Cracks Knuckles
Well. Time to unleash (and hopefully tame) the insanity. With a bunch of Whispering! Said Whispering might be partially caused by the discovering that some insane idiot obtained the blueprints for the Martian Lasgun Mega-Explosive Variants Alpha and Beta and was well on their way towards combining them with the Anti-Daemon Modifications before the Anti-Insanity Task Force broke into their hidden facility under Mount Olympus and vigorously applied high energy physics to them. Or it might have to do with the Anti-Insanity Task Force getting together to try and work out a way they can work more effectively together. The two occurrences might be linked. (Sure, no such invention happened as a direct result of our Whispering. But can you honestly say that the Techpriests
before we drove most of them slightly more insane wouldn't do that?)
Minor Whisper: Well, you've got a working Anti-Insanity Task Force. It might not be working
well, but it's functional. Have it look as far back in history as it can for groups with similar objectives and mission states, then compile a list of the methods they used, the structure of the group, how successful they were, what they fared badly at and why they either failed, disappeared or just vanished one day-cycle.
Minor Whisper: Using whatever data resulted from the previous Whisper, along with anything else that seems relevant, undertake efforts to improve the performance of the Anti-Insanity Task Force for at least Mars itself. Initial considerations suggest breaking into sub-divisions which each focus on one particular variety of technology, with at least three sub-divisions overlapping for known possible tech heresies. Then make it so each Sub-division is composed of an Investigations branch, an Assessment branch and an Enforcement branch. No matter what the Assessment branch is going to be neutral for
that particular variety of technology, even if they are violently argumentative for other branches of possible tech heresy. Thus making it so the Investigations branch and the Enforcement branch have an informative, accurate and
probably unbiased assessment to undertake further actions on. Even if said actions include a violent internal civil war within the branch and then another series of wars with the other branch and other Sub-divisions.
Minor Whisper: Construct secure experimentation facilities around Mars' polar regions. In particular, make it so when something creates a significant explosion, it blows
upwards. This will hopefully reduce how much damage structures on the Martian surface and on the Ring of Iron around the planet's equator takes from the unfortunately resilient frenzy of innovation that has seized Mars lately for good and ill. Mostly ill.
Medium Whisper: Using the recent innovations in sensor technology, along with the new sensor data (along with whatever old data can also be unearthed) that has been acquired due to various innovations, experiments, 'experiments' and accidents to create a powerful sensor array which can scan mars to predict any future 'energetic unplanned deconstruction' which might happen for whatever reason. Sure, it's not going to be the
most accurate, even if said accuracy is both helped and hindered by the lack of Warp-derived precognition methods (there's been enough of
that nonsense lately and it's yet to stop!), but data-crunching cogitator arrays should at least give you enough warning of either energy build ups or volatile material accumulation fast enough for Rapid Response Forces to reduce the resulting mess. Blueprinting
only in their own labs, with any sub-component or component assembly taking place in the Polar Secure Innovation Bunkers. Partial assembly and final assembly along with testing shall take place in that low-value system designated for the purpose. Just in case.
(0) Major Whisper: The spark of Insight has seized an Arch Magos! Long have they laboured to improve their knowledge of that most ancient, mystical and lost techno-miracle known as the nanite. Yet nothing resulted until now. The new Maintenance Bot-Hive's production facilities and the tools used by it's bots have provided knowledge on the Ancients grasp of nano-scale manipulation. New and old xenotech examples seized from the Tau and the Necrons along with lesser Xenos and a very rare few artifacts of more advanced Ork (most noteworthy being one particularly hidden and secure vault dating to M32) Waaghs have yielded their secrets in recent months. A small quantity of exotic materials and substances that have trickled out of the forbidden Vault of Moravec. The knowledge behind the new 'perfected' series of implants which have recently spread across the galaxy along with secrets carefully horded by the Genetors which were seized in the purge of those hereteks. All shall be combined to create a masterpiece above all others that show the true superiority of Nanite over both Metal and Flesh. Implants which have the strength and hardiness of the machine yet the ability to grow and heal of the flesh. None shall defy him now!
Meanwhile, the Void Dragon is cursing at how they weren't careful about just who could overhear the recent muttering it did on ensuring it's durability and self-repair capabilities were up to the task with all the
accidents that have occurred and look to continue occurring. It's really hoping yet another runaway nanite swarm doesn't result from this, whilst simultaneously double-checking it's Intelligence Warfare Intrusion Suites are operational. Making absolutely sure everyone single one of the little bastards have been overwritten is always such a pain after all.
... Yes, I know that the Major Whisper isn't something that tries to curb the insanity. I had to do
one crazy thing after all!
Edit: Results are... Gathering information
almost succeeded without problem, but something came up at the last minute. Said last minute issue might also be why efforts to improve the effectiveness of the Anti-Insanity Task Force failed rather badly. On the other hand, those Polar Secure Innovation Bunkers are
extremely effective at reducing the problematic consequences of any innovation that uses them!
The sensor development also went pretty badly, maybe because it looked too deep and the Abyss looked back? As for the Nanite Implants... pretty mixed. Absolutely failed the desired goal, but at least it doesn't seem to have been an actual disaster?