The Voyage Without

Something relatively funky may still be plausible. It was only written that they burned - plasma can start a fire too y'know!
"Yeah, I can briefly suppress the Strong Force in a narrow cone, don't worry about it."

"cold" quark-gluon plasma.
Also, I'm going to be really surprised if he only now is meeting the definition of a teenager. The ornery attitude was a clu, but "Suddenly Everything Fire!" sounds like a puberty thing.
Interesting variation on voice dropping.
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If this is anything like the first time he flew, he's basically going to fall over after this, utterly exhausted and with a terrible headache that can't be (usefully) treated.
This is obviously just the Hadron Cannon from code geass, people. It's a sci-fi setting, he has to have sci-fi breath!
You know, I've seen a lot of sci-fi type pure energy for breath weapon ideas, but only one straight chemistry. What if he breathes, like, elemental fluorine or something? That counts as burning. There's no hard data on his biology, other than "blocks tricorders somehow" so who's to say he isn't based on something oddball like sulfur or magnesium or something?
Not gonna lie, my money was on an encounter with Becca somehow captured, maybe Q involvement, and that pissing out scaley friend off enough for the breath attack to activate, but this works just as well I guess lol
Something tugged at one of my horns, bringing me out of my unconsciousness.

Into a splitting headache.

My eye slowly opened to glare up at the tiny monkey jabbering at me while tugging at my horn. For several long seconds I could neither recognize nor understand it, I just wanted it to die.

Or kill him.

Luckily for Chakotay, that would require moving so all I could do at the moment was wish doom on him and his entire ancestry back to when they climbed out of the ocean.

Slowly, slowly the ability to understand language and memories started to filter back in.

Understanding him didn't help my headache.

"-tenant Zephyr! You need to wake up!" he said, giving my horn another tug, shaking my head, "More will be coming, we have to move!"


More what?

Fire burned at the other end of the small clearing. Shapes in the fire, a tree had started to burn as well.

The scent of burning flesh. Kazons. We were being hunted by Kazon.

...I breathed fire at them.

Memories kept flooding in. My head felt like somebody was holding a sledgehammer competition inside it, I could feel my blood flowing through every vein.

I am so glad my heart didn't beat as such and instead formed a constant flow due to eight chambers.

"Do you hear me!? Their shuttle will be heading to this location!"

I slowly blinked at him before I growled, "Stop shaking me," I said and pushed myself slowly to my paws, "I have a headache."

"Are you alright? You... breathed fire at them and then passed out?" Chakotay asked. He sounded worried.

"Never used those nerves before, not sure they were strictly ready," I said and half closed my eyes against the glare of the fire, "Go find a tree or something."

And please stop looking at me, it's not helping.

"They'll see the fire, they'll come here. We need to move, we're not leaving you here, Lieutenant."

The other human was sitting on the forest floor, her head in her hands.

"You two go," I said, "I have better odds alone. They can't use sensors to find me."

"You were shot, can you move?"

I rumbled a growl, "Barely scorched my scales," I said and forced myself onto my paws. Hell, compared to my exterminatus sized headache, I barely felt it, "Now go," I told him before I started towards the forest, instantly stumbling.

I hit the forest floor before I could do anything to stop it.

Chakotay scampered back and managed to avoid me landing on him. So I guess he had some sense.

He let out a curse in some language I didn't know and looked around before scooping up one of the Kazons weapons and looking at the other human, "Jessica, can you move?"

"I can," she answered and picked herself off the ground. She looked about as good as I felt. She walked over to the base of one of the trees and picked up a pair of hand phasers before tossing one of them over to him.

Chakotay caught it before turning back to me, "Lieutenant, on your feet! We're not leaving you, you can barely stand, yet alone fight. We need to move and we can't carry you! So get up!"

Growling, I considered snapping at him, but I couldn't find any actual problems with his logic.

My head hurt.

I wanted to sleep.

But I pushed myself back onto my paws. Chakotay gave my side a push, "Just walk, straight ahead, one foot in front of the others."

The other human, Jessica something I think, she was a crewman on Voyager, was poking at her tricorder as we started to move, "I'm increasing the strength of the scattering field. That will help cover us."

"Good," Chakotay said, "I'll keep him moving, see what you can do about covering our tracks."

Later, I could barely remember what happened next. It was mostly a blur of pushing through thick brush in the middle of the night.

Next thing I remember clearly was opening my eyes and finding the uncomfortably bright as the sunlight filtered in through the forest canopy above. Something had woken me up and- the sound of an explosion echoed through the forest.

Chakotay and the other human Jessica were on their feet, phasers in hand as they scanned the forest around us.

Chakotay's combadge buzzed and he tapped it, "Chakotay here."

"Chakotay, this is Janeway. Are you alright?"

"We're alive, but I don't know about the rest. I have a member of your crew and Lieutenant Zephyr with me. We spread out into the jungle when the Kazon started to land."

"We're contacting the others now, we just blew the Kazons airborn shuttle out of the air," Janeway answered, "Return to camp, we're sending two more shuttles down to take the area back."

"What of the Kazon ships?"

"We retreated to the moons of the outermost planet and managed to set up an ambush, they have left the system," Janeway said, "I'll explain more later. But we should drive the rest out of camp and get our people off the surface as soon as we can."

I pushed myself up to sit, "No, Captain," I said, "We need to pack our gear up. We have time."

"Lieutenant, the Kazon may be going for reinforcements."

"No, Captain," I said, wishing that she would talk more quietly, "That does not fit their psychology, they're scavagers and we scared them off. If they had more ships, they would have brought more ships to start with. Likely this was a single clan and that may have been all their ships in the area. We have time."

Chakotay slowly nodded, "I think he may be right," he said as he looked at me, "We should hurry, but if we don't bring what we gathered here all of this would have been a waste."

"...Alright," Janeway finally agreed, "Launching shuttles now, they'll be on site in ten minutes. We have been able to reach all members of the away team. There's some injuries, some of which are serious, but everyone is alive. Transmitting a rendezvous point now."

Chakotay pulled his tricorder and checked it before he nodded, "Got it. We'll get moving. Chakotay out," he said and tapped his com badge before looking at me, "Glad to see you awake, Lieutenant."

I slowly blinked at him, "Thank you, Captain," I said before I snorted, "...I'm not sure how much use I will be for a while."

He smiled briefly, "Don't worry about that, you've done plenty. All you need to do is to follow us."

I nodded and quickly closed my eyes, regretting that fact before I answered, "...Set your tricorder to send out a beacon on 3.1415 megahertz. It'll recall my drones to our position. They may be of use."

And they'll bring my helmet which I can set to filter out a lot of this damn light.

Oh and it had my phaser in it, but at the moment that seemed way less important than my apocalyptic migraine.

"Done," He said after a second, "We need to move, we're two kilometers away from where we're meeting up with the rest."

Oh, joy.
I saw what you did there! 🥧
Loving this story and I can't wait until Zeph gets his own ship and everyone else needs a scooter to get anywhere b/c the halls are longer as well as higher
Are Borg cubes fireproof? Asking for a friend.
Hum... Let's take that a little seriously...

Fire hazards are handled automatically by a starship's computer (at least I recall such a thing in an episode of The Next Generation) so yes, Borg cubes are... If not fireproof, they are, at least, fire-protected.

Still, Zephyr is using pyrokinesis which is not normal fire...

Let's say that while Zephyr CAN burn a Borg cube (...more exactly some Borg items and machinery) it would work ONCE or twice since the Borgs can adapt.