Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

You know sometimes you see a weird or unknown word or phrase, and they get stuck in your mind, and then you see them everywhere? To me it's the word 'honden'. I am not very familiar with Japanese temple, so I only know that it is some part in there. That's not the important part. The important part is the word and the associated phrase, which I think is nonsensical, but due to its rhyme somehow stuck in my brain. And I wish to inflict this on my fellow readers. Here it is"shinden in the honden" Thanks for reminding me again.
Some fun stuff, when you think about it.
I can see the book liking Crystal Release, for one, since it could help with it's repairs & more.

Chakra Natures

Crystal Release

Crystal Release (晶遁, Shōton, English TV: Crystal Style) is a rare nature that is seen only in the anime. The actual natures that comprise the element is unknown. However, when Kiba Inuzuka first sees a Crystal Release structure, he mistakes it for Earth Release. Crystal Release is in fact shown...

Chakra Natures

Chakra Natures

Kekkei Tōta

Kekkei tōta (血継淘汰, literally meaning: Bloodline Selection) is an advanced branch of jutsu that is more advanced than the jutsu class of kekkei genkai. The only known example is Dust Release, a combination of three different nature transformations — earth, wind, and fire. In the anime, it is...

Some more fun links, could be interesting when you think about it, especially if you combine them, you know.

Land of the Sky

The Land of the Sky (空の国, Sora no Kuni) is a country featured in Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds. It was formed by ninja from several countries that could mould their chakra into mist in order to fly. It is said that they fought in the Second Shinobi World War, and their hidden village was...


The Zero-Tails (零尾, Reibi) is a malevolent spirit, created by the dark thoughts and feelings of the downtrodden people, sealed within the Land of the Sky. The Zero-Tails primarily resembles a dark purple leech with a serpent-like body. On its face, it wears a blank white coloured Noh mask that...

Zero-Tails Sealing Technique

This technique is a unique form of sealing which was passed down in the Land of the Sky and used to restrain the Zero-Tails. This technique is designed to use dark chakra generated by the Zero-Tails rather than to seal it. It would appear to be a complex sealing technique, given the many sealing...

Handheld Kunai Launcher

The ninja from the Land of the Sky use this type of projectile weapon. When using this weapon, a barrage of kunai will be fired at high speeds in a similar fashion to machine guns. The launcher can be used in conjunction with their Winged Mechanical Devices to perform aerial raids with...

Kekkei Tōta

Kekkei tōta (血継淘汰, literally meaning: Bloodline Selection) is an advanced branch of jutsu that is more advanced than the jutsu class of kekkei genkai. The only known example is Dust Release, a combination of three different nature transformations — earth, wind, and fire. In the anime, it is...

Winged Mechanical Device

The ninja from the Land of the Sky use this device to conduct aerial bombardments, combat and reconnaissance. Chōji Akimichi believed the action behind this was due to the use of a Wind Release technique; however, it is actually a device that works by just flowing chakra through the wings, which...

Flying Destruction Machine

This giant flying machine is operated by three people while a fourth person sits in an extendable compartment where he focuses his chakra into an explosive beam capable of producing mass destruction. It was used by the Land of the Sky in their assault on Konohagakure. It was crushed when Shino...

Exploding Sphere

The Exploding Sphere (爆砕玉, Bakusaidama) is a ninja tool stored within Tenten's large scroll. It is a metal sphere with kunai welded onto it and a hidden explosive tag attached to it. It explodes upon contact, sending kunai and fragments of the sphere flying out as shrapnel. While unnamed in the...

Land of Snow

The Land of Snow (雪の国, Yuki no Kuni) is a nation introduced in Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, that is also briefly mentioned in the anime and in the Hiden novels. The nation would eventually be introduced in the manga. Originally, the country was a small, but peaceful place...

Chakra Armour

The Chakra Armour (チャクラの鎧, Chakura no Yoroi) is a unique type of armour that blocks out opposing ninjutsu and genjutsu while strengthening the user's own chakra and techniques. A black-coloured prototype armour was worn by Dotō Kazahana. Powered by a crystal-like object, the armor produces an...


Puppets (傀儡, Kugutsu) are used as weapons by puppeteers. They are most often humanoid-looking creations, but depending on the creator, they can resemble anything. They are fashioned in a manner that uses every part as a weapon, giving the puppeteer a myriad of ways to manipulate it. Puppets are...

Puppet Technique

The Puppet Technique is the core skill of a puppeteer's (傀儡使い, kugutsutsukai) fighting style, whereby they control a puppet. The modern version of the Puppet Technique used by shinobi was first created by Monzaemon Chikamatsu of Sunagakure. Monzaemon originally intended the Puppet Technique for...
Congratulations, it's twins! And they're both edging into S-class individually!

Infiltration-cleared analysts: 'This is awesome. How can we make Team Yurei even better at their jobs?'

Ino, Sasuke, and Kiba sure gave themselves a difficult task, babysitting at least seven toddlers at once. I do not envy them.

So Naruto and Yoko are physically two people now. Even with their shared mind and probably still connected chakra systems, I bet they both need to do the control exercises. More than that Yoko seems to have her own chakra supply now which she independently generates.

Chakra capacity is trained by using and having to regenerate large amounts of chakra. Both of them are now jinchuriki-equivalent Uzumaki with four Gates permanently open. Their chakra reserves are going to be stupidly large after the puberty growth spurt, aren't they?

If on account of the 'two bodies, one mind' thing, what one of them learns the other also learns. Well. The new twins were already broken and well on their way to being bullshit overpowered, what's one more boost? And would it even be noticed next to the sheer number of paperwork clones the both of them will be producing?

Yoko becoming a fox girl to match Naruto's fox boy is barely worth mentioning at this point.
Glares disappointedly at own unadorned tailbone
So Naruto and Yoko are physically two people now. Even with their shared mind and probably still connected chakra systems, I bet they both need to do the control exercises. More than that Yoko seems to have her own chakra supply now which she independently generates.
Technically they are one person with two personalities and two bodies.
So, Yoko has the Kurama bits now and the fox features while Naruto has Shukaku and the tanuki elements. That'd normally be more stabilizing by splitting the load, but since both Naruto and Yoko are the chakra equivalent of antimatter reactors... AT LEAST.
To clarify:

Each tailed beast, when bound to an individual, has three components:
  1. The physical form remnant (fox, cat, tanuki, octopus...), bound to the body
  2. The chakra gift remnant (shapeshifting, sand control, fireproofing, boosts to specific chakra natures...), bound to the chakra
  3. The original God Tree "collect everything" core the tailed beast was built around, also bound to the chakra
What has happened with Yoko is that piece #3 has used her as a way to "bud off" like the God Tree would've to speed up collection. The chakra-bound pieces were copied as part of this budding, but the far more foreign to the God Tree physical components were ignored.

But, Naruto was already exposed to the Beast Man formula, with the physical bits of the tailed beasts overriding as a stronger influence. An influence not present in Yoko, so the thing finally kicked in. On her. And gave the Fox features that he would've gotten had he not had the other influence.
Only thing I didn't really like this last chapter was the mention by Gamamaru of a ninth chakra gate that was undiscovered.
I would prefer that the process that lead to Yoko becoming real would worked through the eight gate. Just have it as a property that was never discovered due to the fact that it has some pretty unique requirements to work and that attempting to experiment with the eight gate is pretty lethal to anyone that tries so it went undiscovered.
My thought process was: 8 gates for the body, the 9th for the spirit/soul.
If this world is supposed to be an Earth(likely in canon, of an unknown probability in this fic), then roads are likely still built the standard width for roads and railroads: the width of a Roman chariot being pulled by two horses. The romans made such a network of excellent roads for the transport of goods and armies that their standards of 'wide enough for two horse asses' spread worldwide.
Similar to canon, this world is an Earth, but seemingly after what amounts to the complete destruction of everything "advanced". We can't even assume that there are horses spread around the various continents remaining. We know there are some in the Elemental Nations, but there's basically no communication across continents so unless existing rail infrastructure remained on other continents they'd have likely started over from scratch and who knows what their wheel spacing would've been.
Only thing I didn't really like this last chapter was the mention by Gamamaru of a ninth chakra gate that was undiscovered.
I would prefer that the process that lead to Yoko becoming real would worked through the eight gate. Just have it as a property that was never discovered due to the fact that it has some pretty unique requirements to work and that attempting to experiment with the eight gate is pretty lethal to anyone that tries so it went undiscovered.
Or have it that the Tailed Beasts, and thus Jinkurikin, have a 9th Gate that they are all connected through. But humans can only hold 1 9th Gate
Similar to canon, this world is an Earth, but seemingly after what amounts to the complete destruction of everything "advanced". We can't even assume that there are horses spread around the various continents remaining. We know there are some in the Elemental Nations, but there's basically no communication across continents so unless existing rail infrastructure remained on other continents they'd have likely started over from scratch and who knows what their wheel spacing would've been.
Neofrance: We insist that all main roads in our country allow for two baleen whales to pass each other without touching fins!

Neospain: Those are called canals. You can tell those from roads because canals are filled with water!

Neofrance: Nonsense! We just had a lot of rain recently and the streets have not had time to drain properly yet!
Neofrance: We insist that all main roads in our country allow for two baleen whales to pass each other without touching fins!

Neospain: Those are called canals. You can tell those from roads because canals are filled with water!

Neofrance: Nonsense! We just had a lot of rain recently and the streets have not had time to drain properly yet!
This pains me greatly to read, because this joke feels too real, like, my instincts are screaming at me that this exact kind of inter-national pedantry has actually happened in history. 😰
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So, Yoko became a real girl. Is this going to screw with Sasuke's head even more? He was interested in Yoko, then discovered she was just a Naruto clone, but she is an actually physically real girl, now, but it is still Naruto's mind driving both bodies...

Is Naruto going to now experience a certain monthly event through his connection to Yoko?

Will this story crossover with the MGLN cast eventually? Could the energy surge be detected in Administered Space? Will the Aces come looking for the Lost Logia? Or could this story crossover with your other story, and a certain reluctant Belkan Empress, and queen of Please Ignore the Secret Kingdom notice things happening and send a Blueberry to investigate?
This pains me greatly to read, because this joke feels too real, like, my instincts are screaming at me that this exact kind of inter-national pedantry has actually happened in history. 😰
It has IIRC during the First World War Germany had the issue of they couldn't use the Russian rail lines to move troops as the Germans used wider tracks like the rest of Europe and Russia was still industrializing like the rest of the world.
Neofrance: We insist that all main roads in our country allow for two baleen whales to pass each other without touching fins!

Neospain: Those are called canals. You can tell those from roads because canals are filled with water!

Neofrance: Nonsense! We just had a lot of rain recently and the streets have not had time to drain properly yet!
This feels like it should be Neoitaly instead of Neofrance. Venice and all. :p
Will this story crossover with the MGLN cast eventually? Could the energy surge be detected in Administered Space? Will the Aces come looking for the Lost Logia? Or could this story crossover with your other story, and a certain reluctant Belkan Empress, and queen of Please Ignore the Secret Kingdom notice things happening and send a Blueberry to investigate?
Unlikely to have MGLN or HH cast show up.
It has IIRC during the First World War Germany had the issue of they couldn't use the Russian rail lines to move troops as the Germans used wider tracks like the rest of Europe and Russia was still industrializing like the rest of the world.
...Russia still uses a different track width than Europe and swapping one set of tracks out for the other (or setting up a multiple-width rail line) tends to happen on the borders...with there now being more plans to tear up Russian-width tracks in favor of Europe-width tracks to make it harder for Russia to invade anywhere else.
Eh. The eight gates kinda are already where the spirit/ soul touches the body anyway.
Eight gates anchored to the body, one spiritual/soul gate that isn't and thus easier to explain being shared between multiple physical forms with their own anchored gates.
Loving the results of the infiltration missions, both secret and hidden/contracted.

I think the new Uzumaki village should be called The-Village-Hidden-in-Plain-Sight. If for no other reason it will make them suspect any distant village the elemental nations' search teams find of secretly being the hidden Uzumaki village that is starting to be active in the world again. They will waste months at each village trying to convince themselves that it's just an ordinary village and not The-Village-Hidden-in-Plain-Sight.
I do find it amusing that not only are Naruto et al playing up the 'Reborn Uzushiogakure' intentionally, they're also contributing to the deception entirely by accident.