The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

Dogfighting: 2 (d6) + 4 (SA) + 3 (Piloting Skill) + 3 (Performance) + 1 (Trait Bonus) +1 (Air Superiority) = 14

Gunnery: 6 (d6) + 4 (SA) + 2 (Gunnery Skill) + 1 (Accuracy) + 0 (Trait Bonus) + 1 (Reserve) = 14
Gunnery Target: Hostile 3​
Performance 3, Armor 3​
Dogfighting 1d6 +6, Strafing 1d6 +4​
Defense: Break 7, Shoot 5, Escape 9​
Structure: 3 of 6 (0 0 0 -1 -1 -2)​
Gunnery Total (14) - Defense (7) = Lead (7)​
Damage: Lead (7) + HMG (2) = 9​
Damage (9) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (6)​
Structure (3) - Damage (6) = -3 Structure. Another one bites the dust.​

3 Ammo (Bursts) Left
2 Reserve Points Left
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Canine Brawl Total: 2
2 2
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Click Click Boom Total: 6
6 6
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Multi-Dogfight Tracker

Rounds to the Ground: 1

DOP&Luroy gains +2 to Dogfight rolls for being in the majority.

Airmarshal: 15
Hostile-4 [4 Damage]: 14
Luroy-Three: 15
Luroy-Two: 14
Hostile-1 [3 Damage]: 9

Stitch: 0: Please do a Piloting roll for Landing, with a -3 Modifier for the crippled status of Shroud.
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Dogfighting: 1 (d6) + 4 (SA) + 3 (Piloting Skill) + 3 (Performance) + 1 (Trait Bonus) +2 (Air Superiority) = 14 (used Lucky Re-Roll 🤬)

Gunnery: 1 (d6) + 4 (SA) + 2 (Gunnery Skill) + 1 (Accuracy) + 0 (Trait Bonus) = 8
Gunnery Target: Hostile 1​
Performance 3, Armor 3​
Dogfighting 1d6 +6, Strafing 1d6 +4​
Defense: Break 7, Shoot 5, Escape 9​
Structure: 3 of 6 (0 0 0 -1 -1 -2)​
Gunnery Total (8) - Defense (7) = Lead (1)​
Damage: Lead (1) + HMG (2) = 3​
Damage (3) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (0) 🤬​
Structure (3) - Damage (0) = 3 Structure.​

2 Ammo (Bursts) Left
2 Reserve Points Left
Semi-Autogyro threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Finish Them! Total: 2
1 1 1 1
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Last Dakka Total: 1
1 1
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Dogfighting: 1d6 (5) + 4(SA) + 2 (Piloting) + 3 (Performance) - 1 (Damage) + 2 (Air Superiority) = 15
Gunnery: 1d6 (2) + 4(SA) + 2 (Gunnery) + 1 (Accuracy) - 1 (Damage) = 2 (Reserve) = 10
Gunnery Target: Hostile 4
Performance 3, Armor 3
Dogfighting 1d6 +6, Strafing 1d6 +4
Defense - Break 7, Shoot 5, Escape 9
Gunnery 1d6 +3, Lead +3 damage (10 bursts)
Ordinance None Carried
Structure 2 of 6 (0 0 0 -1 -1 -2)
Gunnery Total (10) - Defense (7) = Lead (3)
Damage: Lead (3) + HMG (2) = 5
Damage (5) - Armor (3) = Total Damage (2)
Structure (2) - Damage (2) = 0 Just knocked him down
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Save Dawson Total: 5
5 5
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Kill'em dead Total: 2
2 2
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Oh and because we'll need to roll it.

Avoid the Ground [9+]: 2 (d6) + 3 (Performance) + 2 (Strafing) + 4 (SA) = 11

Sucessfully missed the ground.
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Land Ho! Total: 2
2 2
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Round to Ground

Strafing roll to avoid the ground [9+]: 1d6 (2) + 4 (SA) + 4 (Strafing) + 3 (Performance) - 1 (Damage) = 12 Pass
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Nape of the Earth Total: 2
2 2
Stitch: 0: Please do a Piloting roll for Landing, with a -3 Modifier for the crippled status of Shroud.

The suspense is terrible!

Any Landing...: d6 (1) + SA (+4) + Piloting (+2) + Performance (+3) + Damage (-3) + Reserve (+3)= 10. Of course I fumble in the clutch! Still I should be okay, but the landing will be messy! :D
Reserve: 0/5.
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Emergency Landing Total: 1
1 1
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Well, assuming I have the formula right, I still succeeded on the Difficulty 6 Piloting roll. But you know what? Yeah, let's go big!
The suspense is terrible!

Any Landing...: d6 (1) + SA (+4) + Piloting (+2) + Performance (+3) + Damage (-3) + Reserve (+3)= 10. Of course I fumble in the clutch! Still I should be okay, but the landing will be messy! :D
Reserve: 0/5.

I think that Performance doesn't belong in that formula. It's not a dogfighting roll, but a standard skill roll so: 1d6 + skill + Stat + Modifier. So in this case 1 + Piloting (2) + SA (4) - 3 (Crippled Warbird) + 3 (Reserve) vs a Difficulty of 6.
Can at least promise that the next downtime back home will be dedicated to Stitch...
...and afterwards Mavis will have to do some things for a friend of her mom~

...if you all survive that slightly hotter weather that is going to come up inbetween.
Flying Circus Time!

Stunt Landing: 3 (d6) + 4 (SA) + 3 (Piloting Skill) + 3 (Performance) + 1 (Trait Bonus) + 2 (Reserve) = 16
Spend 2 Reserve for Flair​
Put on Halestorm's "I Like it Heavy" when reading for the Authentic Mavis Experience (TM)
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Requesting Fly-By Total: 3
3 3
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Well, I have written more than 25k words since you burned down the theater ^^ And now to lazily put the wing back together for the finish~
I do feel ready for a time skip and wrap-up if you don't want to talk to anyone in particular anymore~
And we are actually done with another mission. It just took us around 11 months and I wrote around 30k words~

Have a small downtime chance, before we move back to Drama at Home~
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Character XP allocation for the Luroy Deployment:

Mavis Harper – Songbird
Reserve: Dogfighting: +1XP, Gunnery: +1XP
Awesome: Strafing: +1 XP (for general Pyromancy)
Mission: +10 XP
Stats: +1
+1 Stat Point = Body 2

+1 Reserve XP = Dogfighting 3 [1/8 to Next Level] (Dodging, with Style!)
+1 Reserve XP, +5 Mission XP = Gunnery 3 (DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA)
+1 Reserve XP = Strafing 2 [1/6 to Next Level] (How to light even more stuff on fire!)
+5 Mission XP = Athletics 3 (Quick, find me some cheese to grate on these abs!)

Updated Aerial Kill List & Markers
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Probably a good idea to put these here too. Thanks, Simpli!

Character Updates:

Skills: 10/10 xp, +1 xp Strafing, +1 xp Piloting

Free: 1 xp: Strafing +3 (1/8)
Free: 1 xp: Piloting +2 (3/6)
1 xp: Athletics +2 (2/6) Getting his exercise on.
1 xp: Awareness +3 (2/8) Sometimes they are out to get you.
1 xp: Close Combat +0 (1/2) Fly like an eagle. Courtesy of Al.
1 xp: Craft (Tailoring) +2 (3/6). A most dashing Duchess Own Witch.
1 xp: Etiquette +2 (2/6) One must make a good first impression.
1 xp: Publicity +1 (2/4) Nothing like a DOP public relations tour.

1 xp: Piloting +2 (4/6) Piloting time is the right time.
1 xp: Strafing +3 (2/8) Hitting them where it hurts.
1 xp: Gunnery +2 (1/6) In more ways than one.
1 xp: Ordinance +2 (3/6) Bringing back boom!

Stats: 1/1

Body: +1. Tougher than he looks!
@Simpli I look forward to this wonderful arc, Simpli. Thank you. :)

Clarification: Dawson's brother died? I had him written as in prison, but if he indeed died while Dawson was deployed, I will have Dawson react appropriately. Thanks! :D