There Was A Different Idea: An MCU Producer Quest

The special forces thing isn't really the tipping point in so much that it draws attention to the actual problem.

"Who were those people that attacked? Why are (whoever) attacking you? Aren't they the good guys? Wait... What's going on? What did you do Victor!"

"What I had to. No more, no less."

<Concerned/panicked looks at each other>
A villain who would sacrifice the world if it meant the salvation and welfare of those close to him/those he cares about is a dangerous one.
Maybe Doom could have a megalomaniac complex, where he feels that he's the only one who can bring salvation to humanity through his works, or if not that, then he will save Latveria. He tries his best, but his megalomania doesn't help, plummeting him more and more into delusions of saviorship.
See, here's a way to make this seem morally gray. As seen in the show Loki, by 2050 there are Category 8 Hurricanes. I loved that moment because it shows that the cause of human extinction is ourselves. Perhaps Doom increasing brutal attempts to humanity outside his country to change is because he has to stop us from suffocating ourselves. This reflects real life how we need massive change, but even that is not enough. Last summer was the first time my state reached the 100's.Too much damage has already been done and in a few centuries, well the future doesn't look pretty. And it didn't took some villain to do that.
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See, here's a way to make this seem morally gray. As seen in the show Loki, by 2050 there are Category 8 Hurricanes. I loved that moment because it shows that the cause of human extinction is ourselves. Perhaps Doom increasing brutal attempts to humanity outside his country to change is because he has to stop us from suffocating ourselves. This reflects real life how we need massive change, but even that is not enough. Last summer was the first time my state reached the 100's.Too much damage has already been done and in a few centuries, well the future doesn't look pretty. And it didn't took some villain to do that.
Check out The Dire Saga by Andrew Seiple for a DOOM pastiche that does try to save us from ourselves, and is stopped by heros who had the solution, but could not be bothered to say so or do something before she felt she had to act.
No matter how Doom starts out, there is only ONE true Doctor Doom.

A man who has mastered magic and technology, speaks in third-person, is deservedly prideful and arrogant, and he rides a bear because fuck you Doom does what he wants.

He is without a doubt THE definitive Marvel villain in the same way Joker is the definitive DC villain. He has to be done right.
As such, he's willing to offer you not only Deadpool, but additional character for the lump sum of 1 Billion dollars.
@overmind I understand that this is not a realistic economic simulator, but I have to say that this sum is way off... I mean the net income of Fox was 2.87 billion dollars in 2011, we would be paying a third of their net income of that year just to but those characters...

If we had bought back the entire X-men, or every other character they own except the X-men-related ones, that would have been a reasonable price but for two franchises that underperformed that is waaay too expensive.
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@overmind I understand that this is not a realistic economic simulator, but I have to say that this sum is way off... I mean the net income of Fox was 2.87 billion dollars in 2011, we would be paying a third of their net income of that year just to but those characters...

If we had bought back the entire X-men, or every other character they own except the X-men-related ones, that would have been a reasonable price but for two franchises that underperformed that is waaay too expensive.
...Fine, changing it to a quarter of a billion.

Christ, I'm going to need some time guys. I'll update when I can.
Here is a crazy idea: Deadpool Holiday Special on TV right before Avengers comes out as he gives us his take on the new wave of odd people with powers who are showing up. Gives a chance to meet the Avengers characters people may have missed a film on, and let's us do a few other hints of things to come.
Would like to put something out there I pushed in the old quest: BIG WHEEL played by Will Ferrel!

Random Thought: Adam Sandler as Mysterio. I heard he was good in Uncut Gems, and that's literally my only reasoning. :V
I'm struggling trying to write an actual synopsis for a Fantastic Four pitch, so instead here are some points I'd love to see hit:
  1. Reed Richards tried to correct Victor von Doom's experiment because Victor's maths included a factor of either 3 or 13 that was in there to account for the involvement of Doom's magic - and Reed laughed off Victor's explanations of the mystical importance.
  2. The Fantastic Four's trip, on which they gain powers, is something they've been warned is dangerous - but Reed is certain it will be safe.
  3. The first threat they face is not magical - they won't encounter undeniable magic until they see Doom wielding it.
Interlude - Homecoming (May 2011)
The Winning Vote said:
[X] [Buy] Deadpool+Fantastic Four
You are a Marvel fan, which is something that you've always admitted with pride. They had been your escape during many of your parents rows growing up, just grabbing the old comics, accumulated through the years from your father and grandfather, and just…forget for a moment your domestic situation, transport yourself to a world where heroes roamed the land, fought villains in extravagant poses with loquacious dialogue. Where the God of Thunder could become a frog and still be taken seriously, a Man of Iron could fly and where a Super Soldier fought in one of America's greatest Wars and became synonymous with everything that made it great.

But out of all of them, you always had a soft spot for The Fantastic Four. Growing up you always saved your allowance to buy their latest adventure as soon as it was printed. You loved reading about Sue and Reed's marriage, Johnny's latest antics, and Ben's inner turmoil yet incredibly rough an tough exterior. To you they had been more than just an escape, they had been a look into what you had wished that you could've had…

A united family.

You'd long dreamed of making a movie out of the characters. Even wrote a Script Draft back in High School; it had them joining, disbanding, the Fantasticar, H.E.R.B.I.E., and had them facing the Mole Man as he tried to conquer New York. You'd long dreamed to make it a reality, but growing up you'd learned that some things were just not meant to be.

That and the draft was just awful, the characters deserved better.

So, when the chance was in front of you once more you immediately snapped it! You surprised Marvel by coming back with not only Deadpool, but the rights to your long tiem favorites in hand. Not even they could make an argument against your impassioned defense for taking the deal. And even if they had you would not have cared…

Marvel's First Family was home…

Deadpool and Fantastic Four rights return to Marvel. Effective July 2012.

A.N: Something to tide you over until the real update is ready.
That abomination they made in 2015 is never going to happen which is a win in my book.

Who are we thinking for the lead roles? John Krasinki for Reed Richards and Emily Blunt as Susan Storm seem to be a popular fancast, and I think they work well enough in terms of chemistry and appearance.