyone paying attention would be able to tell that all of the minor villages participating in the exams were represented, though with a bunch not participating also shown it was a lot less obviously intentional.

Only the Kumo banner's existence, prominent placement, and probably being the worst of the mocking stereotypes kept it from being blamed on Kumo...or perhaps kept it from feeling like everyone else was being picked on.

The three Team Yurei genin were in full chef attire today, as they would be through the end of the second stage, and had pulled out the large food cart that could handle all three of them working and Kiba preparing more jerky. That had been dropped just under the Konoha banner, just because, even though it wasn't ideally positioned. Still drew attention though, because what kind of genin set up a food cart before the chunin exams? On top of Ino and Sasuke having animal features, of course.

Not as obvious was that disguised clones of the three were checking out what little Naruto had been willing to hand over on the first two stages, along with clones of Team Yugao's genin. It wasn't necessarily a competition between teams, after all, but between least in the first couple of stages. But the other two teams were working on gathering their own intelligence instead of participating. And couldn't make impossibly-disguised clones, for that matter, though Sakura having access to paperwork clones was a little bit of a surprise.

Karin had been busy with the girl.

Naruto hadn't been willing to hand them the solution to the first stage, despite having found the complete plans, and had focused on details for the second stage. But a couple of items, such as the layout of the area the first stage would be held in, had been included. The maps of the tunnels the second stage would be held in were likely being paid a lot more attention to.

"They're going to be on higher alert now," Hinata noted via the communication technique while watching Team Yugao's genin obviously 'checking out' the area away from where the clones were all holed up. Not that anyone was likely to notice that the two were watching, since they looked like a couple of local cats sunning themselves right now.

"Of course they are," Naruto replied. "And that isn't going to help them."

"I suppose not, but we do have to be a little more careful."

"Yes, but once Kiri's delegation arrives we'll need to prepare for the demonstration matches, so either it's in the next couple of hours or in a couple of days."

Not that setting a prank deeper in the village than the visitors were allowed to be in was likely to be noticed with all the focus on the smaller area with a bunch of visitors in it.

"I feel like a couple of chunin just insulted my skills," Tekuno commented as he half-glared at the banners.

"You're talking as though Naruto isn't known to be a prankster," Kurenai commented.

"If he could set this up that quickly then he could've rigged the place to blow overnight."

"That has occurred to some of us, yes, but he has even faster ways of accomplishing that level of destruction."


"You do know how many clones he was able to make as a genin, before the one-tail bonding, right?"


"Itachi's exploding shadow clone trick is a modified suicide technique and can be applied to any such clones. But Naruto's chakra levels mean that his clones default to having more than Itachi's do so he doesn't even need to pump extra chakra in for the same or better effect."

"And when he does he'd probably only need a single clone," Yugao commented, getting her looks from the Tekuno and Kurenai. "Surely you two heard of his little confrontation with Sasori and Deidara?"

Oh. Right, that, which was rumored to have resulted in complaints from Kiri about the effects of the explosion. Blaming it on Deidara had quieted them down, but Konoha's internal gossip network had painted it as being Naruto's direct doing...entirely because Yugao and Hayate had gotten drunk after returning and spilled the tale.

And to be honest, if anyone was going to pull off out-exploding any member of Iwa's explosion corps, current or former? It was going to be Naruto, who wouldn't even notice the proverbial 'box' that most people worked within.

Naruto thought that setting up the second prank had been far easier than Hinata had expected, but they'd pulled deeper in the village guards away from their posts to increase the focus on the area the visitors were allowed to wander unescorted. This one was also a little less mean-spirited in execution, in Naruto's opinion, but he suspected that the bulk of the goal was forcing them to use equipment that they didn't necessarily purpose-build themselves.

Such as the banner deployment systems with the banners pre-loaded, and pre-rigged fireworks boxes.

That had been accomplished before the surprisingly-large Kiri delegation had shown up and messengers had been sent to collect others either definitely or potentially participating in the demonstration matches.

"Could've sworn that you two didn't make chunin last time," Naruto commented to Kankuro and Temari after they entered the meeting room. "Would've expected you to be in the genin groups instead of demonstration groups."

"We got field promotions eight months ago when we survived an attack that the jounin with us didn't," Temari replied. "And then got partnered to lead a team in mimicry of your team to help cover the lack of suitable jounin available for leading genin."

"Most of my problem was an absolutely horrible match-up in the preliminary round," Kankuro noted. "The only worse choices would've been a Hyuga or an Aburame, except that they're at least well known enough to have some potential counters for."

"You were held off by a wind user," Hinata noted. "Surely you have general counters for a wind user?"

"Most wind users fall into well-defined categories," Temari explained. "Puppets can usually handle or dodge cutting attacks and you don't usually get into techniques that can blow them away until you hit jounin-level encounters. I can't trivially blow Kakuro's puppets away using my battle fan yet and have to get around them to target him directly as a result, but the modifications made to that genin gave him a jounin-level cheat at a range just large enough to be a near-perfect counter for a puppeteer using only one or two puppets."

"I'm carrying more puppets now to help cover that weakness," Kankuro added. "Finally got a capable set of seals for a larger collection."

"My promotion was probably less deserved, but the loyal Suna jounin decided that you were a worst-case match-up for me and that my reactions shouldn't have been held against me. That said, I was forced to prove that I could hold my own against several different chunin without any fan at all before I was allowed to claim my repaired fan."

"I wonder if they'd let us do a puppet-on-puppet match," Naruto mused. "Sasori was dismissive of Suna's puppeteer corps and I'm curious how I stack up on that front."

Kankuro snorted. "You've been at it for less than a year, right?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean much."

"Sasori seemed to at least decide he was competent," Yugao added from where she was standing nearby. "And to be honest, I have to agree."

"I've got no problem with a puppet-on-puppet match," Yugito said, checking her list. "It isn't like we've planned anything specific beyond sometimes-conflicting requests, though if Hinata and Naruto are willing to do two matches each instead of one then we can cover the three requests for them and the puppets. Kiri wants to test each of them with the swords they have and I want to see how Hinata stands up to me."

"A match against one of Kumo's supervibrato swords would be higher on my list than testing the Hyuga's handling of Nuibari," one of the two Kiri jounin offered.

That got a nod from Yugito, who then looked at Temari. "Your jounin all opted out, so do you have any problems with a match against a Kumo chunin to fill out our five match bracket?"

"I'm okay with that," Temari agreed. "Not like anyone allows the sensei an option of watching the first two stages anyway."

"One of the few international agreements for how these exams are run, yes, intended to reduce cheating on behalf of the sensei. Not that it always works. Naruto, are you okay with two matches?"

"Just don't stick them back to back," Naruto said. "Me being able to handle that without a break might be a bit insulting for the second match."

Yugito snorted, and both Kankuro and the two present Kiri jounin looked insulted already. "I'll keep that in mind while I check who else is available on our end."

"It sucks that we won't be able to watch your matches tomorrow," Ino commented at dinner that evening. They'd been asked to pack up the food cart mid-afternoon so that Kumo shinobi could more easily focus on getting the difficult to remove banners down.

"You'll be busy enough to not need to worry about it," Naruto pointed out.

"Still going to miss some likely-impressive fights," Kiba retorted.

"They're being recorded."

"And no recording can match the detail you get from being there in person when you have any sensory abilities at all," Sasuke replied.

"...fair point. You can all make clones first thing in the morning and be mostly recovered by the time the second stage is supposed to start."

The three of them looked like that had not, in fact, occurred to them.

"As this isn't your first exam you already know that you have to enter as a team," Hinata pointed out. "Do make sure that you aren't late."

"And that we don't fall for any tricks like those attempted back in Konoha," Sasuke said with a nod. "We know, even if you won't tell us what they're testing us on in the first stage."

"It isn't our job to do all your infiltration for you," Naruto replied. "I think Hoshi has accomplished more sneaking about the village than you three have."

"Not for lack of trying on our parts," Ino grumbled. "My clone couldn't find an opening to get into any of the record or storage rooms without being seen."

"Yeah, they really stepped up the security on those. I had some trouble getting into the real record rooms and I already knew to avoid the decoys."

"...I failed to get into the decoys?"

"Yes, but you aren't skilled enough with seals to have made it into the real ones anyway."

"I have to let Naruto handle those," Hinata added. "Maintained security seals are...difficult for most to work around, but Uzumaki seem to have sealing in their blood and Naruto got better after being bound to Shukaku's remains."

"Most of them are just chakra-matching and I'm getting better at figuring out the chakra signature needed from the seals themselves without watching someone else get through them. Companion security seals, like the warden seals, are a lot harder to crack. Especially those designed by Uzumaki to counter Uzumaki."

"And you've started including those in your own more secure seal designs."

"Well, yes, why wouldn't I? You know that a number of people regularly get through the compound's protections by mimicking a known authorized individual's chakra, so I can't trust that, and using blood runs into the problem that someone with a sample of your blood can potentially get through as well. Blood, chakra, and needing to have a specific difficult-to-duplicate key seal available is basically the absolute minimum for really securing something. But only if the key seal is also difficult to copy without an inactive copy to work from."

"You made a version of a chakra test seal that doesn't seem to react to mimicry though."

"Up until those keyed in are dead. Then it resets entirely and lets anyone in."


It seemed that they'd lost the genin at this point, but that was probably okay. None of them seemed to have even Hinata's limited aptitude for understanding seals, and it was likely that she only got that far due to wanting to be able to understand even a fraction of what he could ramble on about when working with them himself. Tenten had much more interest and skill, but also couldn't really keep up with him when he got going.

...he knew how they felt though, because when Shukaku and the Tome in general got involved you got things that even he had trouble understanding the inner workings of. Some of the things they produced he had a general idea of what they might be doing and why, but he couldn't begin to describe the inner workings of the seal that improved the medical chakra node. Or the variants that created other chakra net nodes, for that matter.

Tsubasa had gone through all of the steps needed to validate that the request to check the Hyuga girl's target scroll was legitimate, and not the Hyuga girl herself playing games. This included validating his own blood-linked seal that the Anbu commander was supposed to be carrying on their person. This had taken two hours, and then they'd carefully checked both the target scroll and all of the protections on it.

Nothing registered the scroll as having so much as flinched, yet it was quickly revealed to be a very clever fake covering a list of problems with the facility's security, how the scroll itself was protected, and suggestions for improving everything. There was even a map that showed passages Tsubasa was unaware of included in the information on the facility.

"This is insulting," Tsubasa grumbled as he looked over the information, not sure how they'd recover from the black mark this was on their own skills in securing secrets.

"Just more showing off," the Anbu wearing what looked like a rodent mask of some kind commented. "They left the real scrolls wrapped in their mission reports inside a secure drawer of the Hokage's desk."

"...they what?"

"Uzumaki has never had a high opinion of most security measures, and tends to spread that to varying degrees to his teammates. The Hyuga girl has been effectively partnered with him since the academy and may not realize just how deeply his views have corrupted her own over the years."

"She waltzed in here without anyone noticing, swapped out the scroll for a scathing report on our lack of security, and then left the original in the Hokage's desk."

"So it would seem, yes."

"...and Uzumaki is worse?"

"I started with the other facility. He not only left a report on the lack of security in the same manner that was done here, but installed fifty-six security seals throughout the facility to cover the worst offenses until experts could be brought in to do a proper sweep of the issues. Oh, and he replaced the easily-poisoned water feed with a water-summoning seal array, fixed six bunk beds in the barracks, and apparently gave an off-duty guard a medical check-up to clear out the flu she was suffering from."

"How are those two still chunin?"

The Anbu snorted. "Uzumaki should be at least a special jounin by now, but the Third didn't want to promote him too young."

So the teams assigned to both facilities had been humiliated, their methods and precautions torn apart and analyzed, and then the village's security had been shown to be laughable in some ways as well. By a pair of chunin, no matter what their rank should be.
"I started with the other facility. He not only left a report on the lack of security in the same manner that was done here, but installed fifty-six security seals throughout the facility to cover the worst offenses until experts could be brought in to do a proper sweep of the issues. Oh, and he replaced the easily-poisoned water feed with a water-summoning seal array, fixed six bunk beds in the barracks, and apparently gave an off-duty guard a medical check-up to clear out the flu she was suffering from."

"Your security is so bad, I'm going to casually upgrade it on my way out after breaching it. Don't mind me!"

The whole "Security? What security?" running gag is funner than I expected.
@TypoNinja Naruto started as a prankster capable of infiltrating probably at least 90% of the village before he was fully bound to the Kyuubi. Then you factor in the Shadow Clone training method and the sheer number of clones he uses daily and it's really no wonder that he's so good at infiltration along with practically anything else he touches. in terms of cumulative experience levels for the subjects he's trained in he's likely SS tier at minimum. The only reasons he's not considered a full blown Kage level Shinobi are that because he's not fully grown his physical stats aren't quite there yet and he needs more practical combat experience along with maybe a slightly larger arsenal of actual combat stuff. Give him another two to three years and he'll likely be considered powerful enough that even the S rank shinobi will nope out of fighting him simply out of reputation alone :D
Naruto started as a prankster capable of infiltrating probably at least 90% of the village
Seen him do that to the place in more than a few Fanfics
you factor in the Shadow Clone training method and the sheer number of clones he uses daily and it's really no wonder that he's so good at infiltration along with practically anything else he touches.
Shadow Clones are BS Incarnate. I mean, you can cheat your way past pretty much all of the training except for muscle building, pull off Multi-Person Jutsu by your self, throw a bunch of Clones at Paperwork, make shittons of seals, etc.
Shadow Clones are BS Incarnate. I mean, you can cheat your way past pretty much all of the training except for muscle building, pull off Multi-Person Jutsu by your self, throw a bunch of Clones at Paperwork, make shittons of seals, etc.
Shadow Clones are only BS Incarnate when you've got obscene levels of Chakra so that you can spam them everywhere. (So only like, 50 or 60 of the named characters...) For regular level Ninja, they're only mid-to-high level BS. :)