The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

Dawson will fire his pistol twice at the dryads. He's mostly firing at the massed group, ie the dryad in the lead. If he drops that one, he'll go for the next one.

Pistol Attack 1: 1d6 (2) + Body (0) + Shooting (+1) - 2 Action Penalty (-2) + 2 Reserve = 3

Pistol Attack 2: 1d6 (2) + Body (0) + Shooting (+1) - 2 Action Penalty (-2) +1 Reserve = 2

Ouch. Not even close assuming these dryads have decent Defense. I'm guessing at least some have 3 like the ones Al fought. Would have hit if I was firing once! Tell you what, I'll spend a Reserve. I have 4 if I read right, and will put a +2 on the first attack and +1 on the second attack. My rationale is him firing blindly at a tightly packed group down a narrow passage. Please let me know if I managed to hit something and I'll edit my post. Thanks!
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pistol Attack 1 Total: 2
2 2
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pistol Attack 2 Total: 2
2 2
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My IC post does bring up a good point. Would you like to me roll for Dawson to keep a hold on his light and pistol? Thanks!
Not one to be left out, Mork fires his Peacemaker twice into the squamous gang of floral horror.

Attack 1: Body 1 + Shooting 2 -2 Multiple Actions. Result: 4
Attack 2: Body 1 + Shooting 2 -2 Multiple Actions. Result: 7
Gideon020 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Attack 1 Total: 3
3 3
Gideon020 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Attack 2 Total: 6
6 6
Dryad Peer gets hit and throw backwards - not moving anymore.
The second bullet hits the leader of the landing party, but gets resisted.
Dice roller don't fail me now!
Pistol Attack 1: 1d6 (5) + Body (0) + Shooting (+1) = 6
Damage: Lead +2

Pistol Attack 2: 1d6 (3) + Body (0) + Shooting (+1) = 4
Damage: Lead +2
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pistol Attack 1 Total: 5
5 5
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pistol Attack 2 Total: 3
3 3
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More antediluvian horror awaits, but the Peacemaker shall win this!

Target Chartreuse: 1d6+Body 1+Shooting 2, Result: 5

Target Shamrock: 1d6+Body 1+Shooting 2, Result: 4
Gideon020 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Chartreuse Total: 2
2 2
Gideon020 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shamrock Total: 1
1 1
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Sentient-Dryad Shamrock - Defence 6 -1 = Hit Lead:0
Thumper: 0 + Lead by Pistol vs 3 Resist = Resisted

Dryad Shamrock: 1d6 + 3 +1 vs 6 Defence = Hit with Lead 0
Sharmock: 0 + Lead 2 by blade arms vs 1 Resist = 1 Damage

Thumper: [X][][][] - No Penalty
Dawson will shoot the green menace and make a run for it. Or least a brisk retrograde movement due to the nature of the environs.

Pistol Attack on Shamrock: 1d6 (3) + Body (0) + Shooting (+1) = 4
Damage: Lead +2

No luck!
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pistol Attack on Shamrock Total: 3
3 3
Might as well start this off!

Edit: "Mavis, where'd you learn to shoot like that?" *shrug* "I'unno."

Initiative: 5 (d6) + 0 (Mind) + 1 (Awareness) = 6

Shoot: 6 (d6) + 0 (Body) + 1 (Shooting) - 1 (Slugs) = 6
Damage [Slug]: Lead +4 & Accuracy -1; Range 75 Meters.​
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Initiative Total: 5
5 5
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shooting Total: 6
6 6
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I'll join you.

Yay for knack...I can get a slightly better failure.

Initiative: 6 (d6) + 0 (Mind) + 0 (Awareness)= 6

Close Combat(Kanck): 2 (d6) + 1 (Body) +2 (Close Combat)= 5 (or 6 if she is going after Mavis and getting the Gang Up bonus)
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Initiative Total: 6
6 6
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Close Combat Total: 3
2 2 1 1
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Ride the giant tank bug into the hangar. Angle it in front of Shroud's machine guns. Jump off and run. Stitch will let out a high-pitched squeal and murderize it.
I'm filing that one under plan name Starship Troopers. Hopefully, being the plucky redhead, Mavis will not die ironically like Dizzy did.
Grubder dude - Gradius Ramlethal - Grey Wolf
Name: Gradius Ramlethal

Age: 20

Callsign: Grey Wolf

Alhertia – There's a tale of the last Queen of Alhertia still sitting on her Throne in the former Capital, waiting for her subjects to reclaim the lands from the Forest – ready to wake up once more and rebuild her country. Of course, that is a fairy-tale, a folklore – but it does show the believe of the descendants of the people who escaped the slaughter and spread of the Living Forest and its children: that one day they will raze it to the ground and rebuild their kingdom. Even centuries later the hate on the dryads and monster of the forest is strong and many of them volunteer for Stratocracy battalions that recruit experts in combating and destroying the spread of the new split forests.

"What, you...... You want to know about me? Well uh, alright then...
I'm just an investigator that inherited his elder Brother's Warship....
If only that was it.
You see, I'm not some two bit run Of the mill pilot.... I'm a man on a mission that knows that someone had a hand in Jericho's Death. You see, the cause of death was a malfunction in the Ejection Seat and Parachute. But... Upon further investigation of the Seat and Chute, I found signs of tampering and sabotage... Both indicating sabotage. I may not be a famous Investigator, but let it be known: My Brother Jericho, Bless his soul, always found a way to know things.... Things that some people in higher places wish to not be known. So, using whatever I can, I will find out what my Brother knew and who clammed him up."
Background: Journalist

Body: +1
Mind: +1

(Job) Investigation: 2
(Job) Craft [Journalism]: 1
(K) Shooting: 2
Awareness: 2
Persuade: 1
Mechanics: 1
Languages: 1
Athletics: 1

Piloting: +1
Strafing: +2
Gunnery: +2
Ordnance: +1

Friends in low places (Major): Sometimes it pays to know a few sources from amongst the shadiest groups. Both in cases, and combat.
Good Luck (Minor): Sometimes, god blesses those that need it. Jericho is one that was born with a Four Leaf clover close to him.
Dependent (Major): His Brother's four orphaned kids, along with his own Pregnant wife Greta, all take a lot to keep them all alive. Though he does care about each of the groups alive.
Stalker (Minor): For a Piloteer, this is a modest nuisance, but for an investigator, it's a curse.

Flight Jacket:
+1 Resist. Standard DOP jacket. Custom-fitted of course. Good for some cases.
Pistol: Lead +2 Damage, Range 5-25 m. DOP service pistol in stainless steel. Accurate, reliable, and easy to maintain.
Ammunition: 10 reloads for his service pistol.
Rations: Cordelia's Nacho and Carne Asada Burritos aren't too bad.
Tool Kit (Investigatorsl: Can never be too prepped to get a scoop.
Pocket Watch: His Brother's watch with an old bullet hole in it. Saved his life once when he had it in his breast pocket. Now it tells time and has a picture of Cordelia and his two Neices and Nephews.
Survival Kit: Standard-issue plane package. He hopes he never needs it.




Piloting: +1
Strafing: +2
Gunnery: +1
Ordnance: +2

Armour: 3
Performance: 3
Structure: 5 (0 0 -1 -1 -2)
[] [] [] [] []

Innate Traits:
Environment Controls: Heater and Oxygen Systems that allow you to reach altitudes of more than 10 km safely – with up to 15km if you are willing to risk it.
Radio: Range of nearly 10 km puts most fighters at least at comfortable distance when trying to reach one another or their carriers – if not jammed.
Redundant System: Armoured Cockpits and self-sealing fuel tanks derived from Living Forest tree tissues, as well as a score of other features give the warbird a Damage resistance of 1 and Structure of 5, while keeping the pilot safe from injuries, if they don't risk it.
Cargo Box: Your emergency stash or the place for your lucky charms if you don't want them to fly around in your cockpit. Most often behind or below your seat, it can hold up to 50kg of stuff.
Ejection Seat: Fueled by compressed gas, this allows the pilot of a struck warbird to safely exist his cockpit and deploy his parachute – of course the question/problem of landing opens it immediately afterwards.
Ordinance Hardpoint: Allows every warbird to carry at least one heavy weapon.
Gun Camera: Automatically triggered with weapon fire or when dropping ordinance, these sturdy cameras are the main method by which kills (and thus rewards) are confirmed.
Limited Fuel: Their increased performance and improved armour over standard models, is paid in fuel capacity. The maximum flight time is just over 60 minutes, with a maximum range of 650 kms – presuming they can land and refuel at the other end.
.50 caliber Goliath Heavy Machine Guns

Weapon Type: Heavy Machine Gun
Accuracy: +1
Damage: Lead +2
Ammunition: 14 Bursts
Armor Piercing: +0
Special: none

Ordinance - Kaliber Armory Mark VII 'Decimator' Flak Rockets
Weapon Type: Rockets
Accuracy: -2
Damage: Lead +5
Ammunition: 2 Volleys
Armor Piercing: +2
Special: Fragmentary - no penalty for targeting person-sized targets.

Innate Traits:
Extra Capacity
Incendiary Rockets
Dive Sirens
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Mavis goes for a Called Shot on Tanker Ant Antenna

Shoot: 5 (d6) + 0 (Body) + 1 (Shooting) = 6
- Damage [Buck Shot]: Lead +2; Range: 50 Meters.
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shooting, Tanker Ant Total: 5
5 5
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Rolling Close Combat to try and escape.

1d6 (6)+ Body (1) + (K) Close Combat (2)= 9

Woo double 6's.
Vagabond422 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Close Combat Total: 12
6 6 6 6
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Sorry for the delay!

Given the distances involved, I'm assuming Dawson is using his initiative to run for the plane of your choice, Simpli. Will edit based on your feedback. Thanks!
In that case I see nothing wrong with running towards your own plane - with helpful mechanics running after you to turn it around. Please keep in mind that everyone else either needs to pull back from the Ant or try to dodge when you open fire~