The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

Approach: d6 (4) + SA (+1) + Strafing (+2) + Performance (+3) - Damage (1) = 9

Gunnery: d6 (2) + SA (+1) + Gunnery (+1) + Accuracy (+1) - Damage (1) = 4
Damage: Lead +2 (HMGs)

Ordinance : d6 (3) + SA (+1)+ Ordinance (+2) - Accuracy (2) - Damage (1) = 3
Damage: Lead +4 AP: 3 (40mm)

Let's see what happens...
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Approach Total: 4
4 4
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunnery Total: 2
2 2
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Ordinance Total: 3
3 3
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How badly is ol' Shroud damaged?

Ohh I am dreadfully sorry Darius, please forgive me. I posted my notes on the discord as I did them and forgot to add them to the OOC Thread too: you have taken 3 Damage from your hanger on.

Mavis: dogfighting vs Arrowhead Three: 13 vs 6
Mavis: 6 vs 4 = 2 Lead + 2 vs 2 = 2 Damage

Stitch: Strafing 9 vs 8 = Flak Clear
Hanger on: Genus Two: 8 vs 4 = Hit 4 Lead +2 vs 3 = 3 Damage
3 guns: 6 vs 3 = 3+2 vs 2 = 3 Damage
3 vs 3 = 0+2 vs 2 = held
Gunnery: 5 vs 4 = 1 +2 vs 2 = 1 Damage
Left Clear

Iron Jaw: Strafing 9 vs 8 = Flak Clear
Gunnery: 5 vs 4 = 1 +2 vs 2 = 1 Damage
Ordnance: 4 vs 4 = 0 + 4 vs 0 = 4 Damage – Location Troop Bay
Left Clear
Second verse, same as the first.

Dogfighting Roll vs. Remaining Arrowhead: 2 (d6) + 1 (SA) + 2 (Piloting Skill) + 3 (Performance) + 1 (Trait Bonus) = 9

Gunnery vs. Remaining Arrowhead: 5 (d6) + 1 (SA) + 1 (Gunnery Skill) + 1 (Accuracy) + 0 (Trait Bonus) = 8
Damage: Lead +2 (Heavy Machine Guns) [High Velocity Shells]
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Dogfight Roll Total: 2
2 2
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunnery Roll Total: 5
5 5
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Making one last pass...

Approach: d6 (1) + SA (+1) + Strafing (+2) + Performance (+3) - Damage (1) = 6

Gunnery: d6 (5) + SA (+1) + Gunnery (+1) + Accuracy (+1) - Damage (1) = 7
Damage: Lead +2 (HMGs) Aiming for the Spider-chute.

I really need to stop taunting the Dice Gods.
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Approach Total: 1
1 1
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunnery Total: 5
5 5
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Okay, I'm guessing the mass combat rules will kick in. I'll roll both just in case.

Intercepting the remaining glider. Assuming Songbird doesn't matchstick it first!

Appears Al's luck is rubbing off on Dawson. If the margin is high enough, I would like to take a critical failure on the Dogfighting roll please. This should be good!

Dogfighting: d6 (1) + SA (+1) + Piloting (+1) + Performance (+3) - Damage (1) = 5

Gunnery: d6 (6) + SA (+1) + Gunnery (+1) + Accuracy (+1) - Damage (1) = 8
Damage: Lead +2 (HMGs)
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Dogfighting +4 Total: 1
1 1
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunnery +2 Total: 6
6 6
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Well~ I think we have successfully wrapped up the first mission. From the sound of Vagabonds post, it might be time to let you banter a little again, before I wrap up the mission with you high tailing it towards the base, give you XP and then allow you to choose what to do on the travels again. Would that be acceptable to everyone or don't you feel like stitching up poor Alberta?
We have moved on~ I hope, as always, that things are acceptable~

In Regards to the Stat Points:
Increasing a stat costs 10 Stat Points the first time. The second stat increase, whether it be to the same stat or a different stat, costs 20 Stat Points. Thee third costs 30 and so on. The human maximum for a stat is +2 but at the GM's discretion, the players can increase one of their PC's stats beyond the normal maximum to a +3.

You can also use 10 Free XP to gain another Knack.
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Character sheet changes, for posterity:

2 Stat Points
Spirit: +1 (2/10)

+2 Piloting, +1 Gunnery
Piloting: 2 [4/6] xp to next rank
Gunnery: 1 [3/4] xp to next rank

15 Free XP Points

Character Skills
- 12/15 XP Points
+2 Academics -> Academics: 1 "Spoony Bard Knowledge"​
+1 to Close Combat -> Close Combat: 1 "Punch/Stab Good!"​
+2 Investigation -> Investigation: 1 "What no, me a gossip?"​
+2 Languages -> Languages: 1 (Givri [Base], Kubutian, Trubclian) "Way too many ways to insult people now."​
+1 to Medicine -> Medicine: 1 "Got kicked out of the medbay for wearing the nurses uniform."​
+4 Perform -> Perform: 3 (Singing > Dancing > Acting) "Ready for my close up!"​
Aerial Skills - 3/15 XP Points
+2 to Piloting -> Piloting: 3 "Guys. You gotta dodge."​
+1 to Gunnery -> Gunnery: 2 "I totally meant to hit that."​
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Sheet changes

2 stat points- Body +1 (2 Stat XP Banked)

Skill points
+1 Command = Command 1: Finally I'm a real leader...

Strafing (2xp banked)
Gunnery (2xp banked)
Ordinance (3xp banked)

16 Free XP

+1 Awareness = 1 Awareness: Now I'll see those bastards coming
+3 Close Combat = 3 Close Combat: Ready to go a few more rounds with Lightsout
+1 Stealth = 1 Stealth: They'll never see me coming

+4 Piloting = 2 Piloting: Might not be so useless in a Dogfight
+4 Strafing = 3 Strafing: Stay on Target
+3 Ordinance = 3 Ordinance: Here comes the boom
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Character update summary:

Stats Points:
2 SP: Body: 0 (2/10)

Pilot Skills:
1 xp: Piloting +1 (1/4)
Strafing +2 (1/6 xp)
2 xp: Gunnery +1 to +2 (4/4 xp)
Ordinance +2 (2/6 xp)

15 free XP:

General Skills: 7/15
2 xp: Awareness +1 to +2 (2/4 xp) - The first step in solving a problem is to spot it.
1 xp: Command +0 to +1 (1/2 xp) - The trip took a long time. Time to reread the Leadership Handbook.
2 xp: Languages +0 to +1 (Kubutian [native], Hertian, Trubclian) (0/2) - Learned Hertian from workers. Learned Trubclian from clients.
2 xp: Shooting +1 to +2 (2/4 xp) - Developed a taste for marksmanship. Time to hit the range!

Pilot Skills: 8/15
3 xp: Piloting +1 to +2 (1/4 xp) - Learned a few things from his wing mates. Okay, a lot.
5 xp: Strafing +2 to +3 (1/6 xp) - Finding rhythm, polishing skills, loving the work.
I was talking with Simpli in Discord, and we do have orders to report back the next day. So I decided to chalk it up to an airheaded Mavis moment.
Soon.... Soon I shall have name dropped everyone the lot of you are owing money too or are otherwise getting followed~!
I think it's Al's call here. Mavis wouldn't open somebody else's package (that's how you get caught!). Especially in this case since it is coming from a pharmacy. If it was already open and no one else was there, she'd already be rifling through it. But it isn't, so all she can do is pester someone (Al) into opening it.