Titan of Steel (Dungeoncore)

Clockworks can probably be hacked, but good luck finding someone with sufficient experience and capability to reliably hack a sensibly designed networked AI that is actively fighting back.

They can certainly saturate regular steel with mana, which helps a lot, but they can't get the carbon nanotubes to align correctly.

Makes sense, even if they were aware of the nanostructures involved, they're unlikely to have any of the tools needed to analyze and recreate them.
Did she familiar with computer virus ? Or Three Law of A.I. ?

Oh! God now I can't stop thinking of nuclear powered robotic dragons following the three laws of robotics.

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Especially the first one, robotic dragon flies halfway across the world to stop a mugging or steals food to feed the hungry.

Of course this only applies to humans it can beat up whoever else it wants.
Oh! God now I can't stop thinking of nuclear powered robotic dragons following the three laws of robotics.

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Especially the first one, robotic dragon flies halfway across the world to stop a mugging or steals food to feed the hungry.

Of course this only applies to humans it can beat up whoever else it wants.
If you applied that human into master, isn't it just what previous Grand Dragon slave used to do ?
Nah, the only 'law' the Scaled Regents had to follow was "Stay loyal, or die instantly."
I wonder if the Clockwork Dragons, if they do start becoming smarter, might start automatically improving quality of life in their administrated regions in ways that don't necessarily violate any programming rules regarding loyalty to Samathin?
I wonder if the Clockwork Dragons, if they do start becoming smarter, might start automatically improving quality of life in their administrated regions in ways that don't necessarily violate any programming rules regarding loyalty to Samathin?
That's a pretty plausible outcome actually. Unlike Grand Dragons, Clockworks of any variety are usually built to not be treacherous psychotic megalomaniacs.
That's a pretty plausible outcome actually. Unlike Grand Dragons, Clockworks of any variety are usually built to not be treacherous psychotic megalomaniacs.
And like any 'thinking' machine, they do exactly what they were told to do, not what you wanted them to do or thought you were telling them to do.
Heh, you know, clockwork dragons should (if were going by "straight" physics) be outright inferior to a tank of similar scale. Articulation, by it's very necessity, weakens the structure of any given machine. Admittedly, I would certainly bet on a clockwork dragon in the closest ranges but you don't send out tanks alone and having a tank squad against an equally large number of dragons, I would expect that advantage to disappear with cover fire and overlapping fields of fire coming into play.

Note however: by "straight" physics I mean that there isn't any associated bonus just for having the shape of a dragon or that there isn't a sort of "level up" mechanic where they get bigger/more complex over time.
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Heh, you know, clockwork dragons should (if were going by "straight" physics) be outright inferior to a tank of similar scale. Articulation, by it's very necessity, weakens the structure of any given machine. Admittedly, I would certainly bet on a clockwork dragon in the closest ranges but you don't send out tanks alone and having a tank squad against an equally large number of dragons, I would expect that advantage to disappear with cover fire and overlapping fields of fire coming into play.

Note however: by "straight" physics I mean that there isn't any associated bonus just for having the shape of a dragon or that there isn't a sort of "level up" mechanic where they get bigger/more complex over time.

Even if that isn't the case, the Clockwork Dragons should suffer from 'jack of all trades-itis' so to speak: They're designed to have both ranged and melee options as well as to physically replicate Grand Dragons, as such a dedicated melee or ranged platform that isn't restricted by 'artistic' design procedures should be able to outmatch them under most circumstances.

In short, the Clockwork Dragons are a great idea as long as the Titan of Steel stays out of things, and a terrible idea if it doesn't do that.
Even if the idea is cool, doesn't mean it is good idea.
Yeah, beyond the infantry scale the 'mecha' formula generally fails when confronted with the 'heavily armored box with a giant engine that's COVERED IN GUNS' formula. It's just that, well, Grand Dragons aren't in the 'COVERED IN GUNS' category.
Right. So the Daemon titan plan is bound to go horribly, horribly right somehow. 15 years is a lot of time. I would be very surprised if the Dungeon has not built some orbital infrastructure to survey the planet during that timeframe.
Using dimension-blockers with 1KM of range to cover the entire planet - if it's earth-sized then you'll need 22000 blockers just for the equator. Dragons controlled territory will likely make that impossible, too.
Using dimension-blockers with 1KM of range to cover the entire planet - if it's earth-sized then you'll need 22000 blockers just for the equator. Dragons controlled territory will likely make that impossible, too.
The plan is obviously going to involve scaling the jammers WAY up. It was a request more along the lines of 'once you've got a viable jammer design, please send it over to my R&D team so that we can weaponize it'.
Also, don't discount the utility of being able to turn off the enemy's ability to bypass every security system you've got that isn't so tightly concentrated around a target that a gate can't be summoned past it.

At minimum it forces all demonic attack and infiltration efforts be made from outside the borders, granting critical response time advantages and greatly increasing the security of areas far from the borders because long range infiltration is hard.
At minimum it forces all demonic attack and infiltration efforts be made from outside the borders, granting critical response time advantages and greatly increasing the security of areas far from the borders because long range infiltration is hard.
Especially because they can just set up checkpoints on the roads where you get scanned to see if you ping as Daemonic, and make it so that not traveling via the roads is a quick route to getting scanned at whatever cities/towns you show up at.
Especially because they can just set up checkpoints on the roads where you get scanned to see if you ping as Daemonic, and make it so that not traveling via the roads is a quick route to getting scanned at whatever cities/towns you show up at.

Even easier: Place a detection system at every gate in every city wall. Sure, it's not necessarily accurate, but doesn't have to be accurate. It just has to ping whenever a demonic entity shows up in the gate area.

It can still be avoided, but that's a different problem. It's nearly impossible to perfectly harden against enemy activity, so you just want to make it unprofitable to attempt.
Amali Department of Public Infrastructure Research and Development Documents
Project #4651: Stable Muonic Materials
Authorized By: Titan of Steel, Director of Public Infrastructure
Lead Researcher: Marcus Rohn
Report Date: 0.7.12 AF

Brief: After the brief experimentation with Muon-Catalyzed Fusion (see project #3002), it was determined that the magically-stabilized muons used for the project were better applied by the materials science department. As such, this project was an attempt to develop useful muonic materials for structural and protective purposes. As of this report, the project is largely successful, but there are still some minor issues that need addressing before large-scale implementation is feasible.

Overview: The newly developed materials are built using conventional Protons and Neutrons for the atomic nuclei, but for molecular bonding they are using negatively-charged Muons instead of Electrons. As Muons have roughly 207 times the mass of an electron, they have a much more localized quantum waveform, therefore leading to much tighter molecular bonds. This not only means that said bonds are much, much stronger, but also that a given volume of material can contain much more of them, having up to 8.8 million times the number of atomic nuclei.

As a direct result, Muonic CNT-Enhanced Steel is absurdly durable compared to CNT-Enhanced Manasteel, even without much in the way of Mana enhancement. With Mana enhancement, Muonic materials have the potential to be effectively indestructible. This is even more the case since the Mana Saturation Limit scales with the number of atomic nuclei, and Muonic materials have 8.8 million times the number of atomic nuclei per unit volume. Unfortunately, they are also 8.8 million times as dense without Mana Enhancement. While in certain applications such an extremely dense material has potential, such as penetrative projectiles, for most applications the sheer weight of unaltered Muonic materials is simply unacceptable.

As such, this project has done some studies on mass mitigation, determining how much of Muonic CNT-Enhanced Steel's practical saturation limit has to be used on mass mitigation to reach certain benchmark densities with regards to both inertial and gravitational masses. For certain applications, some savings can be achieved by skimping on the reductions in inertial mass. Below is a standard chart of benchmark densities, along with the percentage of the Muonic CNT Steel's mana saturation cap spent on mass mitigation.
  • 30 g/cm^3, requires 23% of Mana Saturation Cap. Mostly good for stationary structural applications.
  • 8 g/cm^3, requires 28% of Mana Saturation Cap. Same density as CNT-Enhanced Manasteel, Formulation 1.
  • 1.5 g/cm^3, requires 31% of Mana Saturation Cap. Suitable for heavier than air flight.
  • 0.001 g/cm^3, requires 55% of Mana Saturation Cap. Lighter than air at sea level.
Still, even when accounting for the amazing performance of Muonic materials, there are some concerns that get in the way of large-scale implementation at present. First and most obviously, Muonic materials require an immense amount of Mana to produce, roughly 8.8 million times that of their conventional equivalent.

On a more concerning note, there are concerns about possible Muon pollution as a result of Muonic materials entering large-scale use. In the event of this becoming the case, there is a sizable risk of poisoning for plant and animal life, which could precipitate a public health crisis. Carefully sealed samples of Muon-contaminated food have been forwarded to the Department of Public Health for studies on their health impact, and development of healing magic to counter Muon poisoning.

In the meantime, methods are being developed to make the Muons in the material break down upon leaving their original molecular structure, which require refinement to avoid the altered Muonic materials suddenly exploding like a Protonium warhead whenever they're damaged. Yes, that's what caused the explosion on Level 53 last week. I refuse to elaborate further on said incident.

Project #3992: Deconjuration Fields
Authorized By: Titan of Steel, Director of Public Infrastructure
Lead Researcher: Cory Freist
Report Date: 0.6.30 AF

Brief: Conjuration is a known magical discipline, commonly employed by Dungeons all over the country and practiced non-Dungeon magitechnicians to convert Mana directly into physical matter. As a theoretical exercise, it was determined that it should be possible to run conjuration backwards, converting physical matter and energy directly into Mana. This project was started to convert theoretical possibility into practical engineering, regarding deconjuration in general.

Overview: At present, the generation of Deconjuration Fields is a practical reality. Unenhanced matter and nonmagical energy that enter a Deconjuration field are instantly converted into Mana contained within the field, while Mana passing through the field (for example, to initiate a Conjuration phenomena on the opposite side of the field) is unaffected. Mana-saturated materials (such as CNT-enhanced manasteel or the bodily tissues of high-level adventurers) that inter-penetrate a Deconjuration Field destabilize the field, resulting in the entire field disintegrating into loose Null-Themed Mana within 0.3 milliseconds. The propagation of field collapse occurs at roughly 1/43rd c.

That said, there are some important complications regarding Deconjuration Fields that limit their use-cases. First and foremost, there is no such thing as a free-floating Deconjuration Field. All Deconjuration Fields are both generated by and in fixed orientation relative to a runic anchor. Second, there is at present no viable method for extracting the Mana contained within a Deconjuration field in a usable form.

While a Deconjuration field is active, all materials inserted into the field will either be immediately deconjured, or will almost immediately collapse the field as they absorb Mana to the point of destabilization. Meanwhile, when a Deconjuration Field collapses, the Null-Themed Mana produced has precisely zero use cases without Thematic Transmutation; in the specific case of Null-Themed Mana, this requires an expenditure of the desired theme of Mana equal to twice the amount of Null-Themed Mana to be transmuted, effectively removing any practical incentive for transmuting the Null-Themed Mana aside from simple disposal. Even then there are easier ways to get rid of Null-Themed Mana, since it suddenly stops existing whenever you try to cast anything with it, or move it around.

Project #4105: Dimensional Incursion Jammers
Authorized By: Titan of Steel, Director of Public Infrastructure and Ruby Sherridan, Director of Public Defense
Lead Researcher: Lurin Jade
Notable Consultants: Aether Titan (Dimensional Mechanics)
Report Date: 0.7.19 AF

Brief: Interdimensional incursions from the Daemon Layer currently represent a massive threat to the continued existence of the Socialist Amali Republic. As such, it has been considered imperative from the Republic's founding to minimize Daemonic ability to access and influence the nation. Recently, a discussion regarding dimensional mechanics revealed that it is likely possible to prevent interdimensional links forming between the Material Plane and the Daemon Layer. As such, developing a means to practically implement dimensional blocking has been made Priority One.

Overview: Per the Standard Mana Spectrum, all Mana Themes have antithetical counterparts. Clockwork directly opposes Nature, Light directly opposes Shadow, and Good or Holy both directly oppose Daemons. This also applies to planes of existence; each has a distinct thematic signature, which can be expressed as a ratio of mana themes. It is this factor that allows the new dimension-jamming methods to work; newly developed methods allow Mana in a carefully-selected thematic mix to be spent on formatting a spherical region of space affecting the nearby 4, 5, and 6 axes in adjacent interplanar exospace. This repulses those planes with antithetical typing to the mana used to format the planar boundaries, rendering interplanar travel to or from the antithetical planes extremely difficult.

In the specific case of the Daemon Layer, this is extremely straightforward, as practically its only thematic elements are Daemon, Evil, and Corruption. This means that dimensional travel to or from the Daemon Layer can be effectively blocked using only mono-themed Holy mana. Despite Protonium Reactors giving only Atomic and Clockwork themed Mana, these can be easily converted into Holy using a Thematic Transmutation Unit. As such, a basic self-contained jammer unit powered by a Clockwork Knight-grade reactor has been prototyped, with a total unit volume of 0.15 cubic meters and a total Mana expenditure for jamming of 8 Arbs/second.

The intensity of a Dimensional Jamming Field seems to propagate in accordance with the inverse-square law, completely unimpeded by any matter or energy in the field's way. For practical purposes, a new unit has been created to measure the intensity of a Dimensional Jamming Field called the Cade, defined as the field intensity produced by a theoretically perfect 1 Arb/second dimensional jammer at a range of one meter. Through experimental observation, it has been determined that to prevent new links to or from an interdicted plane forming, the dimensional jamming field requires an intensity of 0.8 milliCades. Forcing the closure of already existing links requires the jamming field to have a local intensity of 210 milliCades at minimum, with the required intensity increasing linearly with the radius of the portal.

As such, our current model self-contained jammer can force the closure of small rifts to the Daemon Layer at a range of 6.17 meters, and can prevent new rifts from being opened within 100 meters. Larger vehicle-mounted jammers with Mana supplies rated at roughly 20,000 Arbs/second have been designed but not tested; these larger units could theoretically force closed rifts within 308 meters, and prevent rifts from being opened within 5 kilometers. An extremely powerful jammer design close to 50 meters scale has also been calculated at drawing roughly 1.3 million Arbs/second, yielding sufficient field intensities to shut rifts at 2.5 kilometers, and to prevent rifts from being opened at ranges of 1,625 kilometers.
Holy crap, stable muonic materials? Now there is something that will have some seriously exotic physical properties.

I have no fucking clue what those properties would actually be, beyond 'really, really weird.' At the very least it would have some utterly fascinating interactions with electrical currents, though again exactly how those interactions would play out I cannot say.

Edit: Actually, I think I might bring this to my physicist friends, as it sounds like a good thought experiment. Completely impossible to actually do in reality of course, but entertaining to consider as a hypothetical. Be a good subject for a mock paper.
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Holy crap, stable muonic materials? Now there is something that will have some seriously exotic physical properties.

I have no fucking clue what those properties would actually be, beyond 'really, really weird.' At the very least it would have some utterly fascinating interactions with electrical currents, though again exactly how those interactions would play out I cannot say.

Edit: Actually, I think I might bring this to my physicist friends, as it sounds like a good thought experiment. Completely impossible to actually do in reality of course, but entertaining to consider as a hypothetical. Be a good subject for a mock paper.

Well, if you put an electric current through one it's going to explode when the muons leave. Meanwhile the positive lead of whatever you're using to apply the current will implode when its electrons get replaced with muons.
Well, if you put an electric current through one it's going to explode when the muons leave. Meanwhile the positive lead of whatever you're using to apply the current will implode when its electrons get replaced with muons.
The big question is how ludicrously difficult would it be to get the Electrons in there in the first place? Seeing as Muons form much more stable orbitals around atomic molecules, and can easily displace Electrons. It's kind of the entire idea behind Muon-Catalyzed Fusion.
Holy crap that dimensional jamming field.

I mean, a 5 kilometer field is already remarkably potent, stash one in every town and you effectively close down any well settled area. But use those as back up for the 50 meter scale, 1 625 km radius one? You can lock off subcontinents with those.

And even better, there's implications they ease holy/good/purity magic and/or portals. There's many good reasons to be afraid of things like that, but when being Good is a part of your physics system some of the concerns evaporate.