There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

Search results for query: breda sunguard

Here's every post listing Breda in-thread.

Side note, she seems kinda snakebit. I couldn't tell you if it's just frequent bad dice, poor team comp, or what, but she seems to have something of a losing record (up to and including one of her arms).

Search results for query: breda sunguard

Here's every post listing Breda in-thread.

Side note, she seems kinda snakebit. I couldn't tell you if it's just frequent bad dice, poor team comp, or what, but she seems to have something of a losing record (up to and including one of her arms).
I don't blame her too much; it's been a long, hard time for the Jedi since the formation of the new Order, with a huge galaxy , very, very few Jedi, and constant pressure for the Order to take on more than it can manage.
[X] Yes

She has no black mark on her record and we need to fill out the council so it's an obvious choice.
[X] Yes

She's not been outright wrong. If you want peace, prepare for war. She does.

Maybe with more preparing she can be luckier.
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[O] War is Hell, boys: Atton fought in the Jedi Civil War, and in the Dark Wars, and in the Mandalorian, on many sides and many fronts, everything from grinding front combat to special operations. Much of the same thought process applies to both, and it's a lesson he certainly isn't above teaching to your Jedi. (Reroll first failed combat check in next Report on the War)
Noted, will apply.