The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

Time for the mission type everyone hates: Escort~

Crash Hawk Transport are aerial transports and landing crafts. Of their 30 meters in length more than half is solely dedicated to a diesel generator and turbines, attempting to push it beyond the usually more placid pace of most airships, towards something at least approaching the speed of a fast car - not something that can compare to a warbird, but at least something of use when one needs to swiftly transport woman and arms. This particular variant having forsaken even the light machine guns that such transports can be equipped with to clear a landing zone, it does at least come with improved armour - even if it mostly remains a tempting target to any AA gunner or enemy pilot.
Performance: 1​
Armour: 2​
Structure: 2​
Sweet Polly's first Drop
(A bit of random writing approved by @Simpli )
First Drop​

"All Witches prepare for deployment." Witch-Captain Tembi's voice echoed through the crowded staging area. Rifle-Witch Penelope Carter, called Polly by most, let out a breath. Whispering a few words she touched the wards on her uniform, a dark leather cuirass that hugged her form. The ancient symbols glowed for a moment before going dim. The darkened area was lit blue for a moment as the others also activated their wards.

A red light glowed as a klaxon blared Polly gripped her rifle a little harder. The bay door opened acrid smoky air rushed in, hot breeze brushed across her skin, the heat from the fires rising up to great them.

A loud clang rang out then the ticking of gears turning extended the launch gantries out into the air. It was an agonizing wait, letting the launch gantries push further and further out into the smoky air. This would be her first combat, her first time launching from a ship. She'd been trained for months waiting for this moment, now it was here. Her heart was racing, her hands were sweating in her gloves. She looked to her right, finding a witch sister standing next to her, eyes locked ahead, looking forward she saw the back of her Witch-Seer's head. That's right, she wasn't alone, and she couldn't fail her sisters.

With a final shutter the gantries were fully extended. Current ran through her drop vest making her feel lighter and hum with electricity.

"All witches launch…" the Witch-Captain's voice rang out. Polly looked to her right finding Priscilla, Witch Engineer, and Polly's best friend. They joined the witches together, hell they'd always been together, from the orphanage, to the factory, and now here. She gave a thumbs up to her dark hair friend, only seeing a slight nod before before she took off running. Her heavy black boots thudded on the gantry, each step rattling the extensions as the came closer and closer to the end of the run.

At the final moment she lept off the gantry, throwing herself into the sky, putting all her trust into the bulky vest that was wrapped around her chest. And her trust was rewarded, she still fell but, not fast enough to worry her.

It was almost hypnotic the slow lazy fall to the ground. As the planes roared overhead she caught sight of the trio of Patrol fighters soaring towards their next mission, on one of the planes she could make out a fist being thrown forward with an overexaggerated impact. It reminded her that she still hadn't run into the pilots yet, though she'd heard a familiar name said amongst the girls. Al Croy, the tall, tough as nails, pit fighter, last Polly had heard she was looking for another job…does that mean she joined the Patrol?

She threw the wonderings on a lost friend to the side as the street came closer. The sounds of small arms reached her the Patriarchy and the Council forces used much of the same equipment, the only thing telling them apart was their uniform. Her heart rate spiked again as the shots came closer. She'd been through live fire exercises she knew the sound of gunfire, but this was actual combat. Lead flying her direction, with intent to kill. It was dangerous but this is what was asked of her and this was the Oath she had given. To face the enemy without fear. That was easier said than done.

Pulling up her legs she let out a breath. Her boots hit the road jolting her body and rattling her teeth a bit as she came to a stop. Hitting the quick release she heard the distinctive sound of her vest being retracted up into the ship for the next witch to use. She heard more thuds behind her as she reached for her 'carbine', though it was more akin to a full rifle in another military.

Polly rushed to the edge of a building to take cover from the incoming fire from the remaining Patriarchy forces. Bullets whizzed by her head one just glancing off her wards leaving no mark behind. Lucky but she couldn't only rely on that. Bringing her rifle up to her shoulder she aimed down the sights lining them up with the closest purple clad enemy. Her hands didn't shake, her breathing was steady, the adrenaline hitting her system, it was just like target practice. Aim, Breathe, Squeeze. With a pull of a trigger her rifle thundered, louder than the rifles which had fried at her, sending hot lead down range tearing through the unarmored chest of the man sending a puff of red flying out behind him.

In the distance she could see the rest of the welcoming party fleeing from the gun witch landing zone.

In due course she linked up with her squad then received their orders…her first successful drop.
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Well done, Vagabond! I like it! I sense Terry Pratchett in the names. Am I close?


Okay, rolling Awareness.

Watching the Hawks like a hawk: d6 (3) + Mind (+2) + Awareness (+3) = 8
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Awareness Total: 3
3 3
Strafing Approach: d6 (4) + SA (+4) + Strafing (+2) + Performance (+3) = 13

Gunnery: d6 (6) + SA (+4) + Gunnery (+2) + Accuracy (+1) = 13
Damage: Lead +2 (HMGs w/ Incendiary Ammo)

Ordinance: d6 (6) + SA (+4) + Ordinance (+1) + Accuracy (-2) + Advantage [Alpha Strike] (+1) = 10
Hit Location: d11 (6) + Reserve (2) = Flak Demilune NE - Defense 5, Armor 3, Structure 4
Spent 2 Reserve to shift target. 3 Remaining.​

Gunnery Target: Flak Demilune SW - Defense 5, Armor 3, Structure 4
Gunnery Total (13) - Defense (5) = Lead (8)
Damage: Lead (8) + HMG (2) = 10
Damage (10) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (7)
Structure (4) - Damage (7) = -3. So Flammable.
5 Ammo (Bursts) Left​

Ordinance Target: Flak Demilune NE - Defense 5, Armor 3, Structure 4
Ordinance Total (10) - Defense (5) = Lead (5)
Damage: Lead (5) + AP Rocket (5) + Advantage [Alpha Strike] (+1) = 11
Damage (11) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (8)
Structure (4) - Damage (8) = -4. Much Boom.
No More Rockets​
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Stay on Target Total: 4
4 4
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 11-faced dice. Reason: But witch Target? Total: 6
6 6
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Rocket to ya! Total: 6
6 6
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Put ya guns on! Total: 6
6 6
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Strafing: 1d6 (1) + 4 (SA) + 4 (Strafing) + 3 (Performance) = 12 (This is going to suck...hard) I guess the question is, if I'm facing 6 attacks is Al still going to alive after all that much less hit anything?

EDIT: I'm going to just post my approach because the Rules state that, if I fail, I must first face attacks equal to the difference between the threat and my roll. So I'll adjust my attacks according to the amount of damage I take in this initial onslaught. Sorry for holding things up but I feel it right to follow the rules. I do have my attack post all ready to go should I escape unscathed or take a beating so it should be a quick post once I know the fate of the Knockout.

Gunnery: 1d6(1) + 4(SA) + 2(Gunnery) + 1 (Accuracy) - 1 (Damage) = 7
Damage: Lead+2

Ordinance: 1d6 (6) + 4 (SA) + 3 (Ordinance) - 2 (Accuracy) - 1 (Damage)= 10
Damage:Lead +3
Hit Target: 1d11 (4) + Reserve (1) = 5 Comms Tower

Gunnery Target: Flak Demilune SE Defense 5 , Armor 3, Structure 4
Gunnery Total (7) - Defense (5) = Lead (2)
Damage: Lead (2) +HMG (2) = 4
Damage (4) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (1)
Structure (4) - Damage (1) = 3

Ordinance Target: Comms Tower Defense 5, Armor 4, Structure 4
Ordinance Total (10) - Defense (5) = Lead (5)
Damage: Lead (5) + 40mm Cannon (3) = 8
Damage (8) - (Armor (4) - AP (3)) = Total Damage (7)
Structure (4) - Damage (7) = -3 Communications cut
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Strafing Total: 1
1 1
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunnery Total: 1
1 1
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Ordinance Total: 6
6 6
Vagabond422 threw 1 9-faced dice. Reason: Ordinance Target Total: 4
4 4
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Just for clarification: Stitch was ordered to stay with the Hawks. I read that as he is either not in this round of combat (probably due to distance from Citadel), or if he could he, he is defending the Hawks. So what I do depends on those factors. Unless I hear otherwise, Stitch is escorting the Crash Hawks. If necessary he will interpose Shroud between the flaks and the airships or draw enemy fire away from the airships.

Oh and great runs @Vagabond422 and @Semi-Autogyro! May the rng be in your favor concerning the return fire.

Edit 2: My first instinct was to finish off the flak position Vagabond hit, but then Iron Jaw's orders came to mind. 🤔
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Don't forget that the both of you still have plenty of Reserve and Al has her lucky trait with the negate a single attack or re-rolls! So you can shift those target hits, if you need to.
Just for clarification: Stitch was ordered to stay with the Hawks. I read that as he is either not in this round of combat (probably due to distance from Citadel), or if he could he, he is defending the Hawks. So what I do depends on those factors. Unless I hear otherwise, Stitch is escorting the Crash Hawks. If necessary he will interpose Shroud between the flaks and the airships or draw enemy fire away from the airships.

Oh and great runs @Vagabond422 and @Semi-Autogyro! May the rng be in your favor concerning the return fire.

Edit 2: My first instinct was to finish off the flak position Vagabond hit, but then Iron Jaw's orders came to mind. 🤔
I went back and forth on whether or not to give the order for Stitch to finish off the flak position but, I then realized that I might not get the chance to give the order if Al gets shot down. But, if Al survives, she'll swap with Dawson to free him up to make a run. At least in theory if @Simpli wants to roll that damage. Otherwise yeah, hang back and keep an eye out for fighters swooping down.
1 Gun from the NE Battery is able to shoot at Mavis as she pulls up
1d6+3+2+2 = 10 vs 10 Break Defence = 0 Lead + 1 Damage - 3 Armour = 0 Damage

3 Guns from the SE battery are able to shoot at Ai as she swoops in
1d6+3+2+2 = 13 vs 7 Shoot Defence = 6 Lead +1 Damage - 5 Armour = 2 Damage
1d6+3+2+2 = 9 vs 7 Shoot Defence = 2Lead +1 Damage - 5 Armour = 0 Damage
1d6+3+2+2 = 9 vs 7 Shoot Defence = 2Lead +1 Damage - 5 Armour = 0 Damage

With the new structure count @Vagabond422 gets a -1 Modifier to all rolls before unleashing their ordinance and gunnery~
@Vagabond422 I thank you!

@Semi-Autogyro. And thank you! Let's see what I can do.

Approach Strafing: d6 (2) + SA (+4) + Strafing (+3) + Performance (+3) = 12. Hmm.

Gunnery: d6 (4) + SA (+4) + Gunnery (+2) + Accuracy (+1) = 11. Good, good.
Damage: Lead +2 (HMGs)

Ordinance: d6 (6) + SA (+4) + Ordinance (+2) + Accuracy (-3) = 9 Ggggoooaaaallll!
Damage: Lead +6 (Drop Bombs, AP 3)
Ordinance Hit Location: 1d11 (9) + Reserve (+2) = 11
Reserve: 3/5.

Flak Demilune SE - Defence 5, Armour 3, Structure 4
Gunnery Total (11) - Defense (5) = Lead (7)
Damage: Lead (7) +HMG (2) = 9
Damage (9) - Armour (3) = Total Damage (6)
Structure (3*) - Damage (6) = -3. Indeed.

Flak Demilune NW - Defence 5, Armour 3, Structure 4
Ordinance Total (9) - Defense (5) = Lead (4)
Damage: Lead (4) +Drop Bombs (6) = 10
Damage (10) - (Armour (3) - AP (3))= Total Damage (10)
Structure (4) - Damage (10) = -6. KABOOM!

Been waiting a long time to use those bombs. 🤘
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Strafing +10 Total: 2
2 2
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunnery +7 Total: 4
4 4
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Ordinance +3 Total: 6
6 6
Dariusprime threw 1 11-faced dice. Reason: Ordinance Hit Location Total: 9
9 9
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@Dariusprime takes 5 damage to their warbird - which is now crippled. It can no longer Dogfight or Strafe, and landing the plane safely will require a difficulty 6 Piloting roll. Crippled planes automatically lose Dogfighting rolls and cannot stunt. They are at a -3 penalty to Piloting, Strafing, Gunnery and Ordinance rolls, and -3 to Defence. Thee penalty also applies to the attempt to land the plane.

Five more of the Upgraded Patriarchy Fighters have arrived, together with 3 Friendlies in the same kind of warbird.
Hah! Struck down in my moment of glory! :D

And here I thought Iron Jaw would be the first to be shot down!

Way to go, Luroy Airforce! Go get'em, Iron Jaw and Songbird!
Oh no they didn't! Mavis gonna give it to ya for that!

Dogfighting: 6 (d6) + 4 (SA) + 3 (Piloting Skill) + 3 (Performance) + 1 (Trait Bonus) = +17

Gunnery: 4 (d6) + 4 (SA) + 2 (Gunnery Skill) + 1 (Accuracy) + 0 (Trait Bonus) + 1 (Reserve) = +12
Gunnery Target: Hostile 2​
Performance 3, Armor 3​
Dogfighting 1d6 +6, Strafing 1d6 +4​
Defense - Break 7, Shoot 5, Escape 9​
Gunnery 1d6 +3, Lead +3 damage (10 bursts)​
Ordinance None Carried​
Structure 6 (0 0 0 -1 -1 -2)​
Gunnery Total (12) - Defense (7) = Lead (5)
Damage: Lead (5) + HMG (2) = 6
Damage (7) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (4)
Structure (6) - Damage (4) = -1.

4 Ammo (Bursts) Left
2 Reserve Points Left
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Dogfighting Total: 6
6 6
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gunnery Total: 4
4 4
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Multi-Dogfight Tracker
Rounds to the Ground: 3

Songbird: 17
Airmarshal: 14
IronJaw: 14
Hostile-2: 12
Luroy-Two: 12
Hostile-5: 12
Luroy-Three: 12
Hostile-3: 11
Hostile-4: 10
Hostile-1: 9
Stitch: 0
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Dogfighting: 1d6 (6) + 4(SA) + 2 (Piloting) + 3 (Performance) - 1 (Damage) = 14
Gunnery: 1d6 (5) + 4(SA) + 2 (Gunnery) + 1 (Accuracy) - 1 (Damage) + 1 (Gang Up) = 12 (Going in on the one Mavis hit.)
Gunnery Target: Hostile 2
Performance 3, Armor 3
Dogfighting 1d6 +6, Strafing 1d6 +4
Defense - Break 7, Shoot 5, Escape 9
Gunnery 1d6 +3, Lead +3 damage (10 bursts)
Ordinance None Carried
Structure 6 (0 0 0 -1 -1 -2)
Gunnery Total (12) - Defense (7) = Lead (5)
Damage: Lead (5) + HMG (2) = 7
Damage (7) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (4)
Structure (2) - Damage (4) = -2 and that's one down.
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Mixing it up Total: 6
6 6
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: One Two Total: 5
5 5
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Multi-Dogfight Tracker

Rounds to the Ground: 2

DOP&Luroy gains +1 to Dogfight rolls for being in the majority.

Airmarshal: 18
Hostile-4: 16
Luroy-Three: 15
Songbird: 14
Luroy-Two: 14
IronJaw: 13
Hostile-3: 12
Hostile-1: 12
Hostile-5: 11

Stitch: 0
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Dogfighting: 1d6 (4) + 4(SA) + 2 (Piloting) + 3 (Performance) - 1 (Damage) + 1 (Air Superiority) = 13
Gunnery: 1d6 (5) + 4(SA) + 2 (Gunnery) + 1 (Accuracy) - 1 (Damage) = 11
Gunnery Target: Hostile 3
Performance 3, Armor 3
Dogfighting 1d6 +6, Strafing 1d6 +4
Defense - Break 7, Shoot 5, Escape 9
Gunnery 1d6 +3, Lead +3 damage (10 bursts)
Ordinance None Carried
Structure 6 (0 0 0 -1 -1 -2)
Gunnery Total (11) - Defense (7) = Lead (4)
Damage: Lead (4) + HMG (2) = 6
Damage (6) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (3)
Structure (6) - Damage (3) = (3 structure left) -1 Solid hit
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Round 2 Total: 4
4 4
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Throwing hands Total: 5
5 5
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