My fellow participants. It has come time for me to formally and uncompromisingly apologize for my extended absence from this nation game. The personal issues mentioned earlier have far extended beyond my original evaluation, and it appears extremely likely that I will be unable to continue moderating the nation game.
I, again, deeply apologize for my abrupt and no doubt disruptive absence. With this, it is open for anyone to continue moderating this nation game that I attempted to give my all with, frankly overeager to moderate my own nation game.
Now that I recognize these failings, I do dearly hope that someone may continue this nation game, for all of those who have invested their time into developing what was once a scenario, into an active community of participants will no doubt be anxious to continue in this World Turned Upside Down.
Thank you all for joining me, another deep apology for my betrayal of your trust, and with that, I say God Bless and good luck for whoever decides to take over from this point forward.
If no one is interested, then this nation game shall officially be on hiatus, predictably for some spell, until I can organize myself personally and consistently enough to moderate a nation game of this size once more.