The Voyage Without

I don't just mean this immediate crash. I mean it as a function of his biology.
Have you read the 2 stories that come before this one? Pretty much all of his Biology is established there. But his crashing is a function of how his species is thought to work and behave. sort of like how his flight is part physical and part metal. I think it was also established that he was on the smaller end and he wouldn't stop growing for a long while yet.
not so much smaller as younger. but yeah, the researchers who looked him over and helped him adapt were fairly sure he's gonna live a long time and get a fair bit bigger.
Do you…not believe authors are capable of planning story beats in advance?
Oh they are, but you asked
...was his adrenaline crash fully conceived to explain why he didn't try to come up with a better idea than destroy the array?

I sincerely doubt that "Make sure the array gets destroyed." was the prime motivator for adding the cram-and-crash aspect of his biology multiple stories ago. Was it a consideration? Maybe, but it's not a unitasker. It's served to explain multiple things along the way.
Before this story, there were already a lot of myths/fiction where dragons would sleep a long time, going back to at least Tolkien. From memory Smaug had slept so long most of Lake Town didn't really believe in him.

I do think it was a neat and believable way to sidestep the issue of "what would dragon do" and it is such a glaring example of the trolley problem crying out for a third answer that I would fully believe Hiver saw it coming in initial planning and worked out what how to handle it.
I stared across the meeting room table at Chakotay. He and a handful of his Maquis were sitting across from us.

Janeway was at the head of the table. Tuvok was on my left, Kim on my right and the convict next to him.

Nobody was saying anything, just regarding each other across the table. Well, if they want to have a staring contest, we can do that. I'm better at it than many.

I slowly blinked my third eyelid and the woman next to Chakotay, a half klingon, half human, looked away, "What is this about?" she finally asked.

Hah! I knew that would cause one of them to break! Humans find that freaky for some reason.

"This is about what we do now," Janeway told her, "We're a long way from home."

"And whose fault is that?" the half klingon asked with a scowl.

"Captain Janeway acted in such a manner to prevent the Kazon from gaining access to the Caretaker array," Tuvok said, "Allowing them access to such advanced technology would have been catastrophic in the extreme."

"...Agreed," Chakotay said, leaning back in his chair.


"B'Elanna, imagine how much worse the Cardassians would have been with teleportation technology, the ability to send and pull ships across the entire galaxy at will," he said, "And then imagine it in the hands of a more primitive and aggressive raiding species made up of pirate clans."

"He's right," Seska interjected. She was a Bajoran woman with dark hair, sitting on his other side, "We're stuck here, but it could be worse."

I shifted, putting my right forepaw on the table and turned my head to regard acting captain Janeway, "Captain," I said, "I understand that the terrorist scum was useful in recovering Ensign Kim, but may I ask what they are doing here and not in the brig?"

See, I can be diplomatic.

That caused yelling from the other side of the table, but before Janeway was able to say something, Chakotay raised his hands and silenced his people.

He faced me across the table, "Because we're stuck a long way from home," he told me seriously, "And our best chance is to work together. Two ships have a lot better odds of reaching the alpha quadrant than one."

I tilted my head, "You can not be serious. It's a seventy year journey and you want to do it onboard a seventy meter vessel? What's the size of your crew anyway, twenty?"

"Which," Janeway interrupted us, "Is why we should cooperate. We're seriously shorthanded as well. We were missing the majority of our science staff, we lost a third of our crew when we were pulled across the galaxy."

"We are shorthanded," Chakotay agreed, "But our biggest problem is that our ship is filled with equipment, there's barely room to move around. We had to pack up in a hurry."

Janeway nodded, "We have empt-"

The door opened and a stink filled the air, followed by the source of it walking inside, "I'm sorry we're late!" the alien exclaimed, "We weren't informed there was a meeting."

What the hell is that smell!? It smelled like... I don't even know what!? Tutankhamun's gym socks!?

I snorted and shook my head slightly.

He looked a bit like a spotty hedgehog with a poofy row of hair up along the top of his head.

"Neelix," Janeway said, "This is a meeting between the captains of our little group and their senior staff, I'm su-"

Neelix? What the fuck is a Neeli- oh crap, it's getting worse!

I snorted again, shaking my head slightly, trying to dislodge it from my nose.

"Well, I'm the captain of my ship? Surely I should also be invited?" The Neelix suggested.

Janeway looked at Chakotay who shrugged a bit. She motioned towards the other end of the table, "By all means."

Seriously, does nobody else smell that!? Surely even humans must be smelling that by now!? Tuvok! You're vulcan! You have a working nose!

Tuvok seemed unconcerned.

"As I was saying," Janeway continued, "We have several empty cargo bays. We should be able to carry the overflow. It would be shortsighted to dump anything, we don't know what can become needed in the future."

"Agreed," Chakotay said, nodding, "We should list our current requirements and resources, we need to know what's available. We both took damage during the battle."

Janeway nodded and then looked at me, "Lieutenant Zephyr? I understand you just woke up, but have you had the opportunity to review the reports?"

Oh night, it's not going away! If anything it's getting worse!

I snorted again, "...I have reviewed the reports," I said and blinked rapidly, "We should be able to conduct full repairs. Replicators are the biggest one, several repairs to the systems require us to manufacture replacement components which slows things down. Once we have the large replicators back online, everything else should speed up in turn."

Chakotay nodded and looked to B'elanna, "How are we looking?"

She shook her head, "We've taken some damage, but most was from being pulled here. We should be able to make full repairs," she said before looking up at me, "We still have two working replicators. We may have the ability to accelerate your repairs."

"Much appreciated," I answered, doing my best to ignore The Neelix. Maybe if I pretend he's not there, he will go away.

"We also have some supplies and ideas," The Neelix said, crushing that hope, "Kes?"

The small woman with him spoke up. She had short blonde hair and kind of elfish ears. And apparently no sense of smell sitting so close to him, "Well," she said, "I looked at your database, and it seems like it would be fairly easy to set up a aeroponics system onboard of Voyager to grow fresh food."

"That's an excellent idea," Janeway agreed with a smile, "Zephyr, we have the supplies for that?"

I nodded, "We should, it's fairly easy. Setting up an algae farm is a good idea, it would be able to produce the majority of the materials lost to recycling waste from the replicators. Carefully managed, we should be okay when it comes to food then."

"We don't have that sort of space," Chakotay said, "We would be reliant on Voyager for replicator feed."

"You'll be reliant on Voyager for a lot of stuff," I told him seriously, "We're better off taking your ship apart for spare parts."

"Two ships are better than one," he said before he sighed and waved B'elanna down again, "But there may come a time where you're correct, Lieutenant."

"Until then," Janeway said, shooting me a pointed look, "It's better to have the resources of two ships. Kes, how soon can you get started on the aeroponic system?"

"Me?" she asked in surprise.

"It's your idea, your project," Janeway said with a smile before growing serious and looking at each of us, "We have a lot of work to do and not that long to do it, we're still deep in Kazon territory. Mister Neelix, you know a safe system we can use?"

"Yes, Captain."

"Excellent. Mister Paris, get with Mister Neelix and set a course. Ensign Kim, prepare a full list of all our supplies and requirements, get together with..." she looked to Chakotay.

"Seska," he said, "She's my supply officer. B'elanna, work with Lieutenant Zephyr on the engineering side, find out what's broken and what we can fix. The sooner we can move at full power, the sooner we can leave Kazon space."

"Agreed," Janway said with a nod, "Let's get to it."
interesting that they got both ships now
wonder if they will pick up more a dragon with a ship collection :d
I haven't seen Voyager's pilot episode in a while. But I wonder if Zephyr's hard work in repairing Voyager gave it the extra oomph to save Chakotay's ship.
It's interesting that Zephyr is such a hardliner on the Maquis; I feel like there are a lot of parallels between his arguments about the Prime Directive on the one hand, and the situation that brought the DMZ into revolt on the other.

I wonder how much of it comes down to spending the last two years in Starfleet Intelligence. If all of his info on the situation came from that social circle, it'd probably color his views on it somewhat.

...either that, or the fact that he was already thinking of them as enemies in the context of this mission, where dragon brain seems (from past examples) to be very stubborn about that "enemy" designation.
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If he'd met either of those two species before? Probably, but that probably doesn't mean anything if he has no idea what they're suppose to smell like
He spent time on DS9, so he knows Bejorins at least, other depends if he met a certain tailor. And with how his sense of smell is depicted as a primary sense as opposed to being less important to humans, a greater level of attention and fidelity would easily make what we would consider subtle to how we would view a birth mark or pigmentation being green in someone, bizarre to the point of attention.
I'm not sure what the parallel is, but considering the Maquis only seem to strike against the Cardassians I do wonder what Zephyr's problem with them is.
I'm not sure what the parallel is, but considering the Maquis only seem to strike against the Cardassians I do wonder what Zephyr's problem with them is.
Yeah, like I would expect him to really only have issues with how they're going about their rebellion more than what they're doing? Like, I didn't think he drank that much of the federation juice?
Mmm, feel like the Val Jean's warp cruise speed should have come up there. Two ships is good yes. But if the Val Jean can only cruise at warp 5 compared to Voyagers warp 6, that keeps people in the DQ a lot longer.

Val Jean almost certainly has a slower max speed as well, meaning running from danger gets harder.
Mmm, feel like the Val Jean's warp cruise speed should have come up there. Two ships is good yes. But if the Val Jean can only cruise at warp 5 compared to Voyagers warp 6, that keeps people in the DQ a lot longer.

Val Jean almost certainly has a slower max speed as well, meaning running from danger gets harder.
It probably would have come up if the chief engineer wasn't being gassed and thus distracted

Maybe they can harmonize the warp fields or something and go faster together? Probably take a lot of computer support though
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